Chapter 70: Chapter 4
The reaction to her father's funeral was exactly as Alec had described it in private, quite a bit of commotion and euphoria. The pompous nature of the funeral, along with the painting of a new and bright future for the masses, all of this had the effect of creating a general euphoria in society, but not just in her territories.
Reports from Ubiqtorate and what was left of the ISB clearly indicated that there had also been a major outburst of euphoria among the civilian populations of worlds controlled by the remaining warlords, and it didn't take Tanya long to figure out what was causing it.
The Imperial Civil War had been going on for almost a decade, depending on how you interpret it, and people were tired of the constant fighting among the Imperial Warlords, tired of the lack of a clear or even any vision of regaining control of the galaxy. All it took was a glimmer of hope to awaken a great deal of sympathy for her.
Tanya was just beginning to seriously explore and delve into the realm of the mind of intelligent beings. This experience, especially as a result of numerous conversations with Alec, the experience of previous lives, finally dispelled her illusions, or rather the remnants of illusions, about the rationality of so-called intelligent beings.
However, the reactions from the New Republic, and the other warlords themselves, were different. The press officer of the largest state in the galaxy, Bothannin Otlor We'lyon, strongly condemned her as an illegal autocrat and war criminal. Although these were empty words and slander without reliable evidence, it was clear that they expressed the mood within the Republic itself. Meanwhile, other Imperial Warlords also condemned her takeover and declarations. Especially the most powerful, the Teradoc brothers duo.
That said, all of that. The entire chain of events since the funeral, the three weeks that had passed since then, had led inevitably to one thing. First, 47:2:12 after the Great ReSynchronization, thus entering the galaxy into the 12th year after the destruction of the first Death Star, and 9 years after the death of the Emperor. Second, the long-planned meeting aboard the Salamander. A meeting of immense importance for the Warlord of the Pentastar was to meet with the new Chairwoman of the Kuat Drive Yard, Lira Wessex. All in Tanya's personal salon aboard her flagship.
The ship that was to be Tanya's personal ship for only one more week. The cannibalization of her father's former flagship had enabled not only the order to be completed ahead of schedule, but also the redirection of many experienced crew members.
The meeting, which had basically begun with the invited woman entering the versatile, elegant, yet utilitarian salon, was dictated by several factors. In the longer term, the need for Pentastar Pentastar to expand its economic and technological cooperation with Kuat Drive Yards. This was primarily due to the uncertain galactic situation. And all through the Corporate Sector, the state-sector and its associated economic entities.
A state-sector that, although formally neutral, actually traded and did business with both sides of the conflict. Tanya had no qualms about using this to her advantage.
Meanwhile, as for Lira herself, who entered the salon with the grace of a noble lady from the Galactic Core, she was a woman on whom hard work, the mark of stress and dedication to duty had clearly left their mark. Her hair, once bordering on black and brown, had prematurely and completely turned grey. Her features were covered with numerous wrinkles. In addition, the woman had clearly gained weight and was a contrast to the previously thin girl in early middle age.
Seeing her, Tanya had the impression for a moment that she was seeing a completely different woman before her eyes, even though she had spoken to her many times via holo-transmission. It was one thing to see something on a screen or through, and quite another to see it live.
Despite everything, the chairwoman of Kuat Drive Yards was more than determined to continue her work and career. There was still a glow in her eyes that would be more appropriate for someone younger.
"I must admit," Lira began, after settling comfortably into one of the sofas in the living room, enjoying the comfort offered by the soft backrest. "That the funeral, although quite pompous, was indeed very successful, and if I hadn't known your… slightly more realistic side, I would have even believed in your dedication to the cause of the empire and the New Order."
Tanya, who had maintained a good relationship with the new Chairman of the KDY for many years, was surprised by her words, while taking a seat on the other sofa, opposite Lira, and gracefully crossing her legs. "Do you really think so little about me?"
Lira just laughed, taking a sip of tea from the porcelain cup in front of her and after drinking a large portion of the liquid, licked her lips, not sticking her tongue out, even for a moment. "Always, since the first time I saw you in the front row during my lecture."
Lira maintained her smile as she looked straight into the eyes of her former student, who remained unfazed and colder than the empty space. "I saw that ambition. The way you always tirelessly pursue your goal, working hard even to the point of using other students as your own pushovers."
"How can you be so sure that it was my selfish ambition and not my devotion to our great Emperor and his ideals?" Tanya showed no emotion. Her mask of leather and flesh that might as well have been durasteel was as well-put on as ever, and even better, despite being with one of the few people Warlady herself could call intimate.
"Stop talking complete nonsense, Tanya." Lira held back a snort. "I know an ambitious beast in the body of an intelligent being when I see one. Just as you would never outsmart a con man, I would never be outsmarted by the smokescreen of patriotism or the excuses of duty. You are like me, you have exploited the empire. Despite making our careers as fair and voluptuous women harder, we have both accomplished more than any of the old sexist pricks who have hindered our path to power and influence in the Known Galaxy."
Tanya wasn't going to deny what was essentially and fundamentally true. After all, it wasn't entirely true, which is almost always ambiguous and in certain shades of gray.
"You're not wrong. The Empire, the ideals of the New Order, were just a ladder for me, on which I could get, if not to the very top, then at least as close to it as possible." Tanya answered her, but directed her gaze to the holo-portrait on the wall, depicting her and her father. "However, if my desire to seize opportunities and opportunities were the only truth, I would have long ago deserted to the New Republic, to the camp of the victors, to build my career there."
Lira raised an eyebrow, taking another sip of tea, feeling the need to ask the question that appeared in her mind, which was one of those questions that a person simply had to ask. "So why didn't you do it? Why didn't you choose the easier path? Why risk your own life if you can end this quickly and easily?"
"For several reasons, Lira." Tanya immediately began to answer, before taking a sip of tea from her cup, enjoying the excellent aroma of the drink. "Mainly because it would be a deal with the devil that would never pay off for me in the end."
Warlady did not take her eyes off her interlocutor, who was patiently waiting for further explanation. "First of all, the most convenient time for this, looking back, would have been the very beginning of the birth of the Rebellion itself, even before the official establishment of the Alliance to Restore the Republic itself. If I had survived that first and extremely turbulent period, then I could have taken a high rank now, in the government of the New Republic. However, it was too late for that now, and either after joining I would have engaged in a life-and-death struggle with numerous people who would almost certainly get rid of me, or I would have to settle for a gray, perhaps convenient, mediocrity. However, there was no way she would decide on something like that. I am an ambitious woman who seizes opportunities as soon as I see them, and… well, I guess I don't need to say anything more."
Seeing the sincerity in her former student's gaze, Lira took another sip. "Well, that's not the main reason for our meeting. Isn't it?"
Tanya then allowed herself to slightly remove the pure and cold professionalism from her face, in favor of something a little warmer. "Yes, in the face of certain difficulties, let me put it mildly, there were problems with completing the construction of quite a few shipyards, as well as completing the general expansion of the existing ones."
Curious, Lira decided to ask about a few details of this new contract. "Prosperity and wealth created the opportunity to develop the arms industry, for the constantly growing armed forces?"
"Exactly." Tanya nodded. "Numerous refugees, Imperial loyalists, technicians, engineers and military. All those classes that fled over the years of the Imperial Civil War to us, together with our own human resources, joined forces and using the developed infrastructure and financial resources, were able to create our economic miracle. A better economy means, of course, the possibility of expanding the armed forces, which in the current situation of galactic politics was inevitable. Nevertheless, despite creating a base for the production of new personnel, our shipyards turned out to be insufficient for the needs of my expanding star fleet."
"What planets are these, where our specialists will be needed?" Lira continued asking questions.
"New shipyards, a dozen or so in all and quite large, were to be built on or near Dolis 3, Bastion, and Varvron." Tanya took a sip of her tea, which had long since replaced her coffee as a drink, as it was much tastier without sugar and allowed her to calm her mind. "Meanwhile, the Yaga Minor shipyard was to be expanded to a level that would allow for the production of 150 Imperial-class Star Destroyers per month, if the workforce and resources were concentrated there."
Lira whistled, impressed. "The Yaga Minor shipyards alone, if I am not mistaken, provide 60% of the monthly capacity of the shipyard ring above Kuat, at least in wartime operation of the shipyards. I can see you have been very busy, and that must have cost a lot."
"No more than you can probably imagine, Lira." Tanya replied, placing her right foot over her left. "Billions of credits, the efforts of hundreds of thousands of workers and droids. All to make these systems the center of the Pentastar Alignment's arms industry. In truth, I had initially planned to further expand the state's economy, but certain circumstances forced me to begin mobilization, to launch the first offensive, and to use the not-yet-fully-ready navy."
"Life doesn't always give us what we want." Lira dismissed her words briefly. "Still, it's good to know that Kuat Drive Yards' investments can pay off… And as for our specialists and assistance, we can work out some unofficial agreements."
For the first time since the conversation began, Tanya allowed a cold smile to appear on her face, expressing her joy at such a turn of events. "So can I consider this done?"
"Of course, and don't worry about transporting the workers." Lira replied, finishing her tea as she did so. "Indeed, since Kuat fell and our vast annular super-shipyard, a source of pride to generations of Kuati, is still being repaired, our main source of income has been unofficial contracts."
"Unofficial?" Tanya already had an idea, but she preferred to hear it straight from her mouth.
"Building or repairing shipyard infrastructure for Imperial Warlords, primarily those in the Deep Core." There was no doubt that this was the time for honest words from her, something that people in her position rarely could afford. "We have basically built the ability to survive and sustain pathetic micro-states that now resemble fragmented gangs of a once powerful organization. Kuat Drive Yards, our specialists, and the shipyards we have built are exactly what still fuels the ever-flagging engine of the former Galactic Empire. What's more, even with the destruction of our shipyards, we are still able to produce entire ships or spare parts if needed. Heck, we have even begun to sell Tibana fuel and gas to some indirectly. So we have practiced and developed the proper procedures for providing specialists and building shipyards."
To Tanyia, who was more than aware of certain economic rules and intricacies, this was nothing new. However, for many of her fellow officers, it would no longer be so obvious. "Then I am happy that thanks to my efforts and hard work, Pentastar has remained independent from you. Now, however, I would like to know the specific amount of money that all this may cost."
Lira shrugged noncommittally at this point. "It depends on the current condition of the structures. However, the highest amount, at least in my opinion, is around 7,500,000,000 credits. The highest and at that a rough estimate, so don't expect such a large expenditure in the end."
"That will not be the slightest problem." Tanya admitted. "Our treasuries are full and we have a fixed fund for such installations, in the annual state budget."
"Then I can safely assume that Kuat Drive Yards has just gained another contract."
The rest of the conversation covered more, less formal than the previous trade and business agreements. All in a more casual manner, perfectly suited to the two old friends.
There was a brief moment when the conversation almost became much more difficult. A moment when Lira demanded a large influence for KDY, in the Pentastar industry, and the possibility of further expansion by creating a subsidiary company, Pentastar Drive Yards, operating exclusively within the borders of this country.
To Tanya, the possibility of someone outside the country and loyal only to themselves having a strong economic influence did not sound good, but there was no other option but to accept, at least for now…
"Gentlemen, I think we can begin." Tanya announced to everyone gathered, and they all sat down at the table, made in the shape of the Pentastar crest, which glowed with a faint blue light.
The meeting in question was a Pentastar High Command meeting, convened just a week after Tanyia's conversation with Lira. However, not in the state capital, but instead in one of the many strongholds on the heavily industrialized planet, once known as Sartinaynian, and currently Bastion. The planet, at which workers and specialists from the Kuat Drive Yards were supposed to arrive on the day of the meeting to fulfill a contract.
From the very meeting, Tanya focused on preparations, choosing the best place for the state's expansion. In addition, it required supervising the concentration of ships, primarily forming a new, dedicated squadron, because operating alone would be difficult, risky, and too slow. Especially if the last target of the first phase of the campaign was to be a fortress world conquered not so long ago by the New Republic.
In addition, the first official COMPENO meeting took place just two days ago. A meeting significant in that all those gathered could only quietly and obediently accept its decisions, having no real influence.
Meanwhile, Warlady herself decided to establish 3 new institutions: the Public Enlightenment Service, the State Security Service and the Black Armor Corps. The first, under the direct leadership of Alec Pradeux, was to be the actual ministry of propaganda, promoting narratives and views in line with Tanyia's line. The State Security Service, which was to be formed from the ISB, Order and Enforcement, was to play a counterintelligence and secret police role, acting against any attempt to use force against the Pentastar. The last institution, but not the least important, was to be the successor to the Stormtrooper Corps, but with changed equipment and an improved type of old armor, modeled on the second phase of the clone trooper armor.
Additionally, COMPENO was to be subordinated to and managed by the First Secretary, who had been re-appointed Advisor Pradeux, making his power and political influence immense. Tanya knew exactly what kind of person was given this imperative and responsibility. An ambitious man, a skilled orator and politician, but a poor economist, poor at gaining allies, and quite easily at odds with the people he was supposed to work with.
All gathered: Lord Admiral Torbec, General Veers, Vice Admiral Elred Stahl, High General Curt Starros, Admiral Sauckel, General Turr Phennir, and others. All of them were ready to take the first steps towards the first major and independent offensive operation that the Pentastar Alignment was to conduct.
"But before we get to the point, gentlemen..." Tanya then grabbed her personal communicator, intending to finally present her new flagship. "Captain Peavey, if the ship has already been disconnected, please bring it as close to the atmosphere as possible so that we may see the new pride of the Royal Pentastar Navy."
Her words had an effect almost immediately, as the officers rushed to look at the window through which Tanya herself was observing the sky. At first, there was nothing there, except for the shipyard facilities located above the planet's surface and the constant flying of small ships, either to or from the planet. After a moment, however, they could see the true monster, the sight of which must have undoubtedly caused panic among the inhabitants.
"Is that…?" The question fell from General Phennir's lips, and Tanya, without turning around, allowed herself a brief smile.
"A Super Star Destroyer, or Star Dreadnought, Sovereign MK.III class." Warledy decided to present them with what would soon become not only the flagship of her fleet, but also the center from which many important decisions, both political and military, would be made. "I decided to get rid of the large but expensive super laser, in favor of better armament than the basic version. 565 heavy laser cannons, 565 turbo laser batteries, 100 ion cannons, 85 torpedo launchers, and over 300 point weapon cannons. In addition, eliminating the turbo laser allowed the total number of squadrons that could fit there to increase from 40 to 50 air wings and the ability to transport troops, from 130,000 to almost 200,000, which would once mean 15 legions of stormtroopers, for example."
Tanya then realized that the ship did not yet have a proper name, so she quickly reached for the history of her homeland from her first life. "Let this pride of our fleet bear the name… Yamato ."
The highest-ranking officers exchanged glances, especially those who were well-versed in logistics. However, all their thoughts were finally expressed by General Phennir.
"Warlords, this is undeniably a super destroyer of powerful dimensions, but extremely expensive to operate and equip. It is ideally suited for a flagship, as well as for space battle. However, something of such size, such production and equipment costs, must be used skillfully and in the right place, otherwise it may be lost, without clear benefits and in very disappointing circumstances."
"I am perfectly aware of that, General, but now…" She pointed to the table. "Return to the table. The time for admiration is over, the time for planning and cool calculation has come."
Everyone dutifully followed orders, taking their stations. Lord Admiral Torbec returned to his seat on Tanya's right, while General Phennir sat on her left.
"The purpose of this meeting is as follows: to discuss and prepare the logistical basis for an operation to occupy that part of the Galactic North that will ultimately give us access to the Hydian Way, an extremely rich trade route and important communication route." Tanya revealed at least part of her motives to them right away. "In the long run, this is to open the way for rapid and decisive expansion, until it paves the way for us directly to the Corporate Sector."
Her idea was immediately liked by those who understood economics.
"We will cut off easy access for the New Republic to a vital part of the galactic economy." Vice Admiral Elred Stahl, Inspector General of the Fleet and Pilot Corps, noted. "In addition, our own tolls on this trade route will give us a huge cash injection. Not to mention the annexation of additional territories, but securing control over these areas, pacifying rebellious sentiments, is another matter."
"That is to be handled by the State Security Service, with significant support from the Black Armor Corps if necessary." Tanya responded to this accusation briefly, but others soon followed.
"My lady, with all due respect…" Admiral Sauckel spoke up. "Would it not be better to direct our military expansion towards the Inner Rim and, above all, Bilbringi, a very large and powerful shipyard that could further strengthen our spaceship industry?"
Many others clearly shared the Admiral's view, but Tanya had foreseen resistance to her direction of expansion. She had a ready response to any such accusations.
"If we try, we will undoubtedly encounter very determined resistance from not only this Crimson Empire and its warlord, but also the forces of the New Republic, which is already preparing to deal with this potential unifying factor. Meanwhile, the forces of the Republicans in the Outer Rim, near our territory, are quite modest, as are the forces of the Imperial Warlords or those still loyal to the official Imperial government, whatever it may be."
These words clearly influenced everyone, who realized that it would be better for them to move towards the galactic west, while the enemy forces were not too numerous and the main ones in this area, tied up in heavy fighting with another Imperial faction.
Without further hesitation or doubt, plans were made, available reserves and numerous intelligence reports were submitted on potential enemy forces, the New Republic Navy and local Imperial Warlords.
To this end, Scourge Squadron was to be reinforced and placed under the command of someone else. This person was to be a woman personally recommended by Tanya herself.
It was finally agreed that Scourge Squadron would be reinforced by 4 Tector-class Star Destroyers, 6 Victory IIs, 4 Secutor-class Star Destroyers and would receive 5 new Tiger-class cruisers, each of which would carry a single air wing.
It was also determined that a new squadron, the Ardus Squadron, would be formed around the Yamato, under the command of Tanya herself, and would consist of 12 new Victorius-class Star Destroyers, 8 Tiger-class cruisers, and 2 Secutor-class Star Destroyers.
At this occasion, a clear division of duties was also made between the two squadrons. Scourge would concentrate on the planet Dubrillion in the system of the same name, from where an attack on Sernpidal in the Julevian system would be launched. Meanwhile, Ardus would concentrate in the Atrivis sector above the planet Fedje, from where an attack on Shaum Hii in the Tragan Cluster sector would be launched via Ketaris and Agamar, where the local governor of the sector still maintained a fairly large force. At least small for such a small warlord.
Finally, it was time to discuss the ultimate goal of the first phase of this campaign. Because during the meeting it was decided that two squadrons would need an operational break, in addition to reinforcements among the crews of the TIEs and the ground forces gathered on board.
"The final objective, gentlemen..." Tanya ordered a map of the upper Outer Rim to be displayed, then pointed to a specific planet. "Ciutric IV and this entire sector. Former stronghold of Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel. Now a New Republic stronghold, which however can be captured quite easily and at low cost if an attack is launched from two sides, by two squadrons simultaneously."
There were no protests against this decision. Instead, the assembled hastily moved on to the next matter, further militarization, expansion of the industrial base, expansion of the Silver Wing Corps, as well as bringing the Black Armor Corps to a combat-ready state, and thus deployment on the battlefield. However, the issue of the expansion of the armed forces, especially in the context of vehicles, has still not been resolved.
The Pentastar budget, even if it grew bigger every year thanks to tax revenues, would still not be enough to cover the simultaneous development of the army and fleet. Finally, it was decided to buy old but not completely outdated machines, primarily the heavy ones, the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer, AT-TE, as proven, universal, cheap and highly reliable machines.
All these decisions, as well as words about the need for further militarization of the state, expansion of the fleet with new ships, expansion of both elite Corps and territorial expansion towards the Corporate Sector, were tied together in a quickly outlined strategic directive. Strategic Directive Tanya Kaine I.
Initially, Tanya herself wanted the name "Pentastar Strategic Directive I" to be chosen, but strong pressure from other officers, arguing for the continued existence of the state with the life of her person, made her decide to choose her battle and let it go. Thus, fate began to follow a course charted by organic beings in a direction whose outcome only the Force knows...