Chapter 5: Chapter 5
I awoke in the infirmary on Far Reach with a start. Sitting up, I realized I was belted to the table from my waist down. Panicking I started hyperventilating and was about to lose it when Dr Irenimum came running over.
"Melody! Melody. Concentrate on my voice. You're safe. You're on Far Reach. Everything is alright."
His soothing, lightly K'laxi accented voice was calming me down. Still wild eyed I swallowed and croaked "W-what happened?"
"That is what I would like to know." Captain Q'ari said, walking in with a worried look on her face. "What do you remember?"
I thought back. Wasn't it only a few moments ago? "I asked Fer'resi if he thought I should touch the directory stone. He said that K'laxi touched it all the time and nothing happened, so it was fine for me. I reached out and touched it and... now I'm here."
"And you don't remember anything else?" the Captain asked.
I thought hard. I touched the stone and then...
"Right when I touched the stone I felt something. Like... someone?"
Captain Q'ari was taken aback. "Like an AI?"
"I don't know. It was... surprised to feel me. Then, there was a feeling like an intake of breath and... I woke up here."
"Commander Perinem said you tipped your head back and screamed, and then shouted in a language that he's never heard and then passed out. He and Ensign Frankfurt carried you back."
"Wow." I blinked. "I have no memory of that."
Dr Irenimum nodded. "Given how your brains process trauma, I'm not surprised at that. Given time, you might remember more of what happened." He shrugged. "But you might not. Far Reach and I did a full body and brain scan. You appear unchanged and there are no known pathogens or unauthorized cybernetic mods installed. If you feel up for it, I'm approving you for duty." He made some notes on his pad. "But, stay on the ship for now."
I started to fuss at the belt around my waist and legs. Dr Irenimum came over and helped. "Why the restraints?"
His ears twitched in a way that showed embarrassment or sheepishness. "I didn't want you to get hurt mostly."
Mostly, he said. I wondered what else he was worried about. Worried that I would hurt anyone? I blanched at the thought. I would never! I looked at him over his head while he bent down and raised an eyebrow. It would do no good to go accusing anyone of anything, so I dropped it. I looked up at the Captain. "Did Fer'resi get the data from the directory stone copied?"
She nodded. "Yes. He has multiple options for addresses now. We were going to discuss it after dinner now that you're awake."
At the mention of food, I felt and I think I heard my stomach growling. I was starving. I got down from the bed gingerly. My legs held weight, thought they were a little wobbly. I'd be all right. "I'd love some food. When do we eat?"
Far Reach chimed in. "The Chefs say dinner will be ready in about an hour, but there's hot water ready to go if you wanted to make some coffee first."
"What's on the menu tonight?" I asked, trying not to sound as hungry as I felt.
"I believe it's a tagine of some of the fresh vegetables we picked up on Picaresque - the last of them I think - as well as some rice and ca'olin."
Ca'olin was a K'laxi starch, it was more a bean than a seed and while humans could tolerate it biologically, it was... an acquired taste. I can see why the rice was included. Far Reach said there was time for coffee though, and I should attend to that.
"Thanks Far Reach! I'll make some coffee and then join everyone for dinner." I looked over at Dr Irenimum and Captain Q'ari. They were discussing something quietly in rapid fire K'laxi. I can understand a word here and there, but when they talk at full speed - or use a regional dialect - I'm completely lost. I'm struck with the thought that they're talking about me. Should I interject? What good would it do? I'm no doctor, I'm just the lieutenant that touched a thing she shouldn't have and caused trouble. I'll leave it. "Thanks again Dr Irenimum, I am feeling much better."
He looked up quickly and flicked his tail, and then went back to talking to the Captain.