Chapter 525
Sky Dragon World Arc Re: Peek A Demon King
A very concise word resounded through the huge cargo bay located at the bottom of luxury liner Avenst.
Overanger, aka Hajime &Myuu& Demon Rangers defeated the mud beast with a “some kind of rainbow beam finishing move”.
Then Overanger returned back through the hatch at the ship’s bottom──actually it was a spot that turned into a catapult of romance and dream when sallying out. After the mecha got on one knee and entered standby mode.
The father-daughter and seven multilegged golems were exchanging their impression and argument of areas needing improvement with good mood in front of the magnum opus when her majesty the queen who came there to greet their return uttered that word as the first thing she said with a bright smile (however, veins were visibly bulging on her forehead).
「Hajime-sama. Explain」
Roze-sama closed the distance fast. There were also Sabas & Crow siblings making face as though they were saying 「See, it’s just like I told you」「We really cannot let our guard down against this person just as expected」 behind her.
Bovid and the others were busy looking around at the surrounding, but Yue and the others were all smiling wryly.
They understood how Roze felt so apparently they were intending to keep quiet and just watched the proceeding.Demon Rangers sensed the troublesome atmosphere and radiated the atmosphere of 「Ah, it’s time for us to go back too」. They already had enough fun, so apparently they wanted to escape right away.
Only “Maa-chan” aka Mamon was still being a nuisance with his complaints like 「Hey, someone take my position at the crotch. I’m in charge of greed you know? Leviathan who is in charge of lust will be more suitable there」 till the end.
The Leviathan in question slapped Mamon’s head like he was saying 「You idiot, making dirty joke like that in front of the princess, you’re the worst!」.
Yue and others thought, These guys, even though they should be the demon kings of hell, they act like high school boys most of the time instead……. The got no dignity or anything.
Myuu waved her hands at them saying 「Everyone~, let’s continue the talk later nano~」. Immediately the Demon Rangers sharply gave her their salute. Then their bodies were enveloped in light that returned back inside Myuu’s “Treasure Warehouse”. Actually Demon Rangers had the special permission to freely come and go from inside Myuu’s “Treasure Warehouse”.
But putting that aside.
「Explain what?」
Hajime played stupid. Roze’s veins pulsed even harder and bigger. Her smile also spasmed. Her eyes were going *twitch twitch*, and her cheeks were also going *quiver quiver*.
She made a sound like Yue while pointing her finger sharply to the side.
Everyone’s gaze moved to that direction.
Some kind of armored vehicle with excessively thick armor was parked there. It was around four times bigger than Brieze. In other words, the amount of weapons loaded into it were also four times. Or rather, they could see a gun turret on the roof. And there was a muzzle peeking out from the bonnet.
Five of such vehicle that resembled a tank were neatly lined up in a line.
Next Roze pointed at the other side. As expected everyone’s eyes were drawn toward where she was pointing.
Aircrafts with X-shaped wings like from certain wars of star were lined up there. Furthermore they were placed in mechanical three-stories aircraft parking apron, with each story containing five aircrafts.
They were plainly installed with things that looked like Vulcan or missile pod. Those were the things that Bovid and co had been passionately staring at since some time ago.
Roze ran her fingertip all over the cargo hold with a sound like she wanted to spit out thousands of words, but no word came out because there was so many she wanted to say!
Everyone’s gaze also followed along *Suii~~* to where she pointed.
And naturally their eyes caught sight of the large number of weapons──not, they were all vehicles in the end.
Like helicopter with near futuristic design, or small submarine with scissor arms that looked really vicious attached, or delta shaped aircraft that looked absurdly stealthy, or super large bike with a lot of mysterious boxes attached, or hover-type vehicles with gun muzzle plainly visible.
Not only that, there were even various humanoid general purpose frames, big and small that could be worn or boarded by human, from Ir*n Man type armor to Mobi*e Suits type robot.
Even something like metal chariot with spear attached that definitely could shoot out something, or aerodynamic looking boat floating on surface of light.
Or perhaps, the beasts like dragon or griffon or Pegasus standing by without moving an inch, with glimpses of gun muzzle hidden inside their mouth. (Of course, they had saddle attached)
Roze finished pointing all over the room and smiled sweetly at Hajime like she wanted to say 「Do you have anything to say?」. Everyone also looked at Hajime.
Hajime said as she looked back at Roze. His gaze was really straightforward. Not a smidgen of guilt in it. Rather,
「What about them?」
He ended it with a tilt of his head as though to say that he didn’t understand what she was asking.
*Snap* It felt like there was a sound ringing out──right after that,
For some reason Roze made a Kansai style tsukkomi. This too was accompanied with a sharp finger pointing like a stroke of a sword.
「Unarmed you said! You said that this ship has been reborn into a luxury cruise ship that threw away all weapons! And yet what the hell is with this weapon trade fair here! Are you a shadow arm dealer!? Is this place the site of new weapon expo that opened once a year!? Where’re you planning to go to war you IDIOTT!」
It was a magnificent tsukkomi. Atsushi and Noboru even unconsciously clapped 「Oo~」 in admiration.
Meanwhile, Yuuka muttered 「I totally understand your feeling. I also reflexively tsukkomi-ed before this」 with a deep nod.
Overanger was unveiled for the first time just now but, they had finished seeing this cargo hold at the machine world. Rather, the exposition for this place might be the longest. Hajime’s passion guide wouldn’t stop at all.
Roze who finished saying the whole tsukkomi in a single breath panted *zee haa* hard, so Kuwaibel timidly asked the question in her place.
『Didn’t Avenst throw away all its weapons?』
Did you lie? Was the unspoken question. Sabas and the others must also be wondering the same. They were looking at Hajime while looking like they didn’t know what to say.
Hajime declared boldly.
「I’m not lying at all just so you know. Avenst is unarmed.」
「Papa said, “They’re all private propery~, just because private vehicle that is coincidentally loaded into a ship is armed doesn’t mean you can call the ship is armed~. Argument’s over! Arguments oveeer!”. That’s what papa keep claiming nano.」
「That’s too far-fetched!!」
The brilliant daughter gave a wonderful retelling but, Roze’s objection was also followed by enthusiastic nods from everyone of the dragon kingdom. Yeah! Yeah! There were even such jeers from the group.
Hajime-san held his head even higher.
「First, it’s common sense for vehicle to be armed right?」
Roze’s gaze snapped toward Yue and co. Yue and co quickly shook their heads left and right.
「And, right now I’m using this place as storage space for my collection but, originally, this place is also parking space for guests.」
「Surely some of the guests will arrive on armed vehicle for their own protection, or perhaps riding animal that has offensive power. And so, this is in part something that can’t be helped. That is the excuse that papa is using nano.」
Nn? Papa looked at Myuu. That was a wonderful additional explanation but, it felt like the words at the end were a bit biting……was it just his imagination?
「I’m not putting weapon or arms itself in here anyway.」
The gazes of Roze and others leaped at a corner of the cargo hold. Lined up cases like in a showroom were orderly lined along the wall. The inside was filled with near futuristic humanoid robots. They were also holding near futuristic looking rifles.
「Those are security robots. One of the defense systems for guaranteeing the guests’ safety. They are like G10’s limbs and not private army by all means. In fact, there isn’t anything like armory in this ship, and firearm itself also isn’t stored anywhere. That’s papa’s bare faced sophism nano.」
As I thought her words are biting aren’t they!? Myuu isn’t actually papa’s ally!? Papa glanced at his daughter with that thought but, without him noticing it Myuu had been wearing glasses to look like a “capable secretary”. The way it glinted and her frequent push up of it were just too cute so he thought 「What, so she’s my ally just as I thought」 while patting his chest.
「「「「『The explanation is full of holes!!』」」」」
Roze and co all held their heads in their hands with beautiful synchronized movement.
「As expected from Hajime-san. Far from glossing over the situation he’s acting brazenly defiant──no, this has gone far past that. “Rather, will you take responsibility if guests get injured during the trip because you forbid armed vehicle in here?” He even created an accusing atmosphere like that instead! The thickness of his skin is adamantium level!」
I need to learn from him as a royalty! Princess Liliana spoke in admiration. Meanwhile, I wonder if I need to have a candid discussion with him to reaffirm his definition of morals and common sense in earnest soon? Aiko-sensei’s teacher soul was aching.
「Listen well, Roze.」
「W-what is it? Even if you make that kind of serious expression……I-I won’t be deceived!」
*Zuzui-* Hajime closed the distance which caused Roze-chan to be shaken. Her cheeks flushed red from the hard stare from him. She reflexively averted her gaze. She acted real maidenly.
Yuuka’s eyes turned colder.
Yue-sama’s eyes also laser focused. Hajime, are you doing it intentionally? She wondered.
Kaori was smiling brightly. The form of Hannya-sanswaa~yed on her back……
Hajime quickly opened the distance. It’s important keeping the distance appropriate isn’t it!
「It’s pointless asking whether the things placed inside are a threat or not at this point isn’t it?」
「Haa? What are you saying──」
「The people on board are a threat after all.」
Hajime said that and pointed at himself.
For a moment, Roze looked blankly in incomprehension, but she then immediately sensed the difference in the words’ meaning. She blinked. Kuwaibel and others also looked at each other.
Indeed, certainly the one before them was the one man army demon god captain. Even if a hundred of the strongest battleships blocked the way, they could only see a future where all of those got trampled.
Furthermore, the captain’s family was also a collection of monsters.
The greatest threat of passenger ship Avenst that didn’t have any offensive powerthat couldn’t be removed away no matter how, was exactly its captain and his family……
Hajime-san pushed further with a really niice smile.
「These are all private property so there’s no problem! Isn’t that right?」
It’s not panties so it’s not embarrassing! Even if you say it like that……Kaori and Shizuku and others thought, but, how frustrating. They couldn’t think of any suitable and effective argument!
Roze growled 「Muguu~」 cutely.
And then, she glared fiercely at Hajime while,
「I’m not convinced-」
But, I’ll accept it for nowww~~!! She replied like that with a voice like her cheek had gotten slapped. Or rather, she could only reply like that.
「Roze-sama, this is why gramps has kept telling you till I’m blue in the face. Absolutely don’t let your guard down against Hajime-sama.」
Sabas advised with a deep sigh. Crow siblings’ gazes that seemed to be saying 「Yeah really」「Please be careful okay, your majesty」 also stabbed her back.
Roze who was filled to the brim with the feeling of getting cajoled puffed out her cheeks while being unable to stop her impulse to slap Hajime’s arm repeatedly.
「So, boss. Will you let us get on these?」
「That’s fine! They can even fly to space!」
「「「「「That’s awesome!」」」」」
Only the pilots with Bovid at the lead were getting excited with sparkling eyes.
After the vindication (?) at the cargo hold.
Hajime and co landed at the temple that worshipped true dragon──Themis Mosune. They were at the zenith of a gigantic rock. It was about as big as a stadium.
The top of the rock had been eroded due to the exposure to the “black rain” for many years. It was drastically reduced from its original height, so naturally it wasn’t flat.
The rocky area was like uneven teeth. Or perhaps, it should be described like a limestone cave without ceiling.
Originally it was rock cliff, and the inside had gouged part to make rooms so the erosion rate naturally wasn’t the same everywhere. It could be said as only natural for the result to be like this.
The area at the brink had been improved tidily to function as landing area, so Hajime and co also landed there.
「Fumu, it’s a gigantic underground cave huh……」
The flagship Palastia came alongside the cliff and extended a ramp from there. Commander Gilton walked out through there and stroked his chin with a pensive look on his face.
「Yeah, what’s more the depth isn’t your average one. At earth that depth will even go through the earth crust. It can’t be helped that Amanogawa missed it.」
Avenst was on standby at the air above. The other ships and pilots were surrounding and staring at it. Many people were leaning forward from the deck to do that in excitement and astonishment. Hajime kept focusing on the compass even amidst all those noises and narrowing his eyes in great interest.
Where did that giant mud beast appear from? Was there more of it? He only gave light greeting for the reunion with the commander before getting back to the investigation and searching.
「In other words, that giant mud beast rose up from there? Is there a hole that connect until the surface from that deep?」
Roze asked the question with a grave look. She looked at Gilton, but he shook his head and said that there wasn’t any such hole discovered at the surrounding.
「No, that’s not it. Perhaps, just like water seeped into the ground, it must be rising up to the surface like seeping out from the soil.」
Roze looked relieved. But her face twitched from the report right after that.
『……The mud beasts we had defeated until now, they all might not be that strong in actuality.』
「The mud beasts loitering around at the surface are weak. The stronger they are the deeper they seeped underground, that’s what you meant?」
Bovid muttered 「Troublesome……」 while scrunching up his face.
They had no way to do anything against the beasts staying underground. They could only attack them when they came out. In addition they didn’t know when and where the enemy would come out.
「A whack-a-mole game where what come out is calamity class monster. That ain’t funny at all.」
「Rather, you guys said that this is your first time seeing that kind of giant mud beast but, why do it get stronger by being underground?」
「Isn’t it because of that? They are caused by the black rain, so……it’s like aninverse version of filtration or something」
「Something like, the black rain’s density goes up~ the further it flows underground?」
Atsushi, Noboru, Nana, and Taeko were asking questions and making hypothesis, but unexpectedly they might have hit the mark. Hajime and others nodded.
「There might be influence from polluted sky core or something.」
「……Nn~, like god crystal and divine water?」
「Is it like saturated high concentration of black water forming desu?」
「But, it’s……that beast had a form that is a bit hard to describe……」
Kaori hesitated to say with a disgusted expression. Then Shizuku asked 「In the first place, just what is the mud beast?」.
「If I remember it right, the explanation is that it’s a shadow of living thing that lost its soul……」
「I guess. Just like Meeres said, those things don’t have anything you can call soul or will. It’s more accurate to call them a natural disaster.」
They simply existed there to harm every living thing. A mass of organic master that turned into mud due to the concentration of this world’s unique negative energy.
But, the difference from the normal natural disaster was their ability to sense organic matter, and how they moved to absorb those.
Nobody knew the exact reason for that. But, the transformation into mud was in the end caused by negative energy. And, the unique energy of this world was made up from the circulation of positive and negative energy.
In that case.
「Just like how the positive and negative poles of magnet are drawn to each other, the beasts are wandering in the search of positive energy……that’s my conclusion for now. After all plants and animals──including humans, and especially dragons are like clumps of positive energy after all.」
「……There are residues of instinct and memory in their flesh, drawing them toward existences with life within……perhaps it’s like that?」
Yue stared toward the place where the giant mud beast once came from with a gaze that was radiating a bit of sympathy toward the pitiful existence.
Hajime said 「I guess. That might also be the case」 while kindly caressing Yue’s hair.
「Err, in short mud beast is an existence that cannot be defined as living thing isn’t it? And, that form that was like the fusion of various creatures, as expected it was because just like negative energy, muddified organic matter got condensed throughout the course of flowing to underground, or something?」
That was what Roze and co wanted to know the most. Yuuka was the one who asked the question, however, Hajime wrinkled up his eyebrows.
「That was also my first time seeing it, so as expected I don’t know yet. I also scanned it as much as possible even while battling it but……」
So he actually investigated it. His tension was at max value, so they thought that he had completely forgotten everything else……everyone there had eyes that were saying that as they looked at Hajime.
Hajime-san recalled the way he got so excited and became embarrassed after this late. He coughed once to evade the topic.
「It didn’t have any particular difference from the usual mud beast. There isn’t also any case of negative energy getting attracted to each other so……well, I guess that hypothesis is reasonable.」
Hajime agreed with Yuuka’s hypothesis by saying that, even so he had an expression that didn’t look convinced at all.
「Hajime-sama? Is there something that bothers you?」
Roze tilted her head. Hajime wrinkled his eyebrows even further while asking back. Not only to Roze, but to the people of dragon kingdom, especially to the military people like Bovid and Commander Gilton.
「Is there any of you who had seen it before? A specimen that fought the same way like the giant mud beast this time among the mud beasts that you’ve exterminated until now. It’s fine even if it’s just something that you read from report.」
「! That’s……there isn’t any.」
「Now that you mention it……boss, that one was a bit strange wasn’t it……」
The impact from Overanger had turned their mind blank so it couldn’t be helped. But, thinking back now they realized the strangeness.
『The way it fought? ……Ah, come to think of it, it’s like it was fighting with thought behind it……』
Kuwaibelhad a realization and put the strangeness into words. Many people gasped after they heard that.
「Well, it’s not to the degree you can call it tactic, and I think it mostly moved by instinct but……even so sometimes, I got the feeling that it was “adapting”.」
Although, he couldn’t detect anything like soul or will no matter how many times he scanned it. There also wasn’t any foreign substance mixed in it.
「Unexpectedly, it might be just as Yue-san said, something like memory is remaining in it?」
「With multiple mud beasts mixed together, that got strengthened and it unconsciously traced the movement of living creature, something like that?」
「A lot of mud beasts have the form of dragon. The dragon of this world is clever, so perhaps the influence came from that.」
Shia. Kaori, and Shizuku spoke their hypothesis, but for now there wasn’t any way to ascertain those.
「My bad. Perhaps I should capture it instead for research.」
Sorry for getting too high tensioned and sacrificed it for the finishing move, Hajime-san said with scrunched eyebrows. Myuu also bowed her head saying 「Sorry for obliterating it until not even the dust is left behind」.
「Ah, no, the priority was protecting the temple, and most of all it was an unknown enemy.」
Roze’s expression was vague. Thinking back now she certainly wished that they did just that, but they were the side who got helped in this case so there was no way they could make any complain. It was even more so considering that was the safest thing to do. She had an expression that seemed to say that.
「As apology, Myuu and me will catch another giant mud beast while staying here. Guess I’ll also build a research facility near Meeres. It’ll be safe if it has a guard.」
「It’s just Hajime-sama wanting to use Overanger again right?」
Hajime-sama wordlessly averted his gaze. Ahead of his gaze was Myuu also averting her gaze. This damn father-daughter duo! That kind of gazes converged on them.
「In any case! The underground cave is also curious. I’ll also give my full cooperation for countermeasure against the giant mud beast so don’t worry!」
It was plain to see that he was trying to dodge the topic using the momentum, but the demon god-sama had promised his protection. There was nothing safest than that so Roze and others also spoke their gratitude.
「Fumu. In that case, I shall step away around here. Once again, my deepest thanks for your assistance.」
Commander Gilton sharply saluted. Apparently he wanted to return back to this duty even after being given the assurance that the threat had left. So diligent.
「Your majesty, I shall take my leave. I will arrange for the patrol to continue while investigating the footprints of the giant mud beast and also reexamining our defensive posture in lieu of the incident this time. I shall submit the written report tonight.」
「Yes, I’ll leave it to you, Commander Gilton.」
It didn’t mean that he didn’t believe Hajime, but as a military commander it was only natural for him to go that far to fulfill his duty. Such conviction was conveyed from his words.
Hajime and others were also impressed by that stance that didn’t make light of his own duty by completely relying on them thinking that there wouldn’t be any problem with the presence of the demon god group here. They couldn’t help but look at him with respect.
That Commander Gilton turned his gaze toward those who didn’t join in the conversation at all since some time ago. Or rather they only gave rushed greeting and didn’t even enter the group circle. No, it seemed he was looking at the cause.
「You guys! How long are you planning to bother Tio-dono! Get back to your post already!」
Yes, he was looking at the black dragons. They were lined up in front of Tio some distance away. It was an orderly single line.
And then, they came to in front of Tio and held out their front claws for handshake. After that they would tremble deeply emotionally with an atmosphere like 『I’ll never wash this claw for my whole life!』 while moving aside.
Nana and Taeko commented with wry smile.
「I’ve been curious since the start but……that’s, completely like an idol’s handshake event isn’t it?」
「There’re even some fearless type that asked for sign on their scale using heat ray.」
It was to the degree that perhaps there would be a rush of buyer if there was sale of merchandise. From a glance, the majestic looking black dragons were all being lovestruck.
Even Atsushi and Noboru commented 「They’re like Yoshiki and Shinji yeah」「Recently, they often go to idol’s handshake event huh」 with wry smile recalling the disgusting grin of their friends.
All of them gathered simultaneously as soon as Tio got down on the ground. It became hard to make greeting for reunion in such condition, so Tio voluntarily went to some distance away but……it was completely a mystery why it ended up becoming like an idol’s handshake event.
「The way they totter unsteadily and holding out their claw shyly looks a bit cute though.」
「Fufufu, please look, Aiko-san. Tio-san’s expression is also filled with motherhood.」
Was her follower felt like her own children to her? Tio’s expression of fondness looked very beautiful.
Such air that was filled with love was broken to pieces by the commander’s roar. Perhaps that was why.
It was responded with attitude like 『No way!? Even though we finally got the chance to meet with the great mother of dragon!?』『To try to take away this time of bliss from us……commander you demon! Devil!』『You don’t have a heart!』 filled with dissatisfaction all at once.
He tolerated them while the conversation was ongoing but, Commander Gilton raised the corner of his eyes facing such reaction. He was in the verge of eruption.
「Now now, all of thee. Everyone art still in the middle of work correct? I wish to see everyone’s gallant figure working hard.」
Yee~~~~ss♪, the black dragons responded obediently. They all flew up simultaneously.
The military officers who were absorbed with Avenst turned their eyes to the ground with that. And then, they witnessed Tio leisurely waving her hand with a beautiful expression filled with motherhood.
Their expressions all became lovestruck and ugly quarrel like 「S-she’s waving at me!?」「Ha? Go sleep talking when you’re sleeping. She’s clearly waving at me!」「Keep the joke limited to just your existence! She’s looking at my way!」 broke out even while they waved back with loud cheers.
「Tio-oneechan’s popularity in this world is seriously something else nano」
Hajime and co could only nod together in respond to Myuu’s impressed groan.
Good grief……Commander Gilton sighed deeply even while nodding at Hajime and co before saluting Tio too at the end. Then he turned around sharply and went back.
Ti0 nodded back while returning. She held down her fluttering black hair with one hand while smiling. Even Hajime’s heart slightly skipped a beat. Of course, the state of the other men around went without saying.
「He’s a good leader as usual.」
「Fufu, thank you so much. But it’s not just the commander, everyone in the dragon kingdom army are good soldier!」
Roze puffed out her chest proudly from Tio’s praise.
The beaming Tio, and the widely smiling their queen. The focus of the soldiers who were fixed to Avenst’s majestic appearance completely moved to the ground.
When the giant mud beast was defeated, and also when Hajime and co went down from Avenst made cheers that shook the air erupted, but their excitement must be not completely cooled off yet.
They were holding back so they wouldn’t get in the way of the commander and the queen, and also the demon god’s group to make their greeting. But now they once more discarded their reservation and cheered loudly.
Their attention wasn’t directed to Tio alone anymore. They leaned forward as though to burn the image of beautiful women visiting from other worlds into their eyes while raising their voice until their throat almost tore in order to receive even just a reaction.
「Thank you so much for the reception! Nano!!」
Myuu hopped up and down with both her hands lifted up like doing banzai. She scattered wide smile everywhere like it was going out of style. It caused the air to tremble even more loudly.
「Ahaha, Myuu-chan too is completely becoming the idol of everyone in the dragon kingdom army.」
「My my, really this child……」
A side peace sign and a wink! Don’t forget making appeal as beautiful mother and daughter pair by clinging close to Remia mama! She begged 「Let’s wave hand at them together nano!」 with a small voice at mama, so Remia mama hesitantly waved her hand even while making a troubled face. It caused the mood to rise even higher.
Nana and Taeko were making a ruckus like 「T-this little girl, she’s too good at this! That’s fan service that even pro idol might do in her place!」「Unbelievable. Perfect angle for photo taking no matter from which angle you aim from-. Since when she mastered even that kind of advanced skill!?」 from seeing that.
「Hm~m, it feels like there’re a lot of people like Bovid-sanheree」
Shia’s hellish rabbit ears could clearly distinguish the voices of the people whose heart got captured by Remia’s soft and gentle beauty. Or rather, she could hear all the voices oscillating between happiness and anxiety from their appearances.
The soldiers who got excited seeing beautiful women right after their queen proudly boasted about them……
Not only that, Perhaps I have a chance? that kind of voice filled with expectation could also be heard.
Roze who was puffing up her chest felt like she became slightly hunched.
It was there,
「Valiant ladies and gentlemen of dragon kingdom army! Let me introduce them! Over there are my friends. And, over here are all──my wiveeeess!!」
Hajime unusually boasted like that with a loud yell. It wasn’t something that he would normally do so Yue and others watched with widened eyes.
Perhaps because they were within arm reach, he even did something like putting his hands around Yue and Kaori’s waist and pulled them closer. The two looked surprised even while happily pressing themselves on him with a faint blush on their cheeks.
Instant silence. Because the perception that Tio was none other than the wife was also shared here.
*Mutter mutter*
Impossible. Is that kind of unfairness, that kind of unreasonableness really allowed? What is god doing!? How can this kind of monopoly is allow──ah, that person, is the demon god……GODDAMN!!
That kind of thought must surely be running in synchro right now. Right after that,
Magnificently synchronized booing rained down. Apparently what was unforgivable was unforgivable even if it was done by their savior. Especially because said savior was looking super smug for some reason.
「Be careful so you don’t think that you have even a small chance! But if there’s anyone who still want to complain then come at me! My fist will keep you company!」
Another silence. A beat passed,
Cheers rose once more.
「E-eh? They’re cheering again? Why?」
「Don’t you get it, Suzu? They’re being men.」
「Yep, I don’t get it at all, Ryuu-kun. The women are also screaming.」
「Then, it’s called being soldier I guess.」
Perhaps this ought to be called a case of like daughter like father when said daughter was the idol of these soldiers. Apparently seeing someone declaring so boldly like that made them looked good in the eyes of the soldiers instead.
「Yeah, unlike the capital’s citizens, the people here might not have the chance to learn about our relationship during our stay.」
Hajime wasn’t underestimating the charm of Yue and co. Rather, he understood it better than anyone else in the world. And so, he gave them a warning before people who got strangely twisted could appear from among them. Shizuku guessed that intention of Hajime’s proclamation and smiled wryly.
「So his goal is to rein them in while shedding light on our relationship……ahaha, it’s a bit disappointing. If I knew that then perhaps it would be better if I stand a bit closer to him.」
「Fufu, certainly.」
「What are you saying Aiko-san and Shizuku-san too desu. It’s not too late to cling on Hajime-sannow!」
And *pyon*. Shia leaped on Hajime’s back. Shizuku and Aiko looked at each other and smiled in amusement. Then both of them ran toward the group.
Another booing reverberated. The voices were harmonized as though they had trained beforehand. Like a perfectly carried out call & response in a concert.
「H-hey, Roze-san! How far do you think is the range of “over there” he said just now!? I’m coincidentally around the middle of “over there” and “over here” though! Hey, do you think I was included at “over here”!?」
「Are you asking that to me who are at the very least definitely not included in either “here” and “there”?」
Yuuka-chan moved about in confusion. Apparently she was filled with the feeling of wanting to scold herself for standing on such tricky spot. Roze-sama’s eyes toward her looked very unamused.
『Enough fooling around! Battle formation number three! Now get back to your post right away!!』
Yell that was filled with commanding aura reverberated like a lance getting shoved into the ear drum. Commander Gilton who had already boarded into flagship Palastiawas using the communication system to whole troops.
The cheers & booing stopped still like conditioned reflex. The soldiers straightened their posture with a snap. 「Yes Sir!!」 They all saluted before hurriedly returning to their own post ASAP.
『Everyone, my subordinates has been acting very insolently. Please, continue with the trip leisurely.』
「O-ou, thanks.」
Hajime-san felt like even he himself had also gotten scolded and his gaze wandered for a bit. His reaction when facing adult that he respected was quite honest.
The flagship Palastia slowly descended. While its form that was hanging over the cliff’s edge was gradually disappearing from view, at the end Commander Gilton spoke even while sounding slightly hesitating. No, perhaps these words were said as a “gramps”.
『Your majesty……no, Roze-sama. Umm……sometimes knowing when to give up is also important!』
「!!? Carter you idiot, idiooott!! I’ll pull your eyepatch again while you’re sleeping!!」
It felt like she got implicitly told 「All of them, are wives!? Their level is seriously hiigh. It looks a bit impossible for her majesty to squeeze herself in……」, so Roze regressed into childishness somewhat.
Commander Gilton’s consideration was some kind of revelation to those who weren’t aware of Roze’s maidenly feeling. It must be conveyed to those sharp enough that Roze was in a pitiful situation.
Mood like 「Eh, her majesty is like that……?」「Defeat even without fighting huh……」「Her majesty is so pitiful……」 drifted out from the dispersing soldiers……or that was how it seemed like.
「……Hajime? The declaration just now, that was definitely also you laying out preparation wasn’t it?」
「Well, I don’t know what you’re talking about.」
Their voices were small, but Roze must be able to hear it too. She was looking at the shrugging Hajime with eyes that seemed to say 「No way-」. But, right after that「No, this must be encouragement to not use any small trick and just come at him head on!」 she started firing up herself. So tough……
「E-even so, this is amazing place! Or rather, the temple didn’t get reconstructed or anything?」
Yuuka attempted to change the topic with a bit of panic. Perhaps she shaken up by the growth of her rival (?). It felt like Nana and others were looking at her with amused eyes but, she ignored it!
「When I got the report from Amanogawa about the temple’s existence, I also thought about doing that and if he need it I’ll send him magic power but……」
Hajime glanced at Roze. Roze coughed and switched emotional gears before nodding.
「We’re thankful for the offer but, we decided to not accept it.」
「Why is that? This temple was an important place that symbolized the ideal of dragon kingdom wasn’t it?」
Liliana tilted her head in confusion. This place was like the church’s headquarters at Tortus. If such place was damaged then not only the politicians, even the people should want to repair it too.
Roze once more moved her gaze throughout the temple site that had become like limestone cave without ceiling. She answered with a tone that was radiating quiet resolve.
「Yes, this place is a symbol. Of the tragedy that was invited by human’s foolishness.」
Ah, such voices of realization came not only from Liliana but also Yuuka and others. The people of dragon kingdom beginning from Sabas also became quiet.
「I think, this place ought to be the symbol of both the ideal that the future ahead is ought to be, and the folly that must never be repeated again.」
After all to repair this place like nothing had ever happened, would be like making the past folly itself had never happened.
That was why Roze objected to complete restoration of the temple from the start even while agreeing that minimum reconstruction so the place could regain its function as temple was necessary.
She conveyed her feeling while also asking her retainers and the people whether to completely repair the temple or not. The result was that they arrived at this conclusion with practically unanimous consent.
「Of course, along with the revival of the Dragon Tree information was needed, so if Hajime-sama wished for it then we would do it regardless of our feeling.」
「I was able to get the information that I really want to know from asking the surviving temple official, and I heard the documents are placed at the deepest part.」
As expected the power of king dragon was unable to extend until the temple that was located far away from the dragon kingdom. It went without saying what was the fate of the temple’s officials who were unable to evacuate to the sky.
But, naturally there was also the temple’s branch at the dragon kingdom. The number of official who was posted in the palace also wasn’t zero.
People who lost their life due to the usurper king Gregor even after they survived also weren’t few, even so there were still some who still survived until the present time, or young priest who inherited their teaching.
With information from them, information about mythological era and the Dragon Tree that Hajime wanted along with the whereabouts of the documents became clear.
「The older the document is the deeper the location it is stored at. According to the investigation, the majority of the documents that were stored in the eroded part were mainly from the founding of dragon kingdom until several hundred years from it or even further than that.」
「If it’s needed then we can also restore only the documents, so leaving the temple like this isn’t really any obstacle. In that case, why not.」
There was no need to go out of their way to restore the temple, so Hajime decided to respect the feeling of Roze and others.
Hajime shrugged.
Roze and others were sending him gazes that were filled with gratitude and affection for respecting their feeling. Yue and others also smiled warmly seeing that.
「Hajime-san really gave a great consideration even though she’s also a royalty like me……」
The princess was whispering something. Are you holding grudge for the past? You’re given maximum consideration right now aren’t ya, Yuuka and others gave her a look that seemed to say that.
Hajime-san approached Liliana from the side and patted her head. His hand was gentle with the greatest consideration so it wouldn’t mess up her hairstyle. Princess’s expression crumbled into happiness like jelly.
So easy……no, the corner of her lips are a bit smirking? Don’t tell me, this is her aim!? Schemer! That kind of gaze was directed at Liliana from Roze.
「Although, as expected at this rate the staffs here will have trouble with their living condition, so we’re doing reconstruction and maintenance to some degree.」
『Of course, it’s not done using hero-sama and demon god-sama’s power, but using our own effort bit by bit so it takes time. Well, we’re also prioritizing investigation over that so we asked them to do the purification itself though.』
Kuh, that tenacity, I got to learn from that! Roze had eyes that seemed to say that. Fufu, I don’t mind even if you call me Onee-sama you know? Liliana made a smug face that seemed to say that. The two of them seemed to be really busy with themselves, so Sabas and Kuwaibel explained in her place.
「It was included in the schedule from the start, and it’s a rare chance. Let’s go see the inside.」
The footing was bad so Hajime carried Myuu in his arms just in case while taking the lead. Yue and others also nodded 「I see」 in acceptance of the temple’s condition while following behind.
They crossed wooden bridge that was placed over large depression on the ground, passed through the gaps of rising stones that looked like sword mountain, and circled around a wavy rock cliff to continue advancing forward for a while.
When they arrived at the area that might be the center of the rocky mountain, they saw stairs to underground surrounded by stones in the shape of teeth.
At the same time, some people also showed up. They slowly came up from underground.
「Oo~, there there. That was scawy wasn’t it~? It’s fine now~」
It was a youth who was doing baby talk for some reason. For a moment, Nana and Taeko and others made a reaction of Eh, gross.
But, they saw that the youth was carefully holding something small on his chest and became understanding.
He was holding a baby dragon wrapped in towel on his chest.
The baby dragon weakly cried 「Kyu~?」 as though to observe the situation.
They were just guessing but, most likely it got scared hearing the commotion before this.
It was unclear why they were underground the temple even though they should be evacuating inside the ship, but in any case, there was no doubt that they were coming out after gauging that the commotion had ended.
「Aa~, why are just too lovely like this dragon-chama? If only I can return to the past, I’d massacre all those hunting force for you」
The youth started saying dangerous thing for some reason. Dragon-chama aka the baby dragon started crying 「Pii~」. Perhaps it sensed the youth’s dangerous aura.
The youth hurriedly rocked the baby dragon in his arms like a cradle to sooth it.
「Aa~ sowwyy~. You must be scareed~」
Of course, the youth still carefully kept going up the stairs step by step even while doing that, so he soon came right before the group.
Even so the youth was so absorbed with the baby dragon that he didn’t notice them but,
「Loookhee~re, my face is funny seee~? Peek a~~booo? Peek aaa~~~~──」
It was the baby dragon that noticed Hajime and others first. It stared in fixation to them, so naturally the youth also lifted up his gaze──
His eyes met. With Hajime.
「Demon goooooooddd!!?」
The youth shrieked with really great terror like he was a victim of cosmic horror. His eyes rolled back until only the white of his eyes was visible before his body limply fell backward. The body was sliding down right until the bottom of the stairs without stopping.
While the back of his head heavily hit the steps *smack smacksmacksmacksmack smack*.
Even so his hands didn’t throw off the baby dragon so it was really something, but his reaction like his sanity level got scraped off in an instant made even Hajime and co dumbfounded as expected.
They couldn’t even reach out with their hand and only stared at the youth’s eccentric behavior and sliding down.
The youth was limp at the bottom of the stairs. His body didn’t even twitch. Like it was a corpse.
The baby dragon on his chest worriedly cried Pii Pii.
「Ah? What what? Just what in the world……wait, ain’t he that guy Higgs! Are you alright! Ooooi!!」
Bovid who was at the back of the group and didn’t understand the situation peeked forward. He saw the disaster and hurriedly got down the stairs.
Next there was also voice 「H-he’s dead? Even though there isn’t any serious injury outside!?」.
Apparently he died from bout of insanity.
The gazes of Yue and others all turned toward Hajime.
「No, I’m not doing anything. I’m innocent!」
「No, Goshujin-sama. That person art the one who thy hath traumatized the worst in this world.」
Hajime stared blankly.
Roze and others were looking at him with eyes that were asking Seriously……?, meanwhile Kaori and Aiko ignored the byplay for the time being and hurriedly rushed forward to save life.
AN: Thank you very much for reading this every time.
Thank you very much too for the thoughts, opinions, and reports about misspelling and omitted words.
I’m sorry for making everyone wait for so long. I finally returned home from the obsession of hunting. Well, I still don’t have enough hunting though. Also, I think there are some of you who forget about Higgs-kun so just in case. He’s the former pilot who got chased around by Tio at the speed of sound while panting, and the survivor of the battleship that got the “I’m the demon king, right now I’m right behind you” treatment. He was afflicted with insomnia due to the trauma and his healing for that was dragon, so he went full circle and became a trainee priest who loved dragon so much.
※Material introduction
– It looks like a corpse
From [Dragon Quest] series.
※Notification. [Arifureta Anime 3rd Season Blu-ray Box 2] will be on sale at March 12.
This time it’s also included around 45 page of special perk story. All four volumes of Blu-ray Box are planned to have their own special perk story, throughout the whole volumes this time the story is focused on the Liberators and the “survived children” or “the successors”. If you like please take a look! Other than that, please go to the link below for information like the special perks for each store.