Cheat Cultivator's Ascension

Chapter 318: Bothered

"That's some really good explanation isn't it, my dear big brother~?" walking along the roads of the East Connecting City seemingly without a single care about the things happening around her, Wu Xiaoyao said as she walks beside her older, half-brother, Su Xiaotian, her face holding a smile of someone who knows something is up.

{Tell me, my dear big brother, what is it that makes you look at that Miss Jing in a positive light after all those petty things she had done to you?} the bubbly beauty asked via telepathy as she eyes the immortal-like young man, said young man about to explain the whole thing to her had it not been for her next words.
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{Well, forget about it, I can see it as well, she's a good girl, just remember to not forget about us~} she said with a teasing tone that caught her older brother off guard, the young man who seems to always has his composure in check faltering for a moment as he replies.

{I don't even have an intention like that, what makes your nasty little mind think towards that direction, my dear little sister} Su Xiaotian asked as they continue to walk, all while maintain their talk on the outside as he replies to her first words as well.

"Not as much as a good explanation to be honest, I just said what I thought I know" he clarifies causing the other beauties following him to look at him with mocking eyes, as if his modesty is nothing but a pretentious act in their eyes.

"My baby certainly likes hiding himself huh~~~" joining the conversation, the black-haired motherly beauty, Su Meiyao, said as she clings on her beloved son's arm, the young man doing nothing as he just allows his mother to do whatever she wants, him, her, and all of the other ladies unconcerned about the looks that they are getting as they move along the way.

"It's not as much as hiding mom, I just think I'd rather think that I still don't know so much and proceed to continue learning than thinking that I already know so much that I will be satisfied with what I currently have" Su Xiaotian said in a serious tone surprising the beauties, as they never thought about him being like that given how easygoing he is whenever he's with them, as if he's someone who just live in the moment.

'He's just as much as what I thought him to be~' the black-haired motherly beauty thought to herself as she looks at this dearest of hers, the only man that brought and will brought true joy to her life, the only man she needs for herself albeit this man being someone who directly come from her.

"Alright, let's stop talking about that Dao discussion, should we rest first? Xianxian and Sister Astaria, they're… wasted" joining on the conversation as well, the maidenly beauty, Hong Lian, added as she points at the two beauties sharing their own spaces on the immortal-like young man's back, both of them hugging him in a fairly tight manner as they rub their faces on his back, all while giggling silly as they mutter all sorts of things about themselves and the young man that they are currently sticking their bodies onto.

"We still have a lot of time before the Dao Enlightenment Competition either way, we can still take some time resting here~~" agreeing with one of her daughters-in-law's suggestion, Su Meiyao smiles as she proceeds to look at the two young ladies clinging on her beloved son's back, remembering the time that she travels the continent whenever she looks at this group of ladies accompanying the most important person in her entire life.

"Then, let's go towards there, I scanned the vicinity with my senses already, there's a good inn nearby" Su Xiaotian said as he points towards a certain direction, taking the lead while the ladies followed after him.

{By the way my dear big brother, you said that you don't even have an intention like that toward Miss Jing right, well, as your dear little sister who have known you for countless years and era, I believe that it's only a matter of time~~} before they forget about it, Wu Xiaoyao said with a teasing tone on her message, her words that of someone all so certain about what is going to happen in the future.

'Given how big brother becomes really open now, I think that will definitely happen' she thought to herself as they continue moving towards their current destination.

Meanwhile, somewhere on the same city, a two-lady pair is already settling down on a specific inn as they thought that they already have enough for the day despite it still being a bit too early, the older one of the two ladies peering on the windows of their room watching the people below go to and fro, wondering why such smart creatures, humans, appears like nothing but ants in a colony should they be viewed from an angle high enough in the skies.

Dismissing such thoughts though as she always keeps it in her mind that she is still, and will always be a human no matter the level of cultivation she has, the older beauty steps away from the place as she returns near the bed, where the younger one among the two of them is already laid flat and staring blankly at the ceiling, her eyes possessing the same intelligent glow she always has, yet now, something in it seems to be, lost, like someone who found themselves in a middle of a vast ocean,

"What is it that is bothering you, Little Jing?" approaching the young beauty, the older one asked with a concerned look on her face, the question just some sort of confirmation as she already has a firm idea of what could possibly her niece is thinking about right now.

"Aunty Xiang, I thought the only places that I will really learn something from will be places that has far better condition than our world, places that are on a higher level than us…" the young beauty said with a look of someone enlightened in her eyes, not of the martial way but rather of the way of life.

"… that guy, he proved me wrong, on a level more than one…" she added as a wry smile appear on her beautiful face, an expression of someone who suddenly got reminded of the fact that there is a heaven beyond heaven and man behind man plastered on her face.

"Does that bother you, Little Jing?" worried that this event might have only caused a bigger problem rather than a solution to the things that her and her sister is thinking about, the older beauty, Dongfang Xiang, asked towards her niece, the reply she received causing nothing but a smile to appear on her face, a smile filled not only with relief but also pride towards this niece of hers, the only younger generation of direct relation to her.

"It does bother me, Aunty Xiang, but not in a way that I expect it to do…" she replied as she raises her fair hands into the air before clenching it into a fist as she continues her words, "… It bothers me that I had been or possibly still, really naïve this entire time."

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