America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 604 Good cooperative relationship

The 1900 election was still a showdown between Democratic Congressman William Bryan and current President McKinley.

Brian has accumulated more reputation during these four years, and his speaking skills have also improved.

The Democrats packaged him as a pure anti-imperialist.

These attracted many new supporters, including steel tycoon Carnegie.

Yes, Carnegie rebelled.

Such an alliance seemed ludicrous, and undoubtedly damaged Brian's image as a "great common man" and a purist.

Although the pairing of McKinley and Roosevelt seemed to be inseparable, they carried the glory brought by the victory of the Spanish-American War and economic recovery to the election.

People believe that such a combination can bring a better future to the United States.

So, without any suspense, Brian was defeated.

He lost again to McKinley, even worse than in 1896.

Rockefeller was relieved.

The newly-appointed governor of New York State is a member of the Republican establishment and advocates a gentle handling of conflicts between trusts and the people.

He didn't think it was a good idea to overtly break up Standard Oil at this time.

In his view, the formation of trusts is in line with the objective laws of the market and is a choice of the market.

If artificial intervention is carried out, the existing order will be completely disrupted, which will be bad for the economy.

Without Roosevelt's support, Taft Jr. basically posed no threat to Rockefeller.

As for the IRS, he also paid back taxes.

The oil tycoon finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Jianqiu, on the other hand, is going further and further on the road to making money.

He was busy continuing to resell arms.

The British and the Boers were still at loggerheads in the southernmost tip of Africa.

Neither side has the intention to give up.

Chen Jianqiu still sells on both sides, with cash on hand and a deposit required for some products.

He also hired several French people to recover firearms locally, repair and maintain them and sell them to the local Zulu chief.

Before the Boer War, the best record against the British on the African continent in the 19th century was achieved by the Zulu people.

At the Battle of Varna in Istanbul, they killed 1300 British soldiers and mercenaries with spears and spears.

Although in 1887, the British sent 10 troops and fought for months before conquering the Zulu Kingdom.

But the chiefs' resistance never stopped.

The French are willing to do anything to disgust the British, especially in Africa.

They hit it off with Chen Jianqiu and began to continue selling second-hand guns to the Zulu people.

Only gold accepted.

The front line consumes bullets, and the machines at the rear naturally cannot stop.

More and more Chinese are pouring into the United States from the southern border.

Most of them stayed in Juárez for one to two years in advance.

There, there will be schools to teach them basic language and skills, and then they will enter the United States and obtain American citizenship through a special method.

Immigration is used to this.

I have been here like this for so many years, and I have never seen anyone make irresponsible remarks.

Although it is unreasonable, it is legal.

Conflicts between Chinese and workers of other races still occasionally occur, but they will soon subside.

One is that the labor union plays a decisive role in it. On the other hand, no one wants to lose their job at Chen Jianqiu's company because of being angry with the Chinese workers.

This is the only company in the United States with a pension fund!

Chen Jianqiu donated huge sums of money to establish relief and pension funds for workers.

Many people in the industry scoffed at his decision.

In their view, workers are just a bunch of idle wolves who can't get enough to eat. No matter how many benefits you give them, it's all in vain. They will still find ways to do it with you.

Chen Jianqiu does not deny this.

Relief and pension funds are what governments should be doing.

What he does is more like charity than social security.

Chen Jianqiu does not expect that the money can really support him, a Chinese worker.

He just hopes that this measure, together with the employee stock ownership plan, will tie workers to the factory to a certain extent.

When Chen Jianqiu did this, he did it casually.

But this has also made the "Chen Family Group" a breath of fresh air in this era of intensifying class conflicts.

His wealth may not be the largest and cannot be compared with other financial groups, but his control is rarely strong.

In addition to making money, Chen Jianqiu also did one more thing, which was to accompany Roosevelt on fishing and hunting.

Because Mr. Vice President’s time is very, very, very loose.

He couldn't figure out what mistake he made in the first place. He ignored the good governor of New York State and agreed to Chen Jianqiu's participation in the election as vice president.

It's like a feudal official voluntarily giving up the opportunity to separate one side and running to the capital to lick the emperor's ass.

This made Roosevelt very uncomfortable.

"The Vice President is really boring!" Roosevelt stood on the reef, holding a fishing rod in his hand, and complained to Chen Jianqiu.

The two people changed their approach today and drove directly to the beach for sea fishing.

"Take it in, the wind and waves are too big and we can't catch any fish." Chen Jianqiu looked at the waves hitting the rocks, shook his head, and started to put the pole away.

The two walked back to the car parked on the side of the road.

Chen Jianqiu drove and Roosevelt sat in the back seat.

The Vice President got into the car and was bored.

If they feel bored sitting in the back seat of the car, most people will play with their mobile phones.

But obviously there were no cell phones in the early 20th century.

So Roosevelt could only sit in the back row and look around.

Suddenly his foot hit something.

Roosevelt bent down and picked it up.

It's a steel helmet.

When he came in the car before, he didn't notice this thing in the car.

"Isn't this what your team wore in Cuba last time?" Roosevelt played with the helmet back and forth, and suddenly thought of something.

"It has been improved. The previous one was too heavy. We thought of some ways to make it lighter as much as possible." Chen Jianqiu said while driving.

"Why did you bring this thing when you came fishing?" Roosevelt was a little confused. "You also need to wear a helmet when fishing?"

Chen Jianqiu originally wanted to tell him that in fact, sometimes you need to wear a helmet when fishing.

But he thought about it and decided to forget it.

He decided to tell the truth.

"This is a sample. I will take it to the port later. A British man is waiting for me there. The British Army is interested in this thing and wants to sign a contract."

Although the material and craftsmanship of steel helmets at this time were still very different from those later.

But sometimes it can save a soldier's life.

It is also very versatile and can be used for cooking, drinking water, and even digging trenches.

"Where did you get such high-quality steel?" Roosevelt asked, touching his helmet.

"Carnegie, he just made an appointment with me later to talk about mass production."

In fact, Chen Jianqiu didn't know that Carnegie came to Chen Jianqiu this time not only because of the material of the helmet, but also because of another very important matter.

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