Chapter 4: Ch 4. Summons, Part 1
"Alright, first concern in security", Bruno mumbles to himself as he brings up the systems shop
System Shop
Treasury Balance: 21 million Goldmarks
Rewards: Claim rewards granted for completing system assigned missions. 16 rewards available.
Structures: Purchase and summon individual structures civilian and military structures amd their corresponding personnel .
Infrastructure: Purchase and summon infrastructure necessary for normal operations of civilian and military facilities and cities.
Skills: Purchase life skills such as archery, horseback riding, strategy, etc.
Personnel: Purchase and summon individual or groups of civilians or military units.
Weapons: Purchase and summon weapons and munitions available between 1940 and 1959.
Vehicles: Purchase and summon land, naval, and aerial vehicles and the personnel needed to operate or maintain them available between 1940 and 1959.
Combination: Host can dictate a combination purchase of all groups collectively, rather than browsing individual tabs. System will do best to complete hosts order, and offer replacements when items cannot be met.
"Holy fuck, there's more to this than I thought, and I thought I would only have 15 rewards excluding the money. System, open rewards."
As the Rewards tab opens Bruno notices that he not only has the ability to summon 13 ministers and an advisor, but also both a combined arms-division and infantry battalion; making for a staggering 12,842 men, he feels that there should be no need to fear for his safety. One summoned, a bright white light envelops the area in front of him, temporarily blinding him. While reeling from the shock of actually having just summoned nearly 13 thousand soldiers in an instant, a young man in a generals uniform approaches Bruno before giving a Prussian salute, snapping to attention.
"Generalfeldmarschall (field marshall) Heinrich von Weichs, reporting Your Majesty. The 1st Panzersivision is ready and waiting for your orders my Kaiser!"
Hearing this, Bruno notices the oak leaf insignia on the round Generalfeldmarsxhall's shoulder straps, and is both a excited and a little disappointed it isn't Maximillian von Weichs. Looking closer however, he notices that Generalfeldmaeschall Heinrich is decorated with many of the same awards as his other-world counterpart, and feels more secure knowing he has a talent in command.
Both the Iron Cross First and Second Class, Clasp to the Iron Cross 2nd class, and Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. Absolutely outstanding for his age. Good.
Bruno: "Good, Report on combat readiness Generalfeldmarschall Heinrich".
Heinrich: "Yes sir. 1 Panzer Brigade, 1 Panzergrenadier Brigade, 1 Artillerie (artillery) Regiment, 1 Reconnaissance Battalion, 1 Tank Hunter Battalion, 1 Air Defense Battallion, 1 Pioneer Battallion, 1 Infantry-Replacement Battalion, and finally 1 Signals Battalion. 394 officers, 115 officials, 1,962 Noncommissioned officers and 9,321 enlisted, totaling 11,792 men; all combat ready and veterans of the Western Front like you sir!"
At the mention of the Western Front, Heinrich notices an almost imperceptible tremor in Bruno's right hand, but pretends to not have noticed. As a member of the General Staff, he has access to information and reports not available to the press; remembering what he read of the after action reports he knows what Bruno went through, and holds immense respect, nearing on reverence, for his Kaiser. Pointing out the tremor could be taken as disrespectful, and that's unacceptable in his mind.
Bruno: "Good. Have the division to set up a defensive perimeter, and send for the Oberstleutnant (lieutenant colonel) of the infantry division I summoned alongside you and your men. I will have orders for them soon".
After receiving his orders, Heinrich immediately saluted and set off to complete his first mission. At the same time Bruno turns his attention to the Summons available as part of his rewards.
System Rewards
Host has 14 individuals available for summon. Summons are as follows: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Interior, Minister of Justice, Minister of Finance, Minister of Reichswehr (Defense), Minister for Food and Agriculture, Minister of Labor, Postal Minister, Minister of Transportation, Minister of Aviation, Minister of Science Education and Culture, Minister of Armaments and Munitions, and Personal Advisor.
Slightly overwhelmed, Bruno starts thinking through everyone of his summons, and the potential of each of his ministers duties. Most are self explanatory, but Bruno needs to dig back in his memory to remember that the Minister of Armaments and Munitions ensures that each branch of military is well armed, supplied with ammunition, and ensures smooth and rapid resupply. The only summon that's not a minister, but is still listed is that of a personal advisor, but as this can fulfill any number of needs he's not exactly sure their exact duties. However, the personal advisor to the Kaiser is essentially his right-hand and an extremely trusted aid. As such he decides to summon them first. However before he does so, he notices an older gentleman wearing a decorated officers uniform approaching alongside Heinrich, presumably the Oberstleutnant of the infantry battalion.
Heinrich snaps to a salute, "My Kaiser this is Oberstleutnant Bernhard von Müller, who commanding officer of the 3rd Infantry Battalion."
Following Heinrich's introduction, Oberstleutnant Bernhard also snaps to attention with a Prussian salute, and introduces himself.
"It's an honor to see you again my Kaiser. Me and my men are waiting you orders, and will follow them to the letter", he booms out in a surprisingly deep yet smooth voice. With this being said, Bruno acknowledges him with a nod whilst observing Bernhards uniform, one that while not as highly decorated in terms of impactful awards, more than makes up for in combat awards. He also notices the infamous Tompenkoph insignia, also known as the Deaths Head, signifying that this is no ordinary infantry regiment but one of the Schutzstaffel (SS), making them most likly fanatical and well trained and equipped followers of his.
As he thinks of this, memories flow back from his life as Crown Prince, these were the men he led during war. They bled together, ate and laughed together, mourned the loss of brothers and exacted their vengeance on their enemies together. To Bruno this is a battalion of his closest and most trusted brothers, and to the men Bruno is the man who led them through the gates of hell and brought them back home, forging a bond deeper than that of many blood relatives. Bruno's earlier thought of the presumed dedication of this group of men is exactly correct. They would gladly walk through the gates of hell and beat Lucifer to a bloody mess, regardless of the cost, if Bruno ordered them to do so. The Tompenkoph pinned on each side of Bernhard's collar is symbolic of this bond, a pair that each member of this battalion proudly wears.
"It's good to see you again my friend. I'll explain things to each of you properly later, but for now your battalion will handle my personal security. Order your men to secure the headquarters that will soon be established by the division, while you and 20 of your best escort me."
Bernhard: "Yes my Kaiser! It will be done."
Bruno: "Good, now I'll start summoning the Ministers and my advisor. Together we'll work out the next steps", he remarks as he turns to the ocean and summons his first choice, his advisor.
As the light fades, a middle aged man is standing before him wearing a dated black generals uniform with several awards of importance, and a face that's both stern yet kind at the same time. At this, memories start coming back to Bruno to remind him of the gentleman's identity, his uncle Karl von Richthofen, Duke of the Duchy of Baden, an independent Duchy within the German Empire. Having ruled over Baden for his brother and served in the military before, Karl has a wealth of experience in military, political, and civil affairs. Karl also played an instrumental role in raising Bruno, as the former Kaiser often sent Bruno to study under him. With a seemingly indifferent appearance Karl is actually quite family oriented, thinking of Bruno as his own son not having one himself. To Bruno Karl is both a mentor and second father, and seeing him now brings Bruno a sense a security he didn't realize he was lacking.
Bruno: "It's good to see you uncle. I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and I promise to answer all of them. However, could I ask you to please hold them until I've gathered the minsters?"
Karl: "Bruno? Where have you been? It's been-"
Bruno: "Uncle please understand. I will answer all you questions, but I don't want to repeat myself a dozen times. I'm sorry, truly, but please wait a moment while I summon the others."
Karl: "Summon? What do you— no I understand, you already seem exhausted. I'll wait."
Thankful Bruno gives a half-smile, "Thank you uncle, you have no idea how right you are."
Looking to Karl's right Bruno begins to summon the others, having no clue this event would change not only his life but those close to him as well.