Annie Grey

Chapter 55: Adventure

Meanwhile away from the High Council room Outside the Palace

"Ummm Mr. Adrian where did Curtis and Stella go??" asked Annie

"Don't worry about them Miss Annie they just went to have a meeting with the Rest of the High Council" said Adrian

"The High Council??" asked Annie

"Yes, the Hight Council is the second in command of the Country Lower than the King and Queen" said Adrian

"Wait there is a King and Queen??" asked a surprised Annie

"Yes Miss Annie the Witch world is ruled by the King and Queen and they are the most Powerful in the Country, but since the Witch world is so big and there are so many dimensions of it they issued an High Council that consists of those that are high in Magic, Spells, Logic and War" said Adrian

"Oh wow I never knew that there is a Parliament here like in the real world" said a surprised Annie

"Well yes there is right now only 3 members of the High council are present that is Vice Chancellor Stella, Professor Sapiens and Professor Captious" continued Adrian

"Oooh but why are there only 3 of them I thought a high council is supposed to have many members??" asked Annie

"Yes they are and we do have many members but some things happened that reduced the 500 members to 200 and the rest 197 are gone to face the war against the evil forces and so they left their most Powerful and Strongest leaders to handle it" said Adrian

"Wait what kind of war are they fighting??" asked Annie curiously

"Well Miss..."

"Oh Annie come here and take a picture with us" shouted Mrs. Grey as she Cut Adrian off

All this time that Adrian and Annie were talking Mr. and Mrs. Grey were walking around and taking pictures of the castle in awe and now they were next to a huge Hedge maze garden and called their daughter to take a selfie with them.

"Madam Grey, Master Grey and Miss Annie would you like to go into the Hedge Maze Garden??" asked Adrian

"Oh can we??" asked Mrs. Grey

"Yes of course Madam you can" said Adrian with a smile on his face

"Honey, Annie do you guys want to try to escape the Hedge Maze??" asked Mrs. Grey

"Oooh of course Honey I am ready for an Adventure!" said Mrs. Grey

"What about you Annie??" she asked

"Okay Mom let's gooo!!" said Annie happily

"Great then it's settled I will wait for you on the other exit have fun Greys" said Adrian as he was already walking away and he suddenly disappeared into thin air

"Okay sooo let's do this first person to locate the exit winssss" said Annie Joyfully

The Greys entered the maze they awed at the very green and fresh hedges they looked so clean it was like they were just planted well that's how it will look when you have magic taking care of it.

They could see tiny little holes through the hedges but since there were so many of them they couldn't cheat, the Grey's turned left then right then left again it seemed like they were going deeper and deeper into the hedge and they finally saw it.

In the middle of the hedges was a finely decorated pearl water fountain there was a quartz Gazebo the scene was simply breath-taking like something one would only see in the movies.

The Grey's spilt up surveying every single part of the breathtaking serene and just Then there was a great Loud noise it seemed like new Hedges Grew from the ground and they were not fresh or green as the other ones but instead they were dark and lifeless.

It seemed like they were being controlled by someone and it separated Annie from Her Mom and Dad and her Parents from each other

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