Chapter 2: 3000 circles of death
As the soldier witnessed the gruesome torture inflicted upon Lian, he was consumed by unspeakable horror. With each cut and stab, the soldier's body trembled with revulsion, his mind struggling to comprehend the brutality. The fact that Lian, a mere twelve-year-old boy, could endure such suffering without succumbing to death was a testament to the dark magic that sustained him, a faint, magical glow emanated from the circle beneath Lian, barely keeping his fragile life force intact.
The soldier's thoughts were a jumbled mix of disgust and pity.
"How can a child so young be subjected to such inhumane treatment?" he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own ragged breathing.
Unbeknownst to him, his body had begun to move of its own accord, driven by a primal urge to protect the boy which he deemed innocent. It was only when he felt the crushing blow to his head, his brains spilling out onto the cold, unforgiving ground, and his eyes bulging from their sockets, that he realized his fatal mistake. In a final, fleeting moment of clarity, he understood that his instincts had driven him to intervene, to save Lian from his tormentors, even if it meant sacrificing his own life in the process.
"anyone who disrupt the execution process, they meet the same fate as this bitchy bastard over here", the executioner flicked the hammer in his dispelling the blood and brain matter on it as it went splat on the ground.
no one felt pity for the dead soldier as they had one thought ran through all they mind.
'he deserved it, this is the price you pay for defying the kingdom to help the heretic'.
The process continued for more than three days, Lian wondered how many litres of blood he had lost. his eyes were hazy and his throat patched with thirst.
"please, I thirst", he asked pleading with the nearest soldier beside him.
The soldier looked at the executioner for permission to get him something to drink to which he nodded as the first stage of his execution had ended.
the soldier had an evil smirk on his lips when he quickly left and he can with a very dirty cup. He scooped up Lian's blood from the ground and called his fellow soldiers, then they urinated into the cup before forcefully emptying it's content into his mouth.
"That serves you right", they laughed and mocked
"or do you thirst again", They subjected Lian into another round of gruesome beatings and after they had their fill, the royal head mage walked up to the execution stage and with a raised hand he started chanting.
"Astra descendo, tenebrae ascendunt
Mors et malebolgia, vos invoco
Sanguis et carnem, vos absorbebo
Animam et vitam, vos extinguam
Terra et infernus, vos aperi
Porta et clavem, vos traduco
Maledictum et mortem, vos impono
Vitam et sanitatem, vos aufero
Fulmen et tenebrae, vos evoco
Mortem et destructionem, vos imploro
Sanguis et lacrimae, vos effundo
Animam et corpus, vos disipo"
"Stars descend, darkness rises
Death and evil, I invoke you
Blood and flesh, I absorb you
Soul and life, I extinguish you
Earth and hell, I open you
Gate and key, I deliver you
Curse and death, I impose you
Life and health, I take away
Thunder and darkness, I evoke you
Death and destruction, I implore you
Blood and tears, I pour out
Soul and body, I disperse"
And as he chanted, the people present in the arena slit their wrist as blood floated from it towards the magic circle below Lian, summoning a sinister black looking coffin hovering behind Lian oozing out hatred and malice.
seeing this the mage continued his chant.
"Abstergo animam, extinguo vitam
Sanguis et carnem, putrida et foeda
Ossa et nervi, disiungo et dissipo
Cor et cerebrum, corrodo et consumo
Mors et malebolgia, vos invoco
Pestem et contagionem, vos effundo
Fulmen et tenebrae, vos evoco
Dolor et tormentum, vos impono
Caro et cutis, putresco et foedo
Sanguis et venae, rupta et effuso
Oculi et aures, caeco et surdo
Vox et spiritus, extinguo et silento"
"Mors infinita, vitam absorbeo
Sanguis et carnem, putrida et foeda
Ossa et nervi, disiungo et dissipo
Cor et cerebrum, corrodo et consumo
Maledictum et mortem, vos impono
Tres milia circuli, vitam extinguo
Mors et resurrectio, in infinitum
Dolor et tormentum, in aeternum
Caro et cutis, putresco et foedo
Sanguis et venae, rupta et effuso
Oculi et aures, caeco et surdo
Vox et spiritus, extinguo et silento
Circulus mortis, infinitus et aeternus
Vitam et animam, absorbeo et extinguo
Mors et tenebrae, vos invoco
In infinitum, vos impono"
"I extinguish the soul, I snuff out life
Blood and flesh, rotten and foul
Bones and nerves, I disjoin and disperse
Heart and brain, I corrode and consume
Death and evil, I invoke you
Pestilence and contagion, I pour out
Thunder and darkness, I evoke you
Pain and torment, I impose
Flesh and skin, I rot and foul
Blood and veins, I rupture and spill
Eyes and ears, I blind and deafen
Voice and spirit, I extinguish and silence
"Infinite death, I absorb life
Blood and flesh, rotten and foul
Bones and nerves, I disjoin and disperse
Heart and brain, I corrode and consume
Curse and death, I impose upon you
Three thousand circles, I extinguish life
Death and resurrection, infinitely
Pain and torment, eternally
Flesh and skin, I rot and foul
Blood and veins, I rupture and spill
Eyes and ears, I blind and deafen
Voice and spirit, I extinguish and silence
Circle of death, infinite and eternal
Life and soul, I absorb and extinguish
Death and darkness, I invoke
Infinitely, I impose"
As he finished his chant, dark sinister hands looking like tentacles came out of the opened coffin and dragged Lian towards its embrace slowly consuming him.
"how does this curse work anyway, this is the first time it's being used as a punishment", one of soldiers whispered to the comrade who answered him with a pale expression due to the horror he saw happening to Lian.
"At first, the victim might feel a creeping sense of dread and unease, as if their very soul is being slowly extinguished. Their skin would begin to pale and take on a sickly, grayish hue, as if the life force is being drained from their body.
As the curse takes hold, the victim's body would start to undergo a grotesque transformation. Their flesh would begin to rot and decay, as if infected by some malignant force. Blisters and sores would erupt on their skin, oozing a foul-smelling discharge that would attract swarms of flies and other disease-carrying insects.
Their eyes would turn a milky white, as if blinded by some unseen force. Their ears would be deafened by a cacophony of eerie whispers and screams, making it impossible for them to hear anything else.
The victim's mind would be consumed by an unending torrent of terror and despair, as if their very sanity is being unraveled by some malevolent force. They would be unable to speak, their voice silenced by some unseen power.
As the curse reaches its climax, the victim's body would begin to contort and twist, as if their very bones are being reshaped by some dark and ancient power. Their skin would split open, revealing gaping wounds that would seem to have no logical explanation.
Finally, the victim's life force would be extinguished, leaving behind a twisted, corrupted husk that would seem to defy all natural laws. The curse would have consumed them entirely, leaving nothing but a grotesque, inhuman shell in its wake.
and this is just the prologue to the 3000 circles of death"
along with his last words the coffin sealed shut and vanished before their sight leaving every citizen in the kingdom dead in it's wake except the royalties.