Chapter 599: Internal battle
Azazel smiled and touched the tip of his sword as he smiled and Annie narrowed her eyes at him, wondering what he was up to. She still did not have enough energy saved up to cast a spell powerful enough to kill him.
"Come on then, don't just stand there, come and attack me" said Azazel with a smile as Annie looked at him in shock.
"Are you serious?" asked Annie as she was not sure of this, this was not like Azazel at all, to play around like this, the last time, he had just done what he wanted, not like him playing around did not benefit her, but she was just highly suspicious of his behaviour.
"Do I look like I am joking?" asked Azazel as Annie just looked at him, she figured that he was sure he would win, and he just wanted to play with her a bit before he attempted to kill her, well she would prove him wrong.
Annie shrugged off all her thoughts as she charged towards Azazel and started to attack him as he dodged her attacks and smiled.
Annie was surprised to say the least, she did not think that he would have been this decent with a sword, but surely an old man like him had to have had time to practice very well.
"You impress me, it seems that you have been very busy since the last time we met" said Azazel as he smiled.
"You know, I did not expect you to go all the way to Caligo to get your powers back" said Azazel as Annie ignored him, she was sure that he was just trying to get her to lose focus, but it would not work.
"To think that if you had left things the way they ended off last time, none of this would have happened" said Azazel as Annie aimed for his chest and he blocked her sword with his.
"That is a dirty lie, and you know it" said Annie angrily.
"Whether you have my powers or not, you will still do the same thing, that's why you are Azazel after all" replied Annie as it irritated her that he was trying to pin the blame on her.
"I beg to differ" replied Azazel as his eyes glimmered and without warning Annie felt herself being pushed back with a great force as she used all her energy to stay standing and she stopped herself from moving.
"You are cheating, you can't use magic" said Annie as she looked to Azazel who was far from her as he smiled.
"I never said that" replied Azazel as he appeared behind Annie and before she could even turn around to face him he kicked her and she stopped herself from falling.
"You chose swords not spells" she said as she turned to face him, she knew that she was just saying nonsense, Azazel was far from fair and she knew it.
"Who said I can't use both?" asked Azazel as he appeared in front of Annie as he attacked her and she used her sword to block his attack as the sky thundered even though the sun was out brightly.
"Tell me where you are going?" asked Matt as he stayed a considerable distance away from Hunter, something told him that he could not trust Hunter and he did not know what was going on.
"You do know that running away and escaping means that you are a criminal right?" asked Matt when Hunter did not say anything.
"That is wrong, I am not escaping, I did my part, so my work is done here" said Hunter with a smile as Matt did not believe that.
"I have nothing against that, but trying to leave unannounced means that you have something to hide, even if you did help us, you need to stay until everything is sorted out" said Matt as Hunter laughed.
"Like I said, my work here is done, I did my part, and that is all" said Hunter.
"That is true, but you are not supposed to leave suspiciously, where are you going? You are even going to leave the other rogues with no problem at all?" asked Matt as he felt something deeper here, Azazel was currently being taken down, Selene would be captured, and there would be no need for rogues anymore, which made Matt wonder where exactly Hunter was going.
Because Matt was sure he had no where else to go, so why leave when he was not chased away, it made him feel like there was something Hunter was hiding.
"Well there is no place like home" said Hunter with a smile and that made Matt stop and think.
"You do know that Atticus is dead right? You rogues no longer have a leader" said Matt as Hunter laughed.
"You truly do know a lot first Prince" said Hunter as he laughed and Matt narrowed his eyes at him.
"Wait, how do you know my title?" asked Matt as this was strange, Hunter was strange.
"My word of advice to you, we rogues are stronger than you think" said Hunter.
"Our father might be dead, but that does not mean his plans and ambitions are, we rogues do not give up easily, and the Crown Princess should keep her eyes wide open" replied Hunter as his words held greater meaning as Matt tensed up when he mentioned Evie.
"You… why are you telling me this?" asked Matt as he knew better than to trust the words of a rogue who even wanted to run away unnoticed.
"Let's just say that I like you first prince, and we are not enemies" said Hunter as Matt thought about his words, he did not believe that.
"Ahh well look at the time, It's been nice talking to you, until next time" said Hunter with a smile as he waved and the ground opened and swallowed him up as he disappeared and Matt rushed to where Hunter was before as the ground closed back.
Matt sighed, he should have been on guard and captured Hunter, but there was just something very unsettling about Hunter's words, Matt knew that he had to warn his Grandfather and Evie, the rogues were planning something, and whatever it was, it surely would not be good.
"*Gasp* Annie" gasped Matt as he remembered Annie when he heard some rumbling sounds coming from very far away and he rushed in that direction.
"Curtis where is Annie?" asked Maddie as she rushed in the direction she last saw Annie, and Ollie followed her, only for them to see Curtis standing there as he looked up at the sky.
Curtis did not say anything, he just pointed up as both Maddie and Ollie looked up, they could not see anything at all.
"I don't see anything Curtis" said Maddie as she looked at Curtis and he looked at her.
"She and Azazel are up there" said Curtis.
"Can you see them?" asked Ollie as he couldn't see anything at all.
"I can" replied Curtis as Maddie looked up and she squinted her eyes and she saw a faint twinkle in the sky and she heard the sounds of swords clashing.
"Oh they are up there alright" said Maddie.
"What are they doing up there anyway?" asked Maddie.
"Fighting, Azazel decided to fight with a sword this time" said Curtis as Maddie scoffed.
"I doubt that, I can feel magic" said Ollie.
"Where's Annie??" asked Matt as he ran to where Curtis, Maddie and Ollie were.
"She's up there" said Maddie as she pointed up and Matt looked up, he could see them.
"Dude, what are you doing here?" asked Matt in confusion as he realized that Ollie was here.
"I'm here to help" replied Ollie as he smiled and Maddie scoffed.
"Okay" said Matt as he did not ask any more questions, and suddenly a great wind started to blow as Maddie closed her eyes.
"That's a lot of magic surging right there" said Maddie as she opened her eyes and the wind was still blowing.
"That it is, should we be worried?" asked Ollie.
"Depends on who that magic belongs to" replied Curtis as he looked up and frowned, he did not like this one bit, Azazel was leading Annie way to high, it was alarming that Maddie and Ollie couldn't see them, Curtis was worried that Annie wouldn't realize that he was pushing her too high.
"Guys I think we should leave, remember Annie said that she didn't want any of us here, especially you Curtis" said Ollie.
"Oh no way, I am going nowhere blondie, you can go if you want, but I am staying here just in case Annie needs our help" said Maddie.
"Matt" said Ollie as he looked at Matt.
"I agree with Maddie, I am staying here" said Matt.
"Okay then, we all agree to stay" said Ollie as he looked up into the sky, trying to see if he could see them anywhere.
"I am starting to get worried, they are up way to high, Annie might suffocate if they go any higher" said Ollie as Maddie looked at him in worry.
"She can?" asked Maddie as Ollie looked at her.
"Yes she can, the air up there is very different from the air down here, and she might lose consciousness, I am sure Azazel knows that and that is why he is keeping things that high" said Ollie.
"Then Annie needs to get down now" said Matt.
"Curtis can't you tell her to come down lower?" asked Maddie as she looked at Curtis.
"I can, but if I do, I might distract Annie, and she might lose more energy trying to talk to me" said Curtis as Maddie groaned, she did not like this at all, she hoped that Annie would figure this out soon and come down.
Annie looked down, she only realized right now how high they truly were, she was so focused on making sure that Azazel did not get an edge over her that she focused on him and blocking his spells and attacks more than anything else.
Annie started to feel a bit sick and light headed, she was not afraid of heights, but they were truly high above anything else in the cloudless blue sky.
"You seem to be getting tired" said Azazel as Annie looked at him and he smiled.
"Only because you are cheating" replied Annie as she felt like something was wrong, maybe it was the altitude, or because she was using some minor spells to block Azazel's attacks and stay afloat up here, she was not sure what it was.
Azazel just laughed as Annie felt like something was horribly wrong, she was visibly sweating and it was getting harder to breathe, she knew that she had to get down now, but judging from the glint in Azazel's eye, he was not going to let her go anywhere.
Annie quickly casted a smoke spell as Azazel's vision was blocked, she left her sword floating in the air and shot a targeting arrow which hit Azazel as she grabbed her sword and floated down quickly.
"What a nasty trick" said Azazel as he shook his head and the smoke faded away, it seemed he had been playing with his food for far too long.
"There she is" said Maddie in relief as she pointed to Annie as they could finally see her.
"That's a relief" said Ollie.
"What the heck are you guys doing here??" asked Annie in a mix of anger and shock when she saw, Maddie, Matt, Ollie and Curtis, they were not supposed to be here.
"Annie don't start now, we are not going anywhere, we are here to help you" said Maddie.
"Oh don't give me that nonsense Maddie, I don't need your help, if any of you get hurt I am going to kill you, so go away now" said Annie as she did not want a repeat of what happened last time, she knew Azazel would play dirty and harm them just to harm her.
"Annie we will be fine, you don't have to worry about us" said Ollie.
"I don't want to hear that Ollie, go away all of you, and don't you dare interfere or else" said Annie.
"Behind you!" said Matt in a panic when he saw Azazel charging straight for Annie as Annie turned around quickly and blocked him with her sword as she slashed her sword at him as she missed hitting him by a few metres but the power from the attack was more than enough to push him away.
"That wicked man!" said Maddie in anger as she looked at Azazel, she just hated him so much, she could not wait until Annie got rid of him for good.
"I feel like just going up there and ending him" said Maddie.
"Don't even think about it Maddie, Annie said not to interfere" said Curtis as he looked at Maddie.
"And you are really just going to stand here and watch" said Maddie in annoyance.
"Either we do that, or we are out of here, pick your choice" said Curtis as Maddie scoffed and it started to get windy again.
"Oh well, this has been fun, I guess it is time for this to end" said Azazel with a smile as Annie stared at him, there was no way she was going to allow him get closer to her again.
Annie raised her hand and squeezed it as she tried to keep Azazel still so he couldn't move and dodge her attack, but it was way harder than she had anticipated.
Azazel just chuckled, it was funny knowing that she was trying her best to restrain him from moving, it was pathetic.
Azazel just stared at Annie as she stared at him, they seemed to be locked up in an internal battle, as the world around them started to shake and the wind blew even greater.
"What are they doing now?" asked Matt as the wind was blowing strongly and Maddie's hair was blowing everywhere like crazy, which caused her to tie it up in a ponytail.
"They are locked in a battle of magic, whoever breaks first will suffer the consequences" said Ollie.
"Are they casting spells?" asked Maddie as she looked at Curtis.
"They are, and no one should interfere" said Curtis as Maddie sighed, she hated being on the side lines like this, but she promised to support Annie and she would do just that.
Annie felt her eyes burning, she could not blink, if she blinked, she was sure she would love focus, she kept her eyes on Azazel as she knew he was harming her, she just couldn't see it.
"What is going on?" came a familiar voice as Maddie, Matt, Ollie and Curtis stopped watching Annie and Azazel as they turned to the right.
"Mom what are you doing here??!" asked Maddie in shock when she saw Clove, to think that they were all busy watching Annie and Azazel that they did not notice when Clove arrived.
"I'm sorry Maddie, I know that I said I would stay away, but I just can't help it, I had to come…" said Clove as she looked down and Curtis, Matt and Ollie looked at Maddie who looked at them as she sighed. Clove was nervous she was panicked about how Maddie would react, she knew that Stella told her not to come, but she could not help it.
"It's alright mom… I know, you know what it's fine mom" said Maddie as she sighed, she knew that this was hard for Clove, especially since she remembered all her memories, and she knew that no matter what she said, it was the truth that she did actually love Azazel.
"Thank you Maddie" said Clove as she smiled, she was worried that Maddie would be upset with her for coming, she did not want to strain their already mended relationship for no reason at all.
"So what is going on?" asked Clove as she looked up in the sky to see Annie and Azazel.
"They are fighting" replied Matt as Clove sighed internally, she knew that this would not end well at all.
Annie was fighting with her eyes right now, they wanted to close so bad, but she had to keep focus and it didn't help that Azazel looked like he could go on like this for ages, and that wicked smile on his face irritated her so much.
Annie groaned internally, she was done with this nonsense, Azazel was right, he had been playing a lot with her, and so was she.
Annie focused, she knew that she had enough energy saved up to send him a damaging attack.
Annie squeezed her right hand shut as she kept on staring at Azazel, counting to ten in her mind as she opened her hand and a purple ball of energy appeared as she let go of it and sent it flying in Azazel's direction without warning as Azazel chuckled as he raised his hand and the ball stopped.
"That was the wrong move" said Azazel with a smile as he turned to the right and he threw the ball straight at Maddie and the others as Annie felt her heart drop.
"NO!!" she cried as she did not have time to stop the ball when Azazel quickly appeared in front of her and kicked her as she went flying back.
"Scutum!" said Maddie and Ollie at the same time as they bent down and touched the ground as a strong barrier was formed over them and the ball hit the barrier and the shiny purple particles in the ball dispersed.
Annie gasped as she felt herself being pushed through a mountain as she moved her arms to protect her face and the she managed to stop the falling rocks from hitting her.
"Everyone okay?" asked Ollie as he looked at everyone and they nodded.
"That was a close one" said Maddie as she sighed in relief, they could have easily become goners, if she and Ollie had casted the spell a second earlier, they would all be gone.
Maddie was relieved that Ollie had the same idea as she did, she was sure that her spell alone would not be strong enough to protect them, and Ollie's too, but she was not going to tell him that she admired his quick thinking.
Annie groaned as she opened her eyes, Azazel had kicked her too harshly, she was literally flung into this mountain.
Annie gasped as she rushed out of the rubble and she flew quickly, if anything happened to them she would literally die.
"Curtis where is Annie?" asked Matt as he looked at Curtis and Annie flew over them as Maddie walked out of the barrier and called out to Annie.
"Annie we are fine" shouted Maddie as Annie looked down at her and sighed in relief, she felt like her heart would explode when Azazel sent her own attack at them.
Annie heard Azazel's wicked chuckle as she turned to look at him.
"Get back in here Maddie" said Ollie as he pulled Maddie back into the barrier and she glared at him and pulled her hand out of his grip, but he did not care, they were safer here than out there, seeing that Azazel would obviously not hesitate to play dirty.
"You are so wicked, why would you do that?!" asked Annie in anger as she shouted at Azazel and he just laughed.
"It is not funny!" said Annie.
"Your problem is with me, not with them, do not dare try to involve them in this or else" said Annie as she was livid.
"Or else what?" asked Azazel in amusement.
"I am going to kill you" said Annie as if she did not mean it before, she meant it now, there was no way that she would let this continue long enough for it to end in a catastrophe, she needed to finish this now.
"Let me see you try little girl" said Azazel with a smile, he admit he did waste a lot of time, but it was not like there was somewhere else more important for him to be.
Annie did not even reply to Azazel as she narrowed her eyes at him and whispered something under her breath as the wind started to blow again and in the same moment Azazel felt something hitting him from behind as he turned to see Annie hitting him with her sword.
"You are going to pay for everything you have done" said Annie as Azazel raised his hand to stop her as she disappeared and he felt himself being slashed at again.
"You think that you can just do evil things, kill innocent people, cause terror and get away with it?" asked Annie in anger as she shot an arrow at Azazel and he got hit as he squinted his eyes, it was odd, he could not sense her disappearing and appearing.
"I have haven't I?" replied Azazel with no remorse at all as that angered Annie even more and she appeared in front of him as Azazel blocked her attack with his hand that started to bleed from him holding the sword.
"Well not anymore" said Annie in determined tone as her eyes glowed purple and without warning she kicked Azazel in the chest as he felt a burning sensation hit him and he was thrown backwards as he crashed into the ground with a thud and the ground broke as he landed.
"Aza!" called Clove as she rushed out of the barrier.
"Mom where the heck are you going??!" asked Maddie as she was about to stop Clove but Curtis stopped her from going anywhere as she turned to look at him with a frown.
"Don't interfere, leave her alone" said Curtis as Maddie sighed, it was difficult, but she knew that Curtis knew something she didn't know.
"Fine" said Maddie reluctantly.
Annie closed her eyes, she needed a moment to catch her breath, her head felt so light right now, she was surprised that she was still able to float.
Azazel coughed violently as he crashed in the ground, that was a good hit, he could not lie, this was the first instance he was feeling pain in a long while.
"Aza, Aza, are you okay?" asked Clove as she rushed to Azazel as his ears were ringing and he squeezed his closed eyes when he heard her voice.
"Aza, talk to me, are you okay?" asked Clove as she bent down beside him and touched his left cheek as he opened his eyes.
Clove scolded herself internally, she had told herself that she would not interfere, that she would take whatever would happen openly.
She knew that Azazel deserved this and more, there was no room for argument, but to her, he was never a villain in the beginning, she loved him, she really did, and it hurt her to know that he had chosen to go down this path on his own, and she had blindly followed him, she regretted that, and she regretted that things had to end this way.
"Aza" called Clove as Azazel looked at her with a complicated look plastered on his face.
"Are you alright?" asked Clove as Azazel narrowed his eyes at her.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, had she not left and ran away? Then what was she doing here?
Clove sighed in relief, he seemed to be fine, she did not even know why she had rushed to him, this was dangerous.
"You don't remember me?" asked Clove as Azazel stared into her familiar blue eyes and she stared into his, she could see his complicated gaze, his eyes full of questions and she wanted so badly to answer all of them for him, but she couldn't or at least not at this time.
Azazel shook his head, as much as he tried, he could not remember her, and it made him feel bad, but Clove just smiled at him.
"You know I love you Aza, I always will" said Clove as she hugged Azazel and he froze, perhaps things were better this way.
Azazel froze as he felt warm from her hug, his mind telling him that he was missing something… someone.
"What are you doing?" asked Azazel with his eyes closed.
"Telling you that no matter what I love you Aza dear" said Clove as she smiled and in that moment Azazel felt a sharp sting go through his eyes as he felt memories flood back in.
"Clove" he called.
"You remember" said Clove as she broke the hug and smiled.
"How?" asked Azazel, his mind was a mess right now.
"Aza, I beg you, don't go on with this, you can end this I beg you, don't push it, you don't deserve to die, you can change" said Clove as her eyes filled with tears, she really did not want him to go down this path anymore.
"Change?" asked Azazel as Clove nodded and he scoffed.
"I have gone too far to change" said Azazel as there was an undertone of pain in his voice.
"But you can Aza, I know you can, do it for yourself, do it for me, because I don't want to see you suffer" said Clove as the wind blew.
"Everyone deserves a second chance… even you" said Clove as she paused, then she turned around and ran away back to Maddie and the others, that is all she wanted to say, her heart was no longer heavy, and she hoped he would change.
Annie opened her eyes as they were bright purple, and she felt anger surging within her.
She looked around as she saw Azazel on the ground as she stretched her hand in that direction and shot several purple balls of light in his direction as the ground shook and they exploded as Annie kept on shooting them and smoke and dust gathered together as they exploded.
Annie was done playing, he was supposed to die since the last time, and she would make sure of it now.
Annie appeared where Azazel was as she landed to the ground and she cleared away the smoke and dust as she saw Azazel buried in the ground coughing, as she raised her right hand to end this once and for all.
She was ready to give the final blow end this finally, but that was until Azazel opened his eyes and she paused suddenly.