Annie Grey

Chapter 618: Tell the difference

One week later.

"Oh I wish it was winter so I could wear some of my ugly Christmas sweaters" said Annie as she laughed and Maddie laughed and shook her head.

"Why would you want to wear them if they are ugly?" asked Maddie as she didn't get it.

"You don't get it Maddie, ugly Christmas sweaters are part of the tradition, if you haven't worn at least one ugly sweater, you're not in the true Christmas spirit" said Matt as he laughed and Maddie looked at him in confusion.

"You see Maddie, Matt gets it, he's right, it's part of the Christmas cheer" said Annie as she laughed and Maddie looked at the both of them weirdly.

"You both are crazy, as for me, you won't ever catch me dead or alive wearing something ugly, it's not my style at all" said Maddie as she looked through a box of old Christmas decorations.

"Of course we won't, the stylish Maddie is always stylish" said Matt as he and Annie laughed.

"And that's the truth, I mean just look at me, this good face and this perfect eyes aren't just for nothing, why would I subject them to being seen in something ugly?" asked Maddie as Matt and Annie shook their heads and laughed at her vanity.

"Oooh these tinsels look very good, I think we should put them on the tree" said Matt as he pulled out a bunch of tangled tinsels from the box he was looking through.

"You're right Matt, those look great, we should add them to the tree" said Annie as she looked at them and smiled.

"The problem being that they're extremely tangled, gosh" said Maddie as she shook her head.

"Nothing a bit of magic can't fix" said Matt as he smiled and with a snap of his fingers the tinsels began to untangled themselves by their own accord.

"That's true" said Annie as she giggled.

"Oh I just love decorating for Christmas, it's the best ever, it brings back good memories of simpler times, no magic, no Azazel, it was nice, but then it doesn't mean that I don't like my life now, I have Curtis, and you guys, and everything is wonderful now" said Annie as she smiled and they all smiled.

"So tell me what warranted this sudden urge to celebrate Christmas? I mean we've been here for a while, and we haven't ever celebrated it" said Maddie as she threw some of the tinsels as they began to attach themselves on the top corners of the walls of the lounge in order to decorate.

"That's true, well let me say that I have never had a chance to give it a thought" said Annie.

"And we've always been busy, we've always had a problem to solve, the first time we came here, it was Azazel, and then the second time, who could remember Christmas when I was in a coma for three months and I lost my powers?" asked Annie as Matt laughed.

"You're right, our lives were in total chaos back then" said Matt as they all laughed.

"Tell me about it, everything being so calm right now, I kind of love it, this beats being worried about Azazel any day" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Right, and now is the time to celebrate every single Christmas that we haven't had a chance to" said Annie as she smiled and she went back to digging through the boxes in search of decorations.

"And what about you Maddie? What do you like most about Christmas?" asked Annie as she looked at her.

"Well to be honest I don't know, I never really celebrated Christmas, back then, it was a time to show off that I got everything I wanted at great cost, anyway to me, I don't really see anything special about it, I can't tell the difference between it and a normal day" said Maddie honestly.

"What can't you tell the difference about?" asked Ollie as he walked into the room.

"Oh hi Ollie, I thought you weren't coming" said Annie as she turned to look at Ollie and she smiled.

"So did I but I managed to slip out of a meeting early, I have got 10 minutes before the next one so tell me what's going on quickly so I can catch up" said Ollie as Annie laughed.

"Well if you must know you nosy blondie, we were talking" said Maddie as Ollie shook his head.

"That's obvious, but talking about what? And also what's with all the strange decorations?" asked Ollie as he picked up one of the tinsels on the couch and he noticed that the lounge had been decorated with bright cheerful colours if he were to describe them, along with a lot of red.

"Strange decorations??!" asked Matt in disbelief as he looked at Ollie.

"Yes, strange, what's with all the bright colours? Are we celebrating something?" asked Ollie as he felt like he was missing something here.

"*Gasp*, Ollie you mean you don't know about Christmas?" asked Annie as she gasped and Ollie looked at her.

"Of course he doesn't the blondie doesn't know everything" said Maddie as she scoffed.

"Oh so this is the human holiday Christmas??" said Ollie as a wave of realization hit him.

"Yes, only the best holiday ever, when you sing, dance, spend time together with your family" said Annie as she smiled.

"And eat lots of food" added Maddie as Annie laughed.

"And yes, eat lots of food" said Annie as she nodded and giggled.

"Ahh now that makes sense" said Ollie.

"You didn't know about Christmas?" asked Matt.

"Well no, not exactly, I've read about the holiday in a book of human traditions, I found it fascinating, but I've never experienced it before, I like the colours they are nice and warm" said Ollie as he smiled.

"That's not even the best part yet, we get to decorate the tree, which we are doing right now" said Annie as Matt pointed to the large Christmas tree that was in the corner that Ollie had failed to see on his way in.

"How did you get such a big tree in here?" asked Ollie in marvel.

"Well Uncle Capi brewed a little growing potion, so he placed the seed in the corner and viola, we have a healthy, gorgeous, traditional Christmas tree" said Annie cheerfully.

"Nice" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Right??? And my mom is planning on having a huge Christmas dinner to celebrate, you are of course invited, and so are your parents, if they can make it" said Annie as she smiled.

"I doubt they can, If I'm right, the Christmas date on the human calendar should be five days on the witch calendar" said Ollie as he seemed to be thinking.

"And they are going on a trip then" said Ollie as Maddie sighed in relief, she wanted to enjoy her very first actually nice Christmas, she didn't need to be feeling uncomfortable on that day with the King and Queen present.

"So blondie, it's actually that easy to match the human calendar with the witch one?" asked Maddie.

"Well not exactly, it's difficult, it's only easier now because all the clocks were set back a few days some months ago" said Ollie.

"How many days back?" asked Matt.

"Oh about 150 days" said Ollie as Annie, Matt and Maddie looked at him in shock.

"Why so far?" asked Annie.

"It's going to be long to explain now, but it's part of the great reset which happens every ten years, it's a long process to explain, but when it's relevant I will tell you more about it" said Ollie.

"Alright, so you don't have any specific holidays that you celebrate in the witch realm?" asked Annie.

"Oh we do, one that we do care about like you guys care about Christmas would be the Festival of flights, where we celebrate our realm it's at the end of our year" said Ollie.

"Okay that sounds cool" said Annie.

"Very, now I am curious, how are you going to decorate this Christmas tree?" asked Ollie as he turned his attention to the tree and Annie giggled.

"Guys, let's show him how it's done" said Annie as she turned to Maddie and Matt.

"With pleasure" said Matt as he smiled and he threw little different coloured little balls at the Christmas tree as they hung themselves up, while Maddie waved her hand and the tinsels flew to the tree and draped themselves around it.

Annie moved her hand in a circular motion as ribbons of red and white hung themselves unto the tree as she smiled and levitated a red sparkly star that landed on the top of the Christmas tree while Maddie finished up with hanging the lights.

"And tadaa!!" said Annie as she smiled extremely proudly at their beautifully decorated Christmas tree it looked like the best decorated Christmas tree ever, if she did say so herself.

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