Ascension to Eternity

Chapter 3: Oyosinna

Kaer was at the heart of the high tower of the magic researcher Oyosinna; a lady shrouded in mystery and wisdom. The tower, a universe of arcane knowledge, soared into the heavens, its ancient stone walls shielding the myriad secrets it housed from laypeople.

Inside, the shelves were filled with old manuscripts and books with age-faded covers, written in languages both now spoken and extinct.

The first shelf was devoted to magic, with old leather-bound volumes, their pages containing incantations and spells. The second shelf was reserved for world history, with chronicles of forgotten battles and the rise and fall of great empires. Among them were treatises on alchemy, ancient scrolls discussing the genesis of the planet, and other mysterious subjects.

Oyosinna, her voice calm and measured, spoke the words with an almost sacral reverence:

"I read these books written by the gods. They are written in the language of the gods."

Kaer looked at her, his eyes wide in amazement.

"Kaer, you consider yourself an archer. You are undoubtedly an outstanding fighter with two knives and arrows after years of rigorous training. But within you lies a unique calling, an art of magic that will transform you into one who will face the challenges ahead. They are heirlooms from your parents. You must be more than just an archer to fulfill your purpose."

Kaer listened intently, puzzled but full of faith in the woman who had saved him from death.

"Here are three scrolls," said Oyosinna, handing him the scrolls. They will disappear after you study them. The first is invocation; you can summon three or more Ancestral Wolves to fight alongside you. The second scroll will grant you a powerful talent called Teleporter, allowing you to instantly travel from one location to another, mastering space and time. The third is the Worlds Map, which will reveal the locations of many significant destinations. And instead of a precious treasure, I give you a book as a present. The Hero's Chronicles is a simple name for an item of inestimable value.

Lying dormant within you is the potential to cultivate what might become your most formidable attribute: mind control."

Kaer, his voice filled with emotion and curiosity, asked:

"Who are you, Oyosinna, and how did I end up in this story?"

"From now on, you can consider me your friend, teacher, or master. With a lot of imagination, I could even be your guardian angel. Consider me your rescue in a critical situation, she replied with a mysterious smile."

"What to do?" Kaer asked.

"You do not have to hurry. Events will unfold on their own. You will be amazed at how you discover the strangest things or how they find you. For now, focus on what I gave you to study. You are strong, but you must continuously develop. You will face opponents whose talents are beyond your imagination, like the demons that have ravaged your settlement."

"What do you know about these monsters?"

"Too little for now. I can tell you that these demons are of the Natorhog race, and their leader is Garrmud, the vampires' ally. I was surprised by their attack as this was the first time they had formed a group. Many types of creatures inhabit the Earth, but they rarely form intelligent groups to attack in an organized manner. Tell me more about Natorhogs who attacked your settlement.."

"The creatures were a formidable fusion of human shape and deadly terror. They stood tall, their humanoid outlines pronounced. Their skin, a tapestry of gleaming, iridescent scales, shimmered with every motion, reflecting the fading light as if it were a warrior's armor.

Though shaped in the likeness of man, their limbs bore the marks of their predatory lineage. Long, sharp claws extended from their fingertips, capable of rending steel and stone alike. These claws constantly scratched the ground, leaving trails of sparks and debris, a testament to their strength and ferocity.

A haunting blend of human and reptilian traits, their deep and calculating eyes glowed with an otherworldly hue, piercing through the shadows to spot their prey. When opened, their mouths revealed rows of dagger-like fangs, each one a death sentence waiting to be delivered. A low growl resonating from their throats was a prelude to the carnage they could unleash.

In combat, these beings were a spectacle to witness. They maneuvered with harmonious elegance, their movements in sync as though bound by an invisible accord. The intelligence they displayed in their tactics was clear, as they surrounded enemies with methodical accuracy and attacked with lethal effectiveness.

They communicated with intricate gestures and low-pitched vocalizations, a language known only to their kind. "

"Dear Kaer, the monsters you've seen are just the beginning. More powerful ones will follow. At least that's what I know," Oyosinna said gravely.

"I would like to ask a personal question," said Kaer.

"Yes, please."

"Do you know anything about my beloved Aspera?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't know anything about her," answered Oyosinna with regret.

Kaer was so engrossed in his studies, so captivated by what he had learned from Oyosinna that he had no idea how much time had passed.

Oyosinna told him of the disappearance of the most skilled alchemist, a woman named Salvianna, who ventured too close to the Neemist Forest in search of rare herbs.

It was Kaer's duty to find her and save her.

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