Chapter 12: Why me?!
Azaliah Krimson
There was fire and there was blood... everywhere I observed, blood rained down. And I could only stand there and watch has everyone been killed one by one, this nightmare that I'm trapped in. I screamed and kicked whoever held me. And then I saw a long robed person in front of me. The blade in his hand has he plunged the knife in my stomach. He pulled the hood back to reveal that demon and I screamed has he held onto my head has it began to burn.
I shot up in the bed panting. I couldn't breathe, my chest was tight and I clutched the sheets. I chocked on the air. My forehead began to burn and I tried to move. My lungs felt like they were closing. With a heavy thump, I hit the cold hard floor. I wheezed has I crawled and I heard the door open.
"Azaliah!" I heard Jade yell has she rushed to my side. She moved me to sit upright. I felt like a rag doll. I felt useless... emotionless...
I glanced at her. Her hands glowed with a light hue has she brushed in against my chest. My chest began to heave and I coughed out blood. I pushed her and backed away from her. She also wasn't a human. I tried to speak but my throat was so sore.
Daniel and Isaac burst into the room. Jade shot her hand up, telling them to stop. I looked her in the eye. I was scared; I wanted Felix and my parents back. I wanted to be in my mother's arms has she soothed me to sleep. I wanted my father to be here has he fought my nightmares away. I wanted Felix, my brother. I wanted to play with him like those days and nights. But the reality of this situation had finally bombarded me.
"They're not coming back, isn't it?" I croaked out. Daniel and Isaac looked away, not daring to meet my eyes. But Jade just kneeled beside me, her eyes were misty with tears, she nodded. I shook my head.
"Tell me I'm still dreaming... Tell me that Felix is still here and that my parents are still alive. Tell me that I'm crazy for what I saw. Tell me that these wounds were caused by an accident!" I screamed clutching the front of her shirt.
My hands trembled, "Why me? Why me?!"
"I'm sorry Liah... They're gone and we can't bring them back." Jade whispered crawling closer to me. Her hands glowed again, the light engulfing my body. My breathing became normal. The pain in my head lightened. I felt anger bubble within me. I didn't want to move from where I sat. I felt numb now. I glared at her and at the other two in the room.
"If they can't come back... then tell me what is going on and what are you?" I questioned all of them, Isaac looked at me uncomfortably has Daniel looked at the ground.
"We're Caelestians," Adrian stepped by the doorway.
"Supernatural and mythical beings from another realm," He calmly replied and stormed across the room. He lifted me up and sets me on the bed. I didn't get a chance to protest against his hold.
Adrian sighs, "We were sent here to capture a demon that has been running after power for many years. We also have to find out why he went after your family and what you have to do with him."
Jade scowled, "She just woke up, now isn't the time to be interrogating her!"
Adrian glanced to her, "Well when should we do it then if not now, it's not like we can erase her memory now that she's so deep into this mess and we can't dream walk when she has the bloody curse mark on her!" He yelled back. Isaac then puts his hand on Adrian's shoulder.
"Calm down man, your beast is manifesting and I know you don't want to transform here and destroy this place besides now we know what to do. We just have to explain everything to Azaliah and let her decide what she wants to do." Isaac calmly replied.
Adrian scoffed and stormed out of the room. Daniel sighed, "Let's go get dinner ready." He pulled Isaac out of the room leaving Jade and I alone.
Jade sat by the end of the bed, "How do you feel?"
"Numb... broken..." I whispered pulling my knees to my chest and burying my face.
"You're a caelestian... so what creature are you?"
"A seer and a dream walker," She used her power and I glanced at her in awe has she created a dancing light figure. I reached for it has it walked up my arm and danced around my head. It was warm and made me feel tingly; it made me feel somewhat at peace.
"It's calming your mind, helping you to think clearly."
That felt true... But even if it made me to think clearly, I can still remember everything. I can still remember the smell of blood that lingered in the air that night.
"Who murdered my parents? Who was he?"
I could smell the oncoming of the rain. And the clouds began its heavy downpour on the earth. I glanced at the window, the rain cascading heavily.
"His name is Defaeron, the conqueror of essence. He loves power and he's trying to seek immortality, he wants to become a God," Jade stared at the pouring rain with solemn look on her face has if she was reminiscing.
"He's killed thousands of caelestians and he already conquered Alitura and now he's after Exaltatio. If he isn't stopped then another caelestian war will take place." She glanced back at me.
“Alitura? Exatlatio?” I asked as she held her hand out to me.
Jade softly smiled, “If you’re willing to allow me to use my powers on you, I will gladly show you all of the realms and answer every question you have.”
I glanced at the hand she held out for me and I thought about her question.
After all the kind of question she asked me now will maybe just help me to find Felix again.
And so I took her hand.