Ascension of the Mortal God

Chapter 30: Divine Wrath

Chapter 30: Divine Wrath

The night after the raid on Eldermere was tense. Though the rebellion had struck a major blow, Kael knew it was only a matter of time before the gods retaliated. The message Varian had found left no doubts—the gods were coming.

Back in Raventhorn Keep, the rebels moved with urgency. Weapons were sharpened, fortifications reinforced, and scouts were sent to monitor any incoming threats. Yet, even with all these preparations, Kael knew they weren't ready for an all-out war—not yet.

Darius slammed his fist on the war table, frustration evident in his voice. "We can't just sit here waiting for them to strike. We need to be on the offensive!"

Selene, ever the strategist, shook her head. "Charging blindly will only get us killed. We don't know what they're sending. We need information."

Varian, who had just returned from a scouting mission, stepped forward. "Then you'll want to hear this." His face was grim. "A divine champion is coming. And they're not alone."


The Gods Send a Champion

The name Oric, the Thunderborn was spoken in hushed whispers. He was a warlord chosen by the gods, blessed with divine lightning and unmatched strength. He had crushed countless rebellions before and left nothing but ashes in his wake.

Now, he was coming for Kael.

"He's marching with a force of one hundred divine warriors," Varian continued. "They'll be here in two days, maybe less."

The room fell silent. A hundred warriors, each blessed by the gods, led by a champion? The rebellion had grown, but they were still outnumbered and outmatched.

Kael's mind raced. They needed a plan.

"We can't win in a direct confrontation," Selene said. "Not yet."

Kael exhaled sharply, then spoke with certainty. "Then we make it a battle on our terms."


Setting the Trap

Kael gathered his most trusted fighters—Darius, Selene, and Varian—and together, they devised a plan.

The gods' forces were expecting to storm Raventhorn Keep. That meant they would be marching through Shadowpass Gorge, a narrow mountain path leading straight to the keep. It was the perfect place for an ambush.

"We use the terrain against them," Kael explained. "We strike hard and fast before they realize what's happening."

Darius grinned. "Sounds like my kind of fight."

Selene nodded. "We'll position archers on the cliffs and set fire traps along the path. When they're trapped, we strike from both sides."

Varian smirked. "And I'll make sure no one escapes to warn the gods."

Kael looked at his people, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. This battle would determine the fate of the rebellion.

With a final nod, he spoke: "We end them here."

The rebellion was no longer just surviving.

They were fighting back.

To be continued…

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