Chapter 602: The most boring days are ahead
"I figured that you would be bored" said Ollie.
"But I thought that at least something important would happen today" said Ollie.
"Nothing of that sort happened, why else would we be here munching cookies like we have nowhere else to be, which is true" said Maddie as Ollie laughed.
"You know, what I would give to be bored for once like you guys are" said Ollie as Annie sighed.
"It sounds better than it is dude, we literally have nothing to do" said Matt.
"I've never been this bored in my life" said Matt with a sigh.
"Well get used to it Matt, because the most boring days are ahead" said Maddie with her mouth full of a cookie.
"I wish we could trade places, how about you three take over my roles for a day while I sit and do nothing?" asked Ollie.
"I doubt your parents, especially your father the King would allow that" said Annie as she Matt and Ollie laughed.
"You know it's not funny to be this bored, I serious have nothing to do, no purpose aim or direction, it's really annoying" said Maddie.
"I don't think that I can take another excruciating week of this boredom" said Maddie.
"Then what do you suppose we do to cure this boredom?" asked Ollie.
"I don't know, anything, anything different, I am literally itching for an adventure right now" said Maddie.
"Adventure where?" asked Matt.
"I don't know where, anywhere??" said Maddie as you could basically see the severe boredom in her eyes.
"I was thinking maybe we should go camping or hiking, or adventuring somewhere" said Maddie.
"Alright then, how about we go to the Vampire Realm for a change of scenery?" asked Matt.
"Oh yess that would be so much better" said Maddie as she nodded.
"Well we can't" said Annie as they all looked at her.
"Why not?" asked Maddie.
"Remember what Aunt Stella said, until things are perfectly set in order no one is allowed to travel between realms unless deemed absolutely necessary and that goes even for her" said Annie.
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that" said Ollie as he ate another cookie.
"Oh just great, there goes my dream of having a change of scenery" said Maddie as she sighed and then suddenly it was like a lightning bolt hit her.
"How about we go to Caligo again??!" asked Maddie in excitement as they all looked at her.
"Maddie are you sure that you are alright?" asked Ollie in worry as she frowned at him.
"I agree with Ollie on that one Maddie, you of all people want to go back to Caligo? Just how serious is this boredom of yours?" asked Matt in worry.
"I agree with Matt Maddie, when we were up there all you did was complain and push that we get back down soon" said Annie.
"I know, but it would be nice to see Alina, and Ivor, Lilith and Katarina, and even Griselda" said Maddie with a smile.
"Are you sure you are okay Maddie?" asked Annie as she pressed the back of her hand on Maddie's forehead to check her temperature which seemed normal.
"I'm perfectly fine Annie" replied Maddie.
"Now that I think about it, Caligo wasn't all that great at first" said Maddie.
"We slept on the cold hard ground, we had no aim or direction of where the heck we were going, we were cold and had to ration our supplies, we had to do our business in the woods, we had no shelter over our heads most times, we did the worst kind of walking, climbing and almost dying, Matt was captured, we were attacked at the pick and to top it all off we were left defenseless with no magic at all" said Maddie as she recounted everything that they passed through.
"You know what, you are right, what the heck is wrong with me?? Why would I want to go back there to that blasted mountain??!" asked Maddie as she shook her head.
"No way, no sir, I'm not going back there, I might be bored, but not that bored to put myself in suffering again, gosh, I might be bored to death here, but at least I have my magic" said Maddie.
"Thanks for talking sense into my guys, gosh" said Maddie as Annie, Ollie and Matt laughed.
"But you are right though Maddie, it would be nice to see our friends again, I wonder how they are all doing?" asked Annie as she sighed and they were all silent once again.
"So how do you feel Annie?" asked Ollie as he suddenly spoke up and all of them turned to look at him.
"How do you mean?" asked Annie as she didn't get his question.
"I mean, after the madness of everything is over, after defeating Azazel, after solving one of the witch realm's biggest problems, how do you feel honestly?" asked Ollie as he had intended to ask her this question several weeks earlier, but they had all never had the right time for them to talk about it.
Maddie and Matt on the other hand agreed with Ollie, they to hadn't had the time to ask Annie about that.
"Well now that you mention it..." said Annie as she took a pause.
"Honestly, I feel nothing but pure relief and calmness that Azazel isn't a factor that I have to worry about anymore" said Annie.
"I don't have to train tirelessly to beat him, I don't have to think about him, and I no longer have to worry about him or what he's planning, or what he's up to" said Annie.
"It's... it's all done, everything is done with him, and that makes me feel so happy and relieved" said Annie as she smiled.
"I can just imagine Annie, I do agree with you" said Maddie as she smiled.
"If I'm being honest, it still doesn't feel real that Azazel has finally been defeated" said Matt.
"There's no more wallowing in fear and uncertainty, no more planning ways to get rid of him" said Matt as Annie nodded.
"You don't know half of it Matt, it feels even better than that" said Annie as she smiled.
"I am finally free, I don't have to even dare think of that man, he's gone and he's going to answer for all his crimes" said Annie as she smiled.
"Yeah, yeah, true, even though I still disagree with you, you should have killed him, you were way too merciful" said Maddie as she shook her head.
"Maddie" said Matt and Ollie as they called her name in disbelief.
"What?? I'm only saying the truth, the only way to guarantee that he never returns" said Maddie.
"Who knows for that man, he can try to start all his nonsense again, I wouldn't put it past him" said Maddie as Matt shook his head and she ignored him.
"Well I doubt that would happen, Azazel is never going to see the light of day again, Aunt Stella assured us that she would make sure he faces the full wrath of the law for all his crimes" said Annie.
"And Curtis didn't say anything bad about the way I handled the situation" said Annie.
"That might be so, but I'm going to tell you the truth, you should have killed the man, that way we could forget about him once and for all" said Maddie.
"Maddie you really are something else" said Ollie as he shook his head and Maddie looked at him.
"I'm not something else, I'm just telling the truth, something we all were thinking whether we like it or not" said Maddie.
"Maddie, I will admit though that in the moment, I wanted to kill him, but when I snapped out of my rage, I realized that I couldn't, I just couldn't" said Annie.
"What's the difference between me and him if we both kill people regardless of if they deserve it or not" said Annie.
"I guess I didn't do it for the sake of my own sanity, I don't think that I would ever be able to live with myself if I killed Azazel" said Annie as Ollie held her hand sensing that this was becoming too deep to talk about, whether it was Azazel or not, they were talking about killing another person, and truly, that honestly didn't sit well with him.
"Well whatever you say" said Maddie.
"It's been a month since everything happened" said Maddie.
"You would think that Azazel would be sentenced by now" said Maddie with a scoff.
"Well it's not that easy Maddie, he's being charged with several war crimes, he's being charged with a mass massacre of the entire Grey family and other families as well" said Ollie as Maddie laughed as they all looked at her wondering what was so funny.
"Oh that's so rich, the High Council is stupid" said Maddie.
"Maddie!" called Annie as she looked at her.
"You don't have to say anything Annie, I'm going to say it for you, they are all stupid, a bunch of people with no aim or direction" said Maddie.
"How come that now Azazel is captured they decide to charge him with all these fancy counts? Why couldn't they charge him with this before? Why didn't they step in when they realized what he was doing to your family?" asked Maddie.
"Why did they leave a child to do a job that was meant for an adult?" asked Maddie.
"You would think that they are all wise with their grey hairs and years of experience, but they are all nothing but cowards" said Maddie with a scoff.
"Maddie's right Annie, they were pretty much useless" said Matt.
"If we didn't have Aunt Stella, my Grandfather and Uncle Capi on our side, they wouldn't have helped in any way at all" said Matt.
"Actually they didn't help us at all, Aunt Stella did, and they countlessly tried to make her stop doing so" said Maddie.
"Blondie, between all of us, your High Council board needs to be changed, it's clear that their main priority isn't to show justice and fairness, by being considerate, but rather to worry about their own interests selfishly" said Maddie as she looked at Ollie.
"All they do is call themselves dignified Professors when they neither act or talk like it, they can't even put themselves in someone else's shoes, they are simply horrible people with titles of power that they don't use well" said Maddie.
"I agree with you Maddie, I totally do, and it's time for a change, and that change will happen soon, and it's all starting with Azazel finally being captured" said Ollie.
"There better be a change blondie, because if the all powerful Prince of the witch realm can't do something to change this entire setup, then you are less of a Prince" said Maddie.
"Of course I trust you to be the only one to tell me that" said Ollie as he smiled.
"You claim that you are all righteous and fair, and yet the situations around you speak otherwise blondie" said Maddie.
"You don't have to worry, if I said there will be a change, there will be a change" said Ollie as Maddie scoffed.
"Right, which reminds me, since we are on the topic of Azazel, I need to tell you that earlier today he was faced with his final trial and sentenced" said Ollie as they all looked at him.