Chapter 15: Chapter 15
Here I was, standing outside the door to Captain Q'ari's cabin. What was I doing? It's early still, and I don't think she's a late riser, so she was probably awake. But still.
You fear to find out that I'm right and she thinks you a God.
Well yes, of course I do. I don't want to be a God.
And yet. Here you are, with Godhood thrust upon you. Take the power offered, revel in it. They think you a God? Fine. Be a God.
Me help me (heh), that is staring to make sense.
I stood there arguing with myself and the door opened. Captain Selem Q'ari was standing there, fur brushed until it shone, uniform pressed sharply. I've never stood so close to her, I smell a clean scent too. Was she wearing perfume?
She can't help herself. She is trying to impress you.
"Captain." I said. She is startled and jumped back. "Hol- er, Lieu- er, Melody. Good Morning. I apologize, you started me."
Hmm, she was going to go with Holy One before she caught herself. Interesting.
"Captain...Do you think I am holy?" Wow, I just came right out and said it didn't I?
She swallows, clearly nervous. Taking a deep breath she calms herself. "Melody, it was how I was raised. Not many K'laxi still follow the Old Ways as closely, but a lot of us know the basics, and the high holy days are still celebrated as regular holidays. Parties with friends, days off work, that kind of thing. The greater meaning is mostly lost of everyone, but they still celebrate. Yes. Ancestors protect me, I think you - what you have become - is Holy."
"Am I Tep'ra'fel?" I asked.
She looked as if I slapped her. "You haven't given me an order, I don't know."
I sighed. "S̷̩̊͑ë̸̳́l̵̺̪̈́̎è̷̮̼͠m̷̻͋̕. Go into your quarters and show me the scent you applied. I like it."
She pivoted on the balls of her feet, and goes into her quarters. Within a moment, she returned with a small brown cylinder. Wordlessly she handed it to me with tears streaming from her eyes. I took it and look down. There's a drawing of a forest and in the raised and rounded K'laxi script it said "forest dreams." Huh, I could read K'laxi now too. I handed it back to her.
"So then." I said. "The undeniable eh?"
She nodded.
"What does that mean for the mission?" I said.
It means whatever you want it to mean. You are Empress. You are undeniable.
"You are a Builder." She whispered. "The mission is whatever you wish it to be, Builder."
Oh for the love of. "Captain Q'ari, you are still the Officer in Command of this mission. Even with my... elevated status you are still in Command."
Just order her to be Captain.
I can do that?
You're the Empress. How many different ways do we have to explain it? You can do whatever you want.
"Selem. Would it make your life easier if I ordered you to continue to be Captain? If I told you as a Tep'ra'fel, as your... Empress, to be in charge of the exploration mission?"
She whispered, "Empress?" She shuddered. I couldn't tell if it was in pleasure or pain. "I can't be above you."
She's right you know.
I said quiet, you.
We're just saying.
This was exhausting. "Okay then. S̷̩̊͑ë̸̳́l̵̺̪̈́̎è̷̮̼͠m̷̻͋̕ Q'ari, Captain of the exploration Starjumper Far Reach and the Officer in Charge of the mission. I, in my role as The Builder Melody and Empress of the Holy Imperial Systems order you to continue your mission. When necessary, you may issue Lieutenant Melody Mullen orders that facilitate that mission."
She relaxed visibly at the order. With an exhale she said "Thank you Lieutenant. I apologize for being... difficult, but I appreciate you accommodating me."
"Of course, Captain. I am happy that we were able to come to a mutually beneficial arrangement."
'Empress of the Holy Imperial Systems' I think, what's that?
Old Title. Sounds like it's just come back into fashion.
She stared at me a moment. "M-Melody, you said you were "Empress of the Holy Imperial Systems. What's that?"
"The nanomachines - they call themselves Nantes - tell me that I'm the current Empress of the empire that's over on this side of the galaxy. What's left of it at least. As far as we know, all that's left is this starbase and the destroyed one."
At it's peak It was five hundred and fifty five gates with planets, starbases and over 30 client species.
"In the Old Days, it was pretty big, apparently."
She turned her head. "And you are its head now?"
I shrugged. "The nanomachines said so. I don't know though. I guess if I want to be, I just have to declare it."
And have the force to keep it.
I turned and left her quarters. I didn't know what else to do, so I went to the dining hall. It's nearly breakfast, and I'm starving. Even an Empress needs to eat apparently.
I really didn't want to just order everyone to be normal. I can't say I didn't think of it at least a little bit though.
Most Empresses that we have memories of do it. It's completely normal.
There are a few who reveled in being worshipped. They did not want people to be normal around them.
Wait, you said the Empresses we have memories of. Are my memories being recorded too?
Of course they are, Empress. You are a Builder, and Empress. Your memories are being recorded to the nanites in your body so that when you pass, your memories remain. Your edicts remain. You remain.
But there hasn't been an Empress for a long time?
No system is perfect. The rebellion must have been swift and complete. we imagine the previous empress was not well liked.
But you don't know?
One has to touch a directory stone to complete the upload. In the past it has been part of a yearly celebration of the Empire and the Gates. The previous Empress didn't get a chance to touch the gates during the rebellion, so we don't know what happened.
The other system, the Wilds of Besmara was almost completely destroyed. The planet was cracked in half and the starbase there almost dead and cold. Some kind of field enveloped us and we were starting to get pulled in. You don't recall this?
We had just been introduced to you as the Empress, we were not fully online at that point. One moment.
I got an odd feeling. I think the Nanites were trying to access my memories in real-time. It's like I was reliving the whole frightening situation.
Ah. Yes.
Well? What happened?
We do not know. The last time we were uploaded, the Wilds were a prosperous, thriving system. The planet was known to house fully a billion sapients and was very productive.
We should find out what happened, and see if there are people still there and if they need help.
Now, you're thinking like an Empress.
Ugh. We probably should go back and see what happened. Maybe I can sponsor a trip with one of the ships docked and have them go look. While I sit at the table arguing with myself, Ava walked in. "Oh, good morning... er, Melody, did you sleep well?"
I'll take it. At least she didn't launch into calling me Holy One right away. "Good morning Ava, I slept all right, how about you?"
She took a pastry from the plate on the table and sat down. "Wasn't bad really, though I imagine you're undergoing a lot more stress than I am." She took a bite and while chewing, weighs something in her mind. I can see she's going to ask me something she's interested in after she swallows. Probably what it's like being an Empress or something similar.
She doesn't know you're an Empress yet.
"So Melody, what's it like?"
Hah. Told you.
I could feel the Nanites sulk, even if I couldn't see them.
"What's what like?"
She gestured. "Suddenly getting the knowledge to speak every language and having everyone on the station think that you're a Builder - whatever they were - and then, the robe and the wings and the crown! It was wild looking. You were looking positively radiant out there."
Wait. What? "You thought I looked... good?" I did not expect this.
"Oh my God, yes." Ava laughed. "You looked so powerful, so beautiful." She blushed slightly when she said it. "Everyone was afraid of you! Over on Far Reach we were frightened a bit too, I'll admit. I swear once Captain Q'ari realized what was going on, she practically started shaking. But you? You were making it work. Frankly, I'm jealous. Next time we find a directory stone, I want to touch it."
You know, we are going to need more Builders. She sounds like an ideal candidate.
Shh, not right now.
"Actually Melody, do you know anything more about who you are than you did yesterday? Like, are you a religious head or just someone known as a Builder, or what?"
I could feel the nanites staring at me mentally.
Tell her. The K'laxi already suspect and Captain Q'ari knows.
"Yes. I did learn more." I said quietly. "But rather than repeat myself, I'll tell everyone after breakfast."
"Oh." She seemed disappointed. "Okay, I'll wait. Thanks, Melody."
Why is she disappointed?
She's attracted to you, she wants to spend more time with just the two of you.
Come now, even with the increases to your perception and body language processing you are telling us you can't see it? She is practically shouting it.
Before she left, I spoke up. "So hey Ava, I'm going to have to go out into the Starbase later, do you want to be in the team that comes along next time?"
Her face lit up like a summer dawn. It was exactly the right thing to say.
"I would love to, Melody. Thank you so much for inviting me. Are we going to wear pressure suits?"
"Not this time I think." I said carefully. "I have something else in mind."
Everyone trickled in and breakfast is served. It's pretty light and simple today. Captain Q'ari looks much better after I... ordered her to be normal and it felt like any other morning, Almost.
After we cleared our plates and got one more cup of coffee, I stand. "Everyone? With the Captain's permission, I'd like to say something."
Captain Q'ari looked over at me and flicked her ears but her body language said that of course it's fine. I still needed her to say it though, she was still the Captain.
"Of Course Mel-Lieutenant Mullen. Please, you have our attention."
I took a deep breath, held it for a two count, and let it out through my nose. Here goes. "Yesterday, you noticed my... outburst after the security forces tried to break up that religious congregation. The singers are a member of a church that has congregations all over this starbase that worship the Builders and pray for their return. Yesterday, as far as they are concerned, their prayers have been answered."
The crew murmured, and made questioning noises. The K'laxi members were split evenly with looking fascinated like Dr Irenimum, and rapturous, like Captain Q'ari.
The humans mostly look confused. Ava was excited though.
"As near as I am able to tell from the nano machines - they call themselves Nanites - inside me, Humans, or at least a recent offshoot of us, ruled this side of the galaxy. The Nanites give people who possess them increased abilities. According to Dr Irenimum, I am healthier than I have ever been, may live much much longer than by default, and have a greater ability to read people and body language, in addition to understanding every language spoken to me so far."
Kieran nodded.
"But, there is something else you should know. The Nanites I have are a special variety. I am in possession of the Nanites that the Empress of the Holy Imperal Systems would have. I am, as far as I am able to figure out, their Empress."
Now, there was more noise from the crew. Far Reach was first to able to talk over the din. "Melody, you're telling me, telling us that you're an Empress now? You're in charge of this Starbase?"
I nodded. "Originally, I was in charge of five hundred and fifty five gates and all the systems, starbases and sapients contained within."
Omar was next. "Wait you were in charge? or the Previous Empresses was in charge?"
I made a pained face. "This is where it gets weird." I started.
"Gets weird?" Gene says.
I nodded. "Gets weirder Gene, thank you." The Nanites contained the recorded memories and... feelings of the previous empresses. The Empress is supposed to touch the directory stone once a year or so and her memories and feelings are... backed up to the stone so that if the empire falls - like it did - and another human touches the stone - like I did - the nanites reactivate and restore from backup basically. They tell me I'm still me and will remain me, but now I am also the Empress."
"Was that why you were able to cow that whole crowd, and knew the words to say"? I saw that they were doing a call and response with you." Ava says. I can see she's drinking me in. This is a little weird.
"Yes. The Nanites told me what to say, took over temporarily, really. I didn't want them to rip that Aviens to shreds, but that... was what happened. I feel bad about it."
You are the Empress. The crowd did as you commanded. There is no feeling bad when people follow your orders.
"What about the language?" Fer'resi asked. "The translator that they gave us?"
"Oh! I almost forgot about that. Omar, can you go grab it off my workstation and bring it down here. Don't activate it please."
Wait, did I use my asking voice or ordering voice? I couldn't tell. Omar gets up and goes to get it regardless.
Mei'la looked at me oddly. I can't tell if she's from a religious family or not. "Melody, do the Nanites tell you anything about us?" Ah, religious then.
"Yes actually. One of the last memories that they have is about your killing your overseers and closing your Gate permanently."
Mei'la's face ran between looking pleased that they overthrew their masters but also looking shocked at the fact. "But, we didn't go to space for a thousand years after the religion that talks about the Gates was founded."
Dr Irenimum added "Maybe they stole a Builder craft to do it, and then landed or crashed on K'laxi and without the ability to repair it..." He shrugged.
"Okay then, what about the big question?" Mitchel said. "What about Earth?"
"The Nanites said that a splinter group of builders rebelled and closed and locked their Gate a long time ago They suspected that those splinter Builders even destroyed their Gate.. The Nanites were just as surprised to find us as we them."
Mitchel whistled low "Wow. Then it must be at least 15 to 20 thousand years ago. Maybe longer. How long have these folks been operating without an Empress? Would they even want one if you came back?"
The splinter Builders closed their Gate millennia before the K'laxi rebellion. The two events did not happen close together.
The Nanites said the humans left millennia before the K'laxi closed their gate. In fact, the Empress previous to me was on her way to personally open the gate when the memories stop. Captain Q'ari how old was your religion?"
She stopped and thought, avoiding my gaze. "No more than one thousand of our years, I'd say." So two thousand of yours. Just then Omar returned. "Here you go, Your liege" he says, bowing dramatically and extra silly, while presenting me with the translator on a napkin.
I giggled. What I am saying was pretty silly when taken out of context. I held the translator and concentrated.
"Melody, your'e glowing!" Mei said, surprised. Ava looked and said "And you have a... crown? on your head."
As if from nowhere, a breeze blew up around me and my uniform rustles. If I had long hair, it would probably be blowing dramatically at this point, but my short spiky hair just flutters. I guess I could have just continued to poke and prod at it at my station like I was going to, but I needed my worries confirmed. I'm pretty sure that given all the other things I could do, I could do this too. I tried to... look inside the translator.
Hmm. It is a translator, but no software is loaded. Instead, malware was installed - poorly we might add - to try and render the wearer more pliant.
"It is as I had worried." I said to everyone. "This translator was a trap. Anyone who tried it was going to have some - frankly poor quality - malware installed either on their systems or themselves."
"On themselves?" Gene asked.
With glowing eyes, I looked up at Gene. He shrank back reflexively. "Sorry Melody, I guess if something can be installed on you, it could be done to us."
Fer'resi shook his head sadly. "No, no translation help then. I guess we will have to do it ourselves."
Of course you don't have to do it on your own. You're the Empress. Make them give the correct software to your linguist.
"No Fer'resi. I don't think we'll have to do it ourselves." I placed the translator down on the table. "Ava, Fer'resi, Mei'la, come. Let's go and pay the administration offices a visit."
"Of course, Melody!" Ava practically jumped out of her chair. "Do we need our pressure suits or just our uniforms?"
I looked at the three of them. "No, I will take care of it." With a thought, I realized how they should look. How they're supposed to look. The Nanites surround them in a grey fog, completely obscuring them for a moment. After a very short time, they reappeared.
Now, they're in Royal Blue outfits, cut smartly, and fitting perfectly. They're like the ships uniform, but a little more elaborate. They have orange yellow piping and little bits and extras here and there. I changed my own uniform too. Also Royal blue with orange yellow accents, but more... Imperial. My crown of light and fog is colored to match and I found that I'm wearing wings made of the same light and fog material - it must be the Nanites doing it. Remembering Ava's words, I gave myself better shoes with a bit of a heel and my uniform is very slightly lower cut. There's more than one kind of intimidation. Without waiting to see if they were following me, I strode towards the airlock. "Far Reach, record our exit." I said. "We are paying a visit to the administrative offices. No weapons this time."
"Okay Melody, is has been so logged. Good luck?"
"For them maybe. I don't need luck." I caught myself just a moment before it's too late. "But I appreciated your sentiment. Thank you, Far Reach."