Chapter 22: CHAPTER 21Reedit
Ch 21 Zeus
In the underworld, I smiled as I
studied an Ophiotaurus.
It sounded as if the Golden Boy and Oceanus were defeated by the Olympians. "Idiots," I muttered. She had warned them that they had weapons crafted by the Cyclopes. But Hyperion had brushed it off and Oceanus only cared for his daughter and nothing else.
Now they were going to be in Tartarus. "Three, two, one."
The door flew open as Kronos stormed in.
"Sorry mistress Hecate," Megaera the Erinyes said. "He wouldn't listen!"
I turned around to face the glowering titan of time. "What is it?" I sighed. It was going to be one of those days.
"Where is the Ophiotaurus?"
"It's not ready yet."
"Why not?" He was getting more furious by the second.
"It takes time to do things like kill immortals. Not to mention, I have other things that I need to get done. I was barely able-"
He smacked me across my face before grabbing my collar and smashing me against the wall. The concrete wall cracked behind me and I grunted. He held me off the floor to his eye level.
"I don't give a fuck about what else you have to do. You do what I say when I say it!" He pulled me closer and smashed me into the wall again before throwing me to the side. I landed on my back.
Before I could even think about retaliation, he stepped on my cheek and pushed my head into the ground while his scythe was touching my chest. He smiled that sadistic smile.
"Try anything and Tartarus won't be the worst that's coming." He got off me and sat in a chair. "Get back to work."
I stood up and started studying the Ophiotaurus again. I hated being under this intolerable piece of shit's rule. It was hard to do anything without him breathing down my neck. Was it too much to ask for some FUCKING PEACE AND QIUET! I'm already fucking over their barrier and he's still not satisfied. Sometimes, I hate being too strong. It only causes others to be wary and take unnecessary caution. Or ask for things constantly.
I couldn't betray Kronos directly, but I could at least let the Olympians defeat me. Hopefully, they wouldn't throw me in Tartarus the moment I submit. But first, I needed a way to test them. Beating Hyperion and Oceanus was simple. Keep one from water, and another from natural light. I've done it plenty of times.
The only titan I couldn't beat was Kronos. His powers over Chronus made him near impossible to defeat on your first try. And while he was an angry buffoon, he was intelligent and adaptable. He'd wipe the floor with the Olympians if they fought him. I needed to make sure they were worthy of my trust.
Pov end
Mc (Pov)
I lay in bed, My arm and head were wrapped up and I was laying in bed, pretending to sleep. Poseidon was next to me, Knocked out. Metis never showed up to check up on me and Hera was the one who tended to me.
Hera even argued with Hades and the Hecatoncheires. They had failed their mission to keep Hyperion distracted. The Hecatoncheires were bowing and apologizing with all their mouths at the same time.
Hades, always calm, explained what had happened.
Hades: "He just ran away before we could do anything. It's fine. Everything worked out in the end." He took a drink of nectar or Gida's milk.
Yea little shit I have to fight not you it was always going to work out when I am here. I thought.
Hera: "Everything did not work out! Poseidon looked like he lost forty pounds, his ears ruptured, his wrist shattered, his foot mangled. And only Zeus looks in good condition."
"Your ribs are crushed and you've been poisoned. And all of you are burnt in multiple places!"
Hades: "Hera. You need to relax. This was very successful. We were able to take out two titans at once, and we're still not even full power. In just a few years, we might be able to challenge Kronos himself. Wounds are a must as well. It will show us the dangers so we can take better precautions next time. Just relax and let us rest." Hades laid back on his bed.
Yea most time fighting was me you little shit I thought.
"Ugh." Hera stormed out of the tent and Hestia poked her head out of the fire and checked to make sure we were asleep. "Hades, did Kronos appear."
Hades face grew dark. "No," he whispered. "Remember, if he shows up, just ignore anything he says. Killing him can wait for later."
"I know." Answer Hades.
Hestia: "Hades. You know we all love you and wish the best for you. Even Zeus. He knows how you feel and wants to give you space. It's the only reason why he doesn't mention it."
Hades remain silient.
Hestia: "Will you tell him about the first time you met Metis?"
Hades smiled before returning to his usual frown. "They're going through something right now. It's not the time for jokes."
Hestia nodded and retreated into her flames and Hades fell asleep. I followed them soon after...
Being bedridden after every fight was starting to get annoying for me they can't even train.
Even if I fight most of the time. I sat up and got a cup of water. Hades was sitting in bed, reading a scroll and he gave me a nod as I went past.
Poseidon was still in bed and he had a cloth on his head. It looked like he had gotten a fever from using his powers so much.
Yea a god of Sea got fever hahahahahahahahahahh I thought.
Somehow, they were better off than after our fight with Campe. I suppose it was cause Hyperion was looking down on us and Oceanus was still heartbroken about Metis.
I set my cup down and walked over to our tent. I needed to talk to her about that fight.
I walked into our tent and saw her sitting at a desk and writing on a scroll. "Uh Metis, we should talk."
Metis: "Sigh. Knowing you, you probably feel horrible for defeating my father right in front of me. I'm not mad at you or anything. I just... need some time."
No, I don't feel horrible I thought.
"That's what I'm here for. It's probably
weird considering the circumstances, but I'm here to help."
Metis sighed. "I was only in the moment. Being the oldest of five hundred. Sigh. Father only really cared about me since he didn't have enough love to go around."
This wasn't what I had in mind but I let her continue.
"He always talked to me and me to him. I tried to be friendly with my other sisters, but while they weren't spiteful, they did feel uncomfortable."
"You know he liked you Olympians. At least Hades. He was eight at the time and he had found us Oceanids bathing in a lake." She chuckled. "When we told father a weird boy was watching us bathe he was ready to kill a few people. But his face was priceless when he saw the clueless son of Kronos splashing in our water."
Did he see her Naked I thought? No Zeus it's no problem he was only Kid keep calm.
Metis sighed and looked at me, who was almost angry.
"Hey! Can you let me reminisce quietly?."
"Yes, yes. Go on."
"He showed me so many things. And I got
to go to so many places. It was nice. But things have changed."
"I'm sorry." I try to be sympathetic.
"Don't be. It's changing for the better. Father never liked Kronos and much less him on the throne. He was only obedient for respect for their mother, Gaea. You already know I don't like talking about things like this. Why are you bringing it back up?"
"Well, I didn't want any complications or-"
She flicked me in the forehead. "I knew there'd be complications the moment I found out who you were. I'm a grown woman in a war. I can handle things like this." I nodded. I wasn't the type of person to keep pestering someone. If they said they were fine I'd drop it.
Unless of course, they were part of my Harem. But I trusted Metis. This wasn't the first time she showed me her vulnerable side. She's not naive either. Hell, it was her idea to have her sisters keep him destroyed so we could win the war without him. Luckily he couldn't die. So things weren't too bad.
And I will give her his Divinity as a marriage gift.
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