DxD: Multiversal Therapist

The Conquest I

It was not my intention from the start to get Shaltear, this was Solution's idea. She wanted another set of eyes within Nazarick. Otherwise, she'd find it more complicated to move independently.

No doubt Shaltear was the best choice. I can understand why Ains Ooal Gown would send her over, but he still made a mistake.

He didn't trust Solution completely because she was my customer once, nice call. 

He thought Shaltear was a loyal servant who wouldn't betray him. Another good call, Shaltear is certainly loyal and a wicked being who thinks deeply of Nazarick.

But he made a mistake. Shaltear is a vampire... and vampires like blood. 

And he is a blood-less lich, a skeleton...

Do you know now where I am getting at with this?

Solution told me once that Nazarick has many masters aside from Ains Ooal Gown, but that all of those masters have disappeared now, the last one to remain is him. Also, not all the inhabitants of Nazarick were created by Ains Ooal Gown. 

Shaltear was created by an individual called Peroroncino while Solution's master was Herohero. From Shaltear's point of view, now that her master was not around, Ains Ooal Gown had to fill up that void. All of them worship him as their 'Supreme Being'.

Sadly for him, no one could be a better master to her than me. And I just gave her the first taste... and planted the seed of discord within her. 

[Shaltear Bloodfallen has been added as a customer].

"If you want more... you know what to do~" I whispered near her wicked ears as she shivered. It was all masterfully crafted by Solution to the point she astonished me. 

If Shaltear exposed me, she'd describe the attack and Ains would no longer doubt Solution whom I 'attacked' as well.

If she didn't expose me... that meant she'd sooner or later call out for my services and at that time... I would make her mine for sure.

Regardless of the outcome, Solution and I ended up winning in this exchange. 



After sucking my blood, Shaltear passed out in the middle of the forest he did well, and such, it is time for me to reward a good pet; and the way to reward her is nothing if not unconventional. 

"Master, you're so tasty, I am sure even if I tell you, you still won't understand it".


I couldn't so much as utter a word. Making love to Solution was like being engulfed in a hurricane of greed. This slime wouldn't waste resources. She licks my sweat, sucks my saliva, swallows my cum.

Every fluid that she could take, she would. 

everything away, every single fluid she would devour. When I put it inside, I didn't have to move... her insides would do all the work, but it felt so good inside her that I instinctively wanted to thrust in so recklessly. 

"Naughty master... you must thrust it in no matter what, right?~ go ahead then, thrust!~".

I didn't realise that night... that I was starting to get addicted to the slime. 

Now, with the fight over the Baharut Empire over, there is much work to do, but first... let me enjoy my pet a little bit, once she leaves for the Re-Estize Kingdom, it may be a while before I get a taste of this slime. 


Catastrophe, destruction and lastly… death.

A war that had lasted for at least a decade, all crumbling in front of the eyes of the powerful, everything beneath the gracious wings of the Deathstar Angel. The twelve-winged Archangel, the self-proclaimed Scythe of the Sun, ravaged the battlefield as if she couldn't distinguish between allies and foes.

Beastmen, dragons, minotaurs, centaurs... it didn't matter... there whenever blood was shed, she'd coat it with another layer of fresh stench. 

Draudillon Oriculus stared at everything with a gaze of resignation. Even as her own men were massacred in this war... the reason was simple: a budding hatred between races that had formed in the last ten years of the war. 

For peace to be attained, the rotten seedlings from both sides needed to be eradicated. It was not an accord in which she held the upper ground against the Beastman Country, it was an accord of equality. 

Standing atop a mountain, she watched everything next to Tsunade whose arms were crossed as she considered something different.

The level of a threat that was Azrael. 

'She never ceases to surprise' Tsunade thought, recalling her reasons for insistently pulling Azrael away from Ray's bed and into this quest. 

Back then Ray had asked why Azrael needed to go too. After evolving Tsunade was no less of a goddess. To end a war of mortals she was more than enough. Still, the sannin had her reasons. 

'I need Azrael's methods... sadly'.

The angel was an expert in two things. One was bringing death, the other... it was to instil fear. 


The Beastmen country was a settlement of all the demi-human races in the world after thousands of years of immigration and resettlement. Chief among them were the were-lions, were-wolves and were-tigers, orcs and ogres. It was a society ruled by the strongest.

And right at this moment, the strongest was being held by the neck like a piece of trash beneath the Deathstar Angel. 

War was lost in but a few days. 

The chief of the Were-lion tribe, Argland Gascon, a nearly titanic were-lion, known for his merciless methods and his voracious appetite, his favourite diet? humans. 

Such a monster was being held, with his limbs all bisected, staring down at the being covered in blood who regarded him as if he was less than wasted oxygen. 

"You were all given a chance to surrender, this was your choice, Argland" Azrael said coldly, she couldn't understand it.

The lion growled trying to break free to no avail, one of these generals, a were-tiger, tried to stand up, only for a rain of light spears to pierce him all over until the life faded away. 

There was no hope. 

"Why would you be so stupid? There is no hope of you to defeat me. To submit is your only leeway and yet you refuse to comply. Is certain death... such an appealing delicacy to you?" Azrael's words sounded like a mock, but she was genuinely curious as to why they would choose this path even though they knew she couldn't be defeated.

All of their forces came to her... all of their forces were annihilated. 

"Fuck... off! We won't be slaves!"

Argland spoke, but he spoke for himself. Behind him, in the main city of the Beastman Country all the members of the Pacific tribes such as the bunnies, foxes and others, had already decided that they wanted to submit.

But their voice wouldn't be heard. 

Azrael sighed and sliced the werelion's head off, showering blood all over the place with disinterest. Like that, the chief of the Beastman Country fell, and the remaining generals all lost hope. But hope wasn't the only thing they were going to lose. 


Light spears pierced all their skulls before exploding in a gruesome fashion.

"Follow your leader straight into hell".

Azrael sent them there, and she was going to continue even further, to those beneath the generals... until a hand placed itself on her shoulder softly, patting. 

The angel stared to the side where Tsunade was holding a mirror, one in which she could see her own expression. After a few seconds, she put down the mirror, staring at Azrael's maniacal smile with her own yellow eyes with plenty of irises, her rinnegan. 

"In truth... you wanted them to choose this path, didn't you?" Tsunade whispered in Azrael's ears with a sultry glint, "The path in which you bring death,"

"..." The angel remained silent, coughed a few times and regained her composure. 

Tsunade used ninjutsu to clean Azrael's clothes, a detail the angel appreciated, "Remember who you are now if you make it too obvious that you're enjoying this, you will give your god a bad image, Azrael".

"My apologies, about this... to my master–".

"Your master wouldn't mind even if you were to massacre the whole world. I am not telling you because he will be disappointed, I'm telling you because it is your task to do the best for your master's sake".

Azrael frowned, sighed, but ultimately nodded. 

She checked up her wings almost instinctively, they were getting whiter by the day. Soon they'd be completely white once again, but her pitch-black halo would remain as such.

Now, she could show her true nature without restraint or fear of disappointing her lord. But still, it was for the best to restrain every so often. 


As Tsunade planned... Azrael's methods shrouded the Beastmen Country with fear. An outcome she didn't have the heart to pull off. A few days later, the chiefs of every tribe in the country were meeting with them in the city capital.

Now that Argland, the previous leader, was gone, who replaced him was the matriarch of the were-lion tribe and Argland's first mate, Leone. The same could be said from the rest of the strongest tribes who had lost their chiefs, and ex-generals of the army. 

The were-tigers, were-bears... they had all replaced their chiefs with either the children or mates of the fallen tyrants. And they all shared something in common. 

The unadulterated fear they had against Azrael who just stood there, silently next to Tsunade without saying a word. She had already done her part, finishing the war. Now it was time for Tsunade to do her part in politics.


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