Bring Dragon Ball to Marvel

Chapter 19 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Like...a second?

Because Saint thought about it for a moment, after he made a wish to obtain Sun Wukong's lifelong knowledge, he immediately sensed his own Qi. Therefore, he did not expect that this should be the simplest step, but Lorna could not take it.Please () see the most complete!The fastest updated novel!

Having said that, of course you can't say it to hurt people, because Saint told a white lie and comforted Lorna: "It also took a long time, Lorna, you are not Chinese, it is difficult to understand that 'qi' is It’s normal, there’s no need to feel discouraged.”

"All right……"

More than half an hour passed.

"Boss! I feel it! I finally feel it!"

Lorna jumped up from the floor with a face full of joy, and said to herself ecstatically: "This is my's so huge..."

Because Saint secretly wiped off the cold sweat, although the amount of energy delivered each time was not much, more than 20 consecutive "breath giving" almost drained him dry. Before this moment, he was even a little doubtful. Lorna, a foreigner who knows nothing about Chinese culture, will never be able to sense her own Qi...

"Very good, you should familiarize yourself with this feeling first. Wait until tomorrow, when you have a deeper understanding of your own Qi, and we will start learning 'Aura Shielding'."

Yin Sheng stood up and left the quiet room to Lorna: "I'm going to prepare to open the store. You can stay for a while to consolidate this new feeling, and then come down and start work after dinner time."

"Okay, thank you boss."

"you are welcome."

Saint walked out of the quiet room and went down to the restaurant on the first floor. He made preparations in the kitchen for a while, then grabbed some food and opened the door.

At this time, Lorna also walked down the stairs on time, with a slightly strange expression, came to Saint and asked: "Boss, you said that I am a hundred times more angry than ordinary people, then according to Based on this standard, how much is yours?"


Because Saint was silent for a long time, he reluctantly replied: "Three times that of an ordinary person." (Actually, it's only a little more than twice. This grandson seriously rounded off...)

"Only three times..."

Lorna showed a "Sure enough" expression: "I wonder if the induction is wrong. I always feel that my Qi is the same. Your Qi looks so weak..."

Saint curled his lips in displeasure: "I'm not a mutant, of course."

Lorna smiled "hehe" and suddenly regained her confidence: "Looking at you looking like a master from this world, I thought you were so powerful, but it turns out you are no match for me!"

"Ha ha."

Saint sneered and threatened in a rather dishonest way: "I think you don't want to learn 'breath shielding'?"

"Boss, you are too stingy and can't even take a joke."

"Stop talking nonsense! Get to work!"

"There's no guest door yet."


The bickering between the two ended with Saint's silent retreat. After a while, Peter also hurried over after school. As time went by, the number of guests in the restaurant grew from scratch to more and more. The three of them quickly fell into a tense state of busy work, and it wasn't until around eight or nine that Saint put up a sign saying they were closed for business, declaring the end of the day.

What followed was a calm week. During these seven days, Li's Restaurant maintained a very prosperous business with its signature dish of Kung Fu Barbecue. Saint's daily net income was more than five hundred US dollars. During this period, neither the Ax Gang, the Hand, nor the New York Police came to trouble him, and just when he thought that the disturbance caused by Joey Meacham had completely passed...

At noon on the eighth day, a person Saint wanted to interact with the least appeared in front of his store.

"No way……"

Saint frowned deeply as he looked at the young man pushing the door in, and said to himself: "It doesn't make sense...I've been keeping a low profile these days..."

This young man with a sky-high fortune has sparse black hair, meticulously combed close to his head. He is wearing a neat black suit and has a gentle smile on his face. He looks very harmless, but... If Saint's guess is correct, this will be the biggest trouble he has encountered since traveling to the Marvel world!

Because Saint quietly turned on the aura sensor, he found that although this young man's aura was still in the category of ordinary people, it was at least half stronger than the average, and was at the top level of ordinary people. This was completely consistent with his guess!


The young man walked straight towards Saint, always keeping a smile on his face, and asked in a gentle tone: "Is this Saint Li?"


Yin Shengte came forward and inquired quietly: "Who are you?"

The young man reached into the inner pocket of his suit and took out a black notebook. He opened it in front of Saint, showed his ID and said: "Phil Coulson, FBI agent, I'm here to investigate a case." Regarding the case, can I talk to you?"

It's you!Haha, FBI?If you go abroad, will you become a CIA again?You "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." love to play tricks!

Saint sneered secretly, resisted the urge to complain, pointed to a table in the store and said, "Of course, please sit down."

Phil Colson sat down calmly, looked at Saint, who was sitting opposite, and asked straight to the point: "Mr. Li, seven days ago, Joey Meacham, the director of the Rand Group, came to your house. The store was attacked. There were six attackers in total, four of them were subdued on the spot. I want to know, who knocked them down?"

"If I say I don't know, you will definitely sue me for obstructing official duties, right?"

Saint sighed and had no choice but to admit: "I did it."

Phil Coulson was not surprised at all. He had obviously investigated Saint earlier. He still maintained a kind smile on his face. He took out four injury reports from his briefcase and placed them on the table one by one. Said: "This is the injury examination report of the four attackers. The least injured one also had three broken ribs. The forensic doctor who examined the injuries believed that he was hit by a car traveling at a speed of more than [-] yards per hour. It hit the chest, but you and I both know that this is far from the truth. May I ask, what method did you use to subdue them?"

Saint curled his lips, and when faced with Colson's long speech, he answered with the utmost care: "Fists, or in other words, kung fu."


Phil Coulson narrowed his eyes slightly: "Mr. Li, I must remind you that if you lie during the evidence collection process, it will violate federal law."


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