Beast Taming? Nah, Dragon Herding is Way Better!
Chapter 13: Situation Escalating Too Quickly
Opening her eyes, Yggdrasil couldn't help but smile widely when seeing the first being that appears in front of her eyes, the moment she gains this new form of her, prompting her to walk forward to stand right in front of her liege and father to show her respect.
Meanwhile, Diluc starts taking large gulps as he saw the beauty's hips swaying from every step she takes as she comes closer to him, his entire body rooted stiff on where he is currently standing at since he never had an experience dealing with this kind of scenarios, in fact, he doesn't even consider the possibility of such scene happening when he first read about the young wood dragon acquiring a human form.
Finally arriving in front of her most respected person, Yggdrasil shows a brilliant smile on her face that seems to be more than enough not only to bring an entire nation to their knees, but probably an entire world as well.
After showing him her smile, she immediately pounces on him and starts wrapping her naked body against his, the upbeat young man's heart skipping multiple beats as he feels her softness pressing on him.
'Calm the fuck down Diluc, this girl is not even a single year old!' trying to fight the demons in his head, the upbeat young man repeatedly said it to himself getting louder and louder in his mind every second, to the point that even the dragon turned heavenly beauty Yggdrasil managed to hear his thought through their connection from her blessing, uttering words that will definitely make the young man choke on his own saliva.
"Daddy, I am not a little girl you know?" despite the mature voice that seems to be way to fitting to be someone's older sister or even mother or aunt, the beauty's way of talking itself sounds so cute that the upbeat young man feels like he is about to have a nosebleed, only stopped as he really choked on his own saliva hearing the way that this young dragon addresses him.
"D-daddy!?" unable to stop himself from exclaiming loudly, Diluc asked with a face filled with confusion as he wonders where in the world did this beauty learn the words, especially when she just became sentient not even a month ago, and he clearly know himself that he doesn't even utter those words within all those times they are together in the Draconic Realm.
"You're the one who feed me and allow me to grow up right? Then aren't you my daddy?" looking at him with a seemingly playful eyes, the beauty asks with false innocence lacing her cute tone, making the young man quite doubtful whether she really is like that, causing him to point it out and reveal her nature.
"Why don't we stop this little pretend game and show me your true self, Ygg" looking at her with a doting smile, the same one he often gives her whenever he's feeding her or playing around with her, the upbeat young man said with a bit of commanding tone in his voice, his smile and the sound of his voice combined causing the dragon beauty to blush, averting her eyes away from his face as she starts talking once again, this time in a more mature way.
"I've been found out huh~~~" she said with a slightly happy voice as she leans her head on the upbeat young man's shoulder, completely acting like a dragon as she repeatedly sniffs on his nape, taking in his scent before she let go of her limbs completely circling him.
As she comes down from embracing him, the upbeat young man fails to prevent himself from seeing her womanly parts, having a slight peek on her nether regions that seems way too wet in the moment, as well as her perky mountain tops covered by her erotic large pinks that shows itself with just the slightest moves of her hair covering that part.
"My liege" not even standing as she let go of her most respected person, the young wood dragon immediately kneels on her two knees, offering a bow of respect towards the upbeat young man, who seems way too confuse about what is currently happening right now.
"Don't do that Ygg, I told you before right" We're equal" he said to her as he reaches out his hand to hold her smooth shoulder, stopping her from bowing any lower as he raises her up, his actions causing the lady to appreciate him more than she already does.
"Then should I continue calling you daddy?" acting innocent again, she asked while tilting her head slightly as they stood up, causing the young man to cough repeatedly as if he suddenly caught cold, causing the beauty to giggle by herself as she enjoys his reactions.
"Why the fixation on that term? And besides, where in the world did you even learn that?" after recovering from this sudden surprise, the upbeat young man asked with curiosity filling his eyes as he looks at the naked Yggdrasil, taking out something from his spatial pouch and handing it to her.
"Wear it, I don't want to let anyone see you in this state" looking at her up and down, the upbeat young man's gaze ends up of her beautiful face once again, now blushing really hard as she looks at the clothes that he gives to her.
"T-this is your clothes right?" holding the robes in her shaking hands, the beauty couldn't help but ask with a hesitant tone in her voice, making the young man wonder just what is it that made her feel like that.
"It is, is there a problem with that?" the upbeat young man asked without thinking too much of it, causing him to be surprised as the Dragon Herding System pops out to explain the significance of his act.
[You might find it crazy but handing anything of yours, especially something that often comes in close contact with your body, means a proposal of union to the dragons, usually with the male ones giving something of theirs, and should the females accept that, then, well, congratulations]
As even the system seems to be way too surprised about the sudden change of pace, unable to keep up and properly explain the things that is currently happening, the upbeat young man just stood there without moving, knowing that he messed up really bad as he looks at the blushing, neon green-haired sexy beauty right in front of him.
Looking back at him while struggling to contain the blush in her beautiful face, Yggdrasil repeatedly tries to open her little mouth and say something but the words always get caught on her throat, causing her to be more embarrassed as she thought that she looks incredibly silly in front of her most respected person right now.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself down in order to attempt to diffuse this seemingly dangerous situation, Diluc closes his eyes for a while, eventually regaining some composure as he opens his eyes, looking at the neon green haired beauty with a serious, yet gentle look on his eyes as he starts speaking once again.
"Ygg, sorry I didn't know about that, if you're uncomfortable with this I can─" but before he could even finish his words, the beauty already silenced him as she reaches one of her hand towards his face, placing her slender index finger on his lips gently as she shakes her head, smiling at him after doing so and finally forming her reply.
"To be graced with the attention of the Ruler of the Draconic Realm…" she paused for a while after these words, moving the finger preventing the upbeat young man from speaking, placing the palm of her hand on his cheeks, showing a grateful, joyous smile on her face as she continues to speak once again.
"Would you mind dressing me up with these clothes of yours, my liege?" she asked with the most beautiful smile she can muster at the moment as she hands the clothes back to the upbeat young man, her still shaking body now looking forward to his accidental touches as he dresses her.
Seeing the face Yggdrasil is currently making, Diluc couldn't help but appreciate her beauty even more, the progression of the events currently happening still quite unbelievable to him as the two of them progress from being friends to this kind of relationship in a flash, her expectant gaze causing him to abandon his previous thoughts as he doesn't want to disappoint this beauty in front of him.
Since what her gave her is a simple robe, it only takes a few moments for him to dress her up, moving behind her as he make her wear the sleeves herself, wrapping the robe loosely around her body so that it won't reveal too much of her alluring curves, then tying it right in her waistline, just tight enough to prevent it from being undone but not enough to make her uncomfortable.
"Thank you" after dressing her up, the upbeat young man's heart skips a beat again as he feels a soft sensation brushing his cheeks before the beauty goes back to her position once again, expressing her gratitude while showing off her gorgeous smiling face at him
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