Ashura: ninja hero

Chapter 4: orientation, squad eleven with two jokes

Congratulations again to you guys, you are no longer in the academy, you have work hard to get to this level, but I can't say it will be easy cuz it won't, what awaits you guys is far more dangerous than what you have faced in the academy ", Iruka sensei gave his speech to the students, "from today you are all a ninja, you will be placed in a three men squad and a jonin to lead you ".

"( ugh, three men squad )", Sakura, Naruto, Ino and Izumi all ask in there head.

"( I wasn't expecting that )", the pale skin boy thought.

"( three men squad huh, no big deal )", Sasuke sigh.

"some one has to be on Sasuke's team, I wonder who that will be ", Ino smirk.

"yeah ", Sakura glared at her.

"( fools )", Izumi shook her head in pity.

"now I will announce the squad ", Iruka sensei cough.

Ashura was sitting on the right side of Ino, he rest his head on his desk and was drawing circle around the desk, "( what's wrong with me, what's this...feeling I'm having, it's like my heart is beating really fast )", Ashura look over at Ino's face and he looked away, "( just staring at Ino it was like my heart is going to explode, this is insane )", Ashura grit his teeth.

"( what's wrong with him, he just keeps staring at me, if not that I was the one that accidentally ran into him I swear I would have killed him, he stole my first kiss, I was saving it for Sasuke but now this jerk stole it )", Ino was staring at Iruka sensei and act like she wasn't seeing Ashura, "( it wasn't is fault though, I was the one who ran into him, he should be the one mad not me, but still he doesn't look mad, he looks...confused )", Ino thought after stealing a glance at Ashura.

"now squad seven, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno ".

"yeah... ", Naruto cheers.

"( am doomed )", Sakura drop her head in disappointment.

"and Sasuke Uchiha ", Iruka sensei announced.

"yeah...", it was now Sakura's turn to cheers.

"( am doomed )", Naruto drop his head in disappointment.

"( this means.. I won't be with Naruto then )", a shy looking girl with pupiless eye thought to herself.

"squad eight, Hinata Hyúga ", Iruka sensei called.

"y-yes sir ", the girl said quietly.

"Kiba Inuzuka ", Iruka sensei called and a boy on white hoodie smirk revealing his fangs, his eyes were slit and he has a red paint like fangs on both sides of his cheek, "Shino Aburame ", Iruka called out and the boy pushed his glasses closer to his face.

Sakura showed Ino two fingers and the blonde growl, "how did you get on his group ".

"what do you guys see in him, it's not like his cool ", Shikamaru who was sitting on the left side of Ino said.

"you don't get it Shikamaru ", Ino said.

"no cuz I'm not a girl ", Shikamaru replied.

"you're so full of yourself Shikamaru, jealousy is a thing, I hate to be on your squad ", Ino stated.

"squad nine is still in service so I will be moving to squad ten... Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara ".

"ha... did you said something about hating to be on my squad? ", Shikamaru laugh and Ino growl.

"and Choji Akimechi ", Iruka sensei added and a fat boy with brown hair was stuffing chips into his mouth.

"not food boy too...", Ino scream.

"squad eleven, Indra ", Iruka sensei said and the pale skin boy breathe out with close eyes, "Izumi Aoki ", she gasp a little, she didn't know she will be in the same squad with the pale looking boy, "and Ashura Uzumaki ", Iruka and Ino look down at the red haired boy who seemed to be zooming out, he didn't even know his name was called.

"( now they have to add a clown too )", Izumi growled in annoyance.

"( what's wrong with Ashura, he look off, what is he thinking about? )", Ino was staring at him.

"( why do I feel bad for not having Ino in my group, because we accidentally kiss doesn't mean she likes me, it's not like I have anything for her, Indra and Izumi are in the same group with me, I don't get along well with Indra and Izumi is annoying, I just feel bad )", Ashura slowly raised his head back up.

"hey Iruka sensei... why does a mighty ninja like me have to be in the same squad as a slug like Sasuke? ", Naruto ask angrily.

"Naruto, to create balance in each squad we have to put the best student and the weakest student together, Sasuke has a great score and Naruto you have the worst score ", Iruka sensei said and the students started laughing.

"don't get in my way loser ", Sasuke said with a smirk.

"hey... what did you just say? ".

"hard of hearing? ".

"arrr ".

"Naruto sit down ", Sakura who was between them yelled at Naruto.

"( wait a minute )", Ashura's eyes snapped in realization, "( Sasuke and Sakura are in the same group as Naruto and I'm in the same group as... Indra and Izumi?, no way ), Iruka sensei ", Ashura called out, "there must have been a mistake here ", Ashura said.

"( here he goes, realizing what had just happened )", Ino huffs.

"what is it Ashura? ", Iruka sensei ask.

"Izumi and Indra ", Ashura said without hesitation, "Indra is weird looking, he hardly talks I'm starting to think he's a dumb, and for Izumi, she's always acting like Mrs perfect and that's really annoying, you should replace them with someone else that knows the way of a ninja just like me ", Ashura said.

"I hate you ", Izumi throw her sandal at the red haired boy and Ashura grunt out in pain.

"after your lunch you all will be meeting with your jonin sensei, good luck ", Iruka sensei said ignoring the red haired boy.


"( now I'm all alone, Naruto decided he was going to have lunch with his teammates but I know that's not true cuz he doesn't like Sasuke, he's only doing so because of Sakura )", Ashura was sitting on the swing and he was holding a cup of ramen, "( Sakura's forehead is so wide I don't know what Naruto even find interesting about her )", Ashura sigh loudly.

"( what do I even find interesting about Ino, she's so annoying, bossy and loud but... I just found myself staring at her the entire time we were in class, silly )", Ashura scoffed, he opened the ramen and smile widely, "now this is something really interesting ", he giggles.


Lunch was now over and they all went back to class, jonin came in and left with their students.

The jonin with beards was now standing in front of the classroom, "Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimechi, I'm Asuma Sarutobi and I will be your jonin sensei, now come with me ", Asuma sensei said.

"wait a minute, our sensei should have been here to get us right, since we're squad seven which is supposed to be the first before squad eight or ten ", Sakura made her point.

"you guys will have to wait a little longer ", Asuma sensei informed, "c'mon let go ", Asuma sensei said to his new students.

"good bye Izumi, good bye Sakura ", Ino wave before running off with her teammates and sensei.

"get lost Ino-pog ", Sakura yelled angrily.

"our sensei will be the next believe it ", Naruto yelled.

"ha.. no way ", Kiba denied.

"someone is already at the door and is about to come in ", Ashura informed when he sense someone's chakra outside the room.

"ugh ", they all gasp in shock when the door open revealing Kurenai.

"wow, how did you do that Ashura? ", Naruto ask, he was beyond amazed.

"I didn't do anything, I just sense her energy that's all ", Ashura said like it's no big deal.

"so you are a sensory ninja? ", Kurenai ask.

"ugh me? ", Ashura ask pointing at his chest, "wait what is a sensory ninja? ", Ashura ask.

"sensory ninjas are ninjas who can sense the chakra of other ninjas and tell how much chakra they have ", Kurenai gave them a short info.

"wow ", both Ashura , Naruto, Kiba and Sakura said.

"he's still dumb ", Izumi insult.

"you're only jealous... perfect clown ", Ashura insult back.

"are you our sensei? ", Naruto ask, he was standing right in front of her.

She looks at the sheet of paper in her hand and looks back at the remaining students, "Hinata Hyúga, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame, I'm Kurenai Yuhi and I am your sensei, you can come with me ", she called and they followed her out.

"she's really beautiful, it's such a shame she wasn't our sensei ", Izumi said and Ashura frown.

"gees ", Ashura said looking away, time passes by and still non of their sensei show up, Naruto climb a chair and place a duster on the door.

"Naruto what are you doing? ", Sakura walk up to him.

"this is for coming last ", Naruto laugh.

"that's going to get you in trouble Naruto ", Izumi said.

"our sensei is a jonin an elite ninja, there's no way he's going to fall for that ", Sasuke said from his sitting position.

"for once I have to agree with Sasuke, he won't fall for such chip trick, try something bigger ", Ashura suggested.

"stop it Naruto ", Sakura yelled.

"it's too late now, someone is coming this way ", Haru informed, few seconds later the door slide open and the duster fall on the head of the person, it was the silver haired jonin with a mask covering his lower face and his left eye.

"what do you know ", Indra ask quietly.

The silver haired jonin pick up the duster before looking back at them, "mm, my very first impression with you guys ", he placed his hand on his chin like he was thinking, "you are all a bunch of idiots ", he insult, " squad seven ", he said and left.

"heh heh, see you later Ashura ".

"see you later Izumi ".

Both Naruto and Sakura waved before running off.

"I'm glad he wasn't our sensei, I don't want a sensei with one eye ", Izumi breathe out in relief.

"don't be so sure Izumi, I could sense some kind of chakra in his left eye ", Ashura informed.

"ugh, seriously ?", Izumi ask.

"hm ", Ashura nod, "and his chakra was a bit huge, it was kind of intimidating, it was different from those academy teachers ", Ashura informed.


To be continued.

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