Chapter 185: Sisters
Yngvi's eyes widened at the mention of exterminating the Ice Giants, a menace they had battled for centuries - "How can we do that, descendant?" - he asked, his voice a mix of fear and frustration. "We've slain hundreds of them over the centuries, but they always come back, crawling up from that cursed hole like stone-eating ants."
Henry could sense the weariness hidden behind Yngvi's seemingly angry expression - "Boris mentioned that they appeared a few years after my ancestor left this valley, correct?" - Henry asked, seeking to clarify his doubts. Yngvi nodded. "And do you know where they come from?"
"We've been researchin' them, sendin' scout after scout" - Yngvi replied, moving toward a small stone house. He removed one of the stones, revealing a wooden chest hidden inside. From the chest, he retrieved a rolled parchment.
It was a crudely drawn map, almost like a child's drawing, but the contours of the mountains were discernible, showing their current location - "Over the last few decades, we've managed to locate where their lair is hidden."
Yngvi's fingers traced the map down to a place in the south, where the valley suddenly narrowed - "Their nest is here" - he said, looking at Henry, who was analyzing the map - "They spread out across the valley in small groups after leavin' their lair. However, they also gather together, especially when a human is thrown into the valley to feed these cold grounds"
"That's why you always come to collect the bodies" - Henry noted and the dwarf nodded again.
"It seems they can smell human blood from miles away" - Yngvi said, swallowing hard.- "If we don't dispose of the corpses by throwin' them into the furnace…"- He hesitated - "Hundreds of those giant icicles would likely come around this area, makin' our lives much harder. Although they mainly eat stone, we have seen them devour human bodies as if they were savorin' a cold ale."
Henry furrowed his brows, gaining a deeper understanding of the nature of these beasts. He knew he had to find a solution to this problem.
Leier held a cup of beer that had been handed to her by one of the elders. The entire village had gathered, and soon, barbarians and dwarves alike were holding their beers, laughing joyously. Despite the language barrier, the barbarians' lack of fluency and the dwarves' thick accents, everyone seemed to understand each other well enough to cause a rapid connection between all of them.
"Hey, hairless female human!" - Leier heard a raspy female voice behind her, pulling her attention away from where her king had disappeared. She turned to see Mani, the female dwarf she had fought against, who had bested her repeatedly with that huge hammer. Leier could still feel her sore muscles. Instinctively, Leier reached for the daggers at her waist.
"Wait, wait!" - Mani said hurriedly, her hand catching the cup of ale that was about to fall and spill on the ground - "Ye cannae waste such precious ale, right? It's from the chief's personal stash." - She looked at Leier with a smile - "Since ye dinnae want it, I can have it, right?"
Leier didn't respond, her wariness evident. Taking her silence as agreement, Mani grinned - "Thanks!"- she said, downing the entire cup in one gulp. "It's so good! Why does that auld man always keep the best stuff hidden away?" she wondered aloud, savoring the lingering taste on her tongue. Then, she extended her hand for a handshake - "I'm Mani. What's yer name, hairless female human?"
Leier hesitated but relaxed slightly after a few breaths, sensing no threat in the dwarf's eyes or actions - "Leier" - she replied shortly, unused to talking with anyone other than the king or Luther - "You recover fast" - the king's guard couldn't help but say those words, her gaze drawn to the dwarf's previously burnt face, that now seemed normal, except for an important characteristic: no hair.
Mani rubbed her now bald head regretfully - "Our skin is used to the heat of fire, but the descendant's fire was somethin' special. It burned all my hair…" - Mani's voice carried a sad tone. "Well, it's my fault for gettin' too close to that fire. I should've known better, but now I'll just have to live with bein' the first bald and beardless dwarf in the village" - she added with a sorrowful smile.
Sensing her sadness, Leier lowered her guard even more. "It's a good look for you" - she said, surprising herself with the attempt at humoring the small dwarf - "Makes you look tougher."
Mani paused, then burst into a hearty laugh, drawing the attention of the barbarians and dwarves, who soon returned to their conversations - "Tougher, eh? I like it! Maybe I'll start a new trend, bald, beardless and bold!"
Leier couldn't help but be surprised by the dwarf's positive outlook, realizing that despite the hardships, Mani remained happy. Even more so with the alcohol always reaching her mouth.
Mani raised her cup, as if offering it to Leier, but even with her arm extended, she could barely reach Leier's chest - "Yer not bad! I like yer spirit. Ye fought with courage to defend the descendant! That takes guts!"- she said excitedly, clapping Leier on the back with such force that she nearly stumbled - "Ye know, we might just get along after all… Let's be sisters!"
Leier, unsure of how to respond, found herself taking the cup from Mani and drinking from it, her social awkwardness showing after years of isolation. She was being pushed around without saying a word.
"Good!" - Mani exclaimed, taking back the cup and gulping down the rest of the ale - "Now, we're sisters!" She then broke the wooden cup in her hands and threw it to the ground with another hearty laugh.
Leier stared at her, still unsure of what had just happened but sensing that she had somehow gained a new friend, or at least, an unlikely sister.
"This might work, descendant!" - Yngvi said, his eyes shining with a newfound hope as he studied the map again. The plan designed by Henry playing on his mind.
"Then, should we begin?" - Henry asked, his mind already imagining how easy this take down of the capital of Aritreia might be.