DxD: Multiversal Therapist


The battle was over. We were hopeless. 


That was the ultimate weapon of the forest elves. Forest elves' highest affinity is with nature and light. 80% of Forest Elves have an affinity with Nature, 19.9% of Noble Elves have an affinity with light.

Only 0.01% of Forest Elves have an affinity with both Nature and Light, that is my young mistress, Anna Blair. Decem Hougan the Elf King, the fallen patriarch of Blair and a scarce amount of elders who perished not too long ago. 

To cast 'Gungnir' this affinity is required and on top of that, a lifetime of training. I had the seem the maximum capacity that technique was able to achieve in the hands of my foster father, it was the definitive weapon that could bring us elves to victory under any circumstances. 

I witnessed the mirage of the majestic green tree of Yggdrasil, shining behind the Sun God. It was certainly beautiful and destructive, spreading forest roots, a newborn forest in the distance that fed upon anything in the land and beneath; way stronger than anything I had ever seen, all due to the use of armatista. 

But it wasn't enough. 

The Elf Princess collapsed on my arms, completely fatigued. She stared at the Sun God approaching and extended her hand forward, asking for mercy... for me.

"P-Please, n-not Alana…" She couldn't finish her beg, her consciousness gave away. 

"Young mistress..." I held her tightly against my chest as the Sun God approached with that cold gaze of his. How can he be so warm and powerful, with a gaze so unbecoming, that gaze should have a smile instead? 

The Black and White world that had caught us in, disappeared... Gungnir had drilled a hole in it and escaped into reality. The battlefield was still and silent with only the gnashing howls in the distance of those in despair.

We had lost this fight.

We were going to die. 

At any moment our lives could just scatter in dust, like the hero, Lord Vaision. I held my young mistress tightly against my chest, I clenched that piece of paper I so desperately wanted to convey to him, yet felt unqualified to. 

How could he accept, when he's this powerful? we are nothing but ants to him, why would he?!

My mind got shrouded with inferiority complexes, kneeling beneath a god whom I had foolishly thought I could seek to ask for help.


Before the Sun God could bring judgment, two silhouettes flashed before us. I knew them.


They were two semi-naked dark elves. My companions, I couldn't help feeling warm but at the same time, panicked, I didn't want to witness the death of my comrades.

"Yuna, Nocturna… stop," I said weakly, it didn't even sound like an order, I just begged for them to go if they could. But then I saw, Yuna put down a blue-haired girl who was shivering. 

Osiris' expression changed for the first time when the blue-haired girl rushed at him, this was the girl from earlier who was plundering all armour of everyone on the battlefield.

"Ray, don't do it! Those two, they protected me!"

I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, this blue-haired girl, his companion, was interceding for our sakes!

"They did?"

"Yes, this is what happened..."

The blue-haired girl whom Yuna said her name was 'Aqua' explained: while the fight was going on, she did as ordered and started to collect the equipment. Some of the adventurers were afraid just because she was associated with the Sun God, while others were outraged and lashed out.

Among all of them, the three dark elves of the five saintesses retaliated, they wisely stated that it would be a mistake to antagonise Aqua and Merluna went as far as to take a beating for Aqua's sake.

"Please have mercy on our mistress. She's a Forest Elf Princess!" Yuna, the oldest, confessed, prompting all of us to take on this momentum and plan our heads in the ground, even my mistress who was borderline unconscious, I planted her head down as well. 

This is our only chance. 

The Sun God remained silent for a while before sighing.

"You all have protected a Goddess".


A goddess? this blue-haired girl...? She looked a bit weak to be a goddess, but if it is him saying it, then it must be the truth. Osiris pulled Merluna's injured body from the crowd with his spatial capacities and rested it in front. She had sustained heavy injures and in the crowd, we could already see how the adventurers were giving away those who caused it, a group of rogue gold-ranked bastards. 

With a bright shining light, her body began to be restored to the naked eye until nothing was wrong with her. We were astonished, no healing spell is this efficient. In less than two seconds, she was healed. 

Her eyes opened and she came face to face with the Sun God.

"Thanks for protecting Aqua, your name is Merluna? I'm indebted to you" Osiris said, showing gratitude. He said thanks, words we never thought an arrogant god would say!

It was then that I started to think, maybe there is a chance? is Osiris not a tyrannical god? Perhaps he could be a bit petty, stealing his enemies' belongings, but tyrannical? His actions didn't despict him as such.

If he wanted us all to die, we would be dead. 

"Have you got everything, Aqua?"

"Yes, I have all the equipment you ordered!" The Blue Goddess kept nagging at him and he patted her head, their relationship looked... close. 

"Very well. A deal is a deal" Ray uncovered his robes to show us the spot where the spear had certainly pierced, I recalled... we were only supposed to touch him, not defeat him!

"You have indeed shown me your worth".

With another hand, he pointed at Anna, and within seconds she opened her eyes.

The young mistress saw the fruit of her efforts, the Sun God's voice rose and he spread his arms. 

"This battle is over. As accorded, I will allow you all adventurers to live. Return to your homes and spread the news that a new Sun God has descended in these lands to guide this continent to the light. Save this in your mind and spread my message: I'm not a tyrannical God, but I'm also not a lenient God"

Having said those words, he planned to leave there and then, is this all...? no, I have to give him the letter!

"T-Thanks… thanks for your mercy!" I held his leg, clearly overstepping my boundaries, but betting all on it, it had to be him! if it is him, we can do it!

I wanted to take my chance, but we weren't the only ones feeling gratitude. 

"Thanks!" Elis from the Black Tooth guild also yelled, holding a now awake Hellooth who couldn't believe they were going out of this alive. 

The Sun God only nodded and the next second he scattered together with the Blue-haired goddess, leaving a devastated battlefield in the wake of a war that only left a single casualty: Cerabrate.

I wasn't going to give up just yet.


"Yes, young mistress... we have finally found the right person".


To the East of the Baharut Empire, flying atop a gigantic dragon, was a group of sitting individuals. Among them, Tsunade lazily stared at the horizon while drinking a cup of alcohol of mysterious precedence. 

"I would say everything will go according to the plan. I have already told Ray to not be involved with the Imperial Army and the Draconic Army. They are there just to be stars in the act… Ray already knows you have submitted" Tsunade stared at two individuals sitting across. 

Emperor Jicniv from the Baharut Empire.

Dragon Queen, Draudillon Oriculus, from the Dragon Kingdom. 

The two new vassal states of the one that would called the 'Sun Church'.

"I would appreciate a meeting with his Eminence, the Sun God" Draudillon said, she was a petite dragoness with flowing blue hair and two big horns protruding upwards, elegant and civil, totally unlike a dragon would behave and also with a humanoid form. 

Tsunade stared at her deeply, 'I don't know if I want you to meet my man~'.

The blonde sannin drank her cup in deep thought, 'Ray's powers as a god alone are already terrifying. His capacity to influence the opposite sex more so, and lastly... the fact that he can make someone immeasurably stronger very fast'.

One thing was to see it, another to experience it. Tsunade had seen her strength increase by leaps and bounds at speeds not even a lifetime of training as a jonin could achieve. It was the difference between being a mortal and being a goddess; just because of continuous sexual intercourse and massages.

For the lack of better words... 'It is utterly ridiculous, any woman shouldn't be able to receive this benefit'.

She thought, among all of Ray's women, they didn't seem to be aware of this problem and the first signs had already begun to show.

'Although he doesn't take it seriously most of the time... it is a fact that Ray is tasked to impregnate a certain amount of angels from the heavens'.

The angels can already reproduce among one another, and therefore, their population shortage is not an issue.

'The real reason they are asking Ray, their god, to reproduce with them is to create powerful Seraphs. They know Ray's offspring is going to be extremely powerful'.

They don't want to sound manipulative, they don't want Ray to think they have dark intentions, and they don't even want to take advantage of him in any way deliberately. But Tsunade is certain, that is Michael's intention. 

'The same is true with Yasaka. Although I don't doubt she loves Ray, she also has the biological need to create powerful offspring. Even I...'

Tsunade clenched her fist, nearly shattering the cup. She couldn't be hypocritical and deny her desires. She also wanted to have Ray's kids, and 'worked hard' every day with him to achieve this goal, even though Ray she more than likely pregnant already due to his high fertility; she still felt concerned.

And she felt even more concerned that other women would use Ray for their wicked purposes, such as this crafty dragoness, Draudillon Oriculus.

"That depends on whether Ray wants to talk to you".

She sighed, in the end, those would be worries for another day and Ray's life in itself was not and would most likely never be in danger. 

"Once we arrive, you know what to do, right, Azrael?" Tsunade asked the Archangel who had bee standing on the dragon's head, staring at the horizon, missing her master every second that he wasn't around. 

The Death Star archon stood in full glory, her wings turning ever whiter and shinier by the day. Becoming beautiful to the point emperors and kings could barely keep their composure. And Jicniv a man not known as lustful or banal, was no different.

Still, this beautiful woman had quite the temperament, whenever her master wasn't around, she had a foul humour; Azrael huffed in disdain and jumped off the dragon.

"I want to return to master, so I will finish this even before you arrive".

Draudillon Oriculus, the Dragon Queen, stared at the twelve-winged creature go… within half an hour or less, the war she had fought for decades against the Beastman Kingdom, would be over, all due to a single individual.

"As accorded, the Sun God Church will be included within the Draconic Kingdom as our only indoctrination. The Beastman Kingdom's territory shall be annexed, but the Beastmen get to keep their cultural independence. Isn't that all correct?" Draudillon repeated the terms of their 'contract' the reason why she was being aided from the start. 

"As long as you keep those principles, you shall be allowed to govern".

"About Cerabrate–".

"Ray should have been taken care of by now, you don't need to worry~".

"If possible I would like to know, Lady Tsunade... what are Lord Osiris' objectives in the long term," Jicniv asked, genuinely curious... after attaining all that power, what would one want to achieve?

"What he wants, huh..."

Tsunade frowned and got served another cup of wine. In the distance, a blinding light manifested in the form of a gigantic scythe shrouded in darkness and light colours. 



The scythe descended from the clouds, bringing along with it Death. Little did those aboard the dragon know, the war ended as fast as it started. Jicniv and Draudillon could only stare in shock, wondering... if that's the strength of his subordinate... how strong is Osiris?

Tsunade shrugged her shoulders, "His objective is to become stronger".

"..." (Jicniv)

"..." (Draudillon)


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