Beast Taming? Nah, Dragon Herding is Way Better!

Chapter 29: A Reward

The times of party last way past the middle of the night, with the adventurers being wasted and their faces lying flat on the table, some of them even sleeping flat on the cold surface of the floor seemingly uncaring about this situation, as if they are sleeping somewhere that is so comfortable to them. Different from all these wasted people though, Diluc couldn't help but notice that his body doesn't even seem to be a bit drunk by all the beer and other drinks he had taken in, his mind still really clear and seemingly working even better now that he drank some things, and his body, seems to be really fine with the addition of just a warm feeling circulating his body. "Is it also the effect of the blessings?" muttering to himself as if he expects someone to answer his queries, Diluc wasn't even surprised as a floating gray screen appears right in front of his face, the answers to his question appearing via words shown right on this screen. [Indeed, the blessings of dragons also aids anyone who receives them in improving their physique, meaning that you are currently becoming closer and closer to a dragon's physiology rather than a human's and such closeness will continue to increase as you receive more and more draconic blessings] "What the hell is draconic blessing even?" Diluc asked in wonder as he just couldn't wrap his head around this concept now, his curiosity towards this thing causing him to feel like there's something that is scratching his heart every now and then whenever he thinks about it, but somehow, only now that he decided to ask it to the Dragon Herding System as he previously thought that he can discover it all by himself. [Draconic Blessing is a process that ties the dragon to someone, blessing them with a major fragment of their soul and bonding it with someone, hence also why a dragon can only bless someone once in their entire life, as another blessing will cost them their very own strength] "So the changes come from my soul instead huh… that's why I am gradually turning into a dragon…" the young man mutters to himself as he starts piecing the things that the Dragon Herding System is telling him previously, causing him to look forward to his future more and more. "I heard that dragons have high libido, will it also affect me in the future?" the young man asked with some hint of trouble in his eyes as if he couldn't allow himself to be devoured by this libido, the answer coming from the system making it so that it appears like his future is about to be bleak. [It will, as even the Ruler of the Draconic Realm is subjected under the nature of dragons, you will have way better control than any other dragon, but you still need to let it out every once in a while] "That's… well, pretty acceptable I guess" he added as he mutters to himself before he finally starts paying attention to the surroundings, the tall beauty sitting right beside him still faring pretty well similar to him, but she seems to be wasted already that she's just a few steps away from falling into the same fate as these adventurers sleeping on the ground. "Hehehe~~~ D, look, look, there are two of you~~~" she said while giggling happily as she pokes her fingers towards one of the figures she is currently seeing, only for her slender fingers to pass through just right beside the young man she is talking with. Confused at what just happened as her fingers passed through, she pulls it back and looks at her fingers curiously to check if there's something wrong with them, nodding to herself once she confirms that it looks pretty normal before redirecting her gaze to the young man she is talking with, flashing an entertained smile before her head falls down and smashed right through the countertop. Seeing this, Diluc couldn't help but laugh and snicker for a bit before he shakes his head, not expecting that even someone who seems to be really powerful like Beatrice is also subjected to being drunk by this kind of beverages, something that him and the owner of this place is so used to brewing just on the back of this place. "I guess a lady such as yourself shouldn't sleep on places like this…" he helplessly sighed as he decided to carry her on the second floor of the building where the rooms are, shouting towards the owner of this place before he do so. "Old Arthur, I'm going to borrow another room…" he said, only receiving an encouraging sound from the middle-aged man before he replied to his words as well. "Just don't make too much of a mess boy" the middle-aged man dirtily said before he starts laughing maniacally as if he knows the things that the young man is about to do, causing the young man to trip on nothing and nearly fall face flat as he replies to this perverted middle-aged man. "There's no fucking thing happening between us!" he said as he once again shakes his head wryly, but the middle-aged man seems to see something that is forming between the two of this younger generations, causing his lips to curve into a good smile. "Yet" he mutters to himself as he comes out of the back of the place and proceeding to clean up the mess from this unofficial adopted son of his partying too much, all while looking at all these adventurers as if they are part of this large family of his. Meanwhile already reaching the second floor, Diluc starts finding some place where he can let this beauty take her well-deserved rest, said beauty seemingly regaining a bit of her consciousness as she feels her body clinging closely to the young man's slim body, her hands roaming around to feel him up like it's nothing so wrong between the two of them. "Hehe~~~ D, looks like you're gaining some muscles, just a little bit more and you will be my ideal type of man~~" she shamelessly said as she feels around his abdominal muscles, that seems way too streamline despite having a good shape in them. "Please, there's no way I will strive to be the ideal man for you, Big Sis Bea, you're way too troublesome of a woman to deal with" he replied with a truthful tone to his voice as he continues walking and finding a vacant room for her to sleep on, his words seemingly causing the sudden changes in her expressions as she starts to sulk. "So, you don't want big sis?" she asked to him as she laid her head on his shoulders while she moves one of her hands towards his face, using her slender fingers to softly poke on his cheeks as she waits for his reply, her heart somehow beating so fast as she starts getting nervous about what his next words are going to be. Hearing her words, especially in that languid, sexy tone she used, the young man couldn't help but take a large gulp of air as he tries his best to calm himself, thinking that he already has two wives and both of them being dragoness at that, and a demoness like this lady will definitely make life way harder for him, especially since he somehow knew that Yggdrasil and this Big Sis Beatrice of his is definitely going to get along really well. "Did I say anything like that?" he asked in ambiguity causing the beauty to get the wrong idea, a wrong idea that is already too late to correct as she starts giggling in joy while she flails her feet around, adding to such joyful actions her mouth humming a joyful tune as if she just won something really important to her. "Hehehe~~~ good, good, you lady's man, you played with your big sister's feelings really well~~~" she added as she closes her face on his, gently placing her soft, pinkish red sexy lips on his cheeks, producing a kissing sound as she clearly enjoys this moment, her already slightly sober mind already clearing the effects of alcohol on her making her clearly aware of the situation she is currently in. Despite this though, she doesn't even shy away from this moment and instead of blaming it all on the alcohol, she even thanked its effect in her mind, thinking that had she never got placed under its magical effect, she will never have the determination to express to this young man what she really feels, especially since there's a certain gap of age between the two of them, not to mention how they both treat each other since the start of this friendship of theirs. "T-that's your reward for escorting this big sister of yours to a room~" she said with a smile on her face while she curses herself in her mind, in disbelief that she stuttered while wanting to look so easygoing in front of this young man.

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