Becoming A Wrestler

Chapter 232: 216. Got The 'Soul'

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Dusty nodded. "The heart's there. The purpose is there. But the soul? That's what you're missin'. You know who you wanna be, but you ain't feelin' it yet because you're still thinkin' about how the character should act instead of how you would act in that character's shoes."

Sandro sat forward, intrigued. "So… how do I fix that?"

Dusty leaned on his desk. "First, lemme tell ya about ol' Ted DiBiase. He was the Million Dollar Man, right? And people hated that man. Why? 'Cause he represented somethin' they despised, greed, arrogance, all that. He flashed his money around, bought people off, and made 'em feel small. He was the kinda rich man folks wanted to see get punched in the mouth."

Sandro smirked. "Yeah, that's why I don't wanna go down that road."

"Exactly. But now let's look at the flip side. You wanna be a man of the people, right? Someone who uses their power to fight back against corruption. But the question is… why?"

Sandro hesitated. "Because… it's the right thing to do?"

Dusty chuckled. "That's the obvious answer, but it ain't enough. People don't just connect with a guy because he's 'doing the right thing.' They connect because he's lived somethin' that makes that fight personal. So lemme ask you this, has there ever been a time in your life when you saw power bein' abused? When you saw somebody get screwed over and wished you could do somethin' about it?"

Sandro fell silent, thinking. Memories flickered through his mind, moments from previous life memories, his childhood, his early days being an adult in his past life, and times when he had seen unfairness and felt powerless to stop it.

Then, one memory from his past life hit him like a freight train, and he was forced to change some of it before sharing with Dusty.

"When I was a kid," Sandro started slowly, "there was a friend of mine from high school. His family worked hard, but they never had much. He was one of the best athletes in school, but he never got a fair shot because he couldn't afford the fancy gear or the extra coaching that other kids had. The system kept pushing him down, and no matter how good he was, they always found a way to overlook him."

Dusty nodded, encouraging him to continue.

"One time, there was this tournament he wanted to enter, but he didn't have the entry fee. So, I… I covered it for him. Didn't tell him at first, just made sure he could compete. And he won. Proved he was better than all the kids who had everything handed to them. That moment stuck with me. I remember thinking, 'If I ever get the chance to make a difference for people like him, I'm gonna take it.'"

Dusty smiled. "That right there, son. That's the soul of your character. You ain't just some rich kid who decided to be a hero. You're a man who saw the game bein' rigged from a young age, and now that you have the means, you're gonna make damn sure no one else gets held back like your friend did."

Sandro let that sink in. For the first time, the persona didn't just feel like an idea, it felt like him. "Damn," he muttered. "That really is it, isn't it?"

Dusty chuckled. "Damn right it is. Now you have the motivation that makes it real. And you can play with that. Maybe you don't always throw your money around. Maybe sometimes you just use your influence to expose corruption. Maybe you use strategy instead of brute force to even the odds. But at the end of the day, everything you do has to come from that place, from that kid who saw the system fail his friend and decided he wouldn't let it happen again."

Sandro nodded, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "That… that actually makes me feel connected to it now. Like it's mine."

Dusty smiled. "That's the magic, baby. Now, all you gotta do is bring it to life."

Sandro stood up, shaking Dusty's hand. "Thank you. This means a lot, Dusty. More than you ever know"

"Anytime, kid." Dusty smiled, ''Now go make it happen." Sandro left the office feeling energized, more sure of himself than ever. He finally had the missing piece. Now, it was time to make his persona real.

After that, Sandro left Dusty's office, his mind still buzzing with everything Dusty had told him. He felt different now, like he had finally connected with the persona he was trying to craft. It wasn't just an idea anymore, it was real. It was him.

As he made his way toward the locker room, his iPhone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw Hugo's name on the screen. Hugo was his financial advisor, and whenever he called, it usually meant there was an update about Sandro's investments, especially the ongoing Spotify investment rounds.

Sandro swiped to answer. "Hugo, what's up?"

"Sandro, good timing. Just wanted to give you an update on the third round of the Spotify investment. It's officially wrapped up. This time, you put in ten million. Less than the second round, but still one of the biggest investments."

Sandro nodded to himself as he listened. "Less than before, huh? Why's that?"

Hugo sighed. "Strategic move. You've already gained the biggest share from the first and second rounds. If we pushed too hard again, it would attract too much attention and not the good kind. Other investors are eyeing their stake in Spotify, and we don't want to make unnecessary enemies. By scaling back a little, we still secure a solid position without painting a target on your back."

Sandro exhaled slowly. Even with all his past life memories, the intricate games of high stakes investments were still something he was getting used to.

The idea of pulling back to avoid hostility made sense, but it was a perspective he hadn't fully considered before. "Got it. Thanks for looking out, Hugo. I'll trust your judgment on this."

"That's what I'm here for. I'll send over the final numbers later. We'll go over them when you've got time."

"Sounds good. Appreciate it, Hugo."

"Anytime, Sandro. Talk soon."

The call ended, and Sandro tucked his phone back into his pocket. He mulled over what Hugo had said as he continued toward the locker room.

Playing the long game wasn't always about pushing the hardest, it was about knowing when to hold back and when to strike. That was something he'd have to remember, not just for investments, but for everything he was doing in FCW as well.

He pushed open the locker room door, stepping inside and heading straight to his locker. He needed to change out of his workout clothes and get cleaned up. As he peeled off his sweat drenched shirt, he made a mental note to schedule another meeting with Dusty and Steve.

Now that he had a clearer understanding of who he wanted to be in the ring, he needed to discuss how to introduce this persona to the fans. It wouldn't just be about a name or an outfit, it had to be a story, something people could latch onto. Something real.

As he changed, he thought back to Dusty's words again. The soul of his character. The reason behind the fight. It all made sense now. But it also meant he had to be careful. If he was going to step into this role, he had to do it right. No half. measures. No hesitation.

He finished changing and slung his bag over his shoulder. This was just the beginning. He had the missing piece, now it was time to bring it to life.

Leaving the locker room with his bag slung over his shoulder, Sandro made his way to the parking lot, the night air cool against his skin.

His mind was still turning over everything that had happened today, from his conversation with Dusty to the call with Hugo. He felt like he was finally putting the puzzle pieces together, but there was still more work to be done.

He reached his car, the sleek black BMW that blended luxury with performance, and he entered into the driver seat, waiting. A few moments later, April and Nicole appeared from the FCW building, with much more normal disguise and acting normal, laughing about something as they made their way over.

"Hope we didn't keep you waiting too long," Nicole said with a teasing smile as she slid into the passenger seat.

April grinned as she got into the back. "Yeah, we had some last minute girl talk."

Sandro chuckled as he got in and started the engine. "As long as it wasn't about me, I think I'll survive."

April smirked. "Oh, it was definitely about you."

Nicole nodded playfully. "All good things, promise."

Sandro shook his head, a small smile on his lips as he pulled out of the lot. The ride back to his apartment was mostly filled with light conversation.

Nicole and April had been talking about the shifts in the women's division, with Rebecca and Davina getting more focus lately. Sandro listened, occasionally offering his thoughts, but his mind was also running through ideas on how to introduce his new persona to the fans to Steve and Dusty.

By the time they reached his apartment, he felt more settled. He parked the car, and the three of them made their way inside. Nicole immediately flopped onto the couch, stretching out, while April went to grab a drink from the kitchen.

"You look deep in thought," Nicole observed, propping herself up on one elbow. "Still thinking about what Dusty said?"

Sandro nodded as he dropped his bag near the entrance. "Yeah. It just clicked, you know? Like, I've been trying to figure out how to make this persona work, and I realized it's been in front of me the whole time. I just needed to find the right way to express it."

April handed him a bottle of water. "Well, if anyone can bring something unique to the table, it's you."

Nicole grinned. "Yeah. And now that you have your 'soul' figured out, you just need to work on how to present it."

Sandro nodded, taking a sip of water. "Exactly. I need to talk to Dusty and Steve about the best way to introduce it to the fans. Maybe some vignettes first, or a slow build in matches."

April leaned against the counter. "Either way, we'll be there supporting you."

Sandro gave them both a grateful smile. "That means a lot."

Meanwhile, back at FCW Headquarters, Dusty was still at his desk, going over some paperwork when the phone on his desk rang. He picked it up, his voice gruff but warm. "Dusty here."

"Hey, Dusty. It's Stephanie."

Dusty leaned back in his chair, recognizing the voice immediately. "Well, well. To what do I owe the pleasure, Ms. McMahon?"

Stephanie chuckled lightly on the other end. "I just wanted to call and touch base. I heard that Sandro's real background was exposed, and I wanted to make sure that he still receives the same treatment as everyone else."

Dusty furrowed his brow. "You know I don't play favorites, Stephanie. Ain't never been my style."

"I know," Stephanie said. "And I told my father and Hunter the same thing. But you know how people can be. When Jack and Sandro made their request back at the Nexum Core Business Party, they made it clear they didn't want any special treatment. I just wanted to check in and make sure that's still being honored."

Dusty nodded to himself. "They got nothin' to worry about. Sandro's workin' just like everyone else, earnin' his spot. He's got talent, but he's still gotta prove himself like the rest of 'em."

"That's good to hear," Stephanie replied, satisfaction evident in her voice. "I appreciate it, Dusty." Dusty smiled, "No problem, darlin'. Now, was that all, or was there somethin' else on your mind?"


Name: Alessandro Zhang

Age: 19 (2009)

Birthplace: Orlando, Florida USA

Brand: FCW

Wrestling Style: Mixed Of All Style

Faction: Dragon Boom (Tag Team)

Championship History: 1x FCW Tag Team Champions & 1 FCW Florida Heavyweight Champion

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