Crusader King

Chapter 12: A big problem

In the dark forest there was now walking a being, known and feared by all that had lived in the forest for a long time.

The being wielded wings, which it rarely used, it had a mouth but never ate.

It wore clothes that seemed like they had once fit it, but now it's skin was covered in dirt and crisped with blood and the same went for its clothes, although it was not it's own body.

With a quick stride it went ahead and all of the weaker beings in the forests knew that they had to run if they wanted to survive.

It wielded a worn-out leather belt filled with weird tools, a weakly glowing violet ring and a dark grey reddened blade.

That being was Cades.

He had been elated when he found out that he was on trumal, and in the arak-region as well !

However, after he had been elated for quite a bit, he had slowly realized that it didn't matter if he knew where the warping system was located.

The warping system required a lot of mana to be powered.

He didn't have the ability to power it, at least not yet.

To do so one would need seven beings of the eight sequence, or one singular being of the tenth sequence.

Cades was sure that he would be capable of reaching that level, but for that he would need to destroy the eximimus nest and maybe even the queen herself.

After panicking for a while and really racking his brain over the problem, Cades finally had an idea.

But to carry out his plan he would need a lot of mana stones.

Cades had already been here, planning and working on that very plan, for three whole weeks.

He had killed dozens of thomisides and even reached the eight sequence and he had about one hundred mana stones at the moment, most of which were fairly small.

After some time he had made himself another artifact as well.

About a week after he had found out that he was on trumal there was a kind of giant bear monster that attacked him in the cavern hidden in the roots of the ancient tree.

The monster looked like a giant, ferocious bear with dark fur and long, yellow teeth and was about 4.5 meters tall.

It had attacked him from behind while he had been dissecting one of the giant thomisides he had slain during his endeavours and brought back to the cavern.

The attack had crushed his back but he still managed to stand up, fight, and stab it into its heart in the end.

It had only been about as strong as a thomiside.

The only reason that it had been able to even wound him was because it had surprised him with its attack while he had been occupied with something else.

He had made an artifact in the form of a long coat out of said monster, however, he sadly didn't know the name of its species.

It was made of a beautiful dark brown pelt, Cades had mainly engraved runes of exchanging into it, which would cause some of the mana or energy that others utilized to hurt him to be absorbed by Cades, who could then, in turn, utilize that energy himself.

This also had the very good side effect of reducing the impact of all attacks that hit him.

Actually, this was how most defence-engravings worked back on ehetria. 

As he finally arrived back in the cavern from a small expedition he looked around.

He had made various accommodations to ease the pain of living here.

There were various lights on the now much smoother walls, that helped him see while he was artificing.

He also cleaned and reinforced the dirt ground, made a chair and table from a huge rock he had found and smoothed down to look like what he had wanted it to look like.

On each side of the wall there was a heating apparatus which he had made so that he wouldn't freeze to death during his sleep.

Other than that there was a hole in the dirt which he had covered with another piece of the huge rock.

The hole was filled with all of the mana stones, and now he finally, finally, had enough of them to carry out his plan.

He slowly began crafting the apparatus he would need, a rarely made one-time-use artifact, but he had luckily studied its design for the silver telescope.

The plan was to utilize the power of the mana stones and cause a superpowered fire that would destroy the eximimus nest and even mortally wound the queen.

However, for that to happen he first needed to make an artifact capable of causing a fire that would be capable of such a impressive deed.

The first, and actually the last step, was to engrave an absorption rune which would allow the apparatus to absorb the fire spells and strengthen it utilizing the various mana stones that Cades had previously gained from the thomisides.

After he was done it looked like a deformed, small box, made out of thomiside carapaces.

He even had seven whole mana stones left.

Finally, once everything was ready, he took all of the artifacts he had made from the walls and the floor, put them into another deformed carapace box which he was planning on burying in the dirt while he would battle in the eximimus nest.

He picked up both of the deformed boxes and slowly started moving through the forest, towards the first true step he needed to achieve his goal.

As he walked towards the nest one could notice that there were cobwebs spread everywhere.

The closer he got, the more there were, he could've flown there, but he knew that the spiders would've notified their queen if they saw anything and he would've definitely been caught in the cobwebs like a fly.

Finally, everything was covered in the very webs that would've undoubtably entangled him, had he flown.

He put the one-time-use apparatus down, buried the box a few feet underneath it and began casting his fire spell.

And as a small ball of condensed, furiously burning flames was shot into the apparatus a gigantic roaring wave of brightly burning, orange flames came out of it.

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