Annie Grey

Chapter 611: Relax

"Annie are you really going to let Maddie go with you?" asked Ollie as he turned to look at Annie as soon as Maddie left the room.

"You say it as if I could ever stop her" replied Annie with a sigh.

"You saw that look in her eye, she's coming with, and she's ready to step on the toes of anyone who won't allow her go" said Annie as she looked at Ollie knowingly, indirectly warning him.

"Okay then..." said Ollie as he nodded, taking the hint, he didn't want a fight with Maddie.

"It's just that I'm sure my Father won't be happy about this, I don't know how he will react" said Ollie as he sighed and shook his head.

"Well he just has to deal with it, because Maddie's coming one way or another" said Annie as she shook her head and waved her hand ushering her purple hairbrush to appear in her hand.

Annie removed her hair from a ponytail as she started to brush her hair, she might have not had any idea of what Albert wanted to see her for, she might have been feeling uneasy, but that didn't mean that she would show up stressed and unkept.

She was going to meet with the King of the Witch Realm, she had at least had to look presentable.

"Ollie, are you going to go with them?" asked Matt as Ollie turned to look at Matt as Annie continued brushing her hair, using the window as her mirror to make sure she brushed it correctly.

"Yes I am, I have to escort them there, but I'm afraid I can't go and see my Father with them" said Ollie as he sighed, meanwhile Annie snapped her fingers as her shoebox appeared right in front of her. She removed her pink fluffy slippers and she changed into purple sneakers and she snapped her fingers again as her shoebox, slippers and hairbrush all disappeared, returning back to the confines of her rooms.

"Why not?" asked Matt.

"Well he suddenly sent me to go to Agricola to check on the harvests and I have to leave once I escort Annie and Maddie" said Ollie.

"Just like that?" asked Matt as Ollie nodded.

"Knowing him he did that so I won't be present when he wants to speak to Annie" said Ollie as he sighed, on the other hand Annie unzipped her black hoodie to reveal her blue floral shirt that she was wearing underneath, after that she proceeded to part her hair into two and braid it into pigtails.

"That's harsh" said Matt.

"I know, very" said Ollie as he sighed and Annie was done getting ready as she turned to look at the guys that had been talking.

"I feel bad now, I can't come along, I promised my Grandmother that I would spend the day with her so she can take my measurements" said Matt as he sighed.

"You don't have to feel bad Matt, three's a crowd anyway" said Maddie as she walked into the room all dressed up in black flared jeans and a green top, and her hair was left down as usual.

"There's nothing to worry about, Annie will be safe with me" said Maddie as she smiled.

"I am very sure about that" said Matt as he smiled and Ollie looked at Maddie.

"That was quick" he said.

"Of course it was, we need to leave now and get this all over with" said Maddie as she sighed and looked at Annie.

"Are you ready?" asked Maddie as Annie nodded.

"As ready as I could be" said Annie as she sighed.

"Wait a minute Maddie, are you wearing makeup?" asked Matt as he noticed the subtle shine on her face.

"Of course I am, regardless of if we don't know what's going on, it doesn't mean that we have to show up looking wretched, we are going to the Castle after all" said Maddie as Annie laughed.

"She's right you know" said Annie as she laughed and Matt smiled, just because they didn't know what was going on did not mean that they needed to panic and be depressed.

"Of course I am, so come on let's go" said Maddie as she smiled.

"I need to go too, my carriage is here" said Matt as he looked at Ollie and Maddie.

"It's fine, see you later dude" said Ollie as he smiled.

"See you" replied Matt as he smiled.

"And good luck" said Matt as his eyes locked with Annie's as she smiled and nodded before he turned around and left.

"Alright now, where's the carriage, if we leave now with the fastest horses we can get there in less than two hours" said Maddie.

"Actually we aren't going by carriage" said Ollie as Annie looked at him in confusion.

"Then how are we going to get there?" asked Maddie.

"I'm going to have to convey us there, that's how I got here so fast in the first place" said Ollie.

"But then again I've never conveyed with one person, not to even talk about two people at the same time" said Ollie out loud as he was rambling.

"Oh wait blondie, hold on a minute slow down, what the heck is a convey?" asked Maddie as Annie had the same question on her mind as Ollie looked at the both of them.

"To convey, you don't know what conveying is?" asked Ollie as Annie shook her head.

"Does it look like we do?" asked Maddie with a scoff.

"Right, sorry, sorry" said Ollie.

"Conveyance is the skill of moving from one place to another using magic, in simple terms it's kind of like teleportation, but more dangerous" said Ollie.

"Wait a minute you can teleport??" asked Annie in confusion as Ollie nodded.

"Well technically the correct term is conveyance in this sense" said Ollie.

"And wait, you said it's dangerous?" asked Maddie as Ollie nodded.

"Well yes, it's highly unstable to perform, but those are only for rare cases" said Ollie.

"So you mean that you can convey right now to the Castle?" asked Annie.

"Yes, I do it all the time, how else do you think I get here so quickly?" asked Ollie as he smiled.

"Wait a minute if you can convey blondie, it means you lied to us yesterday, you said you couldn't leave since it was late, but you wouldn't need a carriage if you can convey!" said Maddie as she frowned at him.

"No I didn't lie, there's a strict rule of safety that no one is allowed to convey at night" said Ollie.

"How come?" asked Annie as she frowned.

"I can't explain it simply, but magic is usually highly unstable during that time, and it's easy to end up in a place completely different from where you imagined" said Ollie.

"Actually the only people allowed to convey during the night are members of the Cauldron, and even then it's only under very strict circumstances" said Ollie.

"Wow" said Annie, this was new news to her, it was very interesting.

"Alright blondie, interesting... so how exactly does this conveyance thing work?" asked Maddie.

"Well it's simple just think of where you want to go, and then jump there mentally" said Ollie as Maddie shook her head, that sounded too easy to work, there had to be some other component.

"I think we should go now" said Annie.

"You are right about that" said Ollie as he nodded, thinking internally of how he was going to do this, would it be better to take Annie first and then come back for Maddie later? That would obviously we safer.

"So how do we go?" asked Maddie as she was genuinely curious as to how this would work.

"Hmm let's see..." said Ollie.

"You need to touch my arm" said Ollie as Maddie frowned in disgust.

"Really?" asked Maddie.

"Yes really, you need to stay close to me, before you end up elsewhere" said Ollie as Maddie shook her head.

"Oh relax Maddie, touching his arm won't kill you" said Annie as she touched Ollie's left forearm.

"Of course it won't, but it will certainly irritate me" replied Maddie as Ollie frowned and Annie frowned as well.

"Would you prefer riding two hours in a carriage?" asked Ollie.

"Alright fine" said Maddie as she sighed and she touched Ollie's right forearm, barely making contact as if this was killing her, which Ollie didn't find amusing at all.

"Fine" she said as she scoffed and held his forearm correctly.

"Alright now what?" asked Annie.

"Hold on, because I don't know if this will work, I haven't conveyed with people before" said Ollie.

"You haven't?" asked Annie as she looked at him, her green eyes filled with wary.

"Not at all, let's just hope that we won't lose any limbs" said Ollie as he chuckled sheepishly.

"What??!" asked Annie and Maddie jointly in horror as it was already too late to back down as with his final words, Ollie closed his eyes and with that they disappeared into nothingness.

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