Dark Darker and yet Lighter

Chapter 69: 069: Frames and trick's.

Fine...we can give ya a spare one untill they give ya the right size...under who were you higherd?...

ALV ...I was higherd as progect Valkyrie as her personal inspector and guard...

Yea nobody wants that job...no wander they higherd you...

Come I'll to your new room...


I was brought to the room shown my room and suit...

I stored it analized it and remade it under my colores...

Ow..you used the estetic paint...how did you get it authorized?...

Perks of new higherd ....

A black red and silver suit...

Come I'll show you the way to her containment room...

I folowed...

I now had ki,s for her...

I went through the protocols and met her...

She was bound by her wrists and ankles she was bound in a seating position with hands to the side...

Good luck...

Yea Thanck,s...

That were the last words...I came to her...took a note pad and started writing ...a mental linck was sent to her...

Hurt ...I'm tired why is this fuker not wearing a helmeth ....

Call me Johan not Fucker...

What how did he...

Read mi mind yea I'm used to it my name is John Doe the new guard and supervisor...

Uh...you won't let me go...

Your drained of all your power ...you're tied and the facility is made to restrain you...even if I untied you you won't escape...

Now stay still I'll do some scans I want to check you Chains , Sistem and Neurotic...

No that hurts!...

Yea due to the idiots taking all of them at the same time...


Hold still were going with the Chassis first...

I brought a scanner to above her...

The scan started she felt nothing ...

A hour and the scan was perfect...

This hold,s the body blueprints....I isolated the parts for the exhausted parts and the grid that is weaved in her skin permitting the barrier to act on her..

Finishing that I had set the system scan ...the scanner was set on her back...

A hour had passed and she was holding herself from laughing...

It seams it's ticklish....

I looked at the system blueprints took the paths for Histrria and War cry...then I isolated them ...for the last part thr Neurotic scan...

I brought the scanner to her head...she was unable to thinck as the scanner did it's job...

Finishing I saw the energy paths that fule the powers....I took that Datta out...and done ..I had a full blueprint done for how they all should fit together...

Why did you scan me....

I really like your abilities mainly the one that makes you invulnerable and the other that makes you faster more durable deal more damage so I isolated those aspects out of your scan's....

How can you do something like that...not even ALV was able...only to use us as parts to build his abomination,s....

Well he,s human I'm not...

How can you not be human...

You will see I'll be going to a fabricator I got the material to build this new modified blueprint....based on your,s...

I had it done in three different fabricators to accelerate the production speed...

I modeled the full blueprint like a outline for me to inhabit ..

It was complete...

It's human shaped ..

The components are there ..and ...I enterd it with the skeletal body tendrils weaving with muscles and settling under the skin polymer...

Taking full control I felt my new body...shell...frame...whatever...I tested the two abilities and theyr worked...I can use ki to fule em...

And modifie the shape of the claws...and use my hair to produce em...

Cool...I equiped the clothes and came to visit her again...

You again...you seem slightly different....

Do you like it...it's the protoframe ...

How...I don't believe you...

She saw me snap my finger and she felt it the effect of the warcry...

More armour more damage and more speed...

You...did it!...how...

Then I also can do this ..

I gave a large Rawr and the room shook the red light coverd my hole body...I became invulnerable my hair as well has barb,s that move she noted my hair is long and black with a red shine..

How... impossible....release me!...

Are you Shure?...



She saw the suit melt...and revele a hoodie with the geans and shoes....the histeria claws retracted to just the invulnerability barrier the energy consumption plummeted to half of my energy Regen capacity....

So indefinitely invulnerability....

I took my hair grabbed the links and ripped em...off and I cot her..

Ready to escape?...

Shure...she said...

The hair tendril,s extended and formed a suit around me...making myself a suit...skin thight suit of black and red with silver motifs...

Why did she leap to rip my head off?...

Becouse I was gentle...

So who do you want to kill first his abomination or him...


Fine ...then then it's him ...this way..

We went and killed all the enemies on the path...more Valkyrie then me...I cut any moa that I could get...for energy and material to replace in the suit if needed...I am learning from how the energy flows inside me...making my own with frost demon flesh and bio cristals...ki as fule...the prototype,s are in the Dimension sparing amongst each other....the girls piloting the Valkyrie shells made out of frost demon armour and bio gems..with ki reservoirs...

I was requested of making other duplicates of a single strain...and I did ...I made fifty of em...energy expenditure was harsh but with a full tanck I was able to produce one each dozen minutes

The tell of the Valkyrie suit is wrist mounted bracers with biogem,s..

The girls enjoy the temporary time of invulnerability....

Outside ..we met volt ..Witch valkire dispached with ease...and no ked him out...since we'll he didn't die..

Next we met few other with Rhino as the one that managed to containe her...they ignored the week human...that is somehow glowing...and also invulnerable...

Mag was next to me...as the Valkire isn't hostile towords us...

She was fighting untill I heard a voice...


Can you tell your partner that were friend's...

Whore you?..

I am Lotus...

Uh fine...

They saw my hair extend and wrap her waist like a cat hel by the coller she just looked at me....

Why did you stop me!...

Theyr not with AlDV theyr tenno,s like you...Valkyrie!..

They stoped as Ordis finished identifying her as I said our voiced overlapped...

They turned to me...to my hair moving on its own....

Whore you....asked meg...

I'm Johan Doe..just a passerby....

Why do you have peaces of her...

I made a module for my new high tech suit...I call it Valkirer suit...it's quite perfect as you can see in just a avrege human ...

Why did you say it like that...

He,s anything but human....

Announced Lotus then Ordis scanned me...

25% mach with Valkyrie system neurotic and chassis...


Rest don't mach with anything in this quadrant of space...m.m.monster....

That was rude...

What!...how can you...

I tercept and talck to you?..

I'm part Warframe now ist normal I can talk with you... silly...beast of bones...sorry Ordes ...

He gliches and went offline he rebooted and returned to normal...


What did you do...

Nothing special silly.. kids...


Kids...in control of frames of war... nothing special...

We're feared ..

You're hunted for spare part's...and much more...but we'll in nobody to intervene...I'll go then I have things to do. ...

Valkyrie it was fun...thancks for the upgrade theyr gonna fear me I'm {Nothingness} they heard the voice as I left... through the floor hopping through the floor..to the next...then I walked off...my hair ablize invulnerable and acting like her claws...

Corpus were killed butcher ....I got to the factory for the abominations of AldV...I found another Warframe captured...this one was Excalibur....

He was tied down...

So he got you...he was still struggling....

I connected to him and heard...

Kill he killed my fucking kubro he will die...fucker ....bastard .... who's this asshole...with long hair...how the fuck is it so long?...

Hellow there I'm John your new caretaker the last one unfortunately died when Valkyrie escaped...

Gulp...I heard...

Shit that beach escaped why not me....

Ready for the scan,s...

He struggled...I set the system scanner I want the exhausted blade...nothing else is of value....

He was numb....

Done wasn't it nice and simple...

I took the blueprint disregarded the rest of the abilities and formed a mod out of his systems...

Exhausted excal blade...effect allows the usege of Excalibur's blade..

I checked the mods we have in storege and got the Cromatic blade... useful for me..now...

I set the two mods...now I have four more spots and a aura mod...I thinck I know what aura I desire...

So I searched and both it...

Dreamers bond a 0.3%energy Regen rate and a 1.5% health regeneration rate ... useful for me...

Then now I have a aura and two arguments and I turned to get Eternal war argument...for Valkyries Warcry...

Now three arguments and a aura...cool...three more spots...maybe I can get a seccond aura slot...who must I scan for that....

I went through the Datta for Warframes with two aura capacity and found...Jade...

I went hunting...I got a synnaris scanner and went serching....all I had to do is give him some Kin to scan and sent to the digital plane...

Lastly I checked the mods for my two exhausted wepons ....I added hunted for mods for then and found a Ivara getting hunted by a AldV abomination...I saw as she was captured...and sent to the lab for scan,s...I folowed took over the spot of the care taker and took the system scan for her...bow...with the four unique arrows sleep alert line and invisible arrows...after the scan I waited...she was quite silent...the stuff they planet to strip from her were nearby I went to each cash and brought them back ..then I untied her as the suit pelled off reveling myself...

Hellow miss here are your stuff...be careful next time I mite not be here next time....

She bowed and then I said...

Say hy to Valkyrie if you meet her..

She nodded...

And left...I took the scan removed evrithing but the guiding ability and the multiple arrows ....

I build it and added the Ivara mod...holding the guide and the four unique arrows....simple really....

As such I got my third exhausted bow for four arrows and the ability to guide one progectile...at a time...

So two more mod sports...

Name:John Doe (Nobody , Ruler of none,Nothing)

Gender,s:Male , female.

Bloodline:Blind fool,Frost demon.

Affinity: Hungry,Protection, Shape shifting,cross breeding, comfort.

Power level:


Town-S, City-M, City - L, City -

Metropoloi- Megateopolis-S Empire -

[ M Empire ]-Planetery Empire , Multiplanetary Empire.....[Omniversal]

Equipment:Silver-titanum skeleton, Jeans, shoe's, Warframe-Frame.]

Mod,s:Warframe[Valkyrie(Eternal war)Excalibur Exalted (Cromatic blade),Ivara (Guide line and arrows) Dreamers bond]

Exalted weapon Male[Life strike, range ,pressure point.]

I started hunting the bosses....


I met a Excalibur also going for Vore....

This became a race to kill him..

This was fun...my body coverd with the three frames distinct features Valkyrie,s enlarged claws, the muscle tissue of bowth spliced together then the tool of Ivara...a male frame similar to both Excal and Valkyrie with the patterns of Ivara with the exposed back...reveling metal...

I found him first...

I wrapped him up and grabbed the yeanas ki...then rith a ripping sound I ripped it out...

I jumped back as Excalibur used his Exhausted blade to behead him...

Good job...I said as I fell on my back and enterd a puddle of black...

He left as well...

Excalibur Pov.

Who was that Lotus?...

That is {Nothingness} as he declared himself he helped Operator Valkyrie escaped also a Excalibur and Ivara..

He,s a good guy?...

Negative he can understand how all Operators work he is a threght if captured by a enemy force...

Explain please...

He has copied Ivara,s Quiver and Navigator,

Excalibur's Exalted Blade, Valkyrie,s Warcry and Histeria.

He has two fourth abilities?...

Correct and he used nighter to remove the ki from Vore,s body..

I killed him...

Yes and he stole his ki for some reason...

Right...should I go after it?..

Negative...he,s not a threght yet...

Rogger Thancks Lotus...

Pov mc...

Name:John Doe (Nobody , Ruler of none,Nothing)

Gender,s:Male , female.

Bloodline:Blind fool,Frost demon.

Affinity: Hungry,Protection, Shape shifting,cross breeding, comfort.

Power level:


Town-S, City-M, City - L, City -

Metropoloi- Megateopolis-S Empire -

[ M Empire ]-Planetery Empire , Multiplanetary Empire.....[Omniversal]

Equipment:Silver-titanum skeleton, Jeans, shoe's, Warframe-Frame.]

Abilities:Ivara,s Quiver and Navigator,

Excalibur's Exalted Blade, Valkyrie,s Warcry and Histeria.

Mod,s:Warframe[Valkyrie(Eternal war)Excalibur Exalted (Cromatic blade),Ivara (Guide line and arrows) Dreamers bond]

Exalted weapon Male[Life strike, range ,pressure point.]

I landed on the Dojo of the nearby Tenno group....

I was walking through the walls serching and I arrived as they were discussing of some matter..

They didn't notice me...so I listened...untill a tenno hit my side...

Are you the new recruit...

Asked Saryn ...

I scratched the back of my head as the rest noted me...

Sorry I was snooping around and heard them talking of some fighting I'll be going then...I didn't find anyone with Jade...so goodbye...

They saw my form walck towords a wall and just walck through it...

They all looked at the wall...like they saw a ghost or something....

I folowed em as they started some Assassination missions....I staid hid and waited...a week had passed and I saw the one I was after I marked Stalker on a planet....

I traveled and found In Uranus a place called Brutus I went there...I felt her and she did as well feel me...

She met her partner Stalker...

She then started at me...he prepared he was redy to fight for her...and then Hunhow,s voice resounded ...

Reveal yourself!...

I walked pat a piller and emerged as John Doe...

Hellow there...I poked my head...and retracted it as Stalkers shuriken was about to poke one of my eyes ...

And a hand grabbed it...

I emerged on the other side... armoured...holding his throwing things...

You know it's not nice to hurk things at guests....

Whore you!...

{Nothingness} they call me the Ultimate end ..

Hellow I'm John Doe...

What is your purpose!...

Want a full scan of Jade I will decode her Dual Aura slots and integrate it in my frame...

A Warframe?...

Asked Hunhow...

No...a shell that I inhabit....I've colected parts from Excalibur Valkyrie and Ivara the last two parts to fully refurbish it are the extra aura spot and a passive ability I haven't decided yet witch one...you see...

Why wold we help you...

Simple put...I'm unstoppable.... your all week and she is expecting... wouldn't you like a safety net for her I can produce a secundary body for her to inhabit once the child is born...


Stalker said...

Great...then I'll get in my civilian form..

They saw the armour deconstruct as hair pulled all behind me...I smiled...

You're no tenno...


What are you ..

I am at my core a pest species...

My kin is born in trillions have two simple abilities to consume and reshape matter and to move our bodies...

They saw the hair move form hundreds of eyes ....

I am lucky as I was fortune I gained more abilities from what I ate...as my nature I can survive the travel between planes...

And so I arrived here...now I'm serching for peaces to make myself stronger so I my fight things outside of this multiverse.

They saw me pull scanning equipment and she stood as I moniterd her...I had fully scanned her a full blueprint duplicated ...after witch I used the orbiter I stole to set and manufacture it...the Cephalon having been swallowed by me the helmeth system active...

With the functions ...and the transference seat...my new bedroom...

I pulled her out...of the foundry as she was done ..

I brought her copy....a body ...

I then used the dreamscape to bind her to bowth body,s...he soul moving by itself to the body's...

It went dormant untill it was of use...

I opend my claw...as I found the part of the blueprint I wanted I set it for duplication and added the seccond Aura mod...Energy scyphon...

Name:John Doe (Nobody , Ruler of none,Nothing)

Gender,s:Male , female.

Bloodline:Blind fool,Frost demon.

Affinity: Hungry,Protection, Shape shifting,cross breeding, comfort.

Power level:


Town-S, City-M, City - L, City -

Metropoloi- Megateopolis-S Empire -

[ M Empire ]-Planetery Empire , Multiplanetary Empire.....[Omniversal]

Equipment:Silver-titanum skeleton, Jeans, shoe's, Warframe-Frame.]

Abilities:Ivara,s Quiver and Navigator,

Excalibur's Exalted Blade, Valkyrie,s Warcry and Histeria,Jade,s dual Aura.

Mod,s:Warframe[Valkyrie(Eternal war)Excalibur Exalted (Cromatic blade),Ivara (Guide line and arrows) Dreamers bond, Energy scyphon.]

Exalted weapon Male[Life strike, range ,pressure point.]

I did my deal I won't say a word of anything of this...

Thanck you..Jade said..

Don't...I'm just a Pest interfering in how things should go...I'm your humble little Pest..hehe...

I left vanishing..in search for the last thing...

A month it took a fucking month!....

The Nidus operator was really fixed on helping the people of that infested heap...

I scanned it... multiple times... They were tied to the sealing with my tether and control he was tied up ....stuck ....steering at the thing that captured him....a scanning device started the scan...they stoped moving once they understood struggle means damage...theyr neck half cut through was when they resigned and stoped then the tendrils moved held them still no damage...the thin line still there...but not thight...

The scan was done...they saw me hood a arrow and hit his chest...he fell dormant...

Woke by a helmenth charger nocking them in the wall...

Health restored....they killed the infested...

I took the hole body scan found the passive... Nydus passive...

I installed the peace and the rest glowed my tendrils fusing and reforming..I started to weave all the Systems together...

I found a spot I removed the systems from the prototype frame...

I took the Titanium silver skeleton...

I had there the ki harth bitting...

I laird the Passive through the frame..next I added the quiver and Guide in the first slot with a toggle switch...next I set the Valkyrie Warcry as the seccond slot...with the Histeria in the third slot and finally Excalibur's Exalted Blade as the Ultimate...

I then set the Mod slots and Jade,s extended part.... finally I lired frost demon exoskeleton mesh over it with channels for my tendrils ..with the neurotic acting as my motion control Brian...for the War-frame...it's not intelligent or has a soul it's a meat puppet and I'm the brain...my tendrils exit forming a large main that I can control as I desire the outer lair mimicking the Warframe,s outer lair allowing full channel of the abilities through them..

The hole outer frame is white with orange and dark silver visible on the back and joints...I smiled the face plates moving making the maw visible ...my mouth ..next was the chest dial...set at a 0 at the start with any ability that hits enemy's it will add to the mutation Stack...I will call it Wrath stack ...it has a limit of 1000 point storege capacity needing for 75 points to rescue my life and restore 50% of my health...

I checked and I can move each of my teeth independently....I turned to the body...armour plates...thin and akin thight....mover stacks I collect more spike I get and I can store to not shift...but when a enemy hits them and grow more spike and dangerous it's a cool effect...I set then went to charge my Stacks....

Fully charged I smile I can save my life quite the nice amounts of time...about 13 times...he..cool..

I activated the consealimg mode and a lair of tendrils coverd the frame...making it look like a human...a little taller then any avrege man...clothes set on and she's with the geans....I'm heavy but I can fly...or lighten with ki flight...

I smiled....good now I want to collect some more Kim candidates....

I leaped in a black portal...witch it closed behind me...

I emerged in a gathering of humans few darleck,s and the first walking darleck...he was about to jump in the face of a blast to hit Dr.who...

My hair extended and cot the hit...the energy fried my hole body....to activate a stack...I coffed out a plume of smoke...some flesh charred and fell as I started to regenerate....

I'm taking this one...I said as the Darleck man was taken and sent to the dimension...the doctor was suprised the human darleck hibrids shott and basted two others and before they were killed I had em sent to the dimension as well..

Well done with them..

The Darleck screamed Emergency Temporal Shift!...and vanished....

Darn I didn't see that coming...

As the doctor noticed my hair moved...

As it's alive...

Identify yourself!...

Me...I'm John Doe a plesure miss..

I'm a man...

For now...

Uh ...what...

For now ..

You mean .I become a woman in a regeneration?...

Yup...see ya later I have to take the research here...and the pig people I should be able to make em viable...


Why am I doing this...I do what I desire I'm a world walker I wached you prince and mess shit up...dot get you pantis in a twist clever man just do what you must and run you clever boy the bad wolf has her job cut out for her...


He saw me pass through darkness and leave...

I emerged behind a Darleck ....as I saw him run...

Hellow miss run you clever boy...

Who are you!...

I am John Doe I want you to come with me I need clever minds and I can give you legs again...


She said as I wrapped around her and brought her to mi dimension...

Welcome to my dimension I have tech...I'll get some more from that planet .

So I just waight here for now?...

No...you ask the kin to be your limbs untill you finish the clone and the treatment to be like him...

Hellow I'm Darleck Sec ...

I'll help you with the bypedal means...

Uh ..Hellow..I'm Clara Oswin Oswald

A human...great...we can make the conversion easyer...

Well that can waight I'll go take a scan of your body and then come here to clone the body...

Are you serious...

Yup check my ship...don't fly with it ok...it's supposed to be in space but...I moved it here...so no messing with it...

She agreed...

I left...arrived at the suer were the scout should be...it attached to my back...Tring to take control my tendrils extended and enterd the body....it was struggling as my cells copied it's and fused...

Less then a minute I absorbed it fully all the unique abilities knolege and I smile...I formed a Dubbleganger and had it wrapped on my back...

I built a shell and separated it to go die covering my track,s....

I returned to the dimension with the DNA sample ...I made a body for Clara she had went through the treatment and

She went through the last faze...

She emerged dressed smoth head with tendrils a nice human face with two eyes...thicker tendrils and acting like hair...

Huh...I can walck ...cool...but my face...uh...a little off...I have tendrils...

I popped out without a anounce...

You look good...he has one eye you have two due to having more human DNA...we can convert the tanck,s in suits for safety,s sake...

Yea...Sec let's work on our suits...

Yes miss Oswald...

I smiled...you can ask the kin for things they will help...if they can..

She nodded...


I popped out the dimension in the Scp world...

Hellow how long was I gone...

Uh ...whore you ..

Ignore me I'll be going then..

I jumped off..that dimension....

To freaking long...

I hopped back knocking the side of a four armed beast...with my feet...I saw Animo...and turned to see four arm,s...he was getting angrier and he leaped to hit..a giant frog...

I scratched my head and emerged...mi hair moving to set me down...then resting itself as the impressive main...

Ben ignored me as he dearmed Animo...

He then turned to me as his wach beeped repeatedly and he untransformed...

He saw me chukkle...and fall on my back....

What absurdity is this.....Hahaha...

Son why are ya laughing...

I saw max...

My eyes shifted becoming for a moment two dark deppths of darkness...with a round red marble then I blinked....then nothing...

Nothing sir Magester Tennsion...

He coffed out....who...are you a plumber son?...

No I'm just awere of great heroes in the plumer business...I just arrived to the local sol system....

What race are you?..

Ben was confused...

Hibrid sir part Humanoid Rodent part Lenopan and lastly thep khufan

That's...a interesting family tree...

Yea...I'm not naturally birth...there was a accident with three gene samples ....I call myself John Doe and I clasifie myself as Eldrege ....

Understandable....what ...

Grandpa why are you talking to the strange guy...

Ow right...why are you on earth?..

Fun...I came to visit a friend but the teleported malfunctioned and I got shot out hitting the four armed kid ....

Uhu...wel Ben he,s a good guy...


Well good day I am going to seel some of the materials I mined from some asteroids ...I wander if they buy gold...

They do but gold...I'll show you to a pawn shop...

Thanck you sir...

Don't worry kiddo..

I got Mony from this world...

And yes I did spend a week asteroid hunting...I need more material for the planet...and stone is nice....plants started to make theyr home in my dimension...

Gold is useful...ish ..

I went about buying things and such....

Storing em and I fell on my rented bed...

I slept...

Woke as a mechanicle thing enterd Tring to capture me or something....

I activated the histeria and using the hair I dismantled and sent it for researching...

Clara was happy with that...

I started to live in a van...with the driving permit and all..I relaxed on the road I met a girl...

She joined me on the way...she had one eye and she didn't say anything of aliens she is nice...her name is Ana ...and she is not human I can feel it...

We spent weeks together she got very comfortable....a few months and she confessed ....we were at a mountainous hill...

She became purple with glowing purple eyes tendrils emerged from her top of the head and chin,s.....

She was worried I wold run...

So....how do I look....

You're living sludge...ha..I feel for a Mud puppy...

Mud puppy?...

Yes you're dammend adorable...ok take my place...I need to show you something...since I'm not human...

You're not!....just stay there...I need to unequip my safety suit..

Safety suit?... isn't that dangerous for you?...

Only if someone kills me otherwise I'm hard to be terminated....

I took her spot and then she saw the skin recead showing a white thing....the hair moved and poured out...in a wave of hair...

She saw it move and weaved and skin cover it...

I'm a shape shifting Eldrege I'm what bumps in the void of space I'm also half Frost demon a highly dangerous species of space alien's...they don't exist in this universe...

You're...a ball of fluff...I kee that hair wasn't normal...you told me it ran in your family,..

It dose...my tendrils run in my family...

Tendrils ..yes...I am classified as a pest among my kin...I'm the lowest of ashelon of power....

Don't worry were here together...

She hugged me...in her leopan-human form....my black void like form was visible...star like white dorst are visible...

She saw the suit...

So what's with the suit...

That's for my safety and comfort...I need just to connect my nerves to it and fill the inside to hold the power I had set in it... witout me it doesn't work...

You're powering it?...

Yes I cal it my Warframe...

Why Warframe...

Let me show you it's unique abilities...

I unfurled she held my body my core...

This is my most basic self...my human form is my most complex shape...

I jumped and bounce and enterd the back of the suit...the eyes shut open...as the body was connected and I took a breath ...she saw the chest move...and I coverd the body with the flesh and clothes...

Now...fist ability...I manifested a bow and shot the ground...

I went invisible...

How's that ...

I poked my head out...

Invisible arrows...I got line arrow sleep arrow and ...I shot the noize arrow...she head a bip...

Cool...right...and this is the first ability...

Now the seccond...

I pulled the bow and activated the control arrow ..I shot a noize arrow and guided it to hit behind her ..

What was that ....

Control over the arrow one at a time but it's enough if I can put anything to sleep for a while...

True ..what next...

I gave a Warcry and she heard then felt more powerful...

This is refreshing....what is this..

More durability speed and attack power...

Cool...what's next...

This is Histeria...

As the barrier coverd me....

What's that...you have claws ..

Yea and they are very sharp plus I'm indestructible...

I grabbed a brick and hit my head it turned to pounder....

And then I deactivate it I glowed no longer ...

Next was I took a sword wielder position as a Exalted blade was activated I swong the blade to the sky and she saw the energy blade leave the slash...

This is my Ultimate...next I'll use bowth...

I smiled and I used bowth exhausted blade and Histeria ....

Two blades formed on each of my hand from my knuckles...

I swong them and two blades were sent from each hand...

I smiled then I focused and slashed again...she saw the light show...

Hehe...this is my power...the one I made by learning and development....

She saw the two blades retract as a single blade a great sword formed I made a large swing and a Getsuga the show like energy shash was sent....as I'm still invulnerable....

Wow...very cool...

She saw me deactivate them and she hugged me...

Even with this I still like you...

I smiled as well my hair moved hugging her like my body...

Let's travel some more...

She nodded...

Six More months passed and we eventually split up due to the simple reson she ages...I don't...she desires kids ...I can't have with her...we tried...it was fun...but also not ment...

I drove the van through the portal as I run over a couple grinier I stoped as I saw the Tenno had got together on a survival mission..

I looked out and they were dumbfounded...

Yea sorry...

I said as I exited and the car was swallowed by darkness...hair moving away reveling my Orange silver and black form...with blue neon accent's....

Ok...I'll find my Rage and leave of wit you guy's I don't even need life support...

They shrugged starting to ignore me...I activated war cry and they had felt it help em with eternal war more they kill more time they have of use...

I smiled and used the long exhausted blade ...I started cutting through large amounts of enemy's in a fun dange of swings ....

I eventually got rage...40% of the damage converted to energy...a good thing for me...I set it in the Warframe,s last two slots...I thinck there is another one I need to go to citus...

Name:John Doe (Nobody , Ruler of none,Nothing)

Gender,s:Male , female.

Bloodline:Blind fool,Frost demon.

Affinity: Hungry,Protection, Shape shifting,cross breeding, comfort.

Power level:


Town-S, City-M, City - L, City -

Metropoloi- Megateopolis-S Empire -

M Empire -[Planetery Empire] , Multiplanetary Empire.....[Omniversal]

Equipment:Silver-titanum skeleton, Jeans, shoe's, Warframe-Frame.]

Abilities:Ivara,s Quiver and Navigator,

Excalibur's Exalted Blade, Valkyrie,s Warcry and Histeria,Jade,s dual Aura.

Mod,s:Warframe[Valkyrie(Eternal war)Excalibur Exalted (Cromatic blade),Ivara (Guide line and arrows) Dreamers bond, Energy scyphon , Rage.]

Exalted weapon Male[Life strike, range ,pressure point,Electric , Toxic.]

I left the mission alone and I opend a black gate ..emerging from the water I walked to the planes and started hunting...

The shock was well shocking they the enemies were bowth affected by the shock and the Corrosive mod,s...

I had gotten ...my way through hords of grinier....I cut them to shreds...

Next I smiled and got my Hunter Adrenaline...45% to energy...a total of 85% of any dammage becoming energy....hehe...

I returned after I fished for a while....some tenno passed by me...saing hi and doing theyr minions...

I went to sell some fish...and got a access to some more things...for my home ...

I smiled and went through the portal...

Emerging in another place...

I formed a red hart with it emanating a glow...I staid in the darkness as I waited...

After a while Spamton the kids passed the heart was taken by Spamton....he was happy and very exited...

Neo Spamton has been aquired...

The strings were absorbed in my body new limes formed and he,s mind became a subordinate to me...

I smiled and he laughed his form was infused with my tendrils....he stood there felt his body truly felt...em...

I am going to HAVEN Finally.... FREEDOM!...

as a portal opend above him...he started flowting up...he enterd and the kids heard ...

Ow god NO...THIS ISN'T HAVE ..THIS IS ..."Portal shut"

They were left to not hear him be dogpiled by few Valkyrie welding girls...

The Darleck on two feet were given the Excalibur suit's and...while a core of Ivara,s and Nidus,s were built for outside defence core...

Spamton was given a proper body...he,s body the Neo one was now given for reserve h for my clever Oswell....

He was running as the girl hunted his adorable ass...

I laughed...

And left that world...

I colected a nother big robot and left it to the research area....

He met her...

Miss please save me...

Ow a new resident why are you so panicked...

Those Harlet,s they even hunting me from the moment I ascended to this Haven...

Detail please...

I found a big red hart I absorbed it and a black portal sent me up here...I'm finally BIG ENOUGH to be here...I don't have strings attached anymore....

Cool ..you were colected by the John Doe the supposed God of our community..is that my body....and a giant body...

Yea were requested to research em..

I can help...

I got experience in haking and systems...

Welcome to the research team ...wear this...

She passed him a bracelet...

One of the Valkyries came forth...

Welcome Spamton...to the Nowhere Dimension....

We're nowhere special...

We can always ask John to got out...but it's fine here...plus were seeing how the Dimension expands and the planet as well.... growing..from here the had access to a orb map...that show the hole planet.... slowly transform grow and change...just nanometers at anytime.....

They were surprised at the accuracy....

And I was outside... I pulled myself out as a human was getting ready to be impaled through by a light wepon...

A blade was sent to cut through the light...

It was quite funny...

The angel with black wings turned to me...

My hair and body armour reveled...

My hair with a red shine moved and wrapped the angel...

She squirmed and tried to brake out...I fully emerged orange black silver and blue accent's the armour spike a bit...

I smiled the maw opening...Issei saw me lean over the body ....I bit on her neck...and with a scream ended with a Crunch and gush ...

I took her soul...out...eating it...with the code inside...I fully taken the Angelic and fallen gene codes...now...a devil...

I turned as a red haired girl was moving the pervert back...I moved my tendrils and grabbed a strand of hair...and she made a yelp as I plucked some hair...not much...it's not perfect but I can use the devil genetically code...

I then jumped off as I held the angel corpse I'm my jaws...

I passed through the world border and emerged on another side...


That was fun...what shuld I do next....uh ..I feel a pull...a becoming...

I turned to see him...


Hellow...your time is up you made something here...but I need you to take your job as I made your for...even as you evolved and changed I'll move this to focus on another...

I smiled I felt power....I shiverd with a new fun purpose Mable was sent to Crona..she is the new priestess a helper my other half...my purpose renewed...the world I made safely moved to a safe space...

I am new....again...

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