A Demigod In The World Of Magic

Chapter 158: Chapter 157: BOOM!

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Hecate nodded, "that sounds lovely," she turned to Percy, "find me after the task okay? I'll be the one cheering for you the loudest."

Percy chuckled, "yeah, you got it." Hecate then waved once more to Kelly before she ducked out of the tent.

"Amazing, so the Hogwarts champion was raised by a squib was he?" Rita Skeeter's annoying voice cut in, ruining Percy's moment.

Percy snapped towards Rita and glared. Fleur immediately came by his side and held his hand tightly, she leaned in and whispered, "if you zay anyt'ing z'e will uze it againzt you."

Percy glared at the woman, who was frantically writing about something in her note pad looking between Percy and Fleur. Percy could guess what she was writing, and he didn't like it.

Percy moved back and turned to Fleur, "I didn't know you cared."

"I don't," the veela glared back, "but your aunt zeemz like a nice enoug' woman."

Percy was about to reply back when Harry arrived and Bagman spoke up, "good, now that you are all here we can begin."

In the commotion Rita was pushed to the side while the champions were ushered into a circle with Bagman. Percy couldn't get to her, but he swore that after the task she was his.

Bagman took out a silver black bag with smoke coming out of off it. He moved to the center and called everyone to stand around him.

Maxim stood behind Fleur while Kriskoff stood behind Krum. Dumbledore stood behind Harry and Percy while Bagman continued his speech. Percy looked at Harry and nodded, the young fourth year gave a quick node in return.

"Inside of this bag is a model of the creature you will face. Now this creature will be guarding a golden egg, inside of which will be a clue to completing your second task, without which you will be at a serious disadvantage. Now, who would like to go first?"

None of the champions wanted to go forward. Everyone was quiet, when suddenly Kelly yelled, "me!"

Percy blinked, "Kelly….did you just say me?"

Kelly looked surprised as well, before she grinned and nodded furiously, "yes!"

Harry blinked, "woah, I didn't think she could do that."

"Neither did I," Percy blinked in surprised, 'maybe it had something to do with Hecate, that crafty goddess.'

"Ah hem," Bagman coughed, "I'm sure this is all amazing, but can we please focus?"

"Oh right, sorry. Guess Kelly just volunteered us anyway, so might as well," Percy sighed, as he dipped his hand into the bag and felt something bite his finger tips.

It wasn't that hard, but it was annoying. He felt several objects crawl around his fingers, biting, scratching him, one even sent a blast of warm air on his palm.

Freaked out Percy grabbed one of them and pulled his hand out revealing a small black dragon with spikes on it's crown and tail and the a number '4' tag attached to it's neck.

"The Hungarian Horntail," Bagman said in awe, "I do not envy you young man."

"Thanks man, that really fills me with confidence," Percy spat back. The model dragon in his hand shook itself free and looked up glaring at Percy and shooting a stream of fire so mild it felt like a person's warm breath.

Percy turned to Kelly, "looks like I got you a friend Kelly." The veela grinned evilly as she and Percy turned to the Horntail causing the dragon to yipp in shock.

Harry went next, he drew out the Swedish Short-snout with the tag '1'. Fleur got the Welsh Green with number '2' around it and Krum got the Chinese Fireball with number '3' attached to it.

"And it is decided," Bagaman said with a cheery attitude that clashed with the room's aura, "Mr. Potter will go first, Ms. Delacour next, Mr. Krum third and Mr. Jackson last. The first match will begin in ten minutes, good luck."

The other champions simply gave back their models, not knowing what to do with them.

But Percy refused, he wanted to keep it, and the judges didn't really seem to mind. So he took out his wand and stunned the dragon model he got, looks like Kelly was going to get a buddy after all!

Percy turned to Harry, "you're up first, got a plan figured out?"

Harry nodded slowly, "yes...I didn't think I would be going first."

"Well it's that or going last and facing the Hungarian Horntail," Percy grumbled. Harry snickered, "you know Hecate came by a few moments ago."

Harry blinked, "she did?"

"Yeah. If you want after your turn you should go up and sit with her, cheer me on and all that," Percy chuckled, "I need all the help I can get."

Harry nodded, "yeah. But right now I'm kind of more worried about my dragon."

Percy nodded, "okay, let's see. Swedish Short-snout….it's fast, scary fast. But only in the sky. It has small shitty forelimbs, and is shot while on the ground, and I don't believe for a second they are going to let loose a full grown dragon in the stadium, so that means it's going to be on the ground. Keep it moving, keep it distracted. Avoid the flames, oh and if you can, aim for the leathery wings or eyes, those are a dragon's weak points."

Harry mumbled Percy's words over and over again until he memorised them. He nodded, "okay, got it. Thanks."

"No problem. Did you stash the box away?"

"I gave it to Susan and my broom to Hermoine. I should be able to summon it from them immediately."

"A broom? Ah, so you're going to try and out fly it, gotcha," Percy nodded, "I can probably do the same."

"You brought your board with you?" Harry asked surprised.

Percy grinned, "no, it's something new. I think you'll like it."


The sound of a cannon ball rang through the tent. Harry took a deep breath and calmed himself. He looked up and nodded to Percy, "I'll see you soon."


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