Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World

Chapter 193: Let's keep it quiet

Latrel stumbled through the dark passageway, his heart pounding in his chest like a war drum announcing the end of times. The cold, damp air entered rapidly through his nostrils, threatening to freeze his lungs as his breath came in ragged gasps, like a mist in the frigid air. His fingers were numb as he fumbled along the narrow corridor, trying to make his way through this labyrinthine darkness.

"Damn them all!" he cursed, glancing over his shoulder into the blackness. He could almost feel a presence closing in on him, like a predator in the night, ready to pierce his throat. This feeling forced him to move even faster. "I should've killed that woman," he hissed, thinking of the former queen who had probably betrayed him.

Latrel continued to run for minutes until he reached a fork in the passage. He hesitated. He had never ventured into these tunnels and only knew of their existence from the king brief words. But the unseen pursuers drawing nearer didn't allow him the luxury to spend time. He chose the left tunnel, plunging deeper into the unknown.

"They will never catch me," he muttered, looking back once more. The darkness was impenetrable, concealing whatever, or whoever, might be behind him. Turning forward, he continued to run.


Behind him, Henry moved rapidly, despite the pitch-black tunnels, he could clearly see the way ahead. Leier and Yngvi followed two paces behind, their fingers brushing the cold stone walls.

"There's a fork ahead," Henry said without turning, his voice carried away by the stone walls.

Yngvi, walking just behind him, grinned. "I expected nuttin' less from da Hero's descendant." Leier nodded in agreement, as silent as always.

"We should split up. You two take the right, I will go left," Henry suggested. But Yngvi shook his head, his nose twitching as he sniffed the air like a hunting dog.

"Nah, no need, my king. He's gone left, sure as day," Yngvi said, pointing forward. "Dis nose never lies. I can even smell da iron's purity wi'out touchin' it. An' I can smell dat coward's fear from miles away."

Henry gave Yngvi a look but nodded. He trusted his men, especially when they were this certain. They would never do anything to let him disappointed.

"Let's go, then," Henry said, leading them forward. He could hear Leier whispering to Yngvi, asking him about his tracking ability. Henry didn't interrupt. It wouldn't hurt for his guards to learn something new that could help him in the future.


"This tunnel never ends," Latrel cursed in his mind as he kept stumbling forward, his legs screaming in protest. The passage stretched on, seemingly endless, with no sign of an exit.

His fingers were numb, his lungs burning with the cold air. He tried channel Mana through his circuits to heat himself, but his scattered thoughts made it impossible. He gripped the handle of his sword tighter, glancing behind him. Still nothing. No sign of the pursuers.

Then, in the distance, he spotted it, a faint light. A sliver of hope appeared before him.

"It's the way out," he haggardly said, a smile curling his lips. His body was begging him to rest, but he wanted to grab the hope presented to him. Just a little further and he could make it.

Latrel pushed himself harder, using every last bit of strength he had. The light grew bigger with every step. He was almost there. So close.

"I'll get Luak's help, and I'll come back. I'll kill every last one of them. I'll hang that bitch queen from my chambers, cut off her fingers one by one..." The thought brought a cruel smile to his face. He could already see himself on the throne again, his enemies kneeling at his feet. It was the fuel that drove him into a desperate sprint towards the light.

But just as he reached the light, the ground vanished beneath him.

Latrel felt himself falling into empty air, into the void, blinded by the light. His eyes unable to adjust to the sudden brightness after so long in the dark. His hear raced desperately as he plummeted.


His instincts kicked in. His hand shot out, driving his sword into the stone wall. The blade caught with a screech, halting his fall just before the darkness below could swallow him. He dangled there, breathing hard, eyes wide with fear.

"Fuck!" he thought, looking down into the abyss beneath him. It was a sheer drop, a free fall to certain death. He couldn't even see the bottom.

With shaking hands, Latrel looked up. He was close to the ledge where he had fallen. I can still make it. His sword was firmly lodged in the stone. Gritting his teeth, he began to pull himself up, inch by inch, his muscles burning with every movement. The stone cut into his hands, but he pushed through the pain until, finally, he reached the opening where he fell.

He collapsed onto the cold stone, gasping for air. His vengeful smile nowhere to be seen - "That was close" - he muttered, his voice shaking. For a moment, he just lay there, catching his breath, grateful to be alive.

But the relief didn't last.

A calm, mocking voice echoed from behind him - "Enjoying that last minute of life, are you?"

Latrel's eyes shot open. He scrambled to his feet, grabbing his cracked sword and turning towards the source of the sound. The light behind him revealed three figures standing at the entrance, a tall, handsome black-haired man, a small, sharp-eyed old man, and a woman with piercing blue eyes, her gaze cold and merciless.

"Drop the weapon," the black-haired man said, his tone bored but commanding. Purple flames flickered around his hands. "I don't have time for games. Alive is fine, but I'll settle for just your head."

Latrel swallowed hard. He could feel the power radiating from the man, and from the others. They could kill him without a second thought. He recognized the black-haired man instantly.

"Henry von Stahl" - he thought -"Stahl's king."

"Yes... I just need to survive" - Latrel told himself, forcing a smile. He dropped his sword, raising his hands - "Ah, your majesty! I was hoping to ask for your help. Luak's forces betrayed us, they have invaded our city. Please, help us, and I will owe you my life.

I'll be forever in your debt."

Henry's smile widened, cold and cruel. In an instant, his hand shot out, wrapping around Latrel's throat. His grip was like that of an iron giant.

"You've got quite the tongue on you," Henry said, his voice low. Latrel struggled, but unable to free himself from his grip.

"Shall we take care of that first?" Henry asked, his eyes gleaming. The purple flames around his hand flared as he grabbed Latrel's tongue. Latrel screamed as the fire seared his flesh. And with one brutal motion, Henry tore it out.

Blood splattered the stone, and Latrel crumpled, choking on the pain.

Henry wiped his hands, calm as ever. "Let's head back," he said to his companions, stepping over Latrel's body. "And this time, let's keep it quiet."

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