Arcane Journey

Chapter 491 Little Devil

Brian patiently went through this seemingly simple but extremely dangerous ritual, and after confirming that even if he failed this time, there would be no danger, he started to prepare.

It was the knowledge of demons that made him understand that there were indeed many ways to seal demons in the world of Toril.

For example, ancient classics such as "The Book of Darkness", "Aham's Scroll of Darkness" and "Igvir's Demon Chronicles" are all famous works on the study of demons.

These classics describe how to seal the devil's essence in the material plane, so that it can be trapped in weapons, statues, jewelry, etc., and cannot return to the abyss.

This demon-summoning ritual clearly looks like it was taken from these classics.

After finishing preparations, Brian took out a dark soul crystal fragment.

Soul crystal is the name of the material world, but in the Abyss or Bator region, it has another name: currency.

To demons and demons, gold, silver and jewelry are just boring collections. The only thing they desire most is souls.

Although this crystal is just a condensed form of incomplete souls, the pure soul energy inside is the shortest way for these evil spirits to quickly improve their strength.

Therefore, many powerful spellcasters like to use soul crystals to summon these demons from the lower planes, and then make appointments in advance with a group of friends who like to have fun to come and watch.

As for whether the demon was killed in the end or did other strange things, it depends on the mood of the summoner.

Of course, this may seem like fun, but if summoned too frequently, it may attract the attention of more powerful evil spirits, leading to unimaginable consequences.

So when summoning the demon, Brian did not choose high-quality soul crystal fragments, but specifically picked the one with the worst luster.

No more wasting time.

When he placed the crystal fragments into the center of the scroll formation, the flickering flame on the rusty bronze candle on the table suddenly went out quietly.

Brian's bedroom suddenly became pitch black.

The deep darkness did not last long...

As the six-pointed star array on the scroll flickered slightly, strange blood light spurted out, spreading all over the room. Against the background of this blood-red light, it was like a miserable purgatory on earth.

When the gushing blood slowly subsided, a figure whose whole body was burning with dark red flames gradually emerged.

I saw this huge demon with curved goat horns and bat wings. He was holding a whip of flames and a sword of storm in his hands respectively. His hideous and terrifying face was filled with endless hatred and rage.

The suffocating figure slowly emerged and rose from the scroll, and finally settled in mid-air. The broad bat-like wings behind it stretched out with blazing flames.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Accompanied by the blood-chilling laughter, the flames around the demon suddenly became extremely ferocious, but they did not emit any heat or burn anything.

"Foolish mortal, I am the great Balor, Nicholas Conditoman."

The demon arrogantly carried the thundering storm sword on his shoulder, waved the long whip burning with flames in his hand, and said coldly, "Why don't you kneel down quickly, dedicate your soul, and tell your request, I Will accommodate any request you have!”

Looking at the demon's shadow in front of him, Brian frowned.

Of course he knew what level of abyss demon the so-called Balor Fire Demon was.

Balor Fire Demon started out as a fifth-level legendary being. Even under the demon lord, he was a senior commander who could command an army of demons.

And it is obviously impossible for such a powerful high-level demon to be summoned by a scrap that is not enough to fit between his teeth.Therefore, when Brian noticed that the flames around the demon had no warmth, he realized that the other party was just a bluffing paper tiger.

Brian's eyes turned cold, and the moment he looked at Barlow the Fire Demon, he saw through his true identity.

"Are you done? If so, then get out of here." He said to the abyss demon without fear, "Obey the master's arrangements."

"Mortal, you dare to threaten the great Balor Fire Demon!"

"You will pay the price for your stupidity, mortal! I am the senior commander of the Dark Lord Graz'zt. I have participated in at least ten bloody battles in the abyss. I have endless dark power to destroy you. Your life is like... The plaything in my hands, any resistance will only make you more painful. Give up resistance, mortal! Surrender to me and offer your soul, otherwise, I will let your soul be devastated and tortured!"

Seeing that this damn mortal ignored him, with a calm and calm face, the Abyss Demon frowned, raised his tone, and roared, "Since you don't know what to do, let the angry flames of the Abyss burn everything here. !”

"Let the fire burn..."

"If you don't show your true colors, then there will be no room for negotiation between us." Brian tapped his fingers on the table, with a stern face and cold words, as if he would immediately take action if he disagreed.

"Hey... Okay, Master, I'll come down right away..."

Faced with Brian's threat, what was shocking was that the abyss demon changed his face faster than flipping through a book. In an instant, his ferocious face revealed a look of flattery without any stiffness.

I saw the flames around it shrink, the wings on its back suddenly spread out, and the blood-red light that filled the room suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The candle on the brass candlestick also swayed strangely with a weak flame, constantly jumping and trembling in the darkness.

As the demon's huge figure shrank, it turned into a super-small humanoid creature about two feet tall with sharp horns and bat wings at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Its arms and legs are very slender and have sharp claws. Its green skin is covered with pustules, and its tail is like a scorpion's tail with a poisonous stinger.

The little guy quickly flew to the table in front of Brian, rolled his cunning eyes, and said with a flattering look on his face:
"Great and wise master, nothing can fool your wise eyes. May I ask, what are your instructions for summoning your humble servant to the material world? As long as you give an order, your humble servant will definitely obey!"

This is the little devil.

Brian recognized the true identity of the Abyss Demon.

Little devils breed in large numbers in various planes of the Abyss. They are weak in body, but cunning and cunning. They are best at creating chaos and malice in a small area.

Some more powerful demons will use little demons as spies and messengers, or they will devour them directly as food, or even tear them into pieces to kill time.

Some spellcasters in the material world are very interested in various interdimensional subspecies of familiars.

In their research, they discovered that little demons are easy to summon and actively serve, and concluded that these little demons can play the role of obedient servants very well.

The little devil who becomes a familiar will devote his loyalty and provide meticulous services to his master. Through his words, he will subtly influence the behavior of his mortal master, making him gradually tend to evil and chaos, and finally lead him to the world of evil. The abyss of death, thus taking away the soul of the master.

Brian had no intention of letting this little guy become his magic pet. All he needed was the demon essence.

"Now I'm scared. In fact, I like your unruly look just now." Brian smiled, attracting the little devil's attention while secretly activating his magic power, preparing to activate the Hyakki Banner:

"Didn't you just say that you were the great Balor Fire Demon? How did you become such a little guy?"

"It's the future, the future Balor Fire Demon, master." The little devil landed on Brian's desk, bowed his head deeply, and lay beside Brian's hand, with awe and praise in his cunning little eyes. (End of chapter)

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