Birth Of The Crafts-God

Chapter 216: Belfargos and Trundel

Planet Eretre had four continents and thirteen city-states. While the number might seem small, it shouldn't be underestimated as planet Eretre was about 1.5 times the size of Earth, or fifty percent (50%) larger. Excluding Digress city-state, which was the smallest, every other city-state controlled land at least twice the size of a nation on Earth. Some of the stronger city-states controlled more land than this.

Apart from the civilised area, there were large undeveloped plots of lands that either turned into wastelands or habitats for desolate beasts and abominations.

Of the thirteen city-states, the most reputable ones were Java city-state, which was one of the most famous trading hubs on the planet; Paros city-state, which had the reputed Lester family and the sub-branch of the powerful Lin family from Mandora planet; and another city-state. As for Baylands city-state, it was at the upper middle level of the rankings, sixth place to be exact.

At first place was a city-state that held the position without debate. It wasn't Paros city-state or Java city-state. Instead, it was the only city-state that controlled any entire continent by itself; Belfargos, the city-state of the Bernin continent. Because Belfargos was the home of the ruling force of Eretre, it also had the nickname of Oklo city-state.

Belfargos city-state was quite special. In truth, there was only a place called Belfargos City in the Bernin continent, whilst the entire region under its control didn't really have a name. As such, some called the entire region Oklo city-state or Belfargos city-state. This was why in the official records, there were only twelve city-states and not thirteen.

Every city-state utilised a different form of government, but what they all had in common was that the leader had to be approved by the Oklo Dynasty before they could exercise their powers.

In Baylands city-state, the system of government was a unique version of the Parliamentary system of government. The city lord was chosen by the members of the Cabinet. In the case where there were multiple candidates, like with the last election, the two sides would duke it out in a special contest where the winner would become the city lord.

In Paros and Java city-states, democracy was the norm. As for Digress city-state, they operated by electing the strongest amongst themselves. For Digress city-state, the city lord was more a figurehead and a protector, than a ruler.

As for Belfargos, the city lord was someone from the royal family. In other words, it was a monarchy. Monarchies weren't rare and even some city-states were operated under the basis of one.

The city lord of Belfargos City was said to have descended from a prince of the Oklo Dynasty. In other words, it was a branch family. Despite being from the branch, their bloodline was quite pure and they were the closest to the direct line in terms of bloodline comparison. Nonetheless, they remained subservient to the direct line. The situation was similar to the Lin family in Eretre and the Lin family in Mandora.

Belfargos City, being the home of the Oklo Dynasty, gave off a more thriving vibe than the other city-states. It was bustling and flourishing beyond comparison yet still maintained a peculiar air of dignified splendor and magnificence. In the entire Eretre, whether it be land, water, or air, there was no city-state or city that could compare to Belfargos City's success and prosperity.

Belfargos City's appeal didn't just derive from its appearance, but also its economy and resources.

There was a line amongst the merchants and businessmen of Eretre; if it couldn't be found in Belfargos, it couldn't be found in Eretre.

With such a slogan to describe the place, it was easy to guess that the city was a place everyone wanted to be. However, as the law of demand and supply went, there might be many people who wanted to live here, but the land was limited. As such, every plot of land was gold.

In the end, people began to erect other living quartets and cities close by. This was how the 'city-state' was formed, but it wasn't officially recognised as one for certain reasons.

Although life was cheaper on the outskirts and surrounding zones of Belfargos City, they couldn't compare to the grandeur and splendour of the city itself. There was no doubt that hundreds of millions of federal coins had been pumped into this city to make it what it was now.

Due to the appeal of the city, many who lived in neighbouring cities would still occasionally come to Belfargos for various reasons. Whether it be to appreciate the view, to engage in pleasure, or to purchase items, Belfargos City had a lot of visitors everyday for this reason.

Of the cities nearest to Belfargos City was Trundel City. The ruler of this city was a family that had relations with the Cardoso family. The Cardoso family was the official name of the Oklo Dynasty branch family from centuries ago, who now ruled Belfargos City.

Being related to them, one could see how the Trundel family was able to build a city quite close to Belfargos City. Otherwise, the Cardoso family might have taken control or stopped the construction of the city.

Trundel City might not be as impressive as Belfargos City, but it was still quite prosperous thanks to its location. Even when compared to capital cities of the more average city-states, Trundel City didn't lose out, especially the economic district.

Trundel's economic district played host to a bunch of different stores, whether they were vestige stores, grocery stores, or even desolate beasts body parts. Being close to Belfargos City, some of their products came from the city while others were sourced locally.

About a week ago, a new store had opened up in Trundel City's economic district, but there was no fanfare or surprise about this. This was because quite a lot of stores already existed, and some merchants would try their luck to open one. However, underneath the prosperity and liveliness of the city, competition was tough. Due to this, new stores opened weekly, with many of them closing down after a while.

For those who had noticed the new store, they didn't pay much attention to it, as they all believed that it would end up the same as the other stores that had popped up. This was even more so after some of them had checked out the store.

The interior of the store wasn't luxurious or special, and the owner was a human. Although humans weren't prejudiced here, they were still seen as nothing extraordinary. The cherry at the top was the fact that the store 'overpriced' its items. Even if the overall GDP in Trundel City was much higher than in other city-states, it was still expensive for them.

With all these added together, no one believed that the store would last long here.

The name of the store: the Heavenly Demonic Shop [1].

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