Chapter 72: CHAPTER 71
Zeus Pov.
I become very happy
Zeus: yes yes it works yes now I will have whatever weapon I want.
After celebrating for some time I heard clap sounds so I look back I saw three cyclops brothers done reading and standing and clapping then Bronets said.
Bronets: Well done Zeus you did something that we thought impossible I mean creating a sun can be very easy as we saw Hyperion doing it but you not only created a fully functional Sun-powered forge but also made that below platform will not become super hot.
Arges: Ya ya brother is right you really created a miracle in front of our eyes.
Steropes didn't say anything but nodded after his brother's words as if he fully agreed with them.
I nodded after hearing their praise then I said.
Zeus: So you brothers done reading the book about metals.
Steropes: Ya we are done it's fascinating to know about these different metals they can be put to good use we can't wait to create weapons that you give us blueprints.
two brothers nodded after Steropes as if they were fully agreed with him they also want to start now.
So I said.
Zeus: Well since you three are the only ones here so it will be tough for you to do all things so I should do something about this.
they look at me in interest as they also knew this making this many weapons will take thousands of thousands of years to complete it. and they will be super tired.
So I started to imagine the same robot-like golems that I created for Vanessa but this time I imagine 30 Golems of different sizes 10 golems per size. I created 10 of their sizes,10 normal human sizes, and 10 sizes of a normal dog. I also add the ability to survive in the heat. so they can handle intense heat and don't melt. as I even grant them my knowledge of forge. but I was not an expert in forging so I add the ability to learn so they can do the work without problems.
After I was done imagining I lost 30% of my magic because this will able to learn which is pretty tough to create as my magic suck down by the annihilation maker 30 different sizes Human-like golems appear in front of us.
I then looked at 3 brothers.
I saw their mouths were wide open as they saw someone create life out of nothing even if their mother Gaia can make plants alive and moving but something like this never. it takes them 5 to come out of shock state after coming out of it Bronets ask.
Bronets: What are these things Zeus and they will help us.
I nodded and said.
Zeus: Yes they are what are called alive robots they will help you that is why I created them in different sizes and they were as smart as a mortal and they will learn from you.
3 brothers become much happy as this is one of the happiest days of their lives they are getting so much.
I then take out all the metal that was inside the Gate Of Babylon and place it in the corner with its name attached to it. then I said.
Zeus: So that's it I have to do much more so now it's on you but you first read all the books as these books will help you in many ways and if you need more metal you just have to press this button me, and you can find a map of this forge in the first book. the book has the location of everything like sleeping area kitchen, bathrooms so on. and if you need something or you have any problems you can press the button.
I said while giving them a button if they press I will receive a signal.
they nodded and Steropes take the button from my hand. so I nod them and I teleported away.
In next instead, I appear outside of the castle I then try to feel the location of Hestia I feel she was in the room and the outer girls are with Hera.
So first I created good-looking clothes on my body normal semi-modern clothes as this is a date so after that I directly teleoperated outside of her room.
When I appear outside of her room I didn't knock on the door and directly enter it as the door here can only open when whose room is that allows you to enter or it's me. So gates automatically I saw Hestia was ready she was dressed in traditional Greek clothes which call Peplos even if I created modern clothes she looks extremely beautiful in red color.
As Hestia sees someone open the door she knew it must be Zeus so she look back she saw Zeus was scanning her from up to down she blushes.
I was truly lost seeing her beauty I stand there for 1 minute like a statue after that I walk towards her and hug her. she also hugs me back after hugging me for 5 minutes we separate I kiss her on the cheek she then said.
Hestia: So how do I look if you don't like it I can change into others' clothes.
She said while she showed from back to front
Zeus: You look stunning breathtaking as always my love. you don't need to do anything to look beautiful it's your default mode, my love.
I said while kissing her on the forehead. after hearing me she blushed and said.
Hestia: You also look as handsome as always, my dear husband.
I chuckle at her words and ask.
Zeus: So Hestia where do you want to go on our date. do you make any plans?
Hestia: No I don't know where I want to go I just want to spend some time with you alone. somewhere where we can enjoy our time alone. and I want you to make me you today.
I smiled mischievously and said.
Zeus: This is the plane, my dear Hestia. today
you will be mine forever. So let's go be have many places to go.
She blushed and nodded so I grab her hand and we teleport outside of the castle I then did the same that I did with Hera created a hard lightning platform and grab her waist and then jump on the platform then I grabbed her waistline from the back with my hands then we comfortably sit I have her sit on my lap. Then we fly away.
I enjoy her heat she enjoys my embraces her head is on my chest she was smiling and enjoying the winds, and my closeness.
we were flying at Mech 4 she then ask me.
Hestia: Where are we going, Zeus.
I smiled and said.
Zeus: Well don't worry about the destination but enjoy the way. and we are going to a very beautiful place which you will like.
She nodded and grabbed my hands that were on her waistline tightly and enjoyed it. So I ask.
Zeus: So is there any problems with girls as I was busy before.
Hestia: No there's no problem it's just we miss you and we want to become stronger to fight beside you as we can see you are doing so much for us we also want to do something for you.
I smiled and kiss her on the head and said.
Zeus: Dont worry about such things seeing you all smiling faces is my reward and for power one, I am done you all will we so much powerful that you can't even imagine it and about fighting beside me. you all ones powerful enough you can fight beside me.
She nodded as she has full trust in me that I can do impossible.
After 5 minutes, later we are in front of our destination so I said.
Zeus: we are here close your eyes we will fall there.
she nodded, and close her eyes I cancel my hard lightning platform and we started to fall down my one hand was on her waist as we were about to touch the ground I started to fly and landed safely than I then summon dark clouds and surrounded the area now it looks like night time here then I imagine hundreds of fireflies they appear in front of me and started to fly around then I take my hand off her waist then I said.
Zeus: Open your eyes, my love.
As she opened her eyes she became lost seeing such a beautiful phenomenon they were in front of a nine-color waterfall which itself was very beautiful but they were also surrounded by small beautiful creatures that can glow in the dark which make this scenery sight to behold.
After looking at the beauty around us for 15 minutes I ask.
Zeus: So hiw does it looks.
She doesn't answer me a direct jump on so I catch her then she said.
Hestia: It looks amazing just like you my love.
Zeus: Of course, it looks beautiful but not as beautiful as you Hestia.
After hearing her blush and close her eyes So I didn't wait and kissed her on the lips.
So Next chapter will be R18 with Hestia
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Please comment it takes more than 2 hours to write this so your comments inspired me to write more please comment
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The Captain Marvel/Shazam Fiasco Was A Legal Dispute
Though the name is currently associated to a famous Avenger, Captain Marvel didn't pop up in Marvel Comics first. Instead, Captain Marvel was Shazam's original title when he still called Fawcett Publications home.
Previously, DC managed to sue the Fawcett because they felt Captain Marvel was too similar to their poster boy Superman. Following this, Fawcett stopped printing Captain Marvel comics and sold his rights to DC. To avoid a legal clash with Marvel Comics because of the name Captain Marvel (the name of both a hero and the company), DC rebranded the superhero under the name of Shazam.
I will write R18 chapters one after another R18 for every girl.
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And never forget mc is evil super Evil and a beautiful girls lover
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