Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 113

EX-16 Temptation Without Content

As usual, the orchid, having finished his dinner and bath, was walking into his bedroom as he struggled with his drowsiness.

I guess it was because I had a lot of physical training. The body, filled with hunger and melted in the hot water in the bathtub, complained of fatigue, bringing a tight sense of weight.

I’m asleep. I’m confident I’ll fall asleep in less than a minute.

“I haven’t promised anyone tonight, and I think I’ll be able to sleep like this till morning.”

For adolescent high school students in a year-round episode, self-treatment before bedtime is part of life, as is toothbrushing.

The intense drowsiness and the lower abdominal fever also dropped, and the monster in the crotch became smaller so that it could hang in the pants.

Does not deliberately strike desire and consumes extra energy.

Let’s go to sleep like this tonight. Orchid thought it would be necessary to spend a night away from being erotic once in a while.

The orchid opened the door to his room with a big lack of stretch. Whether the moon is not rising or not, it is always dark inside the room.

Reach for the magically lit lamp and turn on the light. The orchid begins to take off his uniform, relying on his blurry and wide-ranging vision.

I put a uniform on the bald plants by the window while watering them. When I arrived by the bed, I felt like the warm air was shaking.

The orchid smiles half-laughing with a fluffy sweet and sour scent.

A naughty fragrance that can stir up emotions. It smells like a girl from my age. Maybe the smell remained because I brought in the girl high school students like every night.

Slightly rejuvenated, the orchid strokes the lower abdomen, placing the lamp next to the pillow.

Loosening her mouth as she was about to have a lewd dream, she tried to turn off the lights and noticed something unusual.

Is the abnormality a big deal? Feeling the stranger’s shadow in sight, the orchid pointed the lamp over the bedding.

On the bed, something is riding on the hill. I was afraid that as I approached it, it became clear that the whole thing was dull.

“… what is this?”

The white fabric is piled up. At the top of it was something like a note. It says “To Kirishima-kun” in Japanese.

“To me?

I wonder what it is. Retracting the lamp and the note to the pillow, the orchid pulled up a piece of fabric that had become a mountain.

Familiar colors. A memorable touch. By spreading the fabric with a light source, the orchid was finally able to understand what it was.

“Sailor clothes…?

It was a sailor dress normally worn by girls.

Unable to swallow the situation, the orchid magically lit another indoor lamp. More light sources illuminate the room and widen the field of view.

So for the first time, the orchid found out who the mountain was on its bedding.

“Oh, my God. Sailor clothes and socks? And even cardigan…..”

A school uniform was piled up on the bed, which had been thrown out in a mess.

I had summer clothes in my hand, but winter clothes, cardigans and socks overlapped together.

Thoughts do not keep pace with the current situation, which deviates radically from the scope of imagination.

I recall the note to Kirishima-kun I saw earlier. Is there something hidden inside?

I tried to scratch it apart and thrust my hands into it. I tried to rough things up, but I don’t think something’s trapped.

“It’s still kind of warm… I don’t suppose this uniform is the one you’ve been wearing.”

I pushed the uniform I had in my hand against my face and took a deep breath. The sweet and sour smell came into my nose.

As soon as I realized that it was the scent of Princess Sana, I woke up the instinct that was sleeping. The Lord of your crotch swells up and swells inside your pants.

Slightly remaining body temperature. The smell is soaked in. Even if I don’t respond, I realize the fact that I was wrapping the body of a puberty high school girl straight up until a while ago.

“Shit, it’s getting hard.”

While feeling pathetic in his lower abdomen pushing up his pants, the orchid realizes that his desire to sink is coming back.

Smell the uniform without the owner. The impulse was driven by the treacherous work, and the back of my waist became tingling and numb.

The lewd fever that spreads gently disturbs your reason. It tasted bad when I casually reached out for another outfit.

The sailor clothes carry a dense sweet fragrance and make your head twitch. Press and rub the face as if it were a shabby bump.

“Wow, what a strong smell. This sweet, erotic smell… I wonder if it’s blooming. It smells the same as when I buried my face in Sakuya’s head. This… smells of sweet milk. Definitely a beautiful bell. I smelled the incense in the classroom many times, so I can tell right away.”

A game that smells of discarded sailor clothing and points to the owner. The groin, which was supposed to have grown up, was completely (fully) erect.

The tip of Pex’s face coming out of his pants is moist with a pungent cowper. The orchid politely wiped it with a dark blue skirt.

“You want to wipe cowper with a girl’s skirt while sniffing out the smell of sailor clothes? It’s going to be a habit.”

The uniform owners won’t come back. Perhaps this is a small gift from the girls to the orchids.

Even when we’re not here, we’re in a lot of mood. and such.

The orchids began to line up their skirts on the bed.

Uniform nervous breakdown. Draw inferences from smell and length to create a set of sailor clothes, skirts, cardigans, and socks.

I can immediately understand the names of Sakuya and Mizuki. The smell of Kanami and Princess Sa is slightly similar, but the size is completely different so I don’t get lost.

Shayaka and Megumi may find it difficult because they are the same plain girl winter clothes, but the size of the chest is completely different, so it is easy to tell.

The slightest remaining reason complains of the current perversion, but the impudent tea is erased by the growing desire.

Unpacked classmates assemble little by little. The type of socks, of course. It’s fun to imagine their personality from the length of their skirts.

Canami said not to disturb the wind, but the skirt was very short behind her serious character. The same goes for the color. Because they both have long legs and good styles, they will unconsciously want to wear clothes that fully bring out the charm of the body.

“Among them, this is a bit too bad….”

What I had in my hand was a long, miniskirt, a dark blue skirt that surpassed Kanami and the colors.

Provocative length that would be totally in violation of the school rules rather than wrestling. A skirt that looks almost round can’t be more exciting.

I don’t even have to smell it. So far, there is only one female student in the class dressed as a provocation to boys.

“When it sounds, it’s really too erotic. You’re more of a pervert than an exposed habit living in school in this outfit….”

When I was excited to see my body, I did say that. This is not good for boulders. Long sounds are synonymous with not wearing them.

“What does it look like when I try it on…”

For the first time, a strange impulse sprouted. What do you usually feel like wearing this skirt?

The orchid clutched the acoustic uniform, taking off the cowper’s sticky pants. Somehow, I try to glitter around.

After confirming that no one was there, the orchid put its legs in the sound uniform.

Speaking of length, it sounds like a girl student. The physique is different in the first place. Orchids are not so muscular, but they are not weak and luxurious boys.

Even though nothing was worn inside, it was still a little tough. I got caught in various places and the zipper didn’t go up.

I managed to wrap the sound of sailor clothes around me.

“I definitely don’t want to look in the mirror right now. If you look objectively at yourself in a girl’s uniform, you’ll be pathetic, embarrassed and sure to die.”

I can’t believe she wore her uniform driven by sexual impulses instead of a serious costume or a cosplay.

When you crawl on all fours, the area around the ballbag from your buttocks feels smooth. An erect Pex pushed up the echo skirt and stroked the lining.

The tingling tip jumps and drips a viscous liquid.

“Wow, the dripping one is missing from Maimazaki’s sailor clothes…..”

The winter clothing sailor makes a huge impression and creates sticky stains.

More treacherous than imagined, the orchid rubbed its sticky crotch against the echoing skirt. Sleepy, slutty sounds.

“Until now, I hadn’t been so conscious – did you always spend your time dressed like this? Next time, let’s have sex with the sound of your uniform….”

How do I direct her to dress play when she tries to take off immediately? It’s a trick, but it might rather burn. Just imagining the plan is going to cause an outbreak.

The sound of your uniform drooling your tongue. Paranoid of the slutty sight, the orchid shook his hips slightly.

“The smell is different from the smell of Sakurai…. but Fujiyoshi-san’s cardigan also smells strong inside.”

Holding a pink cardigan and a blooming skirt, he alternately presses it against his nose. Sweet blossom smell and sweet sour lily sweat flavor. The smell of a thick powder makes my head pop peach.

Throw the skirt and now grab the beauty bell cardigan. The smell is familiar. Rest assured – it smells sweet milk.

Enjoy sweet classmate smells one after the other. It’s like a uniform buffet.

Every uniform leaves a feminine lewd scent and warmth, but never the same.

“Kanami’s sailor clothes smell strong on her armpits… Is this Shayaka? It feels good in your chest. – So this is Maimazaki? It’s similar, but it’s different. Sayaka’s uniform smells like Sayaka, and Maimazaki’s uniform smells like Chan and Maimazaki.”

The smell is not fetish. I spend time surrounded by what my loved girl usually wears – just feeling happy about it.

The erect pervert Xpo was twitching and twitching, causing the cowper to infiltrate the echoing skirt.

It accelerates orchid excitement again. When I noticed it, I rubbed my face too much and the smell of the girls appeared on my cheeks and nose.

No matter what you do, sweet and sour smells float around your face. At first, I realized that I was involved in perverted play, but when I started getting accustomed to stimulation, it was healthy people who wanted more pleasure.

Enjoying the warmth of sailor clothes, skirts and cardigans, orchids rang their throats and reached for the last item.

“I don’t think it’s more of a treacherous and exotic sexual habit to put your hands on this stuff than to get excited about underwear, but come on….”

The Lord of the groin is starting to suffer. The smell of uniform alone did not lead to the exudation of sexual impulses and was not suitable for climax.

What the irrational gaze captures is the black treasure that holds the beautiful line – the knee socks. It’s also a mysterious sock that keeps wrapping around the thin legs of the bell.

“That said, if you push anything on your face, you won’t be able to go back anymore. As a human being, we need to identify critical lines.”

Lunatic Sexual, a crazy man who talks about common sense dressed like a sailor for a female student.

Playing with a classmate’s knee socks with her hands, she opened her mouth and peeked inside.

“Is that beautiful leg in here?”

A wet abyss accepts the sight of orchids. The unknown excitement rises, and the orchids still ring their throats.

“This is the beauty bell, which means this is…”

I shake the knee socks a little longer than Mizuki’s, in front of my face. I’m sure this belongs to Kanami.

Your slender thighs and fleshy calves. Kanami’s knee socks wrap around your heels and toes.

Associated with Kanami’s legs, the impulse jumps.

“Sorry, Canami… I can’t stand it either.”

I put Nisso from Kanami over Pexsu, who was so erect that she stuck to her stomach.

Niso, who was supposed to be wearing a woman’s leg, was foolish enough to be wearing a man’s meat stick. The moist, damp sock lining gently traps the sticky stick.

Kanami, a feudal girl dog god, is turning on her socks with dirty, sexual excitement. The feeling of doing something cool flourished greatly, and the orchid Pex bounced in Nisso.

“Uhh… Kanami, Kanami! Nesso of Kanami, Nesso of Kanami, I….”

While recalling Kanami’s face, he encourages sexual processing with zero words of remorse. The area where the thighs are wrapped is now covered with chi × po.

The sailor clothes of Sakuraya beside her were pushed against her face. A sweet smell tickles your nostrils when you moan and breathe deeply.

The smell of blossom. Sound uniform. And Kanami’s knee socks. The overflowing emotions twisted and twisted, causing the orchids to bounce their hips.

A crotch double that kept being teased and couldn’t reach true satisfaction. Treated with a sweaty Niso lining, she quickly crossed her limits.

“Kanami, Saki, Sound – Ugh, Ugh, Kanami! Saki, Kanami Saki, Saki, Kanami Saki, Kanami…! Ugh, uhh, ah! Ah, ahh, uhh, uh-huh!

Kahhhh , you’re breathing like a cage. It was an incredible sense of emancipation that struck me at the moment.

He leaned back and spasmed his limbs, spitting his soul out into the Knee Sox.

Bububububububububu, bubububu , a thick cloudy liquid is poured into Niso. The orchid was about to lose consciousness to more pleasure than I could ever imagine.

I definitely don’t want to be heard by a girl – I firmly grip Nisso of Kanami with a very pathetic scream. Sperma expelled from the momentum to impregnate the socks dripped stickingly towards the tip of the nail, and the tip of the nail was slowly and heavily wet.

“Hafu… fu… Kanami, Kanami….”

Finally stopped ejaculation. The orchid pulled the slender and dirty Nisso out of Pexos while being invaded by a mood of idleness.

Looking at the mouth, I could see that the black abyss with a thick semen was decorated with lewdness.

“Wow… You’re cumming even more than I thought…”

Nisso of Kanami, who took on the lust of orchids, became heavier with a bluish lewd liquid.

The leftover semen is overflowing from the tip. When I tried to wipe it with the Nisso I was wearing now, I was surprised.

Good. You can have as much luxury as you want. Fortunately, there are two sets of knee socks. I’ll grab the sock of the beautiful one and use it to wipe the tip of the chi x po.

I’m sure that Niso is one of two because there’s a purpose for receiving semen and cleaning it up after you’ve cut it off.

“I use both Niso as much as I can to treat sex… Will there be more luxury?”

I fell asleep feeling satisfied. Boss and I got our heads on the uniform.

The soft feeling is the winter sailor clothes of Shayaka. In front of my face is a beauty bell cardigan.

Recalling that the girls’ high school uniforms were scattered, the orchid also understood that the groin monster was on the lookout.

“But just one more time, right…? This could never happen again.”

Reach out to Mizuki’s Nisso – do you have any idea, stagnate, and lick your dry lips.

The orchid loosened her face slumberly, looking at the remnants of the high school girl scattered on the bed with sleepy eyes.

“Let’s make the second round a high sox. It looks like Fujiyoshi-san’s high socks are quite a sexual weapon….”

You step into an unknown area and sink with no trick. Although there were signs from the beginning, I created one obvious pervert in the world.

Collect scattered sailor clothes and use them as pillows to fill your face. Perhaps the best masturbation I’ve ever had.

With such thoughts in mind, the orchid continued to rape the unsolved high school girl that evening.

◇ ◇ ◇

After all.

Kanami’s knee socks, lily’s high socks, and orchids that wasted their genes on colorful skirts sank into deep sleep, showing their satisfactory sleep.

A sleeping orchid lying face down in a scratchy look, forgetting to change clothes. What kind of intense solo play were you enjoying? Girl high school students scattered over the bed were entangled and overlapping in search of orchid bodies.

Squeeze Nisso on the bell and rest in peace. Underneath her face was a Princess Sarah’s skirt, a slight but salivary trace.

A dull lamp that lit up lit up, lighting up his sideways face.

“… Ran-kun, you look naughty!”

There was a shadow on the face.

Looking down at the orchids sleeping in the most pathetic manner in the world is a classmate dressed for training, Cat Mountain Beauty Bell.

While brushing the black hair of Bobcut with a hand comb, he smiled at the jaw with a silly face.

“Kirishima-kun really does this. It’s not as far away from the impression as the gap, but I mean, yeah. Kirishima-kun is a pervert after all.”

Sadogashima Sayaka, who was also wearing training clothes, appeared behind the bell. It was a sharp incense with glasses on, but its eyes were narrowed by sadistics and it was hot and moist.

Behind them are Yuri Fujiyoshi and Megumi Maimazaki. Both names, like Shayaka, were exchanging thoughts about Kokoko and Orchid with a profound smile.

“Hmm, what do you mean… I can’t believe you’re using my knee socks like this….”

Kanami, who opened her eyes and turned red to her ears, grabbed her own Nisso and opened and closed her mouth.

“Kiririn, wow. If you lay your skirt down like that, you’ll get a tingling sensation. Damn it….”

“My skirt is betting on Kirishima semen… I can’t smell like this anymore.”

Return to Snow White, who looks down at the orchid’s mouth, with a proud look on his face. But I’m sure you’re still craving this tragedy. The area around my mouth was so dull that I rubbed my thighs and thighs together.

“I mean, how long will you be wearing my uniform if you go to Kirishima? The semen I left behind stinks and smells bad.”

Feel free to hold your hand against your groin and move your tongue. Next door, she looked at the orchid’s sleeping face with a good look.

Seeing the end of her sailor clothes, the high-school girls were raping.

In this case, such malicious things did not intervene, such as trying to fit orchids, etc.

The details of who the creator was and how he snuck into the orchid’s bedroom were laid to rest. The plan was for his family to have a little fun.

“Who is it? I said I wouldn’t do anything weird with a uniform that was thrown off even on Kirishima, a driftstone. It’s not a pathetic level of restraint.”

“I thought it would be enough to smell, but I couldn’t imagine this would happen. I mean, seriously, the skirt. I don’t know what to do. I’ll eat breakfast next to this guy. I’ll make sure you’re conscious.”

Shake your skirt in front of your face and shake your body with a shivering glow. Apparently you seem excited. I wonder if there are other students in front of me who are unable to go to a strange job.

“Ha ha… Ran-kun, grab my Nisso and let me go.”

“I’ve been hit by a sock – and a place to wear it. Unsalvageable perverts who hold their socks hostage. Knee Socks is going to get pregnant before me.”

“Nee, sex… Hmm.”

Beauty bells whispering a common joke while scratching Polypoly’s cheeks.

They stared at each other for a while and laughed at each other as if they were illuminated with their faces facing each other.

◇ ◇ ◇

Kirishima Orchid woke up when his face was burned on a beautiful morning sun.

I looked around with my sleepy eyes and wandered around. Items reminiscent of last night’s Fever Time vanished without trace.

Was it a dream? If you think calmly, it’s impossible in reality. I can’t believe that the young high school girls will present their charming costumes covering their bodies to their children at night.

An unrealistic delusion that preceded ideals. I was very tired last night. Strange dreams don’t bother you.

“If it’s a dream, it’s not bad. Thanks to that, I came up with one thing to play with sounds.”

The orchid costume wrapped in the duvet was a pair of pants – the same as the one I wore yesterday. The uniform remains hung by the window.

Change into uniform and the orchid leaves the bedroom.

Even in my dreams, I could only meet with my uniform. I want to meet real lovers early. While playing the nose song, the orchid went to the canteen with a mood expression.

As soon as I stepped into the cafeteria, I felt like the air had changed.

The fact that orchids are alive has already been revealed to both male students and the Queen’s side of the human race.

I thought it might be because of my mind, but when I randomly looked at the table where Kanami and the others were, I saw Kanami with her barefoot.

It was Kanami who was finally lacking in appearance such as not being here in her heart, but when she admitted the appearance of the orchid, her face flushed and fell down on the table.

I wonder what happened. I also glanced at Mizuki and Princess Sha, but they only looked at each other with a deep expression and a warm, raw look.

“What about Kanami…? I wonder if I am feeling ill. – Do you know anything, Aya?

When I arrived at my usual seat and called out to the satin next to me, the satin suddenly said, “Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?” She raised her voice and pulled back the entire chair.

“Ah, I don’t know anything! I didn’t hear anything!

“I see, Aya! If you roll your skirt like that, you’ll see the contents!

I hurriedly stopped the color that squeezed the pleat. It’s called Kanami and Nice Satsuke. I wonder what happened to the whole thing.

Tsubaki and Lihua, as usual, waited for breakfast to be delivered gracefully.

It doesn’t seem like something happened here before the orchids came to the cafeteria.

“Do you know what it sounds like?

“…. nh”

Eyes blinked without touching, and the echo blew out the perforation and tongue. She is dyeing her cheeks slightly and staring at the face of the orchid.

Are you excited since the morning? The sailor clothes are also full of wrinkles, and maybe she was alone last night.

The sound of being in uniform and being disturbed on one bed. Just imagine and you’ll be thrilled in the morning.

When I was sending a lewd gaze to the fantastic sound from the morning, I felt like I was seeing it from another direction.

It’s Shayaka’s table. I narrowed my eyes over my glasses into a “fufu” wind, and I stared at Shayaka uneasy.

Like Kanami, Lily hangs her legs barefoot for some reason. Megumi lays her glasses on the table and leans over her face with both hands.

At last, the discomfort became certain, and the orchid put its hand on the mouth with thoughtfulness.

“Barefoot Kanami and barefoot Fujiyoshi-san. Color desperately trying to hide the skirt. It sounds like you’re wearing a sneezed sailor suit with an excited face…..”

A hypothesis was born in the orchid.

No, that’s impossible. It must not happen.

Last night’s obsession was real, and all the girls knew about it – as if nothing had happened.

If that’s the truth, it turns out that last night, she made a girl in her class clean up the solo play.

“It’s so embarrassing to be seen masturbating, but you can’t compare it to that. I mean, what do you mean, that’s why…. you mean they saw everything?

When I sneaked up on the colored skirt, it was slightly stained.

Let them tell the truth from their mouths. Such a temper had already collapsed.

A shameful orchid fell silently on the table.

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