Daming: Hoarding tens of billions of supplies before traveling through time

Chapter 19

Although driving is a waste of time, it is the easiest and most straightforward way to get around.

There are helicopter gunships in the space, but they can't be taken out and used, otherwise they will become live targets.

High-speed rail and other means of transportation have been taken away by themselves, and they are still black households and cannot take them.

Even if you ride Harley, when you get to the next island, you have to change cars back and forth, change clothes to hide your identity.

It's not that I'm afraid, it's just to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Zhu Bai knew very well in his heart that the moment he exposed the space, he must have been wanted by Sakura County.

His appearance must have been spread over the other three islands.

It took him all night to reach Hokkaido, the second largest island in Sakura Prefecture.

Directly release all drones and turn on the video screen.

A new round of zero-yuan purchases set sail again.

Perhaps the residents of Hokkaido saw the online news in advance.

So, every household has hoarded a lot of food.

But for Zhu Bai, this is no different from putting it in his own space.

Unless you carry it with you, or bury it in the earth, or hide it in a cave so that Zhu Bai can't see it.

Otherwise, they will all be taken away.

In five hours, Zhu Bai directly swept the entire Hokkaido.

None of the materials that should have been collected were left behind.

Then, release a self-driving cruise ship on the beach, set up the course, and head straight for the remaining two islands.

It's just the right time to take a good rest and nourish your spirits.

Zhu Bai reclined on the cruise ship sofa, holding a wanted photo in his hand and looking at it carefully.

At the same time, it is also conjecturing.

The matter of my personal space has been exposed, and

I am afraid that my photos have been circulated all over the world.

The country must have known my identity.

Therefore, the beautiful country visa that was processed in advance will definitely not be used.

If you want to go to the beautiful country to buy for zero yuan, you must smuggle it over.

The reason why it took so much effort to do so.

It's entirely because the level of science and technology in Sakura County is not as good as that of the beautiful country.

The land area is small, and most of the resources have to be imported.

The grain production is not much, and compared with the beautiful country, it is simply a day and a day.

Secondly, the beautiful country is a world bandit.

Grab what you lack, and steal oil at every turn.

The most important thing is that the beautiful country is sparsely populated, rich in resources, abundant in food, and rapidly developing intelligently.

Food and resources are such things, and if you harvest more, you won't get hot.

Don't take it for nothing.

In the Ming Dynasty, these were their own capital.

Even if it is a price war with the grain merchants of the Ming Dynasty, it can directly drag them to death.

I don't know how long it took, Zhu Bai saw various large warships docked on the beach.

These warships are flying different flags.

Zhu Bai muttered to himself, "It should be the fleets sent by various countries to rescue." Immediately

, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his mind moved, and these warships were directly retracted into the space.

As for the civilians and soldiers on the warship, they fell directly into the sea.

Since it's all delivered to the door, if you don't put it in the space, it won't be a waste of your kindness.

Except for our warships, the warships of other countries disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Subsequently, Zhu Bai sent drones to directly carry out a sweep on Kyushu Island and Shikoku Island.

Look at these drones that appear out of thin air.

Then witness the island's buildings disappear into thin air.

The people of our country, including the soldiers on the warship, were dumbfounded.

This scene is just spectacular.

Jungles of steel vanished in the blink of an eye.

Only a square trace is left to prove that there was once a building here.

After Zhu Bai finished collecting the supplies, he threw the garbage directly into the sea.

After completing the mission, the drone hovers in the distance.

Disappear into thin air in front of everyone.

It's all like a dream.

Our soldiers are on standby to guard the people on the warship.

The corners of Zhu Bai's mouth rose slightly, and he drove the cruise ship straight to the country of kimchi.

It's not for the girl group, it's just because some large online game companies are still in Kimchi Country.

As for the headquarters of the game company owned by Lao Ma in China.

It can only be seen if the time allows.

After all, resources are more important than games.

In the evening, we finally arrived in Kimchi Country from Sakura Prefecture.

The drones are lifted straight into the air, and no one will pay attention to where these drones come from.

It's all like a toy for ordinary people.

Should it be said or not, military drones sail at a long distance.

In less than three hours, the city of Kimchi Country was also reduced to rubble.

As for the people of these kimchi countries, where will they go?

That has nothing to do with Zhu Bai.

After all, the dog legs of the beautiful country love to death.

Later, Zhu Bai entered the submarine and prepared to smuggle himself into the beautiful country.

The sea is windy and rough, and the ships are not easy to walk.

If you fly a plane, it's easy to be knocked down by the beautiful country.

So submarines are the safest.

Unfold the radar and sail automatically, and the target goes straight to the beautiful country.

Although there are lights in the whole submarine, it is still lonely and boring.

"Countdown to the crossing: 15 days, 2 hours, 25 minutes and 14 seconds. "

Glanced at the countdown to the crossing.

Zhu Bai muttered to himself: "There is still half a month to cross."

"More than 50 states in the beautiful country should be able to accept all of them.

"Although the weapons I collected from Sakura Prefecture and Kimchi Country are enough.

"But how can there be too many fully automatic intelligent weapons in the beautiful country?" At

that time, he was wearing laser gloves on his hands, and all the points of light were strafed.

It's exciting to think about that scene.

This weapon of destruction was obtained in the Ming Dynasty, who else could fight it?

Especially all kinds of powerful sniper rifles.

In modern times, it is possible to shoot targets through concrete walls.

In the Ming Dynasty, the papier-mâché windows and solid wood walls could block

the sniper from a distance of 1 kilometer.

Who are you looking for the murderer?


Zhu Bai imagined what he would need to travel to the Ming Dynasty.

I didn't feel like anything was missing.

After all, I have tens of billions of portable space, and it also has an analysis function.

Emptying a country can completely enable Daming to achieve a qualitative leap.

Moreover, it is the developed countries that have been evacuated, not ordinary countries at all.

To build a modern Ming Empire, it just takes time.

Zhu Bai looked boredly at the bottom of the sea outside the small window.

Although it is pitch black for normal people.

But for Zhu Bai, it is not much different from the daytime.

And with the increase in the number of materials analyzed, Zhu Bai's eyesight became stronger.

You can get an idea of what you can see from a few kilometers away.

At this bottom of more than 1,000 meters, there are not many fish.

There's no shipwreck treasure or anything like that around.

Zhu Bai lay bored on the bed, waiting for time to pass.

It will take six days for the submarine to reach full speed.


"Countdown to the crossing: 11 days, 13:45:56.

Zhu Bai heard the sound of the countdown in his head, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "I have finally arrived in the beautiful country."

"I heard that the air in the beautiful country is sweet, and there are brain-dead people who order the air in the beautiful country on Taobao. "

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