Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

00044. The first metahuman influencer?

New Chapter for the week.

Kurt was depressed, he had asked for permission to post videos on the new website that came out recently. Unfortunately he was told not to post anything, if someone hacked the site they could possibly track him down. Since they would be tracking him back to the school, he was told not to post anything because it was a security risk for everyone at the school.

Especially since that broadcast that Magneto had made. While a lot of people were happy, it seemed like even more had started to come out against mutants in the last few weeks. Kurt wanted to start a video series on the new media platform and show the world that mutants were just like everyone else. They might look different, they might have powers, but mutants were just as human as the next person.

When he was denied from posting videos, he went to his best friend Kitty. He asked her to hack into the new platform, to see how secure it was. He knew if she had issues hacking into the site, then it should be fine to post videos. What they didn't expect was Kitty's computer to be taken over after only a minute or so of her trying to find a way into the site.

Her computer screen went dark for a moment and a small chibi person appeared on the screen. He raised his finger and said, "Ah ah ah, You didn't say the magic word. Ah ah ah, You didn't say the magic word…"

The problem was it wasn't just her computer that was doing this. They could hear it coming from the rooms around them and other students asking what was going on. Kitty looked at Kurt as she said, "I think I messed up."

Kurt looked worried as he asked, "This is bad, can you fix it?"

Kitty shook her head as she said, "No I am locked out of my computer. Maybe if I shut it down and restart it, I might be able to fix it. But it might also ruin my computer."

Kurt had a regretful look as he said, "Sorry, Kitty."

Kitty smiled back at Kurt as she said, "Let's go talk to the professor and tell him what happened, I am sure he can get it fixed."

Kurt's tail curled down and tucked behind him as he said, "But we’ll get in trouble. You know the professor doesn't like you hacking into things and since I was the one to ask, I will be in more trouble than you."

Kitty smiled as she grabbed onto Kurt's hand as she said, "You should’ve thought about that before you asked me."

"I didn't think something like this would happen!"

Kitty started to become intangible along with Kurt, once they were both completely intangible she said, "Doesn't matter now, it's already done. Come on, let's go."

"Bamf" Both of them disappeared in a cloud of blueish black smoke that smelled like sulfur. They appeared the next moment in professor Xavier's office with another "Bamf" As they appeared they heard someone saying, "I have no idea why he would mess with the computers again."

Kitty and Kurt were in the professor's office and were standing inside the chairs in front of the professor's desk. Henry McCoy, better known as Beast, was standing next to Xavier and looking at the computer in front of them. They were just chatting about school issues when the computers around the school started going crazy. Xavier smiled when he saw Kitty and Kurt and said, “I know the computers are messing up, we will get it fixed soon.”

Kitty and Kurt walked out of the chairs and then Kitty made both of them tangible again as she said, “Sorry professor, it was my fault. Kurt really wanted to post videos to that new media site, so I tried to hack into it to make sure it was secure enough. Now all the computers are going crazy.”

Xavier shared a glance with Beast and said, “Well that solves the mystery of why. Now we just need to contact Ezekiel to fix it.”

Kitty and Kurt shared a questioning look, before they looked back at Xavier again as Kitty asked, “You know who did this professor?”

Xavier smiled as he said, “From my understanding you and Kurt were the ones who did this. As for the person who programmed this, yes I know him.”

Both Kitty and Kurt looked embarrassed as they lowered their heads a little, Kurt said, “Sorry professor, I didn’t think something like this would happen.”

Xavier smiled as he looked up to Beast and said, “It looks to me that you just found the two helpers you need for kitchen duty for the next two weeks.”

Kurt was the first to speak as he said, “But Kitty burns everything she makes!”

Kitty smacked him in the back of his head right after he finished speaking and said, “I do not! I can make a bowl of cereal just fine!”

Kurt rubbed the back of his head as he said, “You burned toast using a toaster!”

“How was I supposed to know that turning the dial’s all the way up would burn the toast? I thought it was a timer!”

Xavier cleared his throat as he said, “You won’t have to cook, just help with setup and cleaning. You will be expected to show up at 6AM to help with breakfast, 12PM for lunch and 5PM for dinner. You will still have to attend your normal classes and make sure all of your homework is done.”

Another voice spoke up from the computer and said, “Since you had Kitty try to hack into my site, you and Kitty also have to shoot, edit and upload at least one video during that time. Or I will ban both of you from the site for life.”

Everyone looked at the computer on Xavier’s desk. Kitty and Kurt couldn’t see the screen, but Ezekiel was on the screen smiling at Xavier and Beast. Kurt was the first to react and he ‘Bamf’ inbetween Xavier and Beast as he said, “Please don’t ban me and Kitty, we didn’t mean to upset you.” As Kurt was talking, Kitty phased through the desk to stand next to him and see who was on the screen.

Beast raised an eyebrow at the kid's actions, but said nothing as Ezekiel chuckled before he said, “All you have to do is shoot a video and upload it within two weeks. It won’t be that hard. Here I will even make it easy for you.” 

The computer screen went back to normal. Xavier let out a sigh as the kids were trying to figure out what Ezekiel ment. Beast spoke up and asked, “He isn’t going to do what I think…”

A portal appeared as Beast was in the middle of talking and Ezekiel stepped out of it. In his arms he carried an oversized cardboard box, following behind him was Shisui who also had another box the same size. Ezekiel set his stuff on the ground in front of Xavier’s desk between the chairs and Shisui set the box he carried next to it, as they finished Tao walked out of the portal and it closed behind her.

Ezekiel smiled at everyone as he said, “I was planning to come by today, this just gave me a reason to visit sooner.”

Kitty and Kurt were both stunned because they didn’t expect someone to just show up in the professor's office, let alone three people. Xavier had a slight smile as he said, “I would say this is unexpected, but it’s you after all.”

Ezekiel grinned wide, before he looked at Beast and said, “It’s nice to meet you in person Mr. McCoy.”

Beast nodded in return and said, “Same to you Ezekiel. Pleasure to see you again, The Ancient One.” He looked at Tao as he spoke and nodded his head before he looked at Shisui as he asked, “And who might you be?”

Shisui bowed as he said, “Shisui Uchiha, it’s nice to meet all of you.”

Kurt spoke next as he put his arm around Kitty and said, “I’m Kurt Wagner and this is my best friend Kitty Pryde. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Ezekiel smiled and asked, “Kurt, I understand you want to make and upload videos to my site, correct?”

Kurt smiled as he said, “Yes I was hoping to make some videos showing that mutants and humans aren’t that different.”

Ezekiel nodded as he said, “That’s a great idea, I was hoping some people would do something like that.”

Ezekiel pointed to the boxes in front of the desk and said, “If Xavier is okay with it, you and Kitty can have all this stuff so you can make videos.”

Both Kitty and Kurt glanced at the boxes in front of the desk, but couldn’t figure out what was inside the oversized cardboard boxes. Xavier looked at the boxes also before he looked at Ezekiel and said, “You didn’t really give me much of a choice did you?”

Ezekiel smirked as he said, “Sorry, I was just excited. Kurt is the first metahuman who wants to make and upload videos. I figured I could help him out. Plus I had all of this stuff set aside from when I was testing the site and no longer have a need for it.”

Xavier let out a sigh before he said, “Alright, Kurt, Kitty, you can have whatever Ezekiel brought you. What do you say?”

They said, “Thank you very much!” at the same time.

Ezekiel chuckled as he said, “It's fine, like I said, I no longer had a use for it.”

Ezekiel looked at Shisui and said, “Could you help them take it to their rooms?”

Shisui nodded as he picked up the box he set down. Kurt 'bamf' to the other box and picked it up as he said, "I could probably teleport them both, you don't have to help carry them."

Shisui shook his head as he said, "It's fine, I don't mind at all." He walked next to the door as he said, "Lead the way."

Kitty phased through the desk and chair, before she reached the door and opened it up as she said, "Alright follow us, Shisui."

After they left the room, Ezekiel sat in one of the chairs as he looked towards Xavier and said, “I would like to see you and Magneto in a few days at our last meeting spot if you have time."

Xavier nodded his head but asked, "What time?"

"Any time, just message me and I will get you transport. It shouldn't take more than an hour or so."

Ezekiel looked at Beast and said, “I also have a project coming up that I could use your skill in genetics and biochemistry if you would like to join it. You can join Xavier and Magneto when they visit and meet the other people who will be working on the project and check out the lab we are using.”

Beast nodded his head and said, “I have duties with the school, but I could spare some time each week, if that works for you?”

Ezekiel smiled and said, “Any help would be appreciated.”

Ezekiel lost his normal smile as he said, "Like I said, giving Kurt and Kitty that stuff isn't the main reason I came. I actually planned to pick up Logan, I promised him something and I am now ready to fulfill that promise."

Xavier had a frown as he said, "Logan said you are going to torture Stryker for him."

Beast looked concerned after hearing Xavier speak, but said nothing as Ezekiel gave a slight smile and said, "You and Logan are making it sound so bad, I am not going to torture Stryker. I am not some kinda psychopath."

Both Beast and Xavier relaxed after Ezekiel finished. But then Ezekiel's grin became wider as he said, "All I am going to do is shred his soul. Unfortunately the side effect is that it is extremely painful."

Beast looked at Ezekiel in shock, and Xavier had a concerned look on his face before he asked, “I assume that was a joke?”

Tao shook her head as she said, “I have watched him perform it once, while it does shred the target's soul, it doesn’t destroy it. It just makes it incredibly weak once the process is finished. As for the person themself, it looks to be extremely painful to go through and the target dies before it’s finished.”

Beast frowned as he said, “Putting the point about souls being real aside, why would you use something like that? I saw the data you sent from that place, I won’t argue with killing those people, but should we really torture them?”

Xavier nodded his head as he said, “As much as I dislike killing, I also think torture is going to far.”

Ezekiel gave a shoulder shrug as he said, “Unfortunately they are serving a purpose in death and it only works if we use it on them while they are still alive. As for what that purpose is, I can’t currently tell you.”

Xavier stared at Ezekiel for a few moments before he let out a sigh and said, “I will call Logan for you.”

‘Logan, Ezekiel is in my office. He came to pick you up.’

‘Already heading that way, I ran into Kurt and Kitty with someone who doesn’t smell like Ezekiel. I am bringing him back with me, we’ll be there in a few minutes.’

“Logan said he is coming back with Shisui.”

Ezekiel nodded his head and was about to speak when ‘Bamf’ Kurt and Kitty appeared in the room off to the side this time and not in any thing or any one. Kitty was the first to speak as she became tangible again and asked, “We can really have all that stuff?!?”

Ezekiel smiled and said, “Yup, I don’t have a use for it anymore.”

Kitty looked almost panicked as she sputtered out, “But. That’s! Really? Are you sure?! Promise?!”

Kurt smiled as he said, “Kitty calm down before you phase through the floor again.”

“But you don’t understand!”

Xavier was curious and said, “Miss Pryde, please calm yourself and then tell us what has made you so animated.”

Kitty closed her eyes as she took a deep breath, she slowly exhaled it. Then she looked towards Xavier and Beast as she pointed at Ezekiel as she said, “In the boxes he gave us is a brand new top of the line Stark Tech computer with two thirty inch monitors in one box along with some other computer stuff. The other box was full of high end camera equipment, some lights, microphones and a bunch of other things. The computer alone is worth a lot of money and the camera is probably worth even more money! It’s a high end digital film camera used to make movies!”

Ezekiel gave a shrug as he said, “I had to make sure the website could handle 4k footage, so I had to buy all that stuff and test with it. I don’t expect anyone to upload videos in 4k currently, it's way too expensive for normal people. But I wanted to future proof the site now so I didn’t have to update a bunch of stuff later on. Now it’s yours to use and make videos, have fun.”

Before anyone else could speak, Logan opened the door and let Shisui walk in and he closed the door behind him as he entered himself. Shisui smirked when he saw Kurt and Kitty again, but said nothing else. Logan looked at everyone in the room and asked, “Is everyone here going?”

Ezekiel smirked, then stood up and patted Kurt on the shoulder as he said, “Make sure you both read the instructions for everything before you use it. I look forward to seeing your first video.”

Kurt nodded his head in reply along with Kitty. As they did, Kurt reached over to Kitty and grabbed her hand. She started going intangible again as Kurt said, “Thank you again, Ezekiel!” ‘Bamf’

Ezekiel smiled and glanced at Tao as he said, “If you would please.”

Tao let out a sigh and made a portal.

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