Chapter 605: Irritating blondie Prince
"It's getting really dark outside and Maddie still isn't back yet" said Annie in worry as she looked out the window of the lounge.
"You shouldn't worry Annie, I am sure that Maddie is perfectly fine, she knows how to take care of herself" said Matt as he smiled, trying to reassure Annie that she should not worry.
"Besides, we know that she's somewhere in the Palace, and there's nothing dangerous for us to worry about here" said Matt.
"I know, but I just can't help it, if she's not back by the time dinner is ready I am going to look for her" said Annie as she looked at Matt.
"Look for who?" asked Maddie as she walked into the lounge leisurely.
"Look for you of course, Annie was getting very worried about you" said Matt as Annie sighed in relief and Maddie sat in between them on the couch.
"Why were you worried? I was only gone for like thirty minutes" said Maddie.
"No, that's a lie, you were gone for an hour and you didn't say where you were going" said Annie as she shook her head.
"Well there's nothing to be worried about, I just needed to get some fresh air and clear my head, and also maybe talk to my mom" said Maddie as she brought out her phone.
"And I can see that you no longer look like you are about to tear the entire realm in half" said Matt.
"Ha, ha very funny Matt, I had a right to feel that way, after all, how would you feel if someone insulted your mother?" asked Maddie.
"If I'm being honest, if they don't have magic, or aren't strong, I would have beaten them up" said Matt.
"And you see why I like you so much, you are very honest" said Maddie as she and Matt laughed.
"You two can be the most annoying people sometimes, I'm over here worried about you, and you two are busy laughing about beating people up" said Annie.
"Annie, relax, relax, it's not that deep, yes I admit I was upset, but I'm not now" said Maddie as she smiled at Annie.
"Good, then in that case I'm sure next time you see Ollie you guys won't be angry at each other anymore" said Annie.
"Well we'll see about that" said Maddie.
"Mhmm... well dinner should almost be ready" said Annie.
"Oh I know, and I'm starving, that blondie made me angry, and while I was angry I stopped eating more cookies, how unfortunate" said Maddie as Matt laughed and shook his head.
"No one is ever going to make me lose my appetite again" said Maddie as Annie shook her head.
"Hi guys..." came Ollie's voice as he walked into the room and Maddie, Ollie and Annie all turned to look at him.
"Uh oh" said Matt internally as he did not expect Ollie to come back... this was such horrible timing, Maddie was already feeling better and now Ollie was back again.
"Ollie, hi, we didn't think that you would be coming back" said Annie.
"I didn't think so either, but my evening plans changed" said Ollie as he looked at Maddie who didn't say anything.
"Hi Maddie" said Ollie as she looked at him.
"Hi..." she replied plainly as Annie and Matt both looked at each other, well at least they were arguing with each other.
"Oh look at the time, dinner should be ready by now, I'm going to go check on my mom and see if she needs any help" said Annie as she stood up and smiled.
"That's right, I'm coming with you too" said Matt as he was not prepared to be a witness of whatever it was that Ollie and Maddie were going to do, things might have seemed calm now, but you could never know with the two of them, and that went for especially Maddie.
"I'll be right back" said Annie as she smiled and left the room.
"Good luck to you dude" said Matt as he whispered and gave Ollie a quick pat on the back before leaving the room as the door closed behind him.
Ollie looked back at Maddie who had been watching him, she didn't say anything at all, and Ollie didn't know if that was a good sign or a bad sign.
But at least she didn't look like she wanted to murder him, that was definitely a good sign.
Ollie decided that the silence was enough, so he walked closer to the couch and took a pause before proceeding to sit down.
"Can I sit down?" he asked as he looked at Maddie who scoffed.
"You've never needed my permission to do anything before" replied Maddie as Ollie took that as a yes and he sat down as Maddie moved to the end of the couch.
Ollie looked at her, waiting for her to say something, but she said nothing at all, but then he remembered that he was the one here to apologize, and he would do just that.
"Look Maddie I'm..." said Ollie as he was suddenly cut off.
"What are you doing here blondie? Last time I checked you left to eat lunch with your mom while you were angry" said Maddie as she didn't look at him.
"I thought about what happened, and I realized that I was the one at fault, I came back to apologize properly" said Ollie as Maddie scoffed.
"Right... why the sudden change?" asked Maddie.
"Maddie, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings" said Ollie sincerely.
"I keep on saying that you are my friend, and you are, and I wasn't supposed to tell you something like that, I indirectly insulted your mom, and I shouldn't have done that" said Ollie.
"Just because everyone thinks like that doesn't mean that I should to, I don't doubt you or your mother, in fact, I trust you a lot..." said Ollie as he took a pause waiting for Maddie to say something, but she kept silent, so he took that as a cue to go on.
"I really didn't mean the things I said, and you are right, I keep on saying that I am different, that I understand, and yet I keep on thinking the wrong things" said Ollie.
"And?" asked Maddie as she urged him to go on, he had so much more to apologize for.
"And I'm a huge jerk for thinking the way I did" said Ollie.
"And?" asked Maddie as she urged him to go further.
"And I do have a big mouth sometimes" said Ollie.
"And?" asked Maddie as she really wanted to hear a sincere apology.
"And I am annoying" said Ollie.
"And don't forget a know it all, goody two shoes, irritating blondie Prince" said Maddie as Ollie didn't refute her, he was here to apologize not cause himself more problems.
"I never meant to hurt you Maddie, I'm sorry, can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?" asked Ollie as Maddie turned to look at him.
"Hmm... you know my forgiveness has a very hefty price" said Maddie as it took Ollie all his self control not to refute her.
"But you don't really care about money, you have a good heart" said Ollie as he smiled.
"I hate it when people say that, you know blondie, I could choose not to forgive you, and you can't do anything about it, but then Annie and Matt will pester me, and I really don't want that so..." said Maddie as she paused.
"So...?" asked Ollie in expectancy.
"So I forgive you, but don't let this ever repeat itself again" said Maddie as she instantly regretted saying that when she saw the bright smile on Ollie's face.
"Thank you, thank you Maddie, this won't be repeated I assure you" said Ollie as he sighed in relief.
"Yeah, yeah, don't smile so much, It can make me change my mind" said Maddie as Ollie shook his head and laughed.
"*Ahem* I guess that I also owe you an apology" said Maddie as she cleared her throat, she didn't want to apologize because she did nothing wrong, but she knew that everyone else would say otherwise.
"I was the one that forced you to speak even though you didn't want to... and I guess in a way I didn't have a right to talk to you the way I did" said Maddie as Ollie's mouth was wide open in shock.
"So for that, I am sorry" said Maddie.
"Hey close your mouth and stop looking like you are seeing a ghost or else I will take back my apology" said Maddie as she scoffed.
"You apologized to me??!" asked Ollie in shock as he couldn't believe it, Maddie apologized to him of all people.
"Yes Ollie, I apologized to you" said Maddie and as soon as her words registered in his ears Ollie's eyes went wide as he gasped.
"You called me Ollie??!!!" said Ollie in nothing but pure shock, surprise and happiness as Maddie scoffed.
"Yes I called you Ollie Ollie, or am I not allowed to do that?" asked Maddie.
"No of course you are allowed to, but you never call me by my name, you always call me by your hate name" said Ollie as he smiled.
"I just wonder what changed?" asked Ollie as Maddie laughed.
"Let's just say that maybe, just maybe I hate you a little less now Ollie" said Maddie as her words made Ollie smile.
"What will it take for you to completely stop hating me?" asked Ollie as he smiled.
"Hmm let's see, a lot, maybe you dying or ceasing to exist" said Maddie as Ollie smiled and shook his head.
"I know you don't actually mean that Maddie" said Ollie as he smiled.
"Don't push your luck blondie, you see I can switch from hating you a little less to hating you completely again in less than a second" said Maddie.
"Well I don't care, as long as you hate me less and less each day" said Ollie with a smile.
"That's cutting it too close" said Maddie.
"Okay then, each week?" asked Ollie.
"Still too close" said Maddie as Ollie shook his head in laughter.
"Okay, each month?" asked Ollie.
"Still too close, just make it every six months" said Maddie as Ollie laughed.
"Only you can be this unfair and get away with it" said Ollie.
"And you are... nice... even though I hate to admit it... thank you" said Maddie.
"For what?" asked Ollie.
"You don't need to know" said Maddie.
"So is everything settled, are you two friends again?" asked Annie as she walked into the room.
"Firstly, we were never friends, and secondly, the blondie and I have reached an understanding" said Maddie.
"Ahh well that's great" said Matt as he laughed.
"That's good" said Annie as she smiled in relief that they weren't in a heated argument or battling with each other.
"Yes, I'm happy that we are on good terms again" said Ollie as he smiled.
"Well dinner is ready" said Annie.
"Oh finally yesss, sweet food" said Maddie as she stood up and Matt laughed and Annie smiled.
"Ollie I told my mom that you are here, please tell me that you are staying for dinner?" asked Annie as she smiled and Ollie looked at Maddie, after all, she might not want him here, and he wanted their peace to reign.
"Aunt Lisa is a great cook, you should feel honoured to be invited" replied Maddie as Ollie smiled.
"And that I am, of course I am staying for dinner" said Ollie as he stood up and smiled.
"Yayyy" said Annie as she smiled.
"That's nice dude, but are you sure that you are allowed to do that?" asked Matt.
"Oh I am, I have my mother's permission, and also there's a High Council dinner going on at the Castle, and I would rather skip out on that" said Ollie.
"Who wouldn't everyone in the High Council except for Aunt Stella, Uncle Capi and Professor Sapiens are boring" said Maddie as Matt laughed.
"Don't let anyone hear you saying that Maddie" said Annie as she sighed helplessly at Maddie.
"Who cares, what are they going to do to me anyway?" asked Maddie with an arrogant scoff.
"Come on, let's go eat I am starving" said Maddie as she led the way and they all followed behind her.