Cyberpunk 2077 transmigrated as my moded character

Chapter 18: 18 New member

"Please let me be part of your gang," said David. 

A lot had happened since Gloria fell into a coma. First, David was expelled from the Academy. They'd learned of Gloria's situation, assuming he could no longer pay tuition, though it wasn't related to Katsuo's recent beating. Katsuo's father, after all, didn't care about his son, showing more interest in David's sudden use of the Sandevistan than any supposed slight. 

Then, David got another call, this time from the Emergency Medical Technician department saying they no longer needed Gloria; she was fired. Leaving David without her support. We'd been trying to help him find work, but it wasn't easy. Many businesses didn't trust people they didn't know, and with the high rate of employee theft, I could understand their hesitation. I considered bringing David to El Coyote, but he seemed uneasy around Mama Welles; maybe she reminded him too much of Gloria. 

Weeks passed, and each day David grew more anxious and frustrated, until finally, he came to us with a request to join the Cyber Dogs. 

"Kid, do you even know what you're asking?" said V. 

"Yes. I'm well aware of what I'm asking." 

"David, I know finding a decent job isn't easy, but this isn't just about the job search, is it?" I asked. 

David looked away, not meeting anyone's eyes. 

"Something happened, didn't it?" Jackie said. "We can see it on your face." 

David was silent for a moment, his fists clenching. 

"With everything that's happened, you've kept pretty calm, but if I had to guess, this is about that blue-haired brat, right?" I said. 

David looked at me, visibly upset. 

"Looks like I hit a nerve. I'm betting he called you and said something nasty, didn't he?" 

David sighed, his face full of anger. "He said he wished my mom would die. That everything she'd done for me was a waste—that she'd never have money to get me through Arasaka Academy." 

"I get why you're mad, but what does that have to do with joining our gang?" V asked. 

David was quiet. 

"You're looking for revenge on the blue-haired brat, either with our help or by using the Sandevistan you've got tucked away," I guessed. 

David looked up, surprised. 

"How did you know?" he asked. 

"Does it matter? You were ready to throw down, but you held back. That's a good thing. You're already in a tough spot; no need to make it worse." 

David took a deep breath, looking a bit calmer. "You're right. I shouldn't let my anger get the better of me. But I still want to join you guys." 

"Our work is dangerous, kid," said V. "If you're not prepared, it could kill you." 

"Then I'll use this," David said, pulling out the Sandevistan from his yellow jacket. 

Everyone stared at the cyberware. 

"David, that's not a good idea," I said. "What you have is military-grade Sandevistan. Installing it would paint a huge target on your back. Not to mention, it's already got a buyer—how else do you think your mother got her hands on it?" 

David considered this, likely realizing his mom must've taken it from work to cover his Academy fees. 

Everyone was waiting for David's response. 

"I'm grateful for everything you've done for me—for helping my mom, for trying to find me a job—but I can't keep living like this. Places either won't hire me, or the pay's barely enough to cover rent. Right now, I'm practically homeless. I know you don't want me involved in your work, but I can't sit around hoping for a miracle. You're the only people I trust right now, so please—let me join the Cyber Dogs." 

I looked around at everyone. 

"What do you think? Should we bring him on?" I asked. 

"Let him join," said Jackie. "He reminds me of myself at his age. I had nobody to help me then. At least we can give him some proper training." 

"Under normal circumstances, I'd say no," V added, "but he's hit rock bottom. Finding an honest job in Night City is harder than landing a gig." 

"And you, Lola?" I asked. 

"Woof! [I'm hungry]," Lola barked. 

"Not quite the answer I expected." 

"Woof! [He can join] … Woof! [I want a cheeseburger with lots of bacon]." 

"Well, it's settled. Welcome to the Cyber Dogs, David. If you're determined to install the Sandevistan, just remember that it already has a buyer. You'll be taking a risk." 

"I know," David replied. "I'll take responsibility when the time comes." 

"Alright. But follow Vik's instructions on when you can use it. We'll help you train, though it'll be tough—you don't exactly have much muscle, and I bet your stamina's pretty weak." 

David scratched his cheek, acknowledging the truth. 

"Once you're ready, we'll start with some small gigs—deliveries, missing-person searches." 

David nodded. 

"Alright, let's go get those cheeseburgers!" 

Day 1 - Vik's Clinic 

"Here, take some painkillers. Don't use your cyberware for a couple of days," says Vic. 

"Thank you," says David. 

"Don't mention it, kid. I hope you know what you're getting into." 

David nods and follows me to my sports car. 

"How do you feel, David?" I ask. 

"I feel tired, and there's an itch on my back. But I'm okay. If anything, I'm ready to start training." 

"Easy there, David. Don't push yourself—just do what Vik says." 

I remember how, in the anime, he got the Sandevistan implanted by Doc, who's still doing business. He's notorious for cheap, painful installations without anesthesia. 


Day 4 - In the Hideout 

"Stop. Twelve is your limit. Don't force it, or you'll fry your brain," says V. 

V is helping David use the Sandevistan, which can slow down time to 85% for 13 seconds, with a cooldown of 20 seconds. It's powerful, but compared to V's Sandevistan, it's inferior. 

"Oh man, I feel sick and tired as hell. How can you keep going? What's your limit on using the Sandevistan, V?" 

V looks at me, and I give her a nod. 

"None. I don't have a limit while using this Sandevistan." 

V explains that her Sandevistan can slow time to 90% with a 30-second duration and only a 1-second cooldown. David's expression is priceless. 

"Where did you get that chrome?" 

V points at me, and I smile. 

"If you want it, you'll have to earn it. Better start saving, because I only sell it—and don't worry, there's a friend discount." 

Day 7 - Fighting Practice 

"Not bad, kid. You got a hit on me." 

David is practicing martial arts, thanks to the BD training and his sparring with Jackie. 

"Damn, my hand hurts. Is your head made out of concrete?" 

David managed to hit Jackie in the face, though Jackie let him do it. Jackie doesn't have a scratch on him, thanks to his cyberware-enhanced "Gorilla Arms." They increase his defense, and with the latest version of the enhancement, his skin is nearly as hard as concrete. 

"Even though you hit me, I didn't feel anything. You should lift more weights. Let's stop here," Jackie says, showing off. 


Day 11 - A Rescue Gig 

"I said don't move." 

David is pointing his gun at a Maelstrom grunt, his hand hesitating. 

"You don't got the balls, kid." 

Just as the grunt is about to pull his own weapon, I appear behind him and kick him in the crotch, sending him crashing into the ceiling, groaning in pain. 

"You okay, David?" I ask. 

"I froze up… I couldn't pull the trigger." 

"It's alright. That doesn't make you a coward; it makes you human. Most people who don't hesitate love killing; it makes them feel powerful." 


"David, when the time comes and you have no choice but to pull the trigger, remember: they're bad people, and they kill for fun. For now, if you can't pull the trigger, it doesn't mean you can't defend yourself. When we get back, I'll give you a baseball bat. You can use it to disarm or knock them out." I say, patting his shoulder. 

"Thank you, 8." 


Day 17 - Running 

"Can we stop here? I'm at my limit," says David. 

"Sure. Here, take a drink," I say, handing him a bottle. 

David takes it and gulps it down. "Man, I feel like my stamina is recovering fast. Where did you get this?" 

"It's something from where I live—it's called Gatorade, a sports drink. I'll give you 15 minutes to rest, then we'll continue." 


Day 23 - Driving 

"You're doing great, David. Just keep driving," I say. 

We're being pursued by the Maelstrom gang. V and Jackie are in the back, shooting. 

"Remember, David, this car is bulletproof. No harm will come to us. Go right!" 

In a panic, David veers right, which helps V and Jackie shoot out the tires of the pursuing cars. The Maelstrom vehicles lose control and crash. 

"Well, that was fun. When we finish, let's get something to eat." 


Day 30 

"You've got guts, kid, coming into our territory all alone," says a grunt. 

David is surrounded by seven Maelstrom grunts, standing relaxed with a baseball bat resting on his shoulder. 

"I don't have time for this. I need to go learn some basic tech." 

"The hell are you talking about?" 

David activates his Sandevistan; time slows down as he swings his bat, hitting each grunt in quick succession. When time resumes, all seven Maelstrom goons go flying, some crashing into walls or furniture, all knocked unconscious. 

He walks toward a door where the leader of the group is located. The leader has a gun aimed at a small child. 

"Don't move, or I'll put a bullet in this kid's head." 

David doesn't hesitate, activating his Sandevistan and disarming the leader before punching him hard in the face. 

"Agh!" The leader slams into the wall, his teeth broken. 

"It's okay, kid. Your parents sent me to find you." 

"You bastard!" the leader yells, pulling out a knife. 

David raises his gun, his hand steadying as he faces the leader. 

"Don't move," he warns. 

The leader, seeing David's hesitation, grins and steps forward. 



David shoots the leader in the leg. 

"I said don't move. If you stand, I'll shoot the other leg." 

Eventually, the Valentinos take the grunts away, while David brings the child back to his parents, who thank him and pay him for his help. 

Back at the Cyber Dogs' hideout, we celebrate David's first solo gig. 

"Not bad, kid. Next time I have a gig, I'll take you with me," says Jackie. 

"He still has a lot to learn. With one of us tagging along, he could probably handle at least 50 enemies," says V. 

"From rookie to veteran in a month. You've worked hard, David," I say. 

"It's all thanks to you all. Thank you for everything." 

And the party continues. 

End of Chapter 


"Hello, everyone! I wanted to let you know that I might not be able to create a new chapter this month. December has been pretty hectic, especially with work. I made it a priority to finish this chapter quickly so I wouldn't leave you hanging on a cliffhanger about what happened to David. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and happy holidays!" 

"PS: I hope this chapter turned out decent. I didn't have time to check for errors since I wrote it in a hurry."

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