Born in Flames

Chapter 8: Silent Prayers

Azaliah's Pov

"Dad? Is everything okay?" My voice was laced with concern.

"Stay wherever you are... Don't come home... No Felix!.." My father's voice was cut off and the next thing that I heard was a loud crash and a bang... A sound that sounded like a gunshot.

"Dad! What happened to Felix? Dad?!" I felt my heart stop. The call had ended and I abruptly stood up from the bench. This caused Adrian to worry. I turned to him.

"I have to go, I'm sorry; tell the others there was an emergency at home, please." That was all I could say as I dashed towards the forest, my only shortcut to home. I didn't care if I should stay put. My family was in danger. I could hear Adrian yelling for me but I was gone too far and my mind was filled with concern for Felix and my parents.

I didn't care if the forest was dangerous at night. I knew my way around and the moonlight gave me enough light to see where I was going. Taking the quickest route home, I arrived at the back of my house in record time. I climbed the walls slowly but when I reached the top everything became chaotic.

My house was in shambles. Half of the walls were broken. It was as if a tornado had destroyed my home. With slow steps, my heart began to beat faster as dread began to quietly creep in me.

I didn't want to touch anything in fear of it crumbling. I couldn't see my parents or Felix anywhere. As I slowly and cautiously made my way around the house. The sight before me made me freeze. There were two bodies on the ground but they weren't alone.

My mother was against the wall and this person had its mouth on her neck. And I could see the blood that dripped from her neck. My father was on the ground and his stomach was ripped open and this large animal looked bigger than a dog... no... It was a wolf... was eating the insides of his stomach.

How could this happen? How was it possible that these creatures could exist? I was frozen as I watched them eat away at my parents.


I had to find him! I had to save him and keep him safe. I wasn't going to let anything happen to him.

"I smell something sweet." The person that was clutching my mother spoke as he dropped her to the floor. His voice cracked.

"Desert has finally appeared." He turned towards me and he grinned. He had fangs.... bloody fangs... and he bloody had red eyes. What the hell was happening?! Red eyes and fangs.... how could a vampire possibly exist?

I stumbled back and every time I took a step back, the vampire would creep closer towards me. Is this the end for me? My parents were dead and Felix... No... He's not dead...

In the blink of an eye. The vampire in front of me disappeared. Cold dead hands touched my shoulders and went I turned my head to see who was behind me. I screamed and tried to pull away. The vampire had reappeared behind me and had me in its clutches.

"Let me go!" I felt my heart race and fear held me. I began to cry. I didn't want to be this creature's meal.

"I always had a thing for redheads." The vampire said as I felt his fangs brush my neck. I heard a crunch in front of me. And that large dog had finished eating its meal. I whimpered and pulled away but this vampire was too strong.

"The Lilium isn't here." Another voice spoke. Among the wreckage of my house, a man stood in the shadows. He walked forward and from the moon's light I could make him out. He had golden eyes, with long black hair, and wore a cloak as black as night. The aura he released was deadly compared to the large dog and vampire. This man scared me and my body trembled.

"I didn't expect for there to be a human here. Tell me human, why are you here?" His voice held so much power. The vampire shoved me to the ground.

"Speak when the master is talking to you." The vampire slammed my head and I screamed from the pain. I felt the blood drip from my head.

"What did my parents do to you? Why did you kill them? And what have you done to Felix?" Through the burning pain and my crying heart, I finally spoke. My voice didn't even sound like me.

"This is very intriguing. You claim to be their daughter. Yet my sister never had a daughter." He came towards me and the vampire had let me go. The strange man grabbed my throat and pulled me up strangling me.

"W-what... are you..?" I barely whispered as I scratched his arms that held my neck.

"My dear niece... I am a demon and your worst nightmare. I am searching for something and my nephew has it. Do you know where Felix is? It's time for him to meet his dearest uncle." He had a sickening smirk on his face.

"What makes you think I'll tell you anything, you monster!" I sent my fists towards his jaw and with a sickening crunch, his face twisted to the side. He calmly turned his face to look at me. I started to kick and pull his hand away from me. He only laughed and strangled me further.

"You remind me of someone... red hair and green eyes. She was the most beautiful woman that I've ever met but she's now dead. I killed her with these very hands." He hummed remembering a time of long ago.

"I shall let you live for the sake of that woman." He tightened his hold on me.

"But every night for the rest of your life, I curse you to extreme torture. The pain will be so unbearable, you will be begging for it to stop and when that happens you will search for me, little human. Let's see if you'll survive my curse, my little human. You will be my newest experiment."

He pulled me towards him and whispered in my ear a language that I couldn't understand and my forehead began to burn. There was a glint in his eyes. He enjoyed torturing people. He released his grip and I fell onto the vampire. My sight was blurry and the pain on my forehead was overtaking my senses.

"Do as you please with her but do not kill her. Maybe one day she could be a valuable asset." He chuckled and disappeared.

"Hear that little red... my friend and I get to do anything to you." The vampire came on top of my body and I felt his fangs sink into my neck. The pain was unbearable that I wished for it to end. And I closed my eyes and I was met with darkness. I was scared... I didn't want to die like this.

I promised Felix... no matter what happened to them... I would be strong. And I know that Felix is alive. Wherever he is... I have to find him and keep him safe. My eyes shot opened and with all the strength I could muster, I shoved the vampire away. I staggered away. If I needed to find Felix... I had to stay alive. That vampire had drained too much of my blood.

The low growls of that wolf could be heard. And that was all it took for me to start running. I dashed through the forest once again, running through the thick grass. I could hear the heavy paws of that animal under my feet.

I could feel him closing in on me. And the next instance I felt something slash the back of my leg. I crashed to the ground and pulled my leg to see the claw marks of that wolf. The wolf was a foot away from me. Slowly making its way to me.

A howl came from the distance and a flash of brown flung into the wolf. Another wolf appeared and began to bite the wolf. I took this as my chance to getaway. I limped away staggering. And finally after taking painful long strides. I made it to my secret place. My little haven from the world that was far away. This was like a good place to die.

I leaned against the giant oak tree. My arm was aching. My neck, forehead, and my leg were bleeding. My whole body was in pain. A vampire bit me, a wolf slashed me and now a demon has cursed me. What did I ever do to deserve this?

"I found you little red." I froze in my tracks. I turned to my right to see that vampire. With my remaining strength, I grabbed the branches and began to pull myself up. I didn't even make it that far when the vampire grabbed the leg that the wolf had slashed and pulled me towards him.


Is this how it's going to end?

The vampire shoved me against the tree and sunk his fangs onto my chest. I guess this is it... I lost my parents... Felix is nowhere to be seen and here I am... about to die in the hands of a vampire. I could already feel the remaining strength disappearing. I looked up to the moon and with teary eyes, I prayed...

I wish someone could save me... because the one thing I truly want is to save my little brother... So if there's anyone out there... please save me...

I felt the vampire being pulled away from me. My chest had stung and I could feel that there was a large wound there. The next thing I saw in front of me was the vampire being engulfed in flames. The fire consumed its body and its screams could be heard.

Is it finally over? Did my wish come true?

"Azaliah..." With blurry eyes, I looked up. I couldn't make out the tall figure but I did remember that voice. I guess my wish did come true after all but I've already lost so much blood and my wounds have been opened for too long. By now it must have gotten infected.

"Adrian... please save Felix... H-he's the only person that I have left..." Those words were the only words that I could muster.

Oh no... my legs...

I couldn't feel them and I fell forward. I thought I was going to hit the ground but he caught me in his arms. And the last thing I saw was bright amber eyes before my world turned to darkness.


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