Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 121

Episode 102 Pervert Without Stewardship

The result of negotiations with the Knights of the Guards. The story was wrapped up by the fact that a dragon car of a different type than that used in the royal palace would be newly made.

Compared to the royal dragon carriage, it seems to be of inferior quality, but it is said to be a substitute that can withstand full use.

But it seems impossible for the saints alone to provide a means of transportation from here.

Parts and drawings seemed to be made possible by the saints’ own magic (skill), but it still seemed that expertise was indispensable for assembly.

Though he seems to have some knowledge, the Knights of Kintetsu are not technicians. It was impossible to imagine how many amateur saints had gathered to complete what was satisfactory and prosperous.

In the end, the current state of the movement means is on hold.

There should be some engineers in the town to visit, so there seems to be a plan to hire a craftsman.

In that case, the bank will be consumed considerably, so there will be a new problem called financing.

“Hooray for you to replace the dragon! It will prove definitely that my work will not be wasted!

Leave your back to the lizard’s body, and Lily shows a lovely face.

Lily will now use Intelligence Gathering (Ultimate Technology) to draw and photograph the Dragon Wheel.

I was concerned that starting work that might be pointless in a situation where various things were on hold might not motivate me.

Apparently, Lily was enthusiastic about the drawings.

“With nothing decided, honestly, I’m going to back off just to work hard. I know I’m not the only one who’s trying, so I think I’ll do my best!

Saying so, Lily meditated with one eye and smiled.

“Kirishima-kun collected lizards, so I was able to come up with a flying plan to prepare a new dragon car. I also need to help with the abilities (skills) I’ve been given!

“I didn’t mean to do that.”

“No, no, Kirishima-kun collected the Black Lizard, so I think everyone was thinking about trying.”

I guess so.

“That’s what it is. At least it’s a boy cartoon or Lanove!

It is huge that we were able to gather a raging lizard that would not have been possible without Tame’s ability to break the rules.

It must have been quite a force to roll their morale, which was sinking.

“… but I don’t know if you want a little reward to work hard.”

Lily shakes the twin tail and looks up at the orchid. It seems to be illuminated. It’s very cute how to mojimoji.

This is the first time I’ve been outdoors with Fujiyoshi-san.

“Why are you talking about sex all of a sudden? All I said was a reward!

“I didn’t say anything about sex either.”

Lily’s face turned red like a boiled octopus.

He leans down ashamed and roars.

“… besides, I’m sorry if it’s so easy.”

“To Sayaka?

Prior to asking what that meant, Lily spread her arms and distracted herself from the smell.

“If you hug me, I’ll do my best, so…”

Lily squeezes her lips and shakes her hips. I have a glimpse of doubt, but it would be wild to question her here.

Wrap the small body of Lily in your arms.

I tried to tell each other’s body temperatures with a full glance.

◇ ◇ ◇

In the lush night forest, Takeo Shinagaki made a sleepy stretch.

The stars scattered in the sky are dazzling at night. Tearful vision blurs and blurs the white flashes of the stars, leaving them unfocused. I feel like I’m being hypnotized.

I don’t know the exact time, but it’s definitely quite late at night.

After finishing the toilet in the shade of the tree, Shinagaki turned to the men’s dragon carriage.

On his way back, he looked at the trees and saw the three dominant black lizards (Albarisades) lay down to sleep.

“There’s a big lizard living in this dark forest.”

Your body trembles unexpectedly at the faint sound of the night wind.

Hand-held lights alone cannot illuminate distant darkness.

Even in the original world, the forest at night was a dangerous place. Besides, there are monsters in this world. There may be bandits or bandits.

“It’s hard to say it’s safe to have a guard guard knight.”

It’s not like being protected by the walls of a royal palace. I don’t know what’s going to happen.

With a glimmer of anxiety, Shinkaki turned his heel and proceeded to the dragon carriage where the girls were supposed to be.

Sometimes, just in case. I don’t think that Kirishima Orchid (Skebetamer) will make such a mistake, but it won’t hurt to be careful.

Tomorrow morning, Mizuki’s enhanced recovery (Schwartz Energy) will restore all her drowsiness and fatigue. It doesn’t hurt me a lot after I’ve spent a little sleep.

Before I went there with a manly attitude, I had a foreigner.

Kiryu Inn Subaru sat on his lap in front of a dragon carriage for women.

If you look closely, there are a few rat-like beasts at your feet. As Shinagaki approached, the rats bare their broken teeth and moaned with a scattered voice.

“Who is it?”

Respond to the rats. He stood up all the time and gave a sharp gaze to Shinagaki.

It’s me, Kiryu Inn.

“Takeo Shinagaki, what do you want? – Did you plan to crawl to Lihua-sama at night?

That’s not true.

Among classmate girls, there are rumors that Kirishima Orchid is the only girl student who has lost her skills – Lihua Queenshill, a childhood familiar and an forgiving wife.

On the other hand, I valued beauty more than anyone else, but there was a habit of despising other people.

His obsession with beauty is close to worship. What touches his scales. The values were difficult for third parties to understand, and one of the students was difficult to handle in a sense.

“I just came to check on you…. more than that, what are you doing here?

“I’m doing my duty here to keep you away from mischievous people who plan not to let Lihua-sama get their hands on you. I was going to fall asleep, but it seems that my tiredness accumulated when I traveled during the day of hate. I asked these people to wake me up if anything happened.”

Visualize the rat at the foot again. Looking closely, all individuals saw some kind of defect in the body.

The skill given to him was to treat fresh carcasses as servants – corpse manipulation (living dead recovery).

That’s what I mean.

“Does Queenshill mean Kirishima isn’t here?

“I’m not here. Only Lihua-sama, Yuriyuri Fujiyoshi, Megumi Maimazaki, Sado Gajima Sayaka and Snow White Princess Katayama are here.”

After all, what we have here is a group that makes maps.

I was anxious to finish it by tonight, and my friendly friends Megumi and Shayaka would be watching over such a lily.

Mizuki is probably there to give first aid with enhanced recovery (skills) in the unlikely event that Lily complains of illness.

The princess will probably be here to escort you in the event of an attack. I feel a little uncomfortable about the absence of Kanami and Ayame. I wonder if they are doing something else elsewhere.

“Do you have any idea where the others went?

“Wherever there are women other than Lihua-sama, I’m not interested…. but if you’re not in the men’s dragon carriage, maybe you’re in the other one?

Look at a dragon car parked a little further away.

I wanted to take up a lot of space for sleeping, so I packed most of my luggage in empty dragon cars.

What are you doing in a place like that?

“Would you like to take a look…”

“What was your rush?

“I’m not in a hurry, but I don’t know… I just thought I’d have to work on today.”

In the back of Shinagaki’s brain, a slender, slender boy’s face appeared. My best friend, Trao Shigenobu, Kanami, the dog god I thought about, and the old familiar Princess Snow White – the hater who brilliantly drives the lives of three good people crazy.

But apart from that, I have to thank you for this.

It is quite a feat to open the air that had been intimidated and atrophied, and to arouse the morale that had been declining.

In spite of the high pressure attitude, I quickly prepared the lizards I needed to move.

Without him, the morale of the students would have been on the ground by now, filled with rebellion and rebellion against the Knights.

For each event and everything, it was the roles of Toru Shigeru Nobu, Mt. Cat Mizuki, and Snow White that brought everyone together to increase their cohesion and motivation.

“I couldn’t ask the heartbroken tiger students to do that, and I wondered what would happen because all the girls were at Kirishima’s behest….”

Kirishima Orchid, a former airborne orchid (porn monster), was able to converge the situation.

The person would not have intended that, and above all, the orchid was the cause of the relationship to the point where we had to rely on him.

Though it is a terrible distraction, it must be a match pump, so I don’t think I want to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart.

“Well, it’s not like you saved me. I don’t have to work hard.”

Turn around and head for the dragon car that turned into a luggage storage area. I heard something disturbing as I brought him closer.

It sounded like it was snapping. It’s faint, but it looks like the dragon car itself is shaking.

Walk up to the dragon carriage with your footsteps silent. Knocking on the entrance, the sound and shaking stopped at the same time.

“… is inside”

Are you scared or something? A slightly trembling voice leaks out of the dragon car.

While laughing bitterly at the noble weather response, Shinkaki exhaled openly and loudly.

It’s me.

“… what is it? Shinagaki?”

There is a noise from inside the dragon carriage. I heard a faint whisper, probably from a woman.

When I coughed deliberately, I heard something hit Goton.

Then you hear something fall down with Dosadosa.

“He’s as strange as ever to flourish in such a cramped place.”

“… nn. It’s narrow, it’s fine. Because I can feel my breathing and body temperature nearby. I like it.”

I thought I was sarcastic about orchids, but they answered me in a different voice.

Even as I conceived an angry and glossy color, I was able to quickly figure out who it belonged to from that voice that had no restraint.

If you think of anyone, it’s a demon tile.

“Nh, let’s see. Better off with the other girls?

“You know what?”

I think of the voice of Kanami Inugami, a singular opponent.

I can’t imagine her moaning vigorously and seriously. I’d like to ask, but I think it’s complicated to think that you hate it when you have sex with Kirishima Orchid.

You should think it was good to have a bitch daughter that you both admitted.

“… I mean, what happened to Shinagaki at this hour? Did you come to peek because you accumulated it?

“No. I just came to Kirishima to help.”

“… to me?

With a soft voice, I can be asked.

“I’m naked now.”

“He’s not coming out.”

Shinagaki scratched his head in trouble after leaving his back at the door.

“I just came to say thank you…. thank you for saving me. Somehow, Kirishima saved my class morale…. that’s all I wanted to say.”

That’s not all I want to talk to Orchid about.

A royal man. Mainly mistrustful of people on the Queen’s side.

Is there a conflict of perception between the Queen herself and the person on the Queen’s side?

How much does Orchid trust a man named Walkins and how much information he shares?

Because it is an orchid. It is an orchid that has looked at the actual situation of the royal palace from a completely different perspective from the Shinagaki people.

Nor is he a heartbroken Toranomo Nobunaga. Nor is it Yamashiro Hirokatsu, a sick man.

“Nor is Haruto Tanaka (Tanaka Haruto) suspected of putting honey traps on cat ear maids.”

Neither is Sho Shiratori Kakel, who is close to Tanaka in Yamashiro.

I am not interested in anything other than Lihua. I’m not one of those mental distancing Ottomans.

Because he is an ex-boyfriend with Kanami and Akai, who seems to be able to rely on him, and who is unlikely to listen to the contents of the consultation with Belabella regardless of who he is.

There are many things I would like to talk to him about.

But I can’t talk here. Shinagaki’s distrust is, after all, related to the people in the royal palace – the queen’s side.

As the Knights of the Kintetsu are lookin ‘around, this is not a good place to talk.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Nothing, it could have been tomorrow.”

However, the orchid in the chest of such a new hedge seems to have received it at face value.

I told her what to tell her and I could have gone back. Somehow I got a little bumpy and talked about it.

“How’s Fujiyoshi doing?

“It’s going well. I feel like I’m really focused, and I don’t hear voices around me at all.”

“It may not be what I say, but tell him not to break his body…. well, there’s Mt. Cat, so it won’t be important.”

I don’t mind forgetting the time and getting stuck in the work. It is true that Shinagaki once saw a lily rattled beyond its limits and became worried about it as a classmate.

The moment when Lily Fujiyoshi was transported to Mizuki, supported by Sayaka and Emi, was clearly traumatic.

The world’s fantasy of a creature called a high school girl is like being crushed in an instant. Even the metaphor of a rag feels modest to represent the scene at that time.

“Because Maimazaki-san and Sayaka are watching. I think you’ll find out before you cross your limits.”

Well, they’ve been together all night.

The men are also alert to raids (sometimes the dragon cars are too small for everyone to sleep at the same time) and are watching them alternately.

A girl stays up all night? It’s what friends think.

“The other girls are resting instead of my grandmother, and there’s only one girl left who can fight, so there’s no problem.”

“So there was no dog god in the dragon carriage over there.”

As soon as he was finished, Shinagaki agreed in silence.

Was it Kanami’s break just when Shinagaki arrived?

As soon as I thought I was satisfied, there was a feeling of discomfort in Shinagaki.

I knew that Kanami was resting. Now, where is Kanami taking a break?

“–ahh, ahn!

Before the focus of thought was settled, there was a voice that could not be heard in the dragon car.

A glossy woman’s voice rubbing up sweetly. Shinagaki realized that she had a bad feeling in her moaning voice, which was obviously different from that of the sound.

“Hey, that was…”

Before I finish, a whisper like a push to kill comes out of the dragon car.

“Oh, my, my, my! Hey, what the hell are you doing?

Dog god, it made a terrific noise

Wow! Don’t say that, idiot! There’s still a new hedge out there!… what if they find out? It’s embarrassing!

Unconsciously trying to determine the Lord of the Voice from the slightest whisper.

The sound of the inaccuracy revealed the correct answer before a clear conclusion was reached.

Shinkaki slipped his ear by accident. The reality is that I was able to hear the colored voices of longing fashion girls, and I encountered a scene where a single person was flirting with another boy. Shingaki, sandwiched between heaven and hell, feels complicated.

“Even in such a disgraceful manner, it’s not convincing…. for the morality commissioner.”

“And you won’t have a choice! It’s cramped!

Shinkaki’s delusions accelerate into teasing words.

What a disgraceful outfit you don’t think you are.

How lewd is Kanami in the dragon wheel?

Boys’ high school imagination is on the verge of breaking its limits.

There was a rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-

“Yahn! – I’m coming. The crate fell on my head!

Kanami and I have a sweet voice that doesn’t resemble sounds.

Shinagaki could quickly tell that it belonged to Sakuraya.

“Hey hey, Kirishima. I don’t know what to do until this time of year.”

“Nooooo. There is tingling around the pinch. Hey, Mikoshi, why don’t you see if this place is a cob?

Shinagaki’s face twitched with the advent of a new name.

If you thought calmly, you would have understood.

There are ten female students who have transferred to this world. If six of Lily’s princesses, Meizaka Mizusa and Lihua, are in the dragon carriage over there, the rest are four.

It is hard to imagine a man wandering outside a dragon car at this late hour. It was only natural that her name should appear.

“Mm, I can’t. My hips are caught and I can’t move anymore… uhh… Kirishima… no. Not there! If you loosen up like that, it’s dirty, so don’t…!

Always a melting voice of a stubborn, defective girl. The feeling was unbearable, and Shinkaki scratched his head.

It’s pathetic of me to thank Kirishima Orchid even for a moment.

He is neither a hero nor anything. It’s just a pervert without manipulation.

“- How many people are playing? There’s a limit, right? And in such a narrow place…..”

I think about opening the door to your belly. I am only free where I did it, so I will not actually do it.

After a little quiet, the sound of leakage from the dragon car became slightly louder.

Apparently, the interrupted behavior resumed in earnest.

To escape the reckless Ichichamood, Shinkaki returned to the men’s dragon carriage.

At the end of the day, I feel like I’m too tired.

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