Annie Grey

Chapter 638: What??

"Be careful not to wake up the dragon too roughly." joked Maddie with a chuckle as Matt turned to her and he did not look impressed at all.

He just shook his head and wondered why he had to be the most mature one? 

Well maybe because it had something to do with the fact that he was technically the oldest, but still it was annoying. Maddie had no shame and Annie was too nice for him to be angry at her.

Matt stood up and walked to the front desk where Mrs. Mariweather was sleeping so peaceful with a little snore that had been irritating his ears ever since she fell asleep. One the the downsides of having heightened hearing, he had just been bearing her snoring for the past two hours while he focused on his test.

"Be careful, and don't wake her up too roughly." whispered Annie as Matt stopped in front of Mrs. Mariweather's desk. He paused for a moment as he wondered how best to go about with waking her up.

He assessed the situation. She was sleeping with her heard thrown back and her mouth open. He did not want to accidentally startle her while waking her because she might just wake up in a fright and hurt herself, but if he didn't make enough noise to wake her up, they would be stuck here until she woke up on her own accord. 

"Mrs. Mariweather." called Matt as he lightly tapped her on her shoulder, but to his dismay, she did not wake up.

Matt sighed, it seemed that he would have to use a little bit of more force.

"Mrs. Mariweather, wake up." he said as he tapped her again but this time a little harder, and yet she still didn't wake up.

"Wow, and this is the strict woman that's supposed to monitor our every move." said Maddie with a scoff as she did not even bother whispering anymore. What was the point when the woman that was supposed to be in charge was not waking up?

Annie turned to look at Maddie as she shot her a warning look to remain quiet.

"Try one more time." whispered Annie to Matt as he nodded and hoped that this time she would wake up. He felt so awkward standing here while she was sleeping.

"Mrs. Mariweather, please wake up." he called again and tapped her harder as this time it seemed to work. Mrs. Mariweather woke up with a jerk as that startled Matt and he flinched.

"What?? What is going on here?? What??" she asked with a snort as she was still disorientated.

"What are you doing here??" she asked as her eyes finally focused on Matt.

"We are done with the test and three hours have passed, so I had to wake you up." he explained gently as Mrs. Mariweather nodded at his every word, letting the fog in her head clear.

"Mrs. Mariweather, are you alright?" called Annie softly, the poor woman just seemed to disorientated that she she felt a little bit guilty that they decided to wake up her.

"Oh Yes, I am fine, perfectly fine, now tell me why the three of you are talking? And why are you not in your seat??" she asked as her last question was directed to Matt. It was clear that the strict woman was back an her eyes were wide awake. 

Maddie almost felt like rolling her eyes, would it kill her to be nice just for once?

"Mrs. Mariweather, like Matt just said a few moments ago, we were done with the test, three hours had far long passed, and you were still asleep, so the only thing for us to do was wake you up." said Maddie as she explained curtly, she was not trying to be rude, but if it came out that way, oh well.

"I have a feeling that you are not telling me the truth, from the looks of things you three have been talking all this while, then why didn't the alarms go off?" asked Mrs. Mariweather as Maddie resisted the urge to scoff.

"I was just asking myself the same question Mrs. Mariweather." replied Maddie as Mrs. Mariweather could clearly hear the mocking tone in her voice and that made her very upset at this insolent little brat.

"But I am sure that this isn't a problem, there is certainly an easy way to clear your doubts on what we've been doing, I assure you that we did nothing wrong, and that's the reason the alarms didn't go off." said Maddie as she smiled, she could see that any time from now Annie would shoot her a displeased glare for being rude, so she might as well behave for now.

Mrs. Mariweather scoffed, she hated the fact that Maddie was right. If indeed they had done something that they were not supposed to, the alarms would have indefinitely went off, and yet they did not, which meant that they were innocent.

Maddie smiled as she could see the look of defeat wash over Mrs. Mariweather's face, she also wanted to add the fact that even if the alarms did go off, the woman wouldn't be able to hear anything since she was out cold, but for the sake of their test narks and her friends, she decided that it would be best to keep that comment to herself. 

"May I say something?" asked Annie as she raised her hand and Mrs. Mariweather looked at her.

"No, put your hand down, whatever you want to say is not necessary." she replied, obviously irritated so Annie complied immediately, she seemed to have woken up cranky.

"Since you are done with the test it is time to move on." she said as with a snap of her fingers the tests disappeared from their desks.

Annie raised her hand again as Mrs. Mariweather looked at her in agitation.

"What is it??!" she asked harshly.

"I just wanted to ask if we were allowed to speak now Mrs. Mariweather?" she asked Annie with a very soft voice as Mrs. Mariweather sighed.

"Yes, yes, you are allowed to speak." she replied qucikly.

"Okay, thank you Mrs. Mariweather." said Annie softly as Mrs. Mariweather sighed and shook her head.

"Now, onto the interview test." she said as a clipboard appeared in her hand. She stood up from her desk as it disappeared back into the wall and she walked closer to them as another seat appeared out from the floor for her to sit on.

"You will be asked seven important questions." she began.

"It is in your best interest to answer every question honestly and openly because the way you answer will affect what will be thought about you." she said.

"You can answer in succession one after the other to the question, please do not speak while someone is speaking, it is rude and interruptive."

"And finally, let me inform you that this interview test carries no marks at all, it is simply to be added as extra information to those that will be marking your test." 

"And also, let me just add that the results of your test will be out in a week." she said.

"Now, are you ready?" asked Mrs. Mariweather as they all nodded.

"Alright, question one, what is your name, and please tell me your full names." said Mrs. Mariweather as Annie, Maddie and Matt had confused looks on their faces, that was certainly a very easy question.

"We'll start from the front with you Annie." said Mrs. Mariweather as Annie nodded.

"My name is Annie Amara Grey." answered Annie easily as Mrs. Mariweather looked at Matt and then at Maddie.

"Matthew Lucas Sundew." he said.

"Maddison Martha Wolf." said Maddie as she resisted the urge to roll her eyes, she hadn't heard anyone call her Maddison in a long time, if she was being honest, she hated her full name, it made her sound like an old person, she preferred Maddie, it was so much cooler.

"Alright, and how old are you?" asked Mrs. Mariweather as Maddie seriously wanted to doubt that this was a serious thing at all, what was the deal with all the basic questions??

"I'm sixteen years old." said Annie as she hesitated, was it right to say that she was sixteen? She would be seventeen in just a few months, but she decided to go with sixteen.

"I'm eighteen years old." said Matt as Mrs. Mariweather looked at him rather strangely, as if she could not believe it. But whatever she thought she kept to herself.

"I'm seventeen." replied Maddie with a repressed sigh, what was the point of saying how old they were? Was it a way to make them feel old or what??

Maddie sighed internally, she was indeed seventeen, but she felt like she was truly twenty five. All that they had gone through in the past two years was enough stress to make them forget that they were still teenagers.

This was the first time that she had remembered truly just how old she was. No wonder everyone was so bent on them returning to school, they were so young.

"Alright." said Mrs. Mariweather as she seemed to be writing something down.

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