Animation Producer in a Fantasy World

Chapter 31 - Machine God Chronicles - Third Apocalypse (4)

‘My Struggle’, the fan club of “Machine God Chronicles” created by Hikardo, which could also be called a gathering of obsessive fans.

This gathering was originally formed to complain about the fact that “Machine God Chronicles” only airs once a week.

But now, as “Machine God Chronicles” has surpassed 25 episodes, this gathering has become the most powerful group within the empire.

Also, in the past, only drunkards who used to chug beer at pubs were members of this gathering.

Now, people from all walks of life, including nobles, cadets from the Imperial Academy, magicians, and even university professors, were joining this gathering.

The reason was simple.
Because it’s fun.
And because they couldn’t suppress the desire to talk about “Machine God Chronicles” all night long with someone else.

So today, as usual, countless people were attending the gathering of ‘My Struggle’.

“Well then, as previously announced, I’d like to deliver an important notice today.”

The man who is the leader of this gathering and at the same time called ‘Führer’ by certain people, Hikardo, opened his mouth.

“I’m sure everyone is well aware that recently, conflicts between comrades belonging to this gathering have become far too severe.”

Hikardo sighed deeply and looked around at the members of the gathering.

He could clearly see it in his eyes.

Even at this moment when he, the leader and Führer of this organization, was delivering an important notice, people were growling at each other.

The reason they were hostile to each other was only one, the trivial reason that their opinions differed.

To be honest, Hikardo couldn’t understand why they were treating each other as if they were mortal enemies who had killed their parents.

Hikardo had tried several times to stop their actions until now, but failed every time.

Indeed, will the day when people can truly understand each other never come-

Hikardo said with a gloomy expression.

“I’ve been quietly observing for a few weeks, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I can no longer turn a blind eye to the comrades’ actions. That’s why I prepared this debate today to resolve that problem.”

Saying so, Hikardo designated people who could be called representatives of each faction and had them come forward to the platform.

“I hope today’s debate will be an opportunity to understand each other a little more without hating each other anymore. Now, from this point on, I will open the debate on ‘Who is the true heroine of “Machine God Chronicles”‘, the 47th session!”

Clap clap clap.

With that as a start, the leaders of the factions supporting Saya, Eileen, and Chloe, who could be called heroine candidates of Machine God Chronicles, began to open their mouths one by one.

“I won’t say much. To be frank, I think people who don’t consider Saya as the true heroine must have something wrong with their heads.”


“Have you finished speaking, Professor Hermione!”

In the past, he was at the forefront of voicing criticism against “Machine God Chronicles” more than anyone else.

But now, Professor Hermione, who had completed his second job change as an extreme fan of “Machine God Chronicles”, kicked off the debate.

“Everyone here must have watched episode 25 that aired recently. And if you watch episode 25, it’s clearly shown that Saya is the undisputed true heroine of “Machine God Chronicles”.”

“…What did you say?”

“In episode 25, Kai voluntarily awakened Unit 0 to save Saya and ascended to the ranks of gods. This is quite a different development from the past when Unit 0 would go berserk whenever Kai was in danger. Doesn’t this mean that Kai’s feelings for Saya are so tremendous that they can awaken Unit 0 into a god?”

Professor Hermione looked at the leaders of the factions supporting Eileen and Chloe as if mocking them.

And they too seemed to have nothing to say, only grinding their teeth without being able to properly refute.

Because they too inwardly thought that Professor Hermione’s words were correct.

However, their love for Eileen or Chloe as their favorite characters was even greater, so in the end they had no choice but to refute.

“…I admit that. Certainly, the heroine of episode 25 could be said to be Saya. But Professor Hermione, aren’t you forgetting something important?”

“Something important? What is it?”

“It’s that Saya fundamentally has a fatal flaw that prevents her from being the true heroine of this work.”

Saying so, Evangeline von Thieria, the leader of the faction supporting Eileen, takes out a recording artifact from within her bosom.

“This is an artifact that recorded part of episode 14. Führer, can you allow me to use this material as evidence in the debate?”

“I’ll allow it.”

With Hikardo’s permission, Evangeline immediately played the artifact containing part of the content of episode 14.

“This is the scene where Kai is reminiscing about memories with his sister. And in this flashback scene, the face of the sister Kai is looking for is intentionally blurred. But, if you pause the screen at a certain point-”

Evangeline manipulated the artifact to show everyone the paused screen.

“Huh, huck!”

“N-No way!”

At that moment, everyone in this place couldn’t hide their astonishment.

Because the face of Kai’s sister shown in the paused screen was-


“Good heavens. Saya is actually Kai’s sister?”

It was exactly the same as Saya’s face that everyone knew well.

At least the eye color and hair color were different, but apart from that, they looked so alike that one might think they were identical twins.

“Th-That’s just a coincidence.”

“A coincidence? Surely you don’t think the director of “Machine God Chronicles” is someone who would make such a mistake, Professor?”


“Everyone remembers Saya’s monologue in episode 19 when she watches Kai suffering alone, right?”

Of course they remember.

The Saya faction still thinks that dialogue is the number one best line in “Machine God Chronicles”.

“…Kai. I can’t do anything while you’re suffering so much. When I see you sad, I feel sad too, but tears don’t flow from my eyes. Am I… really just a doll after all…?”

“According to this dialogue, Saya refers to herself as a doll. Then, isn’t Saya a being created based on Kai’s sister rather than a human?”

Evangeline opened her mouth in a very triumphant tone.

“If this hypothesis is correct, there’s a very high possibility that Saya is a clone of Kai’s sister. In other words, if Saya is the heroine of “Machine God Chronicles”, it becomes an inhumane act!”


At Evangeline’s words, Professor Hermione gritted his teeth, but unfortunately, he had no logic to refute her words.

In the end, since they couldn’t refute the other side with logic, all that was left for them was just a dog fight.

“Eileen isn’t mentally ill, she’s just too tender-hearted and sensitive! You filthy incest lovers!”

“The relationship between Kai and Saya isn’t as dirty as you imagine, it’s something noble and platonic! You idiots!”

Although they said they hoped it would be an opportunity to understand each other when they started the debate, they were already back to slandering and hating each other.

Just as Hikardo was sighing and about to stop the debate.

“F-Führer! Breaking news!”

One of the organization members came running breathlessly towards Hikardo and whispered something in his ear.


And Hikardo’s complexion instantly changes upon hearing those words.

Judging that something far more important than this mere debate had occurred, Hikardo immediately stood up from his seat.

“Comrades, please stop the debate for a moment! I have something urgent to tell you!”

At those words, the Saya faction and Eileen faction, who were fighting while growling at each other, momentarily stop their actions and begin to look at Hikardo.

“This is news that one of our organization members working in the Imperial Palace just delivered. It’s none other than that several nobles joined forces to pressure His Majesty the Emperor, and as a result, the broadcast copy of episode 26 of “Machine God Chronicles” has been handed over to them!”

“Wh-What did you say!”

“Is that true! Really?”

It was unbelievable.

The nobles pressured the Emperor and got to watch episode 26 of “Machine God Chronicles” first?

“This is… nothing short of a terrible thing that shouldn’t exist in this world. While everyone in this world is desperately waiting for episode 26 of “Machine God Chronicles”, to think that there are forces trying to watch the anime first using their power!”


Hikardo shook his clenched fist as if he couldn’t suppress his emotions at all.

“What will happen if a very small number of nobles monopolize “Machine God Chronicles” and watch it first? They will probably go around spoiling the story of “Machine God Chronicles” that they’ve learned everywhere. No, that’s for certain!”

“G-Good heavens. To think that people capable of such cruel acts exist in this world?”

“I can’t believe it. How could someone wearing the mask of a human…”

At that moment, people couldn’t help but imagine in their minds.

What kind of terrible things the Emperor, who could be called the biggest victim of this incident, might be suffering from the nobles who watched episode 26 of “Machine God Chronicles” first.

P-Please stop. I beg you, don’t tell me the content of episode 26.


Well, my throat is feeling quite dry. Is there anyone who could pour me a glass of water?


If someone were to give me a limited edition plastic model of “Machine God Chronicles”, I might be able to share episode 26 of “Machine God Chronicles” with them?

And there was no way such wicked and evil nobles would stop at just tormenting the Emperor.

As Hikardo said, they would undoubtedly try to satisfy their base desires by spoiling the content of “Machine God Chronicles” to ordinary citizens as well!

“How enviable… no, what bastards!”

“We must stop it, we must stop that at all costs! I don’t want to be spoiled!”

Hearing people’s outcry, Hikardo opened his mouth as if he too sympathized with their feelings.

“That’s right. As the chairman of the fan club gathering of “Machine God Chronicles”, I define this situation as a very serious emergency and will do my best to resolve it quickly. For that, the Saya faction and Eileen faction must stop fighting for a moment and join forces.”


Hikardo’s words were right on every point, so people unconsciously nodded their heads.

“In that sense, I will temporarily change the name of our gathering to ‘Soviet’, meaning ‘Let’s stop petty criticism and not pick on others’. And I promise. Until there are no forces in this world that spoil “Machine God Chronicles”, my red heart will continuously beat the rhythm of revolution!”

“Waaaah! Long live! Long live the Soviet!”

At Hikardo’s inspiring speech, people became intoxicated with revolutionary fervor even without drinking alcohol.

“The Eileen faction will cooperate with the Saya faction for the greater cause for now.”

“Well, it can’t be helped. We’ll form a temporary alliance with you just this once.”

“We haven’t forgiven you yet. So you should move according to us.”

“Let’s talk about such trivial things later… They’re coming! No, let’s go!”

And at this very moment, quite a dangerous combination was born.

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