Chapter 2: You didn't die, you were killed
Raze looked at his bed. He walked there and sat down; he needed to think about his current situation, as it was not something he should rush into.
"I have to understand, how did I come here in the first place?" He paused and thought about what he did before he was thrown into this reality.
He had just re-read the novel, stopping after Raze's death. He wanted to sleep for the night, and that was the last thing he recalled.
"Did I die? My health has been trash, to be honest. All the junk food and excessive caffeine killed me then."
He took a deep breath, cleared his mind, and started recalling the details of this story. Raze was a top student, a nobody that rose through the ranks with his intelligence and hard work.
He was able to get a scholarship into this prestigious academy, a feat that was applauded wherever he went. He was a beacon to the normal man that they could achieve greatness.
But all of a sudden, that changed when the chosen one, the blessed one of the gods, the hero, the protagonist, came into the picture.
He didn't have to struggle for anything at all. Everything simply went his way. He thrived easily and reached the top, taking Raze's position in everything.
No matter how Raze fought for his position, he could never retake it, and that led him to fall into jealousy—a jealousy so deep that he started making rash decisions.
The latest one was setting a magical trap for the protagonist that a girl called Annabelle fell into and was saved by the protagonist.
She was severely injured and was sent into treatment. She didn't just fall into the trap by accident; she was the only person that saw Raze set it up, but she didn't know how to defuse it, and she couldn't call anyone in time.
So she took the fall for the protagonist, and she nearly died. If she finally wakes up, she'll be the one to reveal that Raze did it, and his life here would be over.
"Raze, Raze, Raze, you messed up badly. That's not how you handle an issue of this measure. Now we have to get out of this situation. We might have to kill the girl or find a way to silence her. No way am I getting expelled so soon.
I have to become a better villain, after all," Raze said. He didn't understand why he had this drive to be a villain, though. Sure, he loved villains that planned well, but just wanting to be one was not something a normal human would do.
But for some reason, he couldn't care less. He was happy with his current state of mind.
As he thought about killing the girl, he recalled something, and that was the fact that Raze died. Raze did not die in the original story like this.
According to the story, Raze was at his table, thinking about how he would deal with the situation at hand. He couldn't even focus on the homework he had because of it.
Then later, the person that came to his door did come and told him about the investigation, and that caused Raze to panic.
And then Raze rushed out to end the girl, and that was where everything went bad.
"Why did I die now? I wasn't meant to die so early," Raze thought, trying to find what happened to make him die at his desk, but he couldn't recall anything. It was like the real memories of Raze were blocked out, and all that he had was from what he read in the story.
"I can't even recall what I ate before coming to the room. What is going on? I don't have any memories at all," Raze said.
He picked up the piece of paper stained with blood. He didn't know what to do right now. How does he find the reason that he died?
He didn't have any ability to do that. From what he knew in the book, Raze's magical ability was spatial control, a rare talent, but there was nothing it could help him do, since at this point, Raze only knew a few spells as a first year.
Raze focused on the piece of paper, like he was trying to figure something out, and then suddenly a bright light shined in front of his eyes, and a holographic screen followed.
"What the hell?" Raze said in shock and fell backward, almost bumping his head into the bed frame. He looked at the screen in fear. This was not part of the story. Nah, this had never happened in the story.
Like every stupid, curious human being, he slowly stretched out his hand to touch the screen, but his hand went right through it, like it wasn't there, but he could still see it.
[You have a message]
A notification suddenly came up on the screen. Raze looked at it, not knowing what to do. He couldn't touch it, so how was he to read it?
Immediately he thought about reading it, the notification opened, and the contents showed to Raze.
[Everything that is, was meant to be. You didn't die. You were killed. Changes occur different to what you know. Kill or be killed.]
"What's all this? Is this the message?"
The message was clear, yet it was filled with sentences that didn't connect. Even with that, something from it stuck to him: you didn't die, you were killed.
Could it be that he was murdered? But that didn't happen in the main story.
"Maybe that's what it meant by changes occur different to what you know. The story might be changing a little, and rather than Raze dying at the hands of the MC, he was killed by someone. But who?" Raze asked himself.
"Does this system do anything more? Can I use it to somehow find out who killed me?" Raze asked, and the system responded to his thoughts. The screen changed and showed his stats.