Bleach: Shattered Throne-The Last Hollow

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: The Hunger & The Silence

Ichigo rushed forward as madness began to devour him. Ocuil continued dodging as if he had some sort of foresight, yet even then, Ichigo could land a few light slashes upon him.

Of course, this shocked Oculi. He could see the future yet couldn't dodge such wild attacks. He began to get increasingly excited, as this would be a battle he had been waiting for a long time.

Ichigo continued his relentless assault against Ocuil. Ocuil began to make counter-attacks, yet the moment he did, a shield appeared, protecting Ichigo so he wouldn't get injured.

This caused Ocuil to be annoyed with the annoyance around them, and he looked in her direction to attack her. However, before he could, a slash across his chest made him step back.

Ichigo was hard to read as his madness devoured his very essence as if he was burning away himself. Ocuil continued to get slashed and slashed, and the counter-offensive was constantly blocked.

Ocuil decided it was time to take this more seriously and released massive spiritual pressure, pushing Ichigo and Orihime back.

Ocuil's form began to change as he changed into something far more sinister.

His body became lengthy, and he was now 3 meters tall. Ocuil's arms were 1.5 meters long, and his wingspan looked draconic (10 meters). His head now had four purple eyes and a black crown.

"Don't break too easily; otherwise, this won't be any fun." instantly after Ocuil spoke, Ichigo went flying backward. (keep in mind this happened all in less than 5 seconds)

Ocuil slashes and brutal slams broke Orihimes shields instantly, causing Ichigo to get thrown and tossed around. In a literal sense, Ichigo had become a ragdoll as he was toyed around with and thrown endlessly across the already shattered throne.

Ichigo slams into the ground next to Orihime as she immediately begins healing him.

This was the third time this had happened in the past 30 mins, and it wasn't improving.

Ichigo was missing one of his horns and an entire arm; his mask was cracked, and black blood fell from his left eye. Orihime stood firm in her resolve and did not waver, knowing Ichigo would get them through this.

"This is getting quite boring, Ichigo; I thought you were strong, yet you seem so weak"?

This disappoints me significantly beyond what your little imagination could do."

"You said my truth was merely a figment of my imagination, yet you still cannot speak, and I brutally beat you over and over"? "Do you wish to know why you keep failing?"

Ichigo obviously couldn't speak, and his mind lacked much clarity as all he was waiting for was for his arm to regrow before he went back into the fight, yet something told him to listen.

"You do not see the truth; lies and falsehoods surround you and only see what you wish to see."

Ichigo then immediately fell into a black void as Ocuil continued speaking.

"You can't discern what is real and what is not. Your mind is no longer your own."

Ichigo then slammed into the ground as hollows began surrounding him.

"You have yet to figure out your truth, so you are stuck in your illusions."

"Did everything that just happened occur, or was it merely a falsehood?

"Is Orihime alive, or is she dead?" "Did I brutally beat her regularly, or did I not?" "Did you lead an army of hollows to face me, or are you still trapped in the Menos Forest"?

"Maybe this is all but a dream, and you're still on earth hoping to save Orihime, yet lack any power to do so"? "You possibly could have died by those hollows that attacked you, and this is your "After Life" so to speak.

His madness continued, and his thoughts lacked anything. He ravenously continued tearing through hollows. Ichigo was in pure and utter madness as the will to devour superseded everything else.

As these words continued playing, Ichigo fought these hollows in this pit of the abyss.

Finally, Ichigo heard a single voice speak.

"Ichigo, I love you," spoke Orihime in a soft and frail voice.

As Ichigo began to look at the scene before him, his will to devour evaporated.

Ichigo had his hand through Orihimes chest, holding her heart in his hands. Ichigo couldn't process what had happened and what he had done.

What if this was an illusion, too? Was Ocuil playing more games with him?

This was a lot for Ichigo's mind to bear as his usually powerful will crumbled.

With black tears streaming down his cold, hollowed face, Ichigo felt a gentle, warm hand press against his face.

As Ichigo looked up, genuinely seeing with his eyes, he saw Orihime smiling at him with tears in her eyes.

"Looks like I gave you my heart, Ichigo," she said in a humorous yet still radiant voice.

Ichigo felt immense guilt as he held her in his arms and held on to her as she continued to caress his face.

Ichigo kept trying to speak, asking her to heal herself, yet she started healing him instead, and black tears continued streaming down his face.

"Know I will always love you, even if we are worlds apart." As Orihime said these words, his hand stopped caressing his face and fell to the floor.

Ocuil, sitting silently and patiently waiting for this soap opera to end, finally spoke, "You killed her when you were so lost in illusions. How disappointing".

"That was one of my favorite toys. How could you be so reckless?" Ocuil spoke in a cynical and uncaring tone.

"If only you had realized the truth, this wouldn't have happened."

"You gave up your entire life for love. What did it bring you? Nothing but despair and an empty void."

"You give and give and give, and yet the world only takes what little remains. You are nothing but a shell, a "hero" who sacrificed for the many. How much do you have to lose to realize being the hero wasn't all it was cracked up to be?'

"You gave up so much yet lost everything now. You are merely a hollow that, alone as hollow, always ends up".

"You could have saved her yet couldn't say a word because you lack a truth. After you abandoned your ideals to chase the one you loved, you lost it all". Ocuil raised his voice.



Ocuils voice lowered once more. "You must give up everything to strive for power; only then can you truly protect what you want in this world, and I was no different once."

"How many hollows had to die for you to realize your selfishness? You saw us as mere animals and beasts that needed to be purged from this plain of existence".

"How many of your troops died just because they followed you as their leader?" How long did it take for you to get to know them and see what they indeed were? Not just beings only driven by emotions, but someone".


"You are not a hero; you are just someone who fell in love and lost it."

"Ichigo, I never truly hated you as Aizen saw us as even more beneath him."

Then you killed her, and that's a debt that needs to be paid in full!

Ichigo's mind, after listening to all of this, was silent; his crumbling mind had stopped, and the silent seas within his mind were calm.

Ichigo looked towards Ocuil, and what he did next shocked Ocuil. Ichigo began laughing Manically as the spiritual pressure became so strong the entire throne room shook.

The fighting outside had stopped as this spiritual pressure descended upon Hueco Mundo.

Ocuil was thoroughly surprised by Ichigo's' maniacal laughter and wondered where this spiritual pressure came from.

The Sky turned red as if it were bleeding, and the moon of Hueco Mundo was Abyssal Black.

Ichigo spoke with insanity filling every corner of his being "EverLasting Silence"

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