Chapter 629: Scratched by thorns
Ollie didn't know what to say, he was upset, upset that Maddie felt this way, upset that she was right.
It didn't matter what he did or what he said, he couldn't change what people thought about, and even though he made sure that all the servants in the Castle knew that Maddie was a dear friend.
They only pretended in his presence, once he was gone he was sure that they went back to gossiping and speaking illy of Maddie.
It made him feel sad that because of this Maddie didn't want to come to his home, it was more peaceful here and there, and it made him feel even sadder.
"I'm sorry Maddie..." said Ollie as he didn't know what else to say, he felt somewhat guilty, he should have been more stern and told made sure that no one spoke illy of Maddie without facing the consequences.
Their bias towards her was just too much, all because she was Azazel's daughter, but she had nothing to do with him at all.
"Don't be blondie, what are you sorry for? For not being able to control the thoughts of the servants and workers in your Castle?" asked Maddie with a scoff.
"Oh please, people are free to think whatever they want about me, it doesn't matter, I don't care, things like that doesn't affect me anymore." said Maddie happily.
"When you always get scratched by thorns you develop thick skin." said Maddie confidently as Annie laughed and Matt laughed as well.
"I guess you're right Maddie." said Ollie as he smiled.
"Honestly, I don't want to come to your house, you are annoying, I don't like seeing your face and I hate that stupid smile on your face." said Maddie as Ollie replied with an unimpressed look plastered over his face.
Annie and Matt had the same unimpressed look on their faces as well, you would think that by now Maddie would have at least changed and be nicer to Ollie... wait scrap that, compared to the first time they all met Maddie absolutely loathed Ollie, compared to then, now was an improvement, but still, she could at least stop calling him names and insulting him every single chance she got.
"But then I remember that you have terrible memory blondie and you don't keep your words!" said Maddie in an accusing tone as she looked at Ollie who was surprised, not understanding what she was saying at all.
"What? When? What did I say that I didn't keep?" asked Ollie in bewilderment, he was not a forgetful person, if he had said something important he would surely remember it, so Maddie's accusation was making him feel confused.
"Oh you're so annoying blondie, you promised to teach us how to convey and you haven't made a single attempt to do so!" said Maddie as she pointed an accusing finger at Ollie with a very serious look on her face.
Annie on the other hand snickered. Once again Maddie was being dramatic by making a fuss out of nothing that important. She really wanted to learn how to convey and it had never left her mind since.
Annie just shook her head. Ollie should have never told them about the art of conveying, it only piqued Maddie's interest and she refused to let it go until she learnt it.
Annie also thought that it was just a way for Maddie to enhance her laziness, knowing Maddie once she learnt how to convey she would never walk again, she would just convey from place to place when she had two perfectly good legs.
"Oh that..." said Ollie in relief, for a moment he thought that she was referring to something of the uttermost importance, not to say that she wasn't right and this wasn't important as well, but he was relieved that she was just upset over something as trivial as conveying.
"Yes that!" replied Maddie.
"You're such a lair, you claim you keep your promises when you don't." said Maddie.
"I'm really sorry about that Maddie, I didn't mean to break my words, it's just that I've been so busy, and whenever I'm not busy I'm at home and you guys are busy doing something else, it's wasn't my intention to forget what I said." said Ollie as he apologized but Maddie still didn't look impressed at all.
"I think you're just making a big deal out of nothing Maddie, conveying is not that important." said Matt as Maddie turned to look at him with a look of anger.
"Of course it is! Not only is it super cool, but it will solve most of my problems." said Maddie as Matt scoffed.
"Yeah right, like what?" he asked.
"Her ceasing to use her perfectly fine two legs." replied Annie with a scoff as Matt laughed.
"Hey!" said Maddie.
"You know it's true Maddie, half of your desire to learn how to convey is because of your laziness." said Annie.
"Oh whatever, my problem isn't with you, it's with this blondie." said Maddie as she turned to look at Ollie.
"So what is your case?" asked Maddie.
"I'm sorry for not teaching you how to convey, I will make it up to you." said Ollie.
"How...?" asked Maddie in suspicion.
"Well like I said, I have more time at home, if you guys come and spend a week with me, I will definitely teach you how to convey then." said Ollie with a smile as Maddie's face lit up, it was hard to believe that she was frowning immensely a moment ago.
"Wonderful, so it's settled then, we'll come to your house after that blasted admissions test." said Maddie with glee as Annie stared at her.
So that was it?? That was all it took for her to agree? Maddie could be so unreasonable at times.
But in all honesty, Annie didn't care at all, her only concern was how Maddie would feel, and since Maddie said that she would be fine, that was all that mattered.
"Really? Just like that?" asked Ollie in surprise as he blinked, he just did not expect Maddie to agree just because of the prospect of him teaching them how to convey.
"Yes just like that, remember your words blondie or I promise you I will beat you up if you make up another excuse again." said Maddie in a threatening tone as all Ollie could do was look at her in utter shock.
She really was thrilled to learn how to convey. Ollie did not get it at all, what was so special about it? Or maybe it was because he grew up doing it and he had done it hundreds of time, and he would not call himself an expert at conveying, but his skills were very good. So in a way he could understand why Maddie was so eager to learn.
"You don't have to worry Maddie, there will be no excuses this time, I assure you." said Ollie as he smiled.
"Good." said Maddie with a satisfied smile as Ollie turned to look at Annie and Matt that had not said anything.
"What about you guys, do you agree?" asked Ollie as he smiled.
"I don't see why not." replied Matt.
"If Maddie's fine with it, I'm fine with it." said Annie as she looked at Maddie who smiled at her and she smiled back until she suddenly remembered that they were still fighting about the no studying thing so Annie frowned and Maddie frowned as well, she knew what Annie was thinking about.
"Well then that's great guys, I can't wait for next week." said Ollie, it was clear that he was excited.
"Me too!" replied Maddie as she laughed softly, the ability to convey was right within her reach, she could not wait to finally be able to appear anywhere she wanted without the use of those stupid carriages that made her legs hurt from sitting down in them too long.
"Maddie, seriously, you are too excited for this in my opinion." said Matt as Maddie looked at him.
"It's because you haven't seen or felt it Matt, one moment you're in this room and the next moment you're hundreds of miles away in one instant, it's so cool, so thrilling and such an essential skill to have." said Maddie.
"Well when you put it that way... it does sound cool." said Matt.
"I know right?!" asked Maddie excitedly as Matt chuckled at her reaction.
"Yes, yes, but still cool down a bit." said Matt as Annie and Ollie laughed.
"Yes Maddie, cool down." said Annie as she laughed and shook her head.
It was times like these that they remembered that Maddie wasn't always moody or mean, she just like anyone else also had moments where she was just naturally excited about something. She could be so lively sometimes and yet her mood could change in an instant and something would just make her so upset that you would be left wondering if she was the same person you were talking to a while before.
"Oh the three of you don't get it, but that doesn't matter, I get it, and like I said, I can't wait." said Maddie with a huge smile on her face as Ollie could not help but smile seeing her so excited.