A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 107: Never gonna give you up


"Destiny. Fate. Dreams. These unstoppable ideas are held deep in the heart of man. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life, these things shall not vanish from the Earth."

— Gold D. Rodger,  (One Piece)


"Hello... my son." An ethereal voice boomed behind Rudeus sounding like the combined voice of countless females but strangely it still sounded as clear and melodious as a canary singing its song.

Rudeus immediately turned behind and saw the biggest goddamn bird in his life. It was a bird-shaped entity made of pure golden and crimson red fire. It was unbelievably beautiful and extremely scary at the same time.

He wondered how he wasn't able to feel the massive bird approaching him or even standing there right behind him all this time. It seemed that his cosmic awareness wasn't really working here at all. He was a blind bird here, pun intended.

"Let me guess, you are my dear old mommy, aren't you? The layer of my egg?" Rudeus tried to be funny to not let this situation get awkward. He didn't know how to feel in a situation like this. He didn't even know how to react to meeting his so-called 'mom'.

He wasn't sure if he had a mother in his last life but he wasn't really interested in having one right now especially since he didn't trust in cosmic and interdimensional entities. According to his otaku knowledge and experiences, most of them were either a bunch of 'greater good' guys or 'maintaining balance through any means' kind of people. None of them ever really cared for friends and family.

"Yes... and no..." The phoenix force answered in an emotionless voice. Although she seemed to be in some kind of dilemma while answering him. She seemed to be somewhat confused about how to answer.

"You can't tell me after all this that you are not sure if I am your child or not because I don't think there are any cosmic DNA tests available for this type of situation." Rudeus retorted back, a little angry for some reason.

'God, I think I am behaving like some sort of angry rebellious teenage punk, aren't I?' He thought to himself but he couldn't stop being angry at the phoenix force now for some reason.

"I am your mother but in a more spiritual kind of way. You were born because of my power, your existence is shaped by my multiversal being. But your physical body was born from a woman made of flesh and blood, a human woman. So, you can say that I am only one of your mothers." The voice of the Phoenix force boomed still not displaying a shred of emotion.

"Wait what? My mother was a human? But I thought that..." Rudeus was more than confused. If he was human, then why did his system say that he was some sort of New god? Was he a god at all or was the system lying to him from the very start? And if his soul came from the Phoenix force, does that mean that he wasn't reincarnated at all? He never had a previous life?

Rudeus felt a headache coming due to all the questions forming in his mind.

"Yes indeed, your mother was infact a human woman. However, she was special. She was a mutant among her people, a kind and compassionate woman who saw the good in everyone, yet could be as dangerous as a mother wolf when it came to her protecting someone or something she held dear.

And most important of all, she was my host, my first ever human host. I still remember it like yesterday when I first bonded with her, Firehair." Maybe it was just his imagination but it seemed like Phoenix's stoic and emotionless voice almost turned a little emotional at the end like she was remembering something nostalgic about her past.

"Hey hey, lady Phoenix don't go emotional on me now. I would love to know my sad little backstory from you but right now I don't have time for this. I need to save Jean from her psychotic personality born from your negative influence, aka, the Dark Phoenix who is slowly taking over her mind. Do you know where she is or how to save her?" Rudeus asked. His number one priority right now was to save Jean. After that, he would consider fulfilling his first mission by listening to the Phoenix Force's story.

"Lady Phoenix. That was actually what people used to call your mother when I took on her as my host. But yes, you are right. Right now, we need to save my current host, Jean Grey as soon as possible." She said as she looked in a certain direction.

The moment she turned her attention in that direction, space seemed to warp in that location of the white room as two separate figures appeared. The first was the figure of Jean Grey who looked so weak and sickly that it seemed like a vampire had been using her as an all-you-can-eat buffet. A single chain was attached to a choker on her neck.

And the other side of the chain was connected to the second figure which was a huge flame bird looking very much similar to the original Phoenix force in front of him, only this one was made of dark black and maroon red flames and not even nearly as large as the original Phoenix. However, unlike Jean, this little birdy was connected to several different chains which were all pinning her down, trying to weaken and cage her.

"Ru-Rudeus, is t-that you?"Jean weakly asked as she looked at the surprised face of the New god trying to understand what he was seeing.

"Yes, are you alright Jean? Don't worry, I'll save you from this... thing soon. I won't ever give up on you." Rudeus immediately went towards her and tried to support her while giving her some hope and eyeing the Dark Phoenix which was writhing crazily, trying to escape from its chains. He could see a primal hunger in its eyes looking to devour and destroy everything in its path. The only thing preventing it from doing that were those chains around it.

"This is almost funny you know. I am a force of Creation and Rebirth thus naturally, destruction is also one of my responsibilities since to create something, we first have to destroy and rebirth always comes after death. So, the Dark Phoenix was always a part of me, signifying one of my many important responsibilities. It was always supposed to exist in my chosen hosts. It would be their decision on whether to let it do its job or to resist and control it instead. Your mother chose to resist the Dark Phoenix and was instead able to control its power.

But as humans have slowly corrupted and destroyed everything with its power, it has slowly done the same to my darker aspect as well. When that human tried to seal me into the deepest corner of this girl's mind, I wasn't affected since the true me was too powerful to be affected by one mere human's emotions and power. She is just one of my countless hosts in the multiverse after all but my aspect, the dark phoenix was affected by her repressed memories and emotions. Her negative feeling strengthens her while corrupting her further into something disgusting, a twisted abomination of what it stands for, who only wants to destroy all creation endlessly." The Phoenix force revealed the truth of the Dark Phoenix.


"So, why can't you just end that little bird since you said yourself that she is nothing compared to your true power? Seems to me that you are just lazy, aren't you?" Rudeus accused the Phoenix force, controlling himself really hard to not add the word 'fat' into the last statement.

"Indeed I am much more powerful than this Dark Phoenix. I am the multiversal incarnation of life, creation, and rebirth while she is only your universe's aspect of destruction since she was powerful enough to separate her entire existence from me and become a completely different being. In fact, I let her cut herself off from me so that she would not be able to corrupt me or the Phoenix Force as a whole. But as for destroying her, although I can easily do that, it's simply not my responsibility or my duty. According to the tribunal's laws, I can't intervene... at least not directly." The phoenix's voice seemed to grow a little soft at the end as she looked at Rudeus.

"So, you mean that you can 'indirectly' help us?" Rudeus asked in the hope of getting some kind of solution. Of course, he could always just try the old-fashioned way and punch the Dark Phoenix into oblivion in case he didn't get any help from his... mother. But that was his last route of action when he would become really desperate.

"Yes, but we need to be fast or the tribunal might notice us. He is extremely judgemental when it comes to us interacting or interfering with lower-dimensional beings without a valid reason. He for some reason still hasn't noticed you being... related to me. I will like to keep it that way. He is not really that friendly with beings gaining too much power. Also, if the Dark Phoenix continues to rampage on Earth, it might even attract your father's attention. That would also not be good for the current you." The Phoenix Force said with a hint of worry and anger lacing her normally emotionless voice.

"Father? Wait I have a father as well?" Rudeus was confused.

'How many more members do I have in my family that I don't know about? Do I secretly have siblings and children as well? Because the way this is going, that is definitely possible.' Rudeus thought while conveniently ignoring the fact that he himself had actually forgotten the question if he had a father or not.

"Doesn't every biological being have a father?" The Phoenix Force was either genuinely confused about his question or she was just making fun of him with her impassive face and emotionless voice.

"Yes, what I meant to ask was who is this father of mine? And why did I never meet him before?" Rudeus asked thinking if his father was another mutant or something from the prehistoric age.

"Your father who birthed you with your biological mother was... is a Skyfather, He is the king of the pantheon of Asgard, the All-father Odin Borson."


(A/N: Yes, finally the big reveal. Odin is the mc's father. Who saw that coming? Certainly not me. Although there were many easter eggs planted from Chapter 1, it's not my fault that none of you (hopefully) saw this coming.

Anyways, as for questions like why didn't Odin know about the mc even after all these years or why the Phoenix force doesn't want Odin to meet the mc, they will either be revealed in the next chapter or maybe later down the line, who knows, I certainly don't. To know more, just keep reading 'New god's Life in Marvel'.)

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