DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Addicted Vampiress

I witnessed it with my own itching eyes. Vampires are weak to the sun, we can't resist sunlight, but naturally… due to my strength, I am an exception.

But even his light could make my eyes itch and body shiver, my nemesis, the Sun God.

I have to tell Ains-sama, that this enemy may be a lot more than we can handle.

"We must tell Ains-sama. The level of power he displayed is beyond calculated" I said to Solution as we jumped from branch to branch, already out of that city where I left some minions for espionage.

"Tell him, for what?"

His voice sent chills down my spine. We left first, we were travelling fast. How is he already here!? How could he track us down!?

Osiris appeared right in front of me, on the branch she was planning to land on. He was engulfed in dissipating light as if he had moved at light speed.

A fight was unavoidable.

All I could do was give it my all with Solution!


Shaltear groaned and punched forth, Ray caught her fist, surprised at the amount of physical strength contained within that petite hand, he still he swung her around like a doll.


Shaltear shattered trees on her way and a crimson armour manifested around her.

Black slime coated Ray from beneath and pulled him down the tree and onto the ground with a shattering blast.

Solution also wasn't pulling up her punches, although her gaze conveyed apology. It was all for the sake of their 'show'.

<Greater Teleportation!>

Shaltear teleported next to Ray with a long electric-looking lance, she congratulated Solution for making an opening and tried to pierce Ray but her spear failed to touch him much to her dismay.

Sparks flied when the lance touched the annoying forcefield she had witnessed in battle. It was made off condensed energy, that much she could tell.

Ray smirked and raised his fist engulfed in golden flames. He didn't have much time to lose as now that the Baharut Empire was under his brand, there was much work to do until Tsunade and Azrael arrived.

Towards Shaltear, he knew he didn't have to hold back much. She was an immortal Vampire Queen.

<Sun Burst>

Shaltear saw death upfront even though so far in her life, it couldn't even approach her.


An explosion with the strength of a nuclear blast ragged the forest, shattered the world. Shaltear's armour shattered, her body destroyed. She gasped and got flung into the ground, leaving a crater.
'H-He was… holding back'.

Her body was nearly shattered, at least seventy percent of it, with a single punch. This was the power that destroyed Nazarick. She still couldn't give up.

"Osiris, I will kill you!" She cussed out, working her regeneration but feeling helpless as even Solution was having a 'hard time'.

"You're not capable".

A sword made out of armatista materialised in Ray's hands and pierced Shaltear's chest.


When Solution lounged, Ray caught her by the neck and she 'struggled' all while smiling and salivating much to Ray's own dismay.

"Osiris! You will never… never defeat Nazarick!" Solution said while licking Ray's thumb.

Ray threw her away to focus on Shaltear.

"Girls, attack!"

Seeing herself helpless. Trying to pluck out the sword that hindered her regeneration, Shaltear summoned a set of vanpiresses who had tried to ambush Ray but their attacks wouldn't touch.



The two vampiresses aides burned amidst screams. Shaltear, now hopeless, saw Ray picked her up and remove the sword, only to deliver a vicious strike to her chest.

The Vampire Queen's vision blurred and she fell unconscious there and then, defeated.

"She's unexpectedly stronger than Vaision".

'A Dragon Lord being only this strong is a shame to our Dragon race' Ophis spoke again in Ray's mind, she seemed still outraged. Now that she had finally found the peace of silence, she needed yet another reason to complain and kick a fuss.


The Dragoness huffed and went back to sleep.

"Good job, master. You didn't hold back at all~"
Solution clapped when she saw Shaltear had gone unconscious.

"I used Sun Burst, it should have dealt some damage" Ray sighed, if he had used this technique against the adventurers, everyone would have perished in startdust, hence why he didn't use it. Let alone, the fist Shaltear received was the weakest output that technique could muster.

Solution leaned on her master, taking the chance to lick his body a little. Ray hugged her back.

"You called me here… don't tell me you intend to–"

"Fufu~ master just follow my plan and in no time you will have a powerful subordinate. Together with Shaltear I will have a lot more breathing space once I am back at E-Rantel".

"You little wicked slime~" Ray cupped Solution's bubbly ass, there just wasn't any other ass in the world that was this soft.

"I expect a reward after this, master~ now, let's prepare".


When Shaltear's eyes opened, they were still blurred, she checked up her body. It was all regenerated but her limbs were bound by an odd light chain.

"I am–"

"Osiris, let me go!~" muffled moans resonated.

She saw next to her, Solution was also bound my some magical shiny chains and Osiris stood in front with his fingers fiercely stuck inside Solution's mouth.

The moon was shining above them amidst the clouds. Some time had gone by.

"Let go of Solution, bastard!" Shaltear struggled but when she did, the chains began to burn her skin.


"Shaltear Bloodfallen".


Her outrage and wrath had reached an all time high. The bastard who destroyed her home lay in front, and she was completely helpless to do anything. Even sending a signal for help was not an option. The Baharut Empire was a few days away from E-Rantel. No one would come.

"Can you bear to do it, Shaltear?"

"Of course!–"

Ray sliced his wrist in front of her and Shaltear's sharpened up like pointy knives.

The odour entered her nostrils.

"N-No…" She shook her head in despair as all her senses flared up madly upon the very sight of that blood. Red and golden entwined, promising endless flavours of glory.

The blood of a True God.

"You want this?"
"NOO!!" She screamed while her innards, her body, her soul all craved for a droplet. Her crotch moistened.
"Are you sure?~"
Ray closed up, his hand all stained as shiny smelly blood dripped down. Soon, the wound healed. He walked up to Shaltear and sliced it up again in a gnashing horrid manner, the blood splattered everywhere.

Even within the ploy, Solution could barely hold herself back.

'The smell… THE SMELL!!!'

The chains holding Shaltear began to shake, but they wouldn't let go.

Ray put his wrist in front of her face at a safe distance. Shaltear's tongue shot out like a weapon, but it couldn't reach Ray's wrist.

"I thought you said no? What is it? Are you eager?"

'If I can have a bit… only a bit. Yes, I'd become stronger… so strong enough to end him! I only need a few droplets'.

She told herself with an unconvincing voice, but those words of contempt brought the vampires back to her senses. Whose blood was she trying so suck? Her nemesis.

She bit her own tongue until it bled and glared at Ray with nothing short of disgust.


Ray walked away, but the leftovers of blood drip remained with all their odour in front of her.

"What about you, Solution?"

Ray tempted the slime who put her best poker face.

"Away from me, scum! Nazarick will be victorious!~"
"Is that really the case, can you resist?" Ray resisted the urge to laugh, her words meant one thing, the tonality, another. 
The blood splattered on her shirt. Solution flustered up, that was already enough to taste it. Her body convulsed in unimaginable pleasure. The taste was like nothing she had ever eaten. Ray placed his finger in front of Solution's mouth and her act dropped immediately, she couldn't resist the temptation for even one second.

"Solution, get yourself together!" Shaltear cussed out.

'Hehe, I don't wanna! Master is tasty!~'

Shaltear screamed but it was all for nought. Solution licked all that blood out of Ray's finger in glee.

Ray smirked, "Don't talk like you would be any different".

He turned to Shaltear and offered the same treatment. He put his bloodied finger, still coated in Solution's fluids and hovered in front of Shaltear's face.

This time he wouldn't retreat. The vampiress's whole body contorted at the fatal internal battle she was going through. Half of her mind told her to utterly ravage that finger, her other half remained with dignity.

But her dignity had a limit.

Shaltear lounged as far as her bound body could reach and out Ray's whole hand in her mouth expanded like a monster. Uncontrollable, prey to her own vampiric instincts.


It was a revolution of her mind. Ray held her head in place and smirked while Shaltear continued to suck everything off unhinged. When Ray finally let her breathe it was because his wound had healed much to her annoyance and her teeth were unable to pierce through.

Ray pulled her pink hair, and Shaltear's eyes were lost.

"You want more?"

"…" She didn't say a word, her eyes alone conveyed the desire.

Ray clapped his hands once and the chains and seals binding them both disappeared. Shaltear was confused and exasperated. She didn't want to be freed, she only wanted more blood.

"We will see again".

He disappeared without leaving a trace, leaving behind... an uncontrollable thirst. Solution watched everything and the most wretched smile formed on her countenance.
'All according to plan~'.

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