Chapter 12: Misc X-Over: Specific
When they get to big too stay in the Misc chapter, but I don't want so many chapters.
//I'm starting to see why the original Ben 10000 stopped naming the transformations//
Alacrit/*Velosius/Celer - Mobian Hedgehog - Mobius, [Genesis System] //Alacritous; Velocious; Celerity; Nicknamed the Emerald Bolt//
DNA Origin: Sonic
//Mutation: Psychokinesis - obtained after Silver shows up//
Trails - Mobian Fox - Mobius
DNA Origin: Miles Prower
//Mutation: Copter Double-Tail//
Fisticuff/Taki-Glos - Mobian Echidna - Mobius
DNA Origin: Knuckles
//Mutation: Buffed. Body similar to Boom Knuckles, resulting in greater strength//
Rogue/Zogue - Mobian Bat/Mobian Chiropter - Mobius
DNA Origin: Rouge
*Flamalkin/Catflagrate - [Solian Cat] - [Mobius Sol/*Solaris], Sol Dimension //Nicknamed the Viridian Flame//
DNA Origin: Blaze
Pelag - [Solian Raccoon] - [Mobius Sol/*Solaris], Sol Dimension
DNA Origin: Marine
Branches/*Bough/Trunk - Mobian Badger - Mobius
DNA Origin: Sticks
Brass - 'Mobian' Tenrec
DNA Origin: Gold
Scimitar - Mobian Shark
DNA Origin: Blade
Bai Hu - Mobian Tiger - Mobius
DNA Origin: Jian
Xuan Wu - Mobian Tortoise - Mobius
DNA Origin: Bunker
Qing Long - Mobian Dragon - Mobius
DNA Origin: Dulcy
Zhu Que - Mobian Pheasant - Mobius
DNA Origin: Cinder
*Naugian/Crystallomancer - Mobian Troll - Mobius
DNA Origin: Walter Naugus, Wendy Naugus
*Sage/Spruce/Geranium - Seedrian - Green Gate
Black Devil/Doomling - Black Arms/Arlyonian - Black Comets
//Can Shift between Black Oak, Black Warrior, and Black Assassin forms, but usually appears in a form vaguely similar to Eclipse the Darkling. In the Fourth Form, he has some of Black Doom's abilities: Levitation, Energy projection, and Intangibility.
Vesper Tech - Zoah - Twilight Cage
Vesper Stone - Kron - Twilight Cage
Vesper Slug - N'rrgal - Twilight Cage
Vesper Mind Ray - Voxai - Twilight Cage
//Mutation: Overmind/Overvox//
//Vespertine is another word for Twilight.//
Ceneco Onezero - Bem - Argentium
Apis - Bzzzz - Thoraxia
Formicid/*Formicius - Blodex - Thoraxia
Styng - D'novulan - [D'novul]
//Mutation: Stinger//
Go-onist - Wisp - Planet Wisp
//Mutation: Rainbow Wisp - Can shift between different colors to utilize different powers//
Strongclaw - Mobian Owl
Ultimates + Renames
U Velosius - Ultravelos. Twice as tall as Sonic, he gains electrokinesis and heightened strength and stamina. He can utilize his electrokinesis into a burst to propel himself, even in midair resulting in a 'Double Jump'. His quills harden and gain a metallic sheen. Much, much faster. He can gain short term intangibility.
U Seedrian - Evergreen/Semper Virent. Human size and proportions, with a long, partially prehensile tail. Can control the growth and movement of plants. Buffs up into a more muscular humanoid form a foot taller for Mover Mode.
U Black Devil - Archdoom/*Downfall. His Eclipsian form is now as tall as a human, and has all of Devil Doom's abilities.
U Brass - Palladium/Iridium
U Bough - Canopy
(Cybertronians have CNA instead of DNA)
Decimus Prime - Cybertronian - Cybertron(native); Master/Dominus; Vehicon
CNA Origin: Bumblebee
Decimus Speed - Velocitronian (Cybertronian subspecies, Speed based) - Velocitron
CNA Origin: Override
Decimus Leo/Decimus Therian - Animatrosian/Eukarian (Cybertronian subspecies, beast-form) - Animatron/Animatros/Eukaris
CNA Origin: Leobreaker
Decimus Selach - Sharkticon (Cybertronian subspecies, sharkform) - Aquatron, Orion Arm(Milky Way)
Decimus Cetace - Leviacon(Cybertronian subspecies, whale form) - Aquatron
*Decimus Torch/Decimus Sol - Camien (Cybertronian subspecies, low-energy) - Caminus
CNA Origin: Mistress of Flame
Decimus Dioscuri (Decimus Castor and Decimus Pollux) - Devisen (Cybertronian subspecies, always twins) - Devisiun
//Unique transformation into two separate beings. Works a bit like Ditto for changing back.//
Decimus Nano - Micromaster/*[Micronian](Cybertronian subspecies, toy sized) - Micron
Decimus Linx - Minicon/*[Prionian (Cybertronian subspecies, Human-sized, powerlinx) - Prion; Gigantion
Decimus Mega - Gigantionian (Cybertronian subspecies, Titan-sized) - Gigantion
Cyberziz - Ardurian Roc - Arduria, Arduria System
Rhyme Time - [Temporaconian/*Lenocinian] - LV-117/[Temporacon], Lenocinium Velnero System
DNA Origin: Varta
Starknight - Elonian - Elonia, [Solstar System]; Earth
DNA Origin: Rom, Livia
Ultimates + Renames
U Decimus Prime - *Hectron Supreme/ Ultimacron. His body is now made of Nanites, able to transform into any vehicle or technology(as well as beastforms) he scans- rocket cars, jet planes, ships, an actual rocket - even shrinking to smaller forms, such as a phone. Consuming metals corresponding to his CNA makeup allows him to increase the number of nanites to assume larger forms. Growing large enough allows him to split into multiple entities. Can Powerlinx with non-Ultimate Cybertronians to upgrade them. He can adjust his energy output for bigger attacks or to survive in low-energy environments.
Bot-Spiders // Cybertronian
Logician - Vulcanian - Vulcan
Emotian - Romulan - Romulus
Listener - El-Aurian - El-Aur(destroyed)
Tripod - Edoan - Edos
Tabb - Kzinti - Kzin
Siabyss - Caitian/Caitisapien - Cait
Bellator - Klingon - Qo'nos/Klinzhai
Daledian - Allasomorph - Daled IV; Klavdia III
Newman - Novan (Human Divergent species) - Terra Nova, Eta Cassiopeiae Binary System
Diminuten - Terratin (Human Divergent species) - Terra 10(uninhabitable), Cepheus System; Verdanis
Avarician - Ferengi - Ferenginar
Conceptoid - Organian
Delta Hunter - Hirogen
Thermocrystalline - Tholian - Tholia
Necronomi - Kobali - Kobali Prime
Icon - Iconian - Iconia
Fluidian - Species 8472/Undine/Groundskeeper - Fluidic Space
CPT - Q - Q Continuum
Halovore - M-113 Native/Salt Sucker (functionally extinct) - M-113
Mind Sight - Aenar - Andoria, Andorian System
Norm Sight - Andorian - Andoria
Draylo - Akaali - [Akaa]
Tlalok - Malurian - Malurian System(Malur 1 through 4)
Prodigy - Aldean - Aldea, Epsilon Mynos System
Betapath - Betazoid - Betazed
Remus Hodgkinor - 892-IV Native/Magna Roman - 892-IV/Magna Roma, 892/[Magna] System
Xindosloth - Xindi Arboreal - Xindus, Delphic Expanse
Xindoptile/Xindizard - Xindi Reptilian - Xindus
Xindugong - Xindi Aquatic - Xindus
Xindosect - Xindi Insectoid - Xindus
Xindimian - Xindi Primates - Xindus
Cephaluminesce - Vorlon - Vorlon
Mantishade/Umbrantis - Shadow - Z'ha'dum
Espan - Centauri - Centauri Prime
Bogeyzard - Drakh
Vultsquid - pak'ma'ra - [pak'ma]
Warcat - Dilgar
Schwifty - Cromulon - Signus V Expanse
Telekin Brute - Gazorpian - Gazorpazorp
Assassin Bug - Gromflomite - Gromflom Prime
DNA Origin: Krombopulos Michael
Kroot Hunter - Krootabulan - Krootabulon
Irony - Mega Gargantuan - Earth
Arthris - Cat People - 'Purge Planet'
(Rick: Were you even *burp* trying?
Code: Do you have any idea how many different Multiverses have Felinoid species?!)
Whirdir - [Resortian Ape] - 'Resort Planet'
K'nexor Kapsell/Cog - Gear People - Gear World
DNA Origin: Revolio Clockberg Jr.
-Tamriel Continent-
Do'Niiko - Khajiit - Nirn, Magnus System
Takes-Many-Forms - Argonian/Saxhleel
Vulp - Lilmothiit
Baron von Rilla - Imga
Caryor Spelwach - Altmer
Bthardrung - Dwemer
Beldamir - Ayleid
Gahf'lah - Dunmer
Varbamir - Bosmer
Racuvane - *Garlasmer/Cave Elf/Jorane(Betrayed) //Rename for the Falmer. Also called Fallen Snow Elves//
Bisla - Falmer/True Snow Elf
Ghorbash - Orsimer //Pronounced Gore Bash//
Hun - Dovah
Hobgoblin/*Hobriek - Goblin/Riekling
-Other Continents-
Thraslug - Sload/Thrasian
Marinor/*Pontalf - Maormer/Pyandonean
-Akavir Continent-
Hebi/Shewen/Jamon - Tsaesci
//Hebi is Japanese for Serpent. Shewen/Jamon is Chinese/Japanese for Serpentine//
Finesse/Macaque/*Hou Zi - Tang Mo
//Houzi is Chinese for Simian//
Tora/*Lao Hu - Ka Po Tun
Yukoni/*Xu Yao - Kamal
// Yuki Oni is Japanese for Snow Demon. Xue Yao is Chinese for Snow Demon//
SCP Foundation
Note: Just like Sugilite being called a Crystalsapien despite being a unique being, Cody makes up species names for transformations.
Duke Owl - [Folasian] - Earth
DNA Origin: SCP-2703 (unique being)
//Researcher Notes: SCP-10000 (he insisted on that number) and SCP-2703 seemed to be unable to perceive each other//
Abhorror/Repkillian - Immortigon
DNA Origin: SCP-682/Atanti-ql-Paneu (unique being)
-Species Name from SCP-6001
//Note from O5-10: Whoever thought this was a good idea is now demoted to D-Class immediately. SCP-10000 was almost killed and 682 came far too close to escaping the facility. If not for SCP-10000's intervention, the loss of life would have set this facility back for months. Under no circumstances is he to be reintroduced to 682//
Thrill Slime - [Thrillilation]
DNA Origin: SCP-999 (unique being)
//Researcher Notes: Oddly, not only does SCP-10000 possess far more mass than 999 in this form, he possesses a mostly humanoid shape. 10000 has stated his belief that this means 999 may be the equivalent of a child. Due to the far more potent abilities of 10000's "Thrill Slime" form, I am submitting a request to have 999's status upgraded to Euclid//
Epidoctor - [Plaguroid/Ofurnine]/*(human divergent) - Earth
DNA Origin: SCP-049(unique being)
//O5-10: Again?!
Intellectionary: I just ran into him. Plus, hey, now you know he's just crazy.
O5-10: And that is comforting HOW?
Intellectionary: Because you don't have to worry about an actual supernatural plague. Well, another one, anyway.//
Mireman/Marshman - [Morassian/Swampling] (human divergent) - Earth
DNA Origin: SCP-811/Ae(unique being)
Banality - [Clichémancer]
DNA Origin: SCP-2020/Artie/Bobby/Izzy
Savantsquatch - SCP-1000/[Carnotechs] - Earth
Living Instrument - SCP-040-1c - Earth
Riding Beast - SCP-040-1j - Earth
Nai-odd - Water Nymph - Earth
DNA Origin: SCP-054
Marx-Spider - [Araneus communi]/SCP-1006 - Earth
Octosmart - Octopus vulgaris sapien/SCP-2967 - Earth