1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 37: A Different European

"Orban, how much metal and manpower will this take up?" Realised that the big metal rod might be a potential huge waste of resources, Antonius asked reluctantly.

Orban and Jacob, connected by the bond of father and son, immediately realised that their employer has doubts in his mind. Orban stepped up and explained.

"Your highness, one piece of high calibre artillery like this shall take up around six thousand litra or pound of metal, and it takes around two months for around two dozen workers to make one…"

Antonius frowned a bit hearing the sheer size of the numbers. Seeing this, Jacob stepped up and elaborated. "Don't worry, your highness. We mainly use scrap metals to produce these artilleries, so the actual number is much smaller than what my father has just said."

Antonius took a deep breathe, laid his hands off the bronze rod and opened his mouth. "Orban, Jacob, I don't really care about the resources, what I care about is manpower and time, especially time. We are racing against time Orban, those Ottomans are already at the doorsteps of Constantinople ready to burst in, and now you are telling me that one of this takes a few month?"

"You are taking too much manpower and time on this, Orban. If that manpower, those time, those metals, if they can be used to manufacture blades, we will have hundreds of cutlasses sharp enough to slice the sun ray. If they can be used to make armour, we can potentially avoid the decease of hundreds of soldiers in battle. If they are used to produce arrow-heads, we can suppress and shoot down enemies which will change the course of a battle…I think we need to make some changes to your plan of production."

Orban panicked as he realised Antonius' attitude towards his children, Jacob too feels like perspiration all over his body, he bite his teeth, faced Antonius and retorted. "I am sure, your highness, that artilleries are much more worth it than the arrows, blades and armour that you have just mentioned!"

Antonius stared at the boy for a brief moment, which felt like an eternity to the poor boy as he lowered his head, but Antonius still explained in a gentler tone.

"You don't understand boy… what we need now is time, you heard about the battle of that fortress? It only turned out after the battle, that we realised a Pasha was sent right by their Sultan assembling tens of thousands of men right beside Constantinople? What are they up to? I don't know… but." He pointed at the big metal rod. "But I know that we need as many armaments quickly as possible, I don't want my boys to die because they lack blades, armours and arrows…"

As Antonius continued his speech. Jacob, full of sweat, wanted to retort back but out of panic he bites his tongue instead. Seeing this, Abdullah, who has always been quiet in the back, stepped out and interrupted Antonius as something just came into his mind.

"I know this thing they are making actually, my friend."

Antonius, surprised by Abdullah, asked back mumbling. "Oh… what do you know about this?"

"I have actually seen and studied this when I was on a pilgrimage trip to مكة المكرمة Makkah al-Mukarramah around six years ago, when I was in the city of Tripolitania in Syria, I spent three days studying in the Madrasaq there, and I came across the manuscript by Ahmad al-Hassan, which described the Mongols and Mamluks using a similar weapon, firing projectiles of solid rocks using explosives and gun powders…"

Orban, like he has grasped last ray of hope in this desperate circumstances, climbed towards Abdullah and pleaded. "Yes, kind sir, please do elaborate and explain that my child is not useless!"

Abdullah thought hard, frowning and holding his chins with his elbows, and continued. "Ah, yes, it is apparently another creation that the Mongols have brought from the far kingdoms of Serica and Khitannia. The book describes it can 'shake the ground', 'tear down castles' and 'slice human into a pile of meat'. Thus, my friend, I suggest you just let them go ahead with their work… they are the expert at this, remember the old Arabic saying; There is always something to learn from experimentation."

Antonius finally nodded, approving Abdullah's words, but he still turned back and told the father and son. "Orban, Jacob, I shall not intervene with your business again. But I need you to make sure, that by the end of the day, my army will never run out of armaments, and I shall see how fearsome your weapons are…If they are not that powerful as how you described."

Antonius stared into the eyes of Orban and repeated. "If they are not that powerful as how you described, you shall serve me as my chief engineer even after the contract."

Orban could finally stop trembling, stood back up and nodded like a duckling. "Yes, I will, don't worry, I won't disappoint you, your highness."

After inspecting Orban and Jacob, Antonius and Abdullah left them and continued strolling down the iron forge, feeling the heat into their face. After a while, Antonius asked Abdullah.

"My friend, next time please share with me more stories, knowledge and inventions by the Saracens…"

Abdullah staggered back a bit, laughed with tears coming out, and replied. "Yes! Of Course, my friend, I am always willing to share my knowledge with my friends, following the Prophet's words that one shall seek Knowledge from the cradle to the grave…"

"You are really different from the other Avrupalılar…Europeans I have met, my friend."

"Oh…" Antonius continued strolling with his hands by his back. "I suppose I will take it as a compliment, thanks mate."

They continued strolling down the path, engaging in random conversation with the workers or whistling the ladies working by the bellows, until they reached the warehouse of the iron work. Out of a sudden arousal of interest, Antonius decided to take an inspection inside the warehouse. However, some fishy little noise caught his attention.

"Who is there!"

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