Becoming the Villain Boss of a Magical Girl Story

Chapter 86

“Hey! I haven’t even used it a few times yet!”

“Th-that’s something I can’t possibly know!”

Even if I grab Esmushigi by the collar and shake them like crazy, it’s no use.

“Hey, then let me use it just one more time, okay?”


Hearing that the rental rights have already been canceled and it’s probably gone, I let go of the collar I was holding and rushed back home.

Eve also realized the seriousness of the situation, and Kabe and Bedel said they’d handle it themselves.

As soon as I arrived, I went down to the basement and forced open the locked door.

It’s gone.

It’s really gone.

The production device that was in the basement has disappeared without a trace.

I never thought that huge production device would just vanish like this.

The basement doesn’t even open without my fingerprint!

“Oh no… We’re screwed…!”

If I knew this would happen, I would’ve treated it more carefully…

I shouldn’t have even mentioned that I had it…

I should’ve at least used it one more time…

I thought it would always be there!

I thought it was ours exclusively…!

The spot where the production device used to be is now empty. No matter how much I rub my eyes and look, it’s gone.

I even checked the trash bin just in case, but the production device has vanished.

Standing dumbfounded where the production device used to be, I clenched my fists.

Yeah, thinking negatively won’t help now.

I need to get through this situation and stay positive…!

“Alright. The production device is gone. It’s not here anymore. But with our current power, we can still…!”

As if that’s possible!

Oh no… Damn it, we’re screwed…

I gathered all the kids in the basement.

There aren’t many minions left now.

Sohee, Dusik, and me.

Maybe it’s better to exclude Aquamarine. She wasn’t really part of our power to begin with.


Eve, who followed late, is standing next to me.

She’s also scratching her head, as if she didn’t expect this to happen.

Ah, seriously, this is so frustrating.

I have no idea how to even start.

“Eve, let’s talk.”


After dismissing the kids I gathered, I gestured for Dusik to come over.

Without the production device, we can’t replenish our power anymore.

This is our limit now, and we can’t get any more reinforcements.

The boss is half-baked and can’t even use magic, relying on brute force and tools to get by, but who knows how long that’ll last.

But we can’t just sit around like this. Fights will keep happening, and now things are really getting serious.

Still, I can’t let my subordinates see me lose my nerve, so I thought of having a little tea party with the kids.

As I reached into my back pocket to pull out my wallet, a thought suddenly struck me.

Five million won.


I’m insane. I’m absolutely insane.

From now on, I really need to save…

As I tried to pull out my wallet with trembling hands, something brushed against my hand.

“Pretend you didn’t notice.”

Eve whispered in my ear, quietly enough that Dusik wouldn’t hear.

“What are you doing? You said you wanted to talk.”

Then Eve turned and headed for the elevator, and I saw a card in my hand.

The cardholder’s name is Seo Hyeran.

This is ridiculous, seriously.

But it’s too tempting to refuse.

“Use this to treat the kids to lots of good food. Got it?”

“Oh… Yes, I understand.”

“We’re still standing. You know what that means, right?”

I held Dusik’s hand tightly and reaffirmed.

Dusik probably thinks I’m talking to him, but really, I’m talking to myself.

I’ve never fought under worse conditions… Well, actually, I’ve never fought under favorable conditions either.

Whether it was during my sales days or after becoming the Mother-Body, I’ve always fought under bad conditions.

So, I’m fine.

We’re still standing.

We can pull through.

“Hmm, if things are like this, maintaining a 50-50 plan like before might be a bit tough.”

It probably will be.

I nodded in agreement with Eve’s words.

“I don’t know what faction they represent, but I guess we should consider them the Divine Realm? So now there are three factions.”

Eve twirled a pen between her fingers and drew three circles on a piece of paper.

She wrote “Magical Girl,” “Mogmog Group,” and “Yellow Beetle.”

Whoever came up with that nickname “Yellow Beetle” really nailed it.

That slightly tanned skin, blonde hair, and strikingly handsome face, but somehow it gives off a weird vibe.

“The problem is, if that guy really is Escario, the Light Realm God… I don’t know why he hasn’t regained his power yet. There must be some reason.”

That’s not the important thing right now.

“Give me the pen for a second.”

I took the pen from Eve and started drawing arrows on the paper.

An arrow from Magical Girl to Mogmog Group, labeled “Friendly.”

An arrow from Mogmog Group to Magical Girl, also labeled “Friendly.”

Arrows pointing to each other, labeled “Planned Match-Fixing.”

“This is perfect. Right now, it’s about… what was it, 30%? Anyway, that much. 70-30 isn’t too extreme or too one-sided. But here…”

Yellow Beetle steps in.

“Let’s assume they take a 2.5% share each.”

So Magical Girl would have 67.5%, Mogmog Group 27.5%, and Yellow Beetle 5%.

I don’t know the starting power, who will declare war first, or how they’ll appear, but let’s just assume that.

“They probably don’t plan to balance things out like we do. Because…”


This is awkward to say out loud.

It’s embarrassing and a bit cringe.

“That guy wants you.”


“And the reason they joined the faction war is to win you as a reward.”


“Lucky you.”

Eve smiled with a strange expression. Her lips twisted into a smirk, and her smile was so annoying I wanted to punch her.

“Must be nice to be loved.”

“Stop teasing me.”

“Anyway, if they win, things will get really messy. They’ll aggressively attack to get you, and if that happens…”

I know what Eve’s getting at without her finishing.

Yeah, it’ll be a disaster for humanity.

I’m not a hero of justice, and my current position is more of a villain, but I don’t want harm to come to humans.

I don’t know why, but I just don’t like it.

The thought of kids like me, who had a tough childhood, popping up everywhere is unbearable.

It’s horrifying.

“What are you thinking so deeply about?”

“Huh? Oh, nothing. It’s nothing.”

“Anyway, things have gotten complicated. It might be hard to keep going like we have been.”

Eve’s definitely right. It might be tough to keep things loose and fight casually like we have been.

“But hey, if the reward for winning is me, does that mean it’s not up to me?”

“Hmm. I’m not sure about that either. This is the first I’ve heard of a victory reward. I should ask Karin about it.”

But now that I think about it, there’s something weird.

If the victory reward is me and that guy is so strong, why doesn’t he just crush the Mogmog Group and overpower me?

And then take me… Hmm, take me by force.

Why take the long way around instead of the easy path?

“Well, he’s light-attribute, and you’re dark-attribute. In your current state, it’s hard for him to definitively beat you. Plus, you… Hmm, yeah. Since we’re on the topic, let me ask you something.”


“You’re Vesprede, right? What’s that about?”


I forgot to mention that.

“Set up a sound barrier.”

“It’s already up.”

“Alright. Then…”

I told Eve in detail about the strange dream I had.

From the moment I entered a place called Mitran’s Garden, to hearing a voice that seemed to be Vesprede Amory, and returning at dawn.

After hearing my story, Eve scratched her head again.

“You’re shedding dandruff.”

“No, I’m not! Anyway, I’ve heard of Mitran’s Garden. It’s said to be the residence of the Dark Realm’s ruler, the Dark Realm Goddess. It’s also said that only she can enter. If you went there… Well, it was a dream, so maybe you did.”


“Did you not think of that?”

It hurts my pride a bit, but I nodded.

I really hadn’t thought of that.

Because it was a dream?

Maybe I just happened to remember a place I’ve been to and had a weird dream?

Is that possible…? But that voice was so clear.

Plus, I’ve never been to a place like that, or even anything similar.

“Can’t you just go to the Dark Realm and find out?”

“Can I go?”

“I go to the Light Realm often. You’re the Mogmog Group boss, why can’t you go? You should’ve asked Keru.”

“Keru never mentioned…”


That guy won’t say anything unless you ask.

“Alright, I’ll go check it out. I thought I couldn’t go, so I didn’t bother. Now that things are like this, I’ll ask Keru and go. Maybe meet some Dark Realm officials.”

“That sounds good. It’ll be the most accurate way.”

“Do I need to prepare anything?”

“Should I buy a ticket or something?”

“Do I have to?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never been to the Dark Realm either.”


If I can go to the Dark Realm myself, maybe there’s a way.

You never know.

I might find out why I can’t use magic.

And maybe fix it so I can use magic.

Then it’s solved.

For that, I need to go to the Dark Realm.


Keru was, as expected, sleeping under the master bedroom bed.

I grabbed his tail and dragged him out, and he screamed, “What’s going on, Mother-Body!” so I pulled him all the way out.

“I want to go to the Dark Realm.”


“Hey, if you’re going to make me the Mogmog Group boss, shouldn’t you at least show me around the Dark Realm and explain things?”


Thinking about it now, I’m getting mad.

“Hey, I’ve been fighting tooth and nail to increase our share, and no one even thanks me? Do you think I’m a joke?! Are you guys out of your minds?! I’m going to flip everything over myself, why?!”

“Calm down, calm down, Mother-Body! Okay, okay! Let’s go to the Dark Realm! If we go, it’ll be fine!”

This guy Keru, he only listens when I get physical.

I’m not even joking.

“Hey, Keru.”

“I’m listening… Mother-Body.”

“What exactly do you do as a mascot?”

“Where’s this coming from…?”

No, seriously.

Has Keru ever proactively told me anything?

It’s always been me figuring things out on my own or with Eve’s help.

“What kind of mascot doesn’t say anything unless asked? Ugh… No, never mind.”

A mascot’s duty is to provide knowledge to their contractor and assist them wholeheartedly in achieving their goals.

But this guy just sleeps all day and doesn’t tell me anything…!

“Are we going now?!”

No, that’s not possible.

I need to at least tell Kabe that I’m going somewhere.

And Dusik too.

I don’t know how many days I’ll be gone, so I can’t just leave without a word.

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