Altera online: New world

Chapter 1: Last year

'2079. Earth. Sector 9.

It never occurred to me that a stupid video game would actually be the downfall of humanity. 

When Altera first came out in the early 2050s it was just an idle mobile game that people used to pass the time. 

With each recurring milestone in player count, however, the game began to evolve and grow. 

It went from phones, to computers, and eventually to VR pods. It was that final switch that caused the whole of humanity to lose their absolute mind, however. 

Based in a world mixed with fantasy and futuristic sci-fi, the game consumed the minds of both the young and old. 

The funny thing was that it really wasn't that special. It had a near 100% realism, sure, but other games held similar levels and unlike Altera they were constantly being updated. 

Despite the massive surge in popularity, after it was released onto VR pods in 2068 the game received no updates whatsoever. 

It remained stagnant at Version 3.0 for nearly 11 years, but despite that it seemed as if the whole world had been enthralled by its charm. 

It was only a week ago when the player base reached an astounding 99% of humanity that Version 4.0 was hinted at. 

When the news of a potential update hit the internet, everyone basically went batshit crazy. People partied in and out of the game, and the central government even passed a holiday to celebrate. 

Personally, though, I never really got the hype around it. Despite it being nearly 100% realistic, the game always felt a little off. 

That 0.00001% always threw me for a loop, and I never really understood why. So despite its immense, and I mean immense, popularity, I never played after the first time. 

So while my peers and even elders bonded and obsessed over the game, I stuck to the real world. 

Looking back on that decision now though, it was one hell of a mistake. 

It had been 12:00 am EST on New Year's Day when the whole of humanity heard an announcement transmitted into their minds. 

[Altera Version 4.0 is set to release in 1 year. We recommend humanity to use the last year of the tutorial wisely.] 

Two simple sentences were all it took to completely uproot the whole of humanity's hopes and dreams. 

No longer could they dream of conquering the stars and exploring distant galaxies. Instead, they were resigned to something else beyond their will. 

It wasn't exactly clear what the announcement was referring to at first, but it didn't take long to find out. 

Although the company behind Altera was never known, they still hosted an official website for the game like any other. 

And recorded on that website were the terms and conditions that every single player had agreed upon before playing. 

To be quite frank, no one really looks at the terms and conditions. People click agree and move on with their day. 

The same applied to Altera, but if someone did read through the whole 50-page listing at the bottom, they'd find a single incomprehensible sentence.

For the longest time, no one knew what it said, and despite countless attempts, it remained a mystery. 

That was, of course, until the Awakening. Sounds corny but despite it being a little over a week that's what the internet's been calling the announcement. 

A user by the name of gojo's_rag posted on the game's forum board showing that the terms and conditions had been updated to reveal the last term. 

In a single sentence, it stated, "By accepting these terms and conditions, you acknowledge that you withhold your right to refuse interdimensional kidnapping." 

It seemed inconceivable at first, but on the 6th day of the new year, people started being able to log into the world of Altera through thought alone. 

That's when the reality of the announcement and final term finally began to weigh in on everyone. 

People began scrambling to spend as much time inside the game as possible grinding at levels and equipment. 

They didn't know if their level in the game would transfer to wherever they were going, but the consensus seemed to believe it would. 

As of now, that's where humanity lies. As for me, I still haven't logged into the game yet. It sounds stupid, but I want to savor every last bit of the real world before it all comes crashing down. 

As I'm writing this down, I'm currently on the train to the first of many national parks I'll be visiting. 

It's always been a dream of mine to travel the world and seeing how I've only got a year left I'm determined to make it a reality. 

It's entirely stupid, I know, but it's the path I've chosen for myself. For the last year of my life, I'm going to explore the world.' 

Having finished writing his first journal entry, Vega tucked his book back into his backpack. 

Looking around the empty train cart, a feeling of melancholy filled his heart. While the night was still young, he made himself comfortable in his cheap metal seat. 

Hugging his backpack, which rested on his lap, he began to wonder if he was making the right decision. 

Despite everyone's disapproval, he had decided to go on this journey; it would be too late to reconsider now. 

Firming his resolve, Vega looked out the window towards the night sky. Despite having just left the city, the night sky opened itself to him. 

The stars shimmered with a light that he'd never seen before, almost as if the stars themselves acknowledged his decision. 

Looking a little higher, he saw the milky white streak, which his home galaxy was named after. It evoked within him an ethereal sense of awe that strengthened his resolve to explore the world. 

While the rest of the world scrambles to grind and focus on the world of Altera, only Vega chooses to enjoy the time he has left on Earth. 

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